962 resultados para Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431


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Central Xiemisitai is located on the northwest edge of the Junggar Basin, bounded on the north by Sawuer Mountain, and southward Junggar Basin. Geotectonically, it is within the Chengjisi-Ximisitai-Santanghu island arc of Late Paleozoic, between Siberian and Junggar plates. The volcanics in this area mainly consist of acidic volcanic lava, rock assemblage of esite, dacite, and rhyolite, and the transitional phase is comparatively developed. Besides, Si2O of volcanics here covers a large range of 53.91-79.28t %, K2O of 1.71-6.94t%, and Na2O of 2.29-5.45t%, which is a set of metaluminous- peraluminous high K calc-alkaline to calc alkaline mid-acidic volcanic series. In addition, the volcanics are potassic to high-potassic assemblage, with slight shoshonite in. The REE curve of volcanics in central Xiemisitai is rightward and smooth, inclining to LREE enrichment, which reveals the characteristics of island-arc volcanics. Through the lithology changing from neutral to acidic, the negative anomaly of Eu is increasing. The volcanics here deplete HFSE such as Nb, Ti, P, etc., but relatively rich in LILE like Rb, K, Th, etc., possessing geochemistry characteristics of arc volcanics, which means that the lava source region is watery, under the meta-somatic contamination of subducted components. Moreover, high Ba and Sr show volcanics in epicontinental arc environment, and their contemporaneous granitoid rocks are also marked with the characteristics of volcanic arc granite. In central Xiemisitai, the volcanics zircon age of volcanic rhyolite is 422.5Ma± 1.9Ma, mid-late Silurian. Only one sample zircon has been measured for the present, not very convincing, so volcanics here might not come from Devonian volcanism. Consequently, further confirming the volcanic age will play a key role in the research on the beginning of volcanism in Xiemisitai area and even North Xinjiang. This area includes three copper mineralization types: a) from andesite fracture; b) from rhyolite fracture broken zone, with the copper mineralization distributed by veins along the fissure; and c) from quartz veins. The mineralization of earth surface in S24 ore spot is intensive, and the primary geochemistry reconnaissance anomaly is fairly good. According to display data, the maximum content of Cu is as high as 0.9% and as low as 0.05%. Also, ore-control fracture structure is having a considerable scale in the strike of fracture both horizontally and vertically downwards, and the result of the geophysics stratagem EH-4 system reveals obvious low-resistivity anomaly. As a result, we believe that the S24 plot is expected to be a volcanic copper deposit target area.


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It is the key project of SINOPEC at ninth five years period with a lot of work and very difficult, which the main object are the study of pool-forming mechanism, distribution rule and pool-forming model of complex secondary pool at Dongying formation in high mature exploration area, and building theories and methods of research, description and prediction of secondary fault block pool. This paper apply comprehensively with various theories, method and techniques of geology, seismic, well log, reservoir engineering, meanwhile apply with computer means, then adopt combination of quality and quantitative to develop studies of pool-forming mechanism, model and pool prediction of fault block pool. On the based of stretch, strike-slip, reversal structure theories, integrated the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of structure, it is show that the structure framework, the structure evolve, formation mechanism of central uplift belt of Dongying depression and control to formation and distribute of secondary complex fault block pool. The opening and sealing properties, sealing mechanism and sealing models of pool-controlling fault are shown by using quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The sealing history of controlling fault, formation mechanism and distribute the regulation are established by combining together with bury history, structure evolve history, fault growth history stress field evolve history, which can be guide exploration and production oil field. It were bring up for the first time the dynamics mechanism of Dongying central uplift which were the result of compound tress field of stretch, strike-slip and reversal, companion with reversal drag structure, arcogenesis of paste and salt beds. The dual function of migration and sealing of fault were demonstrated in the research area. The ability of migration and sealing oil of pool-controlling fault is controlled by those factors of style of fault combination, activity regulation and intensity of fault at the period of oil migration. The four kinds of sealing model of pool-controlling fault were established in the research area, which the sealing mechanism of fault and distribution regulation of oil in time and space. The sealing ability of fault were controlled by quality, direction of normal stress, relations between interface and rock of two sides of fault and shale smear factor (SSF), as well as the juxtaposition of fault motion stage and hydrocarbon migration, etc. The fuzzy judge of fault sealing is the base of prediction of secondary pool. The pool-forming model of secondary was established in the research area, which the main factors are ability migration and sealing. The transform zone of fault, inner of arc fault and the compound area of multi fault are enrichment region of secondary pool of Dongying formation, which are confirm by exploration with economic performance and social performance.


