893 resultados para Italian teachers - Training


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Whitley, W. T. Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible. First prize essay.--Beard, G. H. The history of the Catholic English and of the American revised version of the Bible. Second prize essay.--Dalton, C. B. The origin and history of the version of the Bible authorized by the Roman Catholic church, and of the American revised version. Third prize essay.


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This paper discusses the challenges surrounding the implementation of the Music strand of the new syllabus for secondary teachers within the context of emerging trends in pedagogical reform in Queensland, and identifies several areas where research is needed to inform classroom music teaching practice and to guide teacher training programs. Secondary music teachers (Years 8-10) have not had the same systemic, school-based curriculum guidance that was given to teachers in years 1-7. This has resulted in a plethora of teaching and learning practices in lower secondary classrooms, many of which may be more experiential than developmental in approach and which may have little reference to the types of music programs common in primary classrooms.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar o Programa Especial de Formação Pedagógica (PEFP), na perspectiva das representações sociais. Foram convidados a participar da pesquisa 463 (quatrocentos e sessenta e três) alunos, integrantes de cinco turmas do curso, sendo que 102 (cento e dois) alunos aceitaram e responderam voluntariamente ao questionário colocado no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Em seguida, foram selecionados entre os alunos respondentes, aqueles que já exerciam a docência. Esses professores foram convidados a participar de uma entrevista sobre sua formação docente, por meio do programa especial e 9 (nove) professores aceitaram. Também foram entrevistados 4 (quatro) diretores de escolas e supervisores de ensino que atuam ou atuaram na região metropolitana de Santos. A investigação se completou com a análise da legislação educacional e mandados judiciais referentes ao Programa Especial de Formação Pedagógica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo software ALCESTE e por meio de Análise de Conteúdo, numa metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa. Os resultados apontaram a seguinte representação social: ser professor é ter formação pedagógica, formação profissional e formação acadêmica, por meio de uma licenciatura. Esta representação quanto à formação docente converge para a themata: ser professor é ser licenciado. A díade licenciado/não licenciado enuncia uma tensão existente no centro da representação identificada. Alunos e egressos do curso manifestaram insegurança sobre a legitimidade da licenciatura obtida por meio da complementação pedagógica e, consequentemente, sobre sua inserção profissional no sistema educacional. Entretanto, entrevistas feitas com supervisores de ensino e diretores de escola mostram o outro lado da formação pedagógica, por meio do PEFP. Os relatos dos diretores e supervisores de ensino apontam para a legitimação do curso e para o envolvimento profissional destes professores, nas escolas onde atuam.


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No presente trabalho realizamos uma análise sobre os novos paradigmas educacionais diante do fenômeno da expansão das tecnologias, as recomendações oficiais sobre a incorporação da tecnologia no contexto educacional e nas práticas docentes. Teve como objetivos pesquisar sobre as discussões acerca das contribuições da tecnologia no contexto educacional; analisar as competências necessárias para uma ação docente significativa utilizando as ferramentas que a tecnologia educacional disponibiliza para o professor; identificar como as inovações tecnológicas podem agregar valores às ações pedagógicas já existentes e suas múltiplas possibilidades de enriquecer a prática docente; analisar as razões pelas quais professores não conseguem agregar em sua rotina pedagógica a tecnologia. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo que teve como sujeitos cinco professores do Fundamental 1ª fase, de Instituições Públicas(s) e Privadas(s) da cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG, atuantes na sala de aula. Para a coleta de dados aplicamos um questionário para a identificação do perfil dos sujeitos e entrevistas de aprofundamento. Para a análise dos dados das entrevistas utilizamos a metodologia de análise de conteúdo , proposta por Bardin (1979) e Franco (2003). Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de mudança no sistema educacional, um repensar da formação docente, pois hoje é fundamental que tenhamos professores capazes de incorporarem as tecnologias na prática cotidiana.


