977 resultados para Healing process


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Patienten, die an Osteosarkom leiden werden derzeit mit intravenös applizierten krebstherapeutischen Mitteln nach Tumorresektion behandelt, was oftmals mit schweren Nebenwirkungen und einem verzögerten Knochenheilungsprozess einhergeht. Darüber hinaus treten vermehrt Rezidive aufgrund von verbleibenden neoplastischen Zellen an der Tumorresektionsstelle auf. Erfolgreiche Knochenregeneration und die Kontrolle von den im Gewebe verbleibenden Krebszellen stellt eine Herausforderung für das Tissue Engineering nach Knochenverlust durch Tumorentfernung dar. In dieser Hinsicht scheint der Einsatz von Hydroxyapatit als Knochenersatzmaterial in Kombination mit Cyclodextrin als Medikamententräger, vielversprechend. Chemotherapeutika können an Biomaterial gebunden und direkt am Tumorbett über einen längeren Zeitraum freigesetzt werden, um verbliebene neoplastische Zellen zu eliminieren. Lokal applizierte Chemotherapie hat diverse Vorteile, einschließlich der direkten zytotoxischen Auswirkung auf lokale Zellen, sowie die Reduzierung schwerer Nebenwirkungen. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Funktionsfähigkeit eines solchen Arzneimittelabgabesystems zu bewerten und um Strategien im Bereich des Tissue Engineerings zu entwickeln, die den Knochenheilungsprozess und im speziellen die Vaskularisierung fördern sollen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur Krebszellen von der chemotherapeutischen Behandlung betroffen sind. Primäre Endothelzellen wie zum Beispiel HUVEC zeigten eine hohe Sensibilität Cisplatin und Doxorubicin gegenüber. Beide Medikamente lösten in HUVEC ein tumor-unterdrückendes Signal durch die Hochregulation von p53 und p21 aus. Zudem scheint Hypoxie einen krebstherapeutischen Einfluss zu haben, da die Behandlung sensitiver HUVEC mit Hypoxie die Zellen vor Zytotoxizität schützte. Der chemo-protektive Effekt schien deutlich weniger auf Krebszelllinien zu wirken. Diese Resultate könnten eine mögliche chemotherapeutische Strategie darstellen, um den Effekt eines zielgerichteten Medikamenteneinsatzes auf Krebszellen zu verbessern unter gleichzeitiger Schonung gesunder Zellen. Eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Systems, das Arzneimittel abgibt, kombiniert mit einem Biomaterial zur Stabilisierung und Regeneration, könnte gesunden Endothelzellen die Möglichkeit bieten zu proliferieren und Blutgefäße zu bilden, während verbleibende Krebszellen eliminiert werden. Da der Prozess der Knochengeweberemodellierung mit einer starken Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität des Patienten einhergeht, ist die Beschleunigung des postoperativen Heilungsprozesses eines der Ziele des Tissue Engineerings. Die Bildung von Blutgefäßen ist unabdingbar für eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Knochentransplantats in das Gewebe. Daher ist ein umfangreich ausgebildetes Blutgefäßsystem für einen verbesserten Heilungsprozess während der klinischen Anwendung wünschenswert. Frühere Experimente zeigen, dass sich die Anwendung von Ko-Kulturen aus humanen primären Osteoblasten (pOB) und humanen outgrowth endothelial cells (OEC) im Hinblick auf die Bildung stabiler gefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro, die auch effizient in das mikrovaskuläre System in vivo integriert werden konnten, als erfolgreich erweisen. Dieser Ansatz könnte genutzt werden, um prä-vaskularisierte Konstrukte herzustellen, die den Knochenheilungsprozess nach der Implantation fördern. Zusätzlich repräsentiert das Ko-Kultursystem ein exzellentes in vitro Model, um Faktoren, welche stark in den Prozess der Knochenheilung und Angiogenese eingebunden sind, zu identifizieren und zu analysieren. Es ist bekannt, dass Makrophagen eine maßgebliche Rolle in der inflammatorisch-induzierten Angiogenese spielen. In diesem Zusammenhang hebt diese Studie den positiven Einfluss THP-1 abgeleiteter Makrophagen in Ko-Kultur mit pOB und OEC hervor. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Anwendung von Makrophagen als inflammatorischer Stimulus im bereits etablierten Ko-Kultursystem zu einer pro-angiogenen Aktivierung der OEC führte, was in einer signifikant erhöhten Bildung blutgefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro resultierte. Außerdem zeigte die Analyse von Faktoren, die in der durch Entzündung hervorgerufenen Angiogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen, eine deutliche Hochregulation von VEGF, inflammatorischer Zytokine und Adhäsionsmoleküle, die letztlich zu einer verstärkten Vaskularisierung beitragen. Diese Resultate werden dem Einfluss von Makrophagen zugeschrieben und könnten zukünftig im Tissue Engineering eingesetzt werden, um den Heilungsprozess zu beschleunigen und damit die klinische Situation von Patienten zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus könnte die Kombination der auf Ko-Kulturen basierenden Ansätze für das Knochen Tissue Engineering mit einem biomaterial-basierenden Arzneimittelabgabesystem zum klinischen Einsatz kommen, der die Eliminierung verbliebener Krebszellen mit der Förderung der Knochenregeneration verbindet.


