965 resultados para Human Dna
Cerebral toxoplasmosis is the most common cerebral mass lesion in AIDS patients in Brazil, and results in high mortality and morbidity, despite free access to HAART (highly active antiretroviral treatment). Molecular diagnosis based on conventional PCR (cnPCR) or real-time quantitative PCR (qrtPCR) has been indispensable for definitive diagnosis. We report here the evaluation of qrtPCR with blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from AIDS patients in Brazil. This prospective study was conducted for 2 years, analysing DNA samples extracted from 149 AIDS patients (98 blood and 51 CSF samples) with confirmed clinical and radiological diagnosis The laboratory diagnosis included cnPCR (with the B22/B23 primer set) and indirect immunofluorescence (IF). For qrtPCR, two primer sets were simultaneously designed based on described genes and using a 6-carboxyfluorescein dye-labelled TaqMan MGB (minor groove binder) probe One was Bug, which amplified a sequence from the B1 gene The other was the RETg, which amplified a PCR product of the 529 bp sequence. The overall cnPCR and qrtPCR results were positive results were observed in 33.6% (50) patients The sensitivities were 98% for cnPCR (B22/B23), and 86 and 98% for qrtPCR (B1Tg and RETg, respectively). Negative reactions were observed in 66 4% patients. The specificities were 97% for cnPCR and qrtPCR (B1Tg). and 88.8% for RETg These data show that RETg PCR is highly sensitive as it amplifies a repeat region with many copies; however, its specificity is lower than the other markers However, B1Tg PCR had good specificity, but lower sensitivity Among the patients, 20 had blood and CSF collected simultaneously Thus, their results permitted us to analyse and compare molecular, serological and clinical diagnosis for a better understanding of the different scenarios of laboratorial and clinical diagnosis. For nine patients with confirmed cerebral toxoplasmosis diagnosis, four scenarios were observed: (i) and (ii) negative molecular diagnosis for CSF and positive for blood with variable IF titres for the sera and CSF (negative or positive), (iii) positive molecular diagnosis with CSF and negative with blood, and (iv) positive molecular diagnosis in both samples. In the latter two situations, normally the IF titres in sera and CSF are variable. Other opportunistic infections were shown in 11 patients Despite the IF titres in sera and CSF being variable, all of them had negative molecular diagnosis for both samples qrtPCR allows for a rapid identification of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in patient samples; in a minority of cases discrepancies occur with the cnPCR.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus, which belongs to papillomaviridae family, being of low and high risk, which infect the skin and mucous membranes and can induce benign and malign tumor formation. In the oral mucosa they have been associated with oral papilloma, focal epithelial hyperplasia, leucoplakia and oral neoplasia. Aim: to study the frequency of HPV finding in oral mucosa of normal people. Materials and methods: Prospective study, cross-sectional cohort. One hundred volunteers, young adults, healthy, aged between 20 and 31 years, university students with no history, no complains, without oral or oropharyngeal lesions. They were submitted to a questionnaire with questions regarding HPV infection epidemiology. The samples were harvested by brushing and analyzed by PCR. Results: The results were negative for HPV in all samples. Conclusion: It seems we had high social and economical class individuals, with nutrition rich in carotenoyds and vitamin C, low smoking and alcohol consumption and heterosexual habits with predominant monogamy and regular use of condoms.