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Esta investigação empírica discute e analisa o trabalho docente do profissional do Ensino Médio, sua formação e desestruturação na sociedade contemporânea, procurando relacioná-la à própria crise da formação cultural em vigor. O objetivo principal é analisar as formas de adaptação e de resistência do professor perante as grandes mudanças e novas exigências para o educador do novo século iniciado no ano de 2000, com a chegada do novo milênio. A partir desse objetivo analisado, foi estudado como o professor compreende sua formação e carreira, focalizando as ações instauradas atualmente pela Secretaria do Estado da Educação de São Paulo, no período de 2000 a 2014, nas escolas de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri, confrontando com as regras propostas pela última LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) e legislação correlata também em âmbito estadual. A hipótese que rege esta investigação é a de que há inconsistências e incoerências na normatização na esfera executiva do sistema estadual de ensino. As Escolas Estaduais de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri (SP) serão o campo empírico desta pesquisa que se realizará em 2013 e 2014. A partir de informações obtidas por meio de análise documental e de respostas fornecidas por professores com questionários padronizados, objetivando caracterizar o perfil profissional do professor, confronta-lo com as exigências do sistema, identificar ações que regulam a sua seleção e explicitar sua manifestação sobre o impacto da má qualidade de sua formação no exercício da docência, fator que favorece o agravamento de forças conservadoras, cristalizadas em forma de práticas voltadas para a resolução de problemas do cotidiano escolar do Ensino Médio. Os estudos sobre cultura escolar, história da educação será apoiado Florestan Fernandes (1966), Otaíza de Oliveira Romanelli (1990), Helena Souza Patto (1999), Raquel Volpato Serbino (1998), Edgar Morin (2006), Guiomar Namo de Mello (2004), Dermeval Saviani (2003), Antônio Nóvoa (1995), José Mário P. Azanha (1968), Selma Pimenta Garrido (1992), Bernadete Gatti (1996), Francisco Imbernón (2002), Martha Abrahão Saad Lucchesi (2002), Lizete Shizue Bomura Maciel (2004), entre outros autores que estaremos pesquisando ao longo do nosso trabalho.


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A frase de uma educadora: maestro a música mudou a vida desse menino foi o elemento que instigou o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Os questionamentos que se seguem a partir dessa constatação abordaram os aspectos inerentes ao ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras, angariados a partir de dados oficiais que apresentam um reduzido número de arte-educadores frente a legislação pertinente à obrigatoriedade do ensino da música em toda a educação básica a partir de 2011 através da Lei 11.769/08. A pesquisa se desenvolveu diante da suspeita que o ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras tem se mostrado insuficiente no que diz respeito a promoção do educando em relação ao fazer artístico, culminando com o baixo interesse pela disciplina artes, refletindo posteriormente na formação de um número reduzido de arte-educadores que provavelmente tiveram sua iniciação artística fora do ambiente escolar. Sendo assim interessou a esta pesquisa aferir a relevância da disciplina artes ou educação artística na trajetória formativa dos arte-educadores em música. A pesquisa utilizou como referencial teórico os dados expostos em Barbosa (2008) e Snyders (2008) visando compreender as concepções inerentes ao ensino da arte, da música, e o processo histórico da linguagem artística no Brasil. Visando angariar elementos para a pesquisa foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com arte-educadores, tendo como referência teórica Nóvoa e Finger (2010) além de Bosi (1987). O capítulo I apresenta considerações sobre o fazer artístico, e o desenvolvimento histórico do ensino da arte no Brasil. O capítulo II trata de experiências práticas relacionadas à educação estética. O capítulo III explicita a fundamentação teórica sobre a metodologia utilizada. O capítulo IV apresenta as histórias de vida de três arte-educadores em música, enquanto o capítulo V expõe as devidas conclusões fundamentadas nas entrevistas com os arte-educadores.