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Gene regulation is required for activity-dependent changes in synaptic plasticity and remodeling. The metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) contribute to different brain functions, including learning/memory, mental disorders, drug addiction, and persistent pain in the CNS. We found that Gp I mGluRs activate PLCß through Gq and then lead to activation of several calcium-dependent signaling pathways, including ERK, which play an important role in gene transcription. These findings support a calcium-dependent role for Gq in release of Calcium and activation of calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclases I in activity-dependent transcription in response to application of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors agonist and may provide insights into group I mGluRs-dependent synaptic plasticity through MAP kinases signaling. Moreover, the present study investigated the transcription-dependent changes of Arc in response to the activation of group I mGluRs and suggested the central role of ERK1/2 in group I mGluR-mediated Arc transcription. Further, we selected APP-interaction protein FE65 to investigate the mechanism of transcription-related process in synaptic plasticity. FE65 is expressed predominantly in the brain, and interacts with the C-terminal domain of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP). We examined hippocampus-dependent memory and in vivo long-term potentiation (LTP) at the CA1 synapses with the isoform-specific FE65 knock-out (p97FE65-/-) mice. p97FE65 knock-out mice showed impaired short-term memory for both TDPA and CFC when tested 10min after training, which is transcription-independent. Consistently, at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses, p97FE65 knock-out mice showed defective early phase LTP. These results demonstrate novel roles of FE65 in synaptic plasticity, acquisition, and retention for certain forms of memory formation.


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Tese de mestrado Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012


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A utilização de equipamentos robóticos para o processo de soldadura por arco elétrico teve um forte crescimento nas décadas de 80 e 90, altura em que o custo e fiabilidade da tecnologia passou a permitir a integração de robôs em linhas de produção ou em células de fabrico. Depressa cresceram as exigências de uma produção com qualidade repetitiva e facilmente ajustável, e as restrições ao uso de processos manuais ou de tecnologias com pouca flexibilidade. Desde o início do século XXI que a renovação de uma estação de fabrico de peças soldadas para produção em série, especialmente no setor automóvel, parece forçada à integração de robôs industriais, que assim se tornaram símbolos de produtividade. A KAMAZ encontra-se atualmente a renovar alguns dos seus processos de fabrico, incluindo as áreas de soldadura por arco ou cladding. Esta Dissertação aborda o trabalho elaborado, depois de contratualizada com a ABB Rússia a instalação de novas células de fabrico robotizado nesta empresa. Este projeto tem início com o levantamento das necessidades, a verificação do processo existente, e a procura da solução tecnológica que se adapte a essas condições e cumpra os requisitos acordados. São realizadas modelações e simulações off-line em 3D, usando o software RobotStudio da ABB, que permitiram testar cada solução e analisar a sua adequação e viabilidade. Para maior garantia de se obter a qualidade esperada na fusão e deposição do material por processo com arco elétrico revestido a gás, foram realizados testes reais utilizando equipamento robótico em condições baseadas nos testes feitos no ambiente virtual. Por último, são ajustadas as localizações dos postos de trabalho ao layout existente e é feito o balanceamento do tempo de operação manual com o tempo do processo robotizado. Este projeto de Tese termina com a aceitação do cliente para a solução encontrada e para os resultados dos testes reais de ambos os processos.