This study investigated the genetic characteristics of Toxoplasma gondii samples collected from 62 patients with toxoplasmosis in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. DNA samples were isolated from blood, cerebrospinal fluid and amniotic fluids of 25 patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis and AIDS, two patients with acute toxoplasmosis, 12 patients with ocular toxoplasmosis, six newborns with congenital toxoplasmosis and 17 pregnant women with acute infection. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was based in clinical, radiological and laboratory features. Genotyping was performed using multilocus PCR-RFLP genetic markers including SAG1, SAG2, 5`- and 3`-SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, C22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico. Among the 62 clinical samples, 20 (32%) were successfully genotyped at eight or more genetic loci and were grouped to three distinct genotypes. Eighteen samples belonged to ToxoDB Genotype #65 and the other two samples were identified as ToxoDB Genotypes #6 and #71, respectively (http://toxodb.org/toxo/). Patients presenting Genotypes #6 and #71 had severe and atypical cerebral toxoplasmosis, characterized by diffuse encephalitis without extensive brain lesions. These results indicate that T. gondii Genotype #65 may have a high frequency in causing human toxoplasmosis in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This unusual finding highlights the need to investigate the possible association of parasite genotypes with human toxoplasmosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have performed cDNA microarray analyses to identify gene expression differences between highly invasive glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and typically benign pilocytic astrocytomas (PA). Despite the significant clinical and pathological differences between the 2 tumor types, only 63 genes were found to exhibit 2-fold or greater overexpression in GBM as compared to PA. Forty percent of these genes are related to the regulation of the cell cycle and mitosis. QT-PCR validation of 6 overexpressed genes: MELK, AUKB, ASPM, PRC1, IL13RA2 and KIAA0101 confirmed at least a 5-fold increase in the average expression levels in GBM. Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) exhibited the most statistically significant difference. A more detailed investigation of MELK expression was undertaken to study its oncogenic relevance. In the examination of more than 100 tumors of the central nervous system, we found progressively higher expression of MELK with astrocytoma grade and a noteworthy uniformity of high level expression in GBM. Similar level of overexpression was also observed in medulloblastoma. We found neither gene promoter hypomethylation nor amplification to be a factor in MELK expression, but were able to demonstrate that MELK knockdown in malignant astrocytoma cell lines caused a reduction in proliferation and anchorage-independent growth in in vitro assays. Our results indicate that GBM and PA differ by the expression of surprisingly few genes. Among them, MELK correlated with malignancy grade in astrocytomas and represents a therapeutic target for the management of the most frequent brain tumors in adult and children. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background: Blood screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not universally performed for donor selection in human milk banks. Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of detection of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV-DNA in colostrum of HBV-infected nursing mothers before and after Holder pasteurization. Study design: Forty-two concentrated breast milk samples were obtained within two postnatal weeks from 24 HBsAg-positive women (4 HBeAg-positive and 20 HBeAg-negative, anti-HBe-positive) were tested for the presence of HBsAg and HBV-DNA before and after Holder pasteurization (30 min at 62.5 degrees C). Results: Before pasteurization, HBsAg and HBV-DNA were found in 14/24 (58%), and 20/24 (75%) first milk samples, respectively, obtained by 4 days after delivery. At least one marker was detected in 20/24 (83%) milk samples. Both markers were identified in milk of HBeAg-positive mothers, and most mothers with anti-HBe in blood had at least one HBV marker. Once detected, viral markers were frequently found in milk samples subsequently obtained from the same woman. Holder pasteurization did not affect the probability of detecting HBsAg (8/18, 44%), HBV-DNA (12/18, 67%). or at least one of them (15118, 83%). Conclusions: Although the biological implications of these findings remain to be determined, considering that HBV is highly contagious and most recipients of banked human milk are preterm infants, these findings should be taken into account when donors are enlisted for human milk banks without serological screening. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated four polymorphisms located in the DC-SIGN (CD209) gene promoter region (positions -336, -332 -201 and -139) in DNA samples from four Brazilian ethnic groups (Caucasians, Afro-Brazilian, Asians and Amerindians) to establish the population distribution of these single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and correlated DC-SIGN polymorphisms and infection in samples from human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected individuals. To identify CD209 SNPs, 452 bp of the CD209 promoter region were sequenced and the genotype and allelic frequencies were evaluated. This is the first study to show genetic polymorphism in the CD209 gene in distinct Brazilian ethnic groups with the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequency. The results showed that -336A and -139A SNPs were quite common in Asians and that the -201T allele was not observed in Caucasians, Asians or Amerindians. No significant differences were observed between individuals with HTLV-1 disease and asymptomatic patients. However, the -336A variant was more frequent in HTLV-1 -infected patients [HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), 80%; healthy asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers, 90 %] than in the control group (70 %) [P=0.0197, odds ratio (OR)=2.511, 95 % confidence interval (CI)=1.218-5.179). In addition, the -139A allele was found to be associated with protection against HTLV-1 infection (P=0.0037, OR=0.3758, 95% CI=0.1954-0.7229) when the HTLV-1 -infected patients as a whole were compared with the healthy-control group. These observations suggest that the -139A allele may be associated with HTLV-1 infection, although no significant association was observed among asymptomatic and HAM/TSP patients. In conclusion, the variation observed in SNPs -336 and -139 indicates that this lectin may be of crucial importance in the susceptibility/transmission of HTLV-1 infections.