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This case presentation documents the treatment sequence of a 74 years old patient who complained about a sore spot of the palatal mucosa underneath the complete denture. The intraoral examination revealed a dark spot, redness and swelling of the mucosa around this spot and halitosis. The mucosa exhibited a perforation of 3 x 10 mm in diameter. A radiographic 3-D picture showed an impacted canine tooth, which was partly covered by the palatal bone. Firstly the denture base was relieved and the swelling gradually disappeared. Then a biopsy was taken for histological analysis to exclude any malignant process. In local anesthesia the tooth was extracted, which exhibited a deep carious lesion of the entire crown. After surgery a visible collapse of the jaw crest was observed. During a period of two months the denture was relined with a soft material to improve its fit and to enhance the healing process. With a final rebasement, the existing denture could be adapted again and the patient continued to wear it.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands (ephrins) have a pivotal role in the homeostasis of many adult organs and are widely expressed in the kidney. Glomerular diseases beginning with mesangiolysis can recover, with podocytes having a critical role in this healing process. We studied here the role of Eph signaling in glomerular disease recovery following mesangiolytic Thy1.1 nephritis in rats. EphB4 and ephrinBs were expressed in healthy glomerular podocytes and were upregulated during Thy1.1 nephritis, with EphB4 strongly phosphorylated around day 9. Treatment with NPV-BHG712, an inhibitor of EphB4 phosphorylation, did not cause glomerular changes in control animals. Nephritic animals treated with vehicle did not have morphological evidence of podocyte injury or loss; however, application of this inhibitor to nephritic rats induced glomerular microaneurysms, podocyte damage, and loss. Prolonged NPV-BHG712 treatment resulted in increased albuminuria and dysregulated mesangial recovery. Additionally, NPV-BHG712 inhibited capillary repair by intussusceptive angiogenesis (an alternative to sprouting angiogenesis), indicating a previously unrecognized role of podocytes in regulating intussusceptive vessel splitting. Thus, our results identify EphB4 signaling as a pathway allowing podocytes to survive transient capillary collapse during glomerular disease.


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Delayed fracture healing and non-unions represent rare but severe complications in orthopedic surgery. Further knowledge on the mechanisms of the bone repair process and of the development of a pseudoarthrosis is essential to predict and prevent impaired healing of fractures. The present study aimed at elucidating differences in gene expression during the repair of rigidly and non-rigidly fixed osteotomies. For this purpose, the MouseFix™ and the FlexiPlate™ systems (AO Development Institute, Davos, CH), allowing the creation of well defined osteotomies in mouse femora, were employed. A time course following the healing process of the osteotomy was performed and bones and periimplant tissues were analyzed by high-resolution X-ray, MicroCT and by histology. For the assessment of gene expression, Low Density Arrays (LDA) were done. In animals with rigid fixation, X-ray and MicroCT revealed healing of the osteotomy within 3 weeks. Using the FlexiPlate™ system, the osteotomy was still visible by X-ray after 3 weeks and a stabilizing cartilaginous callus was formed. After 4.5 weeks, the callus was remodeled and the osteotomy was, on a histological level, healed. Gene expression studies revealed levels of transcripts encoding proteins associated with inflammatory processes not to be altered in tissues from bones with rigid and non-rigid fixation, respectively. Levels of transcripts encoding proteins of the extracellular matrix and essential for bone cell functions were not increased in the rigidly fixed group when compared to controls without osteotomy. In the FlexiPlate™ group, levels of transcripts encoding the same set of genes were significantly increased 3 weeks after surgery. Expression of transcripts encoding BMPs and BMP antagonists was increased after 3 weeks in repair tissues from bones fixed with FlexiPlate™, as were inhibitors of the WNT signaling pathways. Little changes only were detected in transcript levels of tissues from rigidly fixed bones. The data of the present study suggest that rigid fixation enables accelerated healing of an experimental osteotomy as compared to non-rigid fixation. The changes in the healing process after non-rigid fixation are accompanied by an increase in the levels of transcripts encoding inhibitors of osteogenic pathways and, probably as a consequence, by temporal changes in bone matrix synthesis.