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Feedback on performance is a feature of professional training. Much feedback is delivered in post-observation conferences where a ‘trainer’ will discuss the ‘trainee's’ performance with him/her. What transpires in these conferences, however, is ‘hidden from view’ (Heritage and Sefi 1992: 362) and the norms of interaction are largely unexamined in the literature. Even less is known about feedback conducted in groups, yet many teachers training to teach English experience feedback in this way. This article provides a discourse analysis of four extracts from group feedback conferences on a pre-service programme for teachers of English language. Drawing on the concept of ‘legitimate talk’, the analysis shows how topics and speaking rights are established and negotiated and how participants orientate to and contest both the forms of knowledge that emerge and the speaking rights. While the study was not initially designed to support trainers in their professional development, the argument is made that data from linguistic ethnographic studies can be used by research participants and others for these purposes, thus enhancing the relationship between the researcher and the researched.


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Student’s mistakes as viewed in a didactic and pedagogical perspective are a phenomenon inevitably observed in any context in which formal teaching-andlearning processes are taking place. Researchers have shown that such mistakes are viewed most of the times as undesirable and often as a consequence of lack of attention or poor commitment on the part of the student and rarely considered didactically useful. The object of our reflections in this work is exactly those mistakes, which are born in the entrails of the teaching-and-learning processes. It is our understanding that a mistake constitutes a tool which mediates knowledge and may therefore become a strong ally of the instructor’s actions in her/his teaching tasks and thus should be taken into the teacher’s best consideration. Understanding a mistake as so, we postulate that the teacher must face it as a possibility to be exploited rather than as a negative occurrence. Such an attitude on the part of the teacher would undoubtedly render profitable didactic situations. To deepen the understanding of our aim, we took a case study on the perception of senior college students in the program of Mathematics at UFRN in the year 2009, 2nd term. The reason of this choice is the fact that Mathematics is the field presenting traditionally the poorest records in terms of school grades. In this work we put forth data associated to ENEM1 , to the UFRN Vestibular2 and the undergraduate courses on Mathematics. The theoretical matrixes supporting our reflections in this thesis follow the ideas proposed by Castorina (1988); Davis e Espósito (1990); Aquino (1997); Luckesi (2006); Cury (1994; 2008); Pinto (2000); Torre (2007). To carry out the study, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire containing 14 questions, out of which 10 were open questions. The questions were methodologically based on the Thematic Analysis – One of the techniques for Content Analysis schemed by Bardin (1977) – and it was also used the computer program Modalisa 6.0 (A software designed by faculties the University of Paris VIII). The results indicate that most of the teachers training instructors in their pedagogical practice view the mistakes made by their students only as a guide for grading and, in this procedure, the student is frequently labeled as guilty. Conclusive analyses, therefore, signal to the necessity of orienting the teachers training instructors in the sense of building a new theoretical contemplation of the students’ mistakes and their pedagogical potentialities and so making those professionals perceive the importance of such mistakes, since they reveal gaps in the process of learning and provide valuable avenues for the teaching procedures.


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This work aims to study about the importance of cinema for cultural and professional training of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The educational potential of cinema is emphasizing by different authors, which also reveal the teachers' training gap in this issue (media). In this study, we defend the audiovisual language of cinema as an integrating element of Arts and Science for cultural and professional training of teachers. This subject has been developed by different authors, in which the emphasis has been the importance of intelligent dialogue with the world. Specifically, the training of science teachers and mathematics, by the approach of Cinema in its formation, It envisions the possibility of minimizing the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific training, already much discussed by some researchers. Educational products contribute to an effective experience and reflection on the cultural and educational role of the Seventh Art. Considering the Cinema as a possible "bridge" between the two cultures (scientific culture and humanistic culture) and promoting ownership of audiovisual language in teacher training It was accomplished the I Exhibition - Cultural Spring: Cinema and Science Education in UFRN. The production of the booklet "Topics of History, Language and Art of Cinema for Science and Mathematics Teachers," and its application in a short course in the XXI National Symposium on Physics Teaching also aimed to contribute to the approximation of Science and Art in training teachers.