Oral squamous Cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common head and neck cancer. Only in Brazil, the estimate is for 14,160 new cases in 2009. HPV is associated with increasing risk of oral cancer, but its role in carcinogenesis is still controversial. BUBR1, all important protein in the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), has been associated with some virus-encoded proteins and cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of BUBR1 in non-malignant oral lesions and OSCC with and without metastasis associated with HPV infection. We performed immunohistochemistry for BUBR1 in 70 OSCC biopsies divided into three groups (in situ tumors, invasive tumors without metastasis and invasive tumors with metastasis) with their respective lymph nodes from samples with metastasis and in 16 non-malignant oral lesions. PCR was performed in order to detect HPV DNA. Significantly higher BUBR1 expression associated with shorter survival (p=0.0479) was observed in malignant lesions. There was also it significant correlation (r=1.000) with BUBR1 expression in lesions with metastasis and their lymph nodes. Ninety percent of OSCC and 100% of benign lesions were HPV positive. HPV16 and HVP18 were present in 13 and 24% of HPV-positive OSCC samples, respectively. HPV was more prevalent (76%) in samples with a high BUBR1 expression and the absence of viral DNA had no influence oil BUBR1 expression. These findings suggest that HPV could be associated with overexpression of BUBR1 in OSCC. but not in benign oral lesions.
Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer worldwide and is the most common malignant disease among women. Risk factors for breast cancer include early menarche, late menopause, hormonal therapies, exposure to environmental pollutants, smoking and alcohol use. However, increased or prolonged exposure to estrogen is the most important risk factor. It has been suggested that accumulation of DNA damage may contribute to breast carcinogenesis. Epidemiological studies suggest that cytogenetic biomarkers such as micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes may predict cancer risk because they indicate genomic instability in target tissues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the frequencies of micronuclei and the extent of DNA damage detected by comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes of untreated breast cancer patients and healthy women. The study was conducted using peripheral blood lymphocytes from 45 women diagnosed for Ductal ""in situ"" or invasive breast carcinoma and 85 healthy control women. Micronuclei and comet assays were performed to detect spontaneous DNA damage. The results showed that micronuclei frequencies and tail intensity, detected by comet assay, were significantly higher in the breast cancer group than in controls. The levels of DNA damage were similar in smokers and non-smokers, and aging did not influence the frequencies of micronuclei or tail intensity values observed in either group. In conclusion, the present work demonstrates higher levels of DNA damage in untreated breast cancer patients than in healthy women.