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To quantify the circumferential healing process at 6 and 12 months following scaffold implantation.


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Background Drugs of plant origin such as Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum have been frequently used to promote wound healing. While their effect on wound healing using preparations at pharmacological concentrations was supported by several in vitro and clinical studies, investigations of herbal homeopathic remedies on wound healing process are rare. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a commercial low potency homeopathic remedy Similasan® Arnica plus Spray on wound closure in a controlled, blind trial in vitro. Methods We investigated the effect of an ethanolic preparation composed of equal parts of Arnica montana 4x, Calendula officinalis 4x, Hypericum perforatum 4x and Symphytum officinale 6x (0712–2), its succussed hydroalcoholic solvent (0712–1) and unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) on NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Cell viability was determined by WST-1 assay, cell growth using BrdU uptake, cell migration by chemotaxis assay and wound closure by CytoSelect ™Wound Healing Assay Kit which generated a defined “wound field”. All assays were performed in three independent controlled experiments. Results None of the three substances affected cell viability and none showed a stimulating effect on cell proliferation. Preparation (0712–2) exerted a stimulating effect on fibroblast migration (31.9%) vs 14.7% with succussed solvent (0712–1) at 1:100 dilutions (p < 0.001). Unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) had no influence on cell migration (6.3%; p > 0.05). Preparation (0712–2) at a dilution of 1:100 promoted in vitro wound closure by 59.5% and differed significantly (p < 0.001) from succussed solvent (0712–1), which caused 22.1% wound closure. Conclusion Results of this study showed that the low potency homeopathic remedy (0712–2) exerted in vitro wound closure potential in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This effect resulted from stimulation of fibroblasts motility rather than of their mitosis.


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The article summarizes the collective views expressed at the fourth session of the workshop Tissue Engineering-the Next Generation, which was devoted to the translation of results of tissue engineering research into applications. Ernst Hunziker described the paradigm of a dual translational approach, and argued that tissue engineering should be guided by the dimensions and physiological setting of the bodily compartment to be repaired. Myron Spector discussed collagen-glycosaminoglycan (GAG) scaffolds for musculoskeletal tissue engineering. Jeanette Libera focused on the biological and clinical aspects of cartilage tissue engineering, and described a completely autologous procedure for engineering cartilage using the patient's own chondrocytes and blood serum. Arthur Gertzman reviewed the applications of allograft tissues in orthopedic surgery, and outlined the potential of allograft tissues as models for biological and medical studies. Savio Woo discussed a list of functional tissue engineering approaches designed to restore the biochemical and biomechanical properties of injured ligaments and tendons to be closer to that of the normal tissues. Specific examples of using biological scaffolds that have chemoattractants as well as growth factors with unique contact guidance properties to improve their healing process were shown. Anthony Ratcliffe discussed the translation of the results of research into products that are profitable and meet regulatory requirements. Michael Lysaght challenged the proposition that commercial and clinical failures of early tissue engineering products demonstrate a need for more focus on basic research. Arthur Coury described the evolution of tissue engineering products based on the example of Genzyme, and how various definitions of success and failure can affect perceptions and policies relative to the status and advancement of the field of tissue engineering.


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Limitations in the use of autologous bone graft, which is the gold standard therapy in bone defect healing, drive the search for alternative treatments. In this study the influence of rhTGFbeta-3 on mechanical and radiological parameters of a healing bone defect in the sheep tibia was assessed. In the sheep, an 18-mm long osteoperiosteal defect in the tibia was treated by rhTGFbeta-3 seeded on a poly(L/DL-lactide) carrier (n = 4). In a second group (n = 4), the defect was treated by the carrier only, in a third group (n = 4) by autologous cancellous bone graft, and in a fourth group (n = 2) the defect remained blank. The healing process of the defect was assessed by weekly in vivo stiffness measurements and radiology as well as by quantitative computed tomographic assessment of bone mineral density (BMD) every 4 weeks. The duration of the experiment was 12 weeks under loading conditions. In the bone graft group, a marginally significant higher increase in stiffness was observed than in the PLA/rhTGFbeta-3 group (p = 0.06) and a significantly higher increase than in the PLA-only group (p = 0.03). The radiographic as well as the computed tomographic evaluation yielded significant differences between the groups (p = 0.03), indicating the bone graft treatment (bone/per area, 83%; BMD, 0.57 g/cm(3)) performing better than the PLA/rhTGFbeta-3 (38%; 0.23 g/cm(3)) and the PLA-only treatment (2.5%; 0.09 g/cm(3)), respectively. Regarding the mechanical and radiological parameters assessed in this study, we conclude that rhTGFbeta-3 has a promoting effect on bone regeneration. However, under the conditions of this study, this effect does not reach the potential of autologous cancellous bone graft transplantation.