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Document appointing Thomas Millard, Esquire to as "Captain of a Troop in the North Somerset Regiment Cavalry". The appointment is signed and declared "By the Right Honourable John Earl Poulett, Viscount, and Baron of Hinton Saint George of the most Ancient Order of the Thistle and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset". Dated 1814


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Ce mémoire présente les résultats d'une recherche zooarchéologique portant sur deux occupations d'un site du début de la colonisation à Baie-Saint-Paul (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle). L'analyse de leurs assemblages fauniques, totalisant 1175 restes osseux, a démontré le caractère diamétralement opposé des deux occupations. Le site d'habitation des goudronniers a révélé une exploitation des ressources sauvages visant à suppléer un élevage déficient et fournir un revenu d'appoint par le commerce des fourrures. Pour sa part, le site de la ferme établie par le Séminaire de Québec a révélé une alimentation basée sur les produits de l'élevage, mais supplée par la chasse de gibier disponible dans les environs immédiats du site. La différence d'exploitation faunique soulignée par l'étude zooarchéologique du site de la ferme du Bas-de-la-Baie a également permis de confirmer le rôle central de l'élevage pour les sites ruraux de la vallée laurentienne tout en soulignant leur variabilité, visible au sein de l'élevage et dans l'apport supplémentaire fourni par la chasse et la pêche.


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Ce mémoire traite de l’utilisation des matières premières lithiques telle que représentée sur les sites préhistoriques de la Moyenne-Côte-Nord du Golfe du Saint-Laurent, au Québec. Cette étude régionale se base sur la réanalyse d’un nombre important de collections archéologiques et accorde une grande importance à l’identification et à la description des matières premières utilisées. Un matériau d’origine locale, le Chert de la Minganie, y occupe une place particulière. L’importance de ce matériau pour la préhistoire régionale était jusqu’ici virtuellement inconnue. Suite à nos analyses, un inventaire complet des matières premières utilisées est mis sur pied. Ces données mettent en évidence un certain nombre de comportements. Principalement, nous identifions deux ensembles qui illustrent la présence de territoires attribuables à la répartition de groupes amérindiens subrégionaux (bandes). Finalement, à travers l’utilisation des ressources lithiques, les liens qui rattachent les groupes de notre région d’étude à ceux de la péninsule du Québec-Labrador sont illustrés.


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Ce mémoire tente d’établir la position sociale et culturelle de la communauté villageoise du XVᵉ siècle du site Droulers dans l’espace iroquoien du Saint-Laurent. À partir d’une analyse morpho-stylistique de la poterie, et particulièrement les vases décorés au dentelé, ce mémoire examine la variabilité culturelle du site et sa participation au sein de la sphère d’interactions des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent. La comparaison des tendances stylistiques de Droulers et des communautés voisines contribue ainsi à cerner la position chronologique ainsi que l’apparentement culturel du site au sein de sa région immédiate et des régions occidentale et centrale. Les caractères stylistiques à la fois conservateurs et progressistes relevés sur le site Droulers lui sont propres et expriment à la fois l’homogénéité du site et une certaine indépendance stylistique au sein de sa région. Sur cette base, nous avons déterminé que l’usage du dentelé n’a pas une valeur chronologique fiable à des fins de sériation dans le cas spécifique de Droulers, mais qu’il peut toutefois servir comme marqueur régional distinctif. Cet attribut ainsi que d’autres tendances régionales significatives nous ont ainsi servi à mieux cerner les similarités stylistiques entre les sites et à déterminer que Droulers s’apparente plus particulièrement aux sites Mandeville et Lanoraie, et dans une moindre mesure au site McIvor. De plus, nous avons pu établir que le site Droulers s’intègre dans un réseau d’interactions complexe, le rapprochant de communautés situées autant à l’Est qu’à l’Ouest le long de la vallée du Saint-Laurent. Finalement, l’ensemble des tendances morpho-stylistiques confirme la position chronologique du site, soit à la fin du XVᵉ siècle, et ce malgré une proportion importante du décor au dentelé, traditionnellement considéré comme une caractéristique des sites plus anciens.


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Projet de recherche réalisé avec Bernard Angers comme directeur de maîtrise, Denis Réale en tant que co-directeur et grâce à la collaboration active d'Emmanuel Milot.