Background. Despite advances in immunosuppressive therapy in the past decade, allograft rejection remains an important cause of kidney graft failure. Cytokines play a major role in the inflammatory and immune responses that mediate allograft outcomes. Several studies have shown that the production of cytokines varies among individuals. These variations are determined by genetic polymorphisms, most commonly within the regulatory region of cytokine genes. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of allelic variation on acute rejection episodes (ARE) or chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) after kidney transplantation. Methods. To determine a possible correlation between the interferon (INF)-gamma +874 polymorphism and kidney allograft outcome, we isolated genomic DNA from 74 patients who underwent isolated kidney allografts and were classified into 2 groups-a rejection and a nonrejection group-for comparison with a control group of 163 healthy subjects. Results. We genotyped INF-gamma +874 polymorphisms in all groups. The transplant group showed a significantly increased homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0118) compared with healthy controls. Similarly, considering only patients with CAN, the homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0067) was significantly increased compared with the healthy controls. The rejection group indicated a significant increased homozygous genotype Tic compared with the control group (P = .0061). Conclusion. Homozygous genotype T/T was associated with increased levels of INF-gamma and greater numbers among the rejection and CAN cohorts.
Objective: Studies carried Out to assess the effects of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in HIV-1 infected pregnant women have demonstrated carbohydrate intolerance. Some reports also refer to the effect of disturbances in the expression of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system on pancreas beta-cell function in humans and IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms have been associated with obesity and features of the metabolic syndromes. in the present study, we tested the association between IGF-2/ApaI genotype and hyperglycemia in HIV-1 infected pregnant women receiving ARV. Design: We studied IGF-2/ApaI polymorphism in 87 healthy pregnant women, 43 HIV-1 infected pregnant women taking ARV with hyperglycemia during pregnancy, and 43 HIV-1-negative pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Blood samples were obtained for DNA extraction, PCR and genotyping. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality, ANOVA and chi-square tests. Results: There were no significant differences in genotype frequency among the three groups analyzed. Considering the HIV-1-infected pregnant women, there were no significant differences in genotype frequency between the zidovudine group and the triple antiretroviral treatment group. There were no significant differences in allele frequencies among the groups evaluated. Non-white pregnant women tended to present the GG genotypes compared to white pregnant women. Conclusion: These results contribute to a better understanding of metabolic glycemic disorders in HIV-1 infected pregnant women using ARV, showing that IGF-2/ApaI polymorphisms are not responsible as a single Causative factor of glycemic alterations. These data indicate that other variables should be studied in order to explain these glycemic abnormalities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) are currently one of the most promising targets for the development of immunotherapy against tumours and autoimmune disorders. This protein family has the capacity to activate or modulate the function of different immune system cells. They induce the activation of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, and contribute to cross-priming, an important mechanism of presentation of exogenous antigen in the context of MHC class I molecules, These various immunological properties of HSP have encouraged their use in several clinical trials. Nevertheless, an important issue regarding these proteins is whether the high homology among HSPs across different species may trigger the breakdown of immune tolerance and induce autoimmune diseases. We have developed a DNA vaccine codifying the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 (DNAhsp65), which showed to be highly immunogenic and protective against experimental tuberculosis. Here, we address the question of whether DNAhsp65 immunization could induce pathological autoimmunity in mice. Our results show that DNAhsp65 vaccination induced antibodies that can recognize the human Hsp60 but did not induce harmful effects in 16 different organs analysed by histopathology up to 210 days after vaccination. We also showed that anti-DNA antibodies were not elicited after DNA vaccination. The results are important for the development of both HSP and DNA-based immunomodulatory agents.
Physalis angulata L (Solanaceae) is a medicinal plant from North of Brazil, whose different extracts and infusions are commonly used in the popular medicine for the treatment of malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism. However, the genotoxic effects of P. angulata on human cells is not well known. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro genotoxic effects of aqueous extract of P angulata using the comet assay and the micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes provided from 6 healthy donors. Treatments with P angulata extracts were performed in vitro in order to access the extent of DNA damage. The comet assay has shown that treatments with P angulata at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 mu g/mL in Culture medium were genotoxic. Lymphocytes treated with P angulata at the concentrations of 3.0 and 6.0 mu g/mL in culture medium showed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of micronucleus (p<0.05), however, the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index (CBPI) was not decreased after P angulata treatment. In conclusion, the present work demonstrated the genotoxic effects of P angulata extract on human lymphocytes in vitro.