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The heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) has been implicated in wound-healing processes of various tissues. However, it is not known whether HB-EGF may represent a factor implicated in overstimulated wound-healing processes of the retina during proliferative retinopathies. Therefore, we investigated whether human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, which are crucially involved in proliferative retinopathies, express and respond to HB-EGF. RPE cells express mRNAs for various members of the EGF-related growth factor family, among them for HB-EGF, as well as for the EGF receptors ErbB1, -2, -3, and -4. The gene expression of HB-EGF is stimulated in the presence of transforming and basic fibroblast growth factors and by oxidative stress and is suppressed during chemical hypoxia. Exogenous HB-EGF stimulates proliferation and migration of RPE cells and the gene and protein expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). HB-EGF activates at least three signal transduction pathways in RPE cells including the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (involved in the proliferation-stimulating action of HB-EGF), p38 (mediates the effects on chemotaxis and secretion of VEGF), and the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (necessary for the stimulation of chemotaxis). In epiretinal membranes of patients with proliferative retinopathies, HB-EGF immunoreactivity was partially colocalized with the RPE cell marker, cytokeratins; this observation suggests that RPE cell-derived HB-EGF may represent one factor that drives the uncontrolled wound-healing process of the retina. The stimulating effect on the secretion of VEGF may suggest that HB-EGF is also implicated in the pathological angiogenesis of the retina.


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OBJECTIVE to compare the vascular healing process between the sirolimus-eluting NEVO and the everolimus-eluting Xience stent by optical coherence tomography (OCT) at 1-year follow-up. BACKGROUND Presence of durable polymer on a drug-eluting metallic stent may be the basis of an inflammatory reaction with abnormal healing response. The NEVO stent, having a bioresorbable polymer eluted by reservoir technology, may overcome this problem. METHODS All consecutive patients, who received NEVO or Xience stent implantation between September 2010 and October 2010 in our institution, were included. Vascular healing was assessed at 1-year as percentage of uncovered struts, neointimal thickness (NIT), in-stent/stent area obstruction and pattern of neointima. RESULTS A total 47 patients (2:1 randomization, n = 32 NEVO, n = 15 Xience) were included. Eighteen patients underwent angiographic follow-up (eight patients with nine lesions for NEVO vs. 10 patients with 11 lesions for Xience). The angiographic late loss was numerically higher but not statistically different in NEVO compared with Xience treated lesions (0.38 ± 0.47 mm vs. 0.18 ± 0.27 mm; P = 0.171). OCT analysis of 4,912 struts demonstrated similar rates of uncovered struts (0.5 vs. 0.7%, P = 0.462), higher mean NIT (177.76 ± 87.76 µm vs. 132.22 ± 30.91 µm; P = 0.170) and in stent/stent area obstruction (23.02 ± 14.74% vs. 14.17 ± 5.94%, P = 0.120) in the NEVO as compared with Xience. CONCLUSION The NEVO stent with a reservoir technology seems to exhibit more neointimal proliferation as compared to Xience stent. The findings of our study, which currently represent the unique data existing on this reservoir technology, would need to be confirmed in a large population.