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A novel technique for obtaining dual-hand circular polarization (CP) radiation of a single-feed circular microstrip antenna in proposed and demonstrated. By embedding two pain of arc shaped slots of proper lengths close to the boundary of a circular patch, and protruding one of the arc-shaped slots with a narrow slit, the circular microstrip antenna can perform dual-hand CP radiation using a single probe feed. Details of the antenna design


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Las TIC han impactado en el funcionamiento de las organizaciones y han aportado a su proceso evolutivo, generando diversos efectos de acuerdo a la función que estas cumplen dentro de la organización. Las TIC como consecuencia se convierten en una estrategia de gestión en un entorno complejo donde permiten alcanzar mejoras en la organización social, la actividad económica, el bienestar y el acceso a la información y el conocimiento. (Cáceres Carrasco & Aceytuno Pérez, 2008)Con el fin de entender los beneficios de las TIC, se deben brindar a los directores herramientas que permitan formular modelos de negocios efectivos de cara a los mercados y enfocadas a la satisfacción de los clientes. Adicionalmente, para las organizaciones el añadir valor, no sólo hace referencia al servicio que están prestando; hay otros factores diferentes al uso de herramientas TIC y la innovación que también son igual de importantes como: los procesos de apoyo, de gestión que se encuentran de fondo y que hacen posible brindar un servicio al mercado, en estos procesos se encuentran aplicaciones de procedimientos amigables y fáciles de articular, temas como la responsabilidad empresarial, relación y comunicación con competidores dentro del mismo sector, es justamente en las relaciones con los clientes, que las TIC y el uso de Internet puede tener incidencia en los modelos de negocios a través de actividades como el comercio electrónico, el mercadeo electrónico, el mercadeo en línea entre otros. Existen investigaciones acerca de estos temas: innovación, TI, pero no se han establecido relaciones entre ellos, debido a su novedad. Diferentes experiencias laborales de los investigadores en el uso de las TIC como herramienta en la organización de información permiten que surja la idea de llevar a cabo este proyecto abarcando la realidad bogotana de las MiPyme. La presente investigación con un enfoque cualitativo hace una revisión bibliográfica, y bajo la mirada teórica se analiza la relación que tienen los factores de desarrollo que se evidenciaron como son la innovación y el uso de herramientas TIC, como variables dependientes de la productividad de las MiPyme en Bogotá, Colombia, involucrando temas que se relacionan con distintos campos como la tecnología, políticas gubernamentales, y economía.


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Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a reabilitação do Mosteiro de S. Salvador de Paço de Sousa assente na interpretação espacial do complexo monástico desde a fundação à extinção da comunidade religiosa, com particular nota para a intervenção efetuada pela DGEMN - Direção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, no segundo quartel do século XX. Procura trazer pela primeira vez à luz uma representação dos seus espaços, usos e funções ao longo do tempo com recurso a desenhos, esquemas e imagens para permitir a apreensão do conjunto em determinadas fases da história e por consequência fundamentar uma eventual intervenção. O estudo fundamenta-se na recolhe de dados escritos que permitam aferir a vivência dos espaços, sua simbologia e utilidade, nomeadamente através de referências históricas e de carater simbólico e documentação gráfica que permita avaliar e comparar o assunto de estudo com outros exemplos e situações análogas. O cruzamento de dados analisados resulta na sua simbolização gráfica, de forma a veicular o entendimento espacial e simbólico, que remete o real conhecimento da arquitetura do Mosteiro de S. Salvador de Paço de Sousa e, por comparação, viabiliza um ponto de partida para futuras intervenções, seja deste mosteiro, seja de edifícios de características semelhantes.


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Contundentemente, espíritos do cosmo religioso umbandista estão e interferem na vida dos filhos/as de santo ou como proclama a religiosidade umbandista, nos seus ‘cavalos’. Este trabalho pesquisa oito terreiros de Umbanda inseridos no município de Viçosa/Alagoas, por meio das relações existentes entre filhos/as de santo e espíritos neste cosmo religioso ímpar e multifacetado. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, fez-se uso de um aparato metodológico que possibilitou compreender fenomenologicamente este processo análogo circunscrito em discursos sobre ‘marcas’ ou ‘sofrimentos’ resultantes das atitudes negligenciais dos filhos/as de santo que constituem a memória umbandista viçosense. Pretendeu-se mostrar também que o imbricamento dos aspectos relacionais como: reverência, temor, devoção, respeito, esperança, fidelidade, dedicação e obediência às entidades cultuadas, configuram-se nessa dinâmica relacional. Este cosmo religioso traz em seu arcabouço existencial discursos e situações vivenciadas em todas as esferas da vida desses filhos/as de santo, principalmente religiosa. O presente trabalho apontou, portanto, a relação de interdependência existente como fruto dessa religiosidade marcada por fé e mistérios.