Introduction: Collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are expressed by odontoblasts and present in dentin. We hypothesized that odontoblasts express other collagen-degrading enzymes such as cysteine cathepsins, and their activity would be present in dentin, because odontoblasts are known to express at least cathepsin D. Effect of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) on cathepsin expression was also analyzed. Methods: Human odontoblasts and pulp tissue were cultured with and without TGF-beta, and cathepsin gene expression was analyzed with DNA microarrays. Dentin cathepsin and MMP activities were analyzed by degradation of respective specific fluorogenic substrates. Results: Both odontoblasts and pulp tissue demonstrated a wide range of cysteine cathepsin expression that gave minor responses to TGF-beta. Cathepsin and MMP activities were observed in all dentin samples, with significant negative correlations in their activities with tooth age. Conclusions: These results demonstrate for the first time the presence of cysteine cathepsins in dentin and suggest their role, along with MMPs, in dentin modification with aging. (J Endod 2010;36:475-481)
c-Jun, one of the components of the transcription factor activating protein-1 (AP-1), is suggested as a factor in malignant progression of oral lesions. c-Jun and other AP-1 components relationships with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection have been investigated, but not yet focusing on oral carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to verify whether c-Jun immunohistochemical expression is related to HPV DNA detection in oral premalignant and malignant lesions. Fifty cases diagnosed as oral leukoplakias, with different degrees of epithelial dysplasia, and as oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) were submitted to immunohistochemistry to detect c-Jun and to in situ hybridization with signal amplification to assess HPV DNA. It was verified that c-Jun nuclear expression increased according to the degree of dysplasia within the lesion, with the greatest expression in OSCC. The same did not happen concerning HPV infection - a discrete proportional relation was observed in indexes found in leukoplakia with no dysplasia, leukoplakia with dysplasia and OSCC, but statistically insignificant. When separating the group of leukoplakia by degrees of dysplasia, this relation of proportion was not observed. Nevertheless, the overall prevalence of HPV infection was 24% and the high-risk HPV types were the most frequently identified, which does not allow excluding HPV as a risk factor in oral carcinogenesis. When relating c-Jun expression and HPV infection, no statistically significant relationship is observed. Results suggest then that malignant progression mediated by c-Jun is independent of the presence of HPV in oral carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
GP5+/6+ SYBR Green methodology for simultaneous screening and quantification of human papillomavirus
Background: Detection and quantification of human papillomavirus (HPV) may help in predicting the evolution of HPV infection and progression of associated lesions. Objectives: We propose a novel protocol using consensus primers GP5+/6+ in a SYBR Green quantitative real-time (Q-RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The strategy permits screening for HPV infection and viral load quantification simultaneously. Study design: DNA from 153 archived cervical samples, previously tested for HPV detection by GP5+/6+ PCR and typed by EIA-RLB (enzyme immunoassay-reverse line blot) or sequence analysis, was analysed using SYBR Green Q-RT PCR. Melting temperature assay (T(m)) and cycle threshold (C(t)) were used to evaluate HPV positivity and viral load. The T(m) in the range of 77-82 degrees C was considered to be positive for HPV-DNA. HPV results generated through GP5+/6+ conventional PCR were considered the gold standard against which sensitivity and specificity of our assay were measured. Results: Out of 104 HPV positive samples, 100 (96.2%) were also determined as positive by SYBR Green Q-RT PCR; of the 49 HPV-negative samples, all were determined as negative. There was an excellent positivity agreement (K = 0.94) between the SYBR Green Q-RT and the previous methods employed. The specificity and sensitivity were 100% and 96.2%, respectively. Comparison of SYBR Green Q-RT and TaqMan oligo-probe technologies gave an excellent concordance (pc = 0.95) which validated the proposed strategy. Conclusions: We propose a sensitive and easy-to-perform technique for HPV screening and viral load quantification simultaneously. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.