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Esta dissertação apresenta dois projetos que apontam possibilidades de se construir novos conhecimentos com práticas viáveis e significativas para os alunos de Administração de Empresas do ensino superior. O objetivo é fomentar a discussão sobre o papel do docente e a formação dos professores no ensino superior com qualidade, através dos estudos em uma Faculdade da Zona Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Este trabalho aponta que o bacharelado em Administração pode ir para além de meros conteúdos técnicos a serem humanizados a partir da utilização de recursos didáticos inovadores. A análise dos projetos permite concluir que ações educativas diferenciadas, inspiradas na teoria freiriana, apresentaram-se como forma de enfrentamento às dificuldades nas relações entre ensino e aprendizagem. Com a aplicação dos referidos projetos, as possíveis dificuldades de aprendizagem foram transformadas em oportunidades, e hoje são contribuições à qualidade educativa.


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The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlândia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.


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This collection is the result of theoretical considerations made in the education field with emphasis on the teacher’s professional development. The diversity of authors, which came from distinctive higher education institutions located in Brazil and some arising from international context, reveals a multiplicity of relations between the themes that blend the centrality of “Rede de Aprendizado em Foco”. The studies and researches are organized around three themes: teacher’s learning in initial training and professional integration; teacher learning’s evaluations process and policies; and teacher’s professional development. The professionality’s formation in a period of deep and complex transformations in the social and educational scenarios is projected as a big challenge, especially when it is understood that a person is not born as a teacher, but it is constituted as such by processes that occur over a long period. The contact with the professional practice stands as an essential element in the context of teacher training, which in the course of professional learning experience different stages of training. The one that should be highlighted would be the learning moments that involve teaching’s practices. Thus, the main point of this work was based on the reflection of the teacher’s formative processes from the initial training to the professional development going through the teaching practice, which is considered as the beginning of the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge in the context of educational reality and reporting formative experiences that have contributed to this training.


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This analysis introduces results related to development of teaching experience from two professors of one Federal University who have taken part of one action of continued teacher training. We consider that the interplay among the individual, the language and the world cannot function straightly. It occurs through utterances, defined like real unit discursive communication, and genres of discourse (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). Along the same line, the relation between the employee and his employment do not occur in a direct manner. This relationship takes place through genres of activity (CLOT, 2008/2010). As well as, a domain of speech genres has given possibility to individual an interaction with several discursive fields, a domain of activity genre allows the professional protruding in difficult situations traced in his employment. We know that the drafting for wield the teaching in the Tertiary Education is recommended by LDBEN (9394/96), which suggests that should be done in postgraduate program. In the mean time, what frequently happens an educational background based in a survey and not in the teaching. Thereby, several times we have observed difficulties in the accomplishment of teaching practice. Considering such aspects, this study seeks to comprehend the manner how the lecturers deal with the difficulties encountered in the classroom and how the years of experience have contributed or not for a domain of activity genre. In this regard, we have propped up in the development approach, introduced by Vigotsky, who asserts that the learning suitably organized results in development (VIGOTSKY, 1984/2007) and still explains the development of individual on the basis of relationship that it has with another, the social (VIGOTSKY, 1996b). For this purpose, were accomplished, by means of a snipped filmed lesson from each teacher, four sessions of self-confrontation (FAÏTA, 1996; CLOT, 2008/2010), two Simple and two Crusade, recorded in a visual format. This material was transcribed in accordance with standards from project NURC-SP (PRETI, 1999). For the analysis, we used three mains theories: of Linguistic, is mobilized the concept of speech genres (BAKHTIN) and all discursive topics (JUBRAN; FÁVERO); from Occupational Psychology, is utilized the activity genres (CLOT); from Psychology Historical-Cultural, is adopted the concept from Zone of Proximal Development and another/social in the development of individual (VIGOTSKY). In compliance with the study achieved, was possible to identify the aspects related to development of teaching experience of Tertiary Education. During the classes and reports of self-confrontation, we identify that both the professors, in the beginning of the career, they got more difficulties to deal with hindrances, and which now, with some years of experience, they get to domain better the difficult situations which they come across. They built up, for example, a greater facility in improvise examples in face of students’ difficulties in the comprehension of concepts. These aspects show that the professors have evolved the higher domain of genre, which allow them getting, in addition to turn the unexpected situation around that spring up in the professional context, as well know how to taking action in similar situation, which they have already run into in another moments. This domain enabled and enables the developing of the lecturers over the course of their professional performance.