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Infektiöse Ursachen bilden die größte ätiologische Gruppe posteriorer Uveitiden. Als Einzeldiagnosen stehen die Toxoplasmose als infektiöse Erkrankung und der Morbus Behçet als nicht infektiöse Erkrankung an erster Stelle. Bei akuten Entzündungsprozessen immunkompetenter Patienten ist eine exakte Diagnose häufig infolge einer recht dichten Glaskörperinfiltration schwierig zu stellen. In diesen Fällen trägt die Beurteilung des Krankheitsverlaufs zur Differenzialdiagnose wesentlich bei. Virale Netzhautnekrosen verschlechtern sich typischerweise hochakut, Sehstörungen und klinische Symptome bei Morbus Behçet und Toxoplasmose nehmen innerhalb weniger Tage bis 2 Wochen zu, während andere Erkrankungen einen eher schleichenden Verlauf zeigen. Die Dauer der Erkrankung und systemische Grunderkrankungen sind bei der ersten okulären Manifestation häufig nicht bekannt. Grundsätzlich ist die Sehfunktion bedroht, wenn die Makula in den entzündlichen Prozess einbezogen ist, wenn häufige Rezidive zu einer Beteiligung der Makula führen, aber auch wenn sich Sekundärkomplikationen wie ein Makulaödem entwickeln. Bei Kindern muss außerdem an die Gefahr einer Amblyopie infolge entzündlicher Medientrübungen gedacht werden, insbesondere bei Glaskörpertrübungen. Deshalb ist eine rasche interdisziplinäre diagnostische Abklärung und darauf basierende Therapiestrategie erforderlich. Diese muss einerseits ätiologisch abgestützt sein, andererseits sollte sie rechtzeitig steroidsparende Immunsuppresiva und eventuell chirurgische Maßnahmen beinhalten.


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BACKGROUND Platelet-rich concentrates are used as a source of growth factors to improve the healing process. The diverse preparation protocols and the gaps in knowledge of their biological properties complicate the interpretation of clinical results. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES In this study we aimed to (1) analyze the concentration and kinetics of growth factors released from leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF), leukocyte- and platelet-rich plasma (L-PRP), and natural blood clot during in vitro culture; (2) investigate the migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as a functional response to the factors released; and (3) uncover correlations between individual growth factors with the initial platelet/leukocyte counts or the induced cell migration. METHODS L-PRF, L-PRP, and natural blood clot prepared from 11 donors were cultured in vitro for 28 days and media supernatants collected after 8 hours and 1, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. Released transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin growth factor (IGF-1), platelet-derived growth factor AB (PDGF-AB), and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were measured in the supernatants with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Migration of MSC and HUVEC induced by the supernatants was evaluated in Boyden chambers. RESULTS More TGF-ß1 was released (mean ± SD in pg/mL of blood) from L-PRF (37,796 ± 5492) compared with L-PRP (23,738 ± 6848; p < 0.001) and blood clot (3739 ± 4690; p < 0.001), whereas more VEGF and IL-1ß were released from blood clot (1933 ± 704 and 2053 ± 908, respectively) compared with both L-PRP (642 ± 208; p < 0.001 and 273 ± 386; p < 0.001, respectively) and L-PRF (852 ± 376; p < 0.001 and 65 ± 56, p < 0.001, respectively). No differences were observed in IGF-1 and PDGF-AB released from any of the concentrates. TGF-β1 release peaked at Day 7 in L-PRF and at 8 hours and Day 7 in L-PRP and 8 hours and Day 14 in blood clot. In all concentrates, main release of VEGF occurred between 3 and 7 days and of IL-1β between Days 1 and 7. IGF-1 and PDGF-AB were released until Day 1 in L-PRP and blood clot, in contrast to sustained release over the first 3 days in L-PRF. The strongest migration of MSC occurred in response to L-PRF, and more HUVEC migration was seen in L-PRF and blood clot compared with L-PRP. TGF-β1 correlated with initial platelet counts in L-PRF (Pearson r = 0.66, p = 0.0273) and initial leukocyte counts in L-PRP (Pearson r = 0.83, p = 0.0016). A positive correlation of IL-1β on migration of MSC and HUVEC was revealed (Pearson r = 0.16, p = 0.0208; Pearson r = 0.31, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS In comparison to L-PRP, L-PRF had higher amounts of released TGF-β1, a long-term release of growth factors, and stronger induction of cell migration. Future preclinical studies should confirm these data in a defined injury model. CLINICAL RELEVANCE By characterizing the biologic properties of different platelet concentrates in vitro, we may gain a better understanding of their clinical effects and develop guidelines for specific future applications.


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Las enfermedades arteriales vienen presididas por la aterosclerosis, que es un proceso crónico de degeneración, que evoluciona hacia la obstrucción de la luz arterial. La pared de la arteria se engrosa debido al depósito de elementos grasos tales como el colesterol. Los stents intraluminales son diminutas estructuras tubulares autoexpandibles de malla de metal, que se colocan dentro de la arteria coronaria después de una angioplastia con balón para prevenir el cierre de dicha arteria. A pesar de estar diseñados para ser compatibles con el tejido humano, a menudo se da una reacción en cadena de consecuencias indeseables. La reestenosis intra-stent es un problema creciente debido al importante incremento que se ha producido en la utilización del stent intracoronario como forma de revascularización percutánea. Se habla de una incidencia global del 28%, siendo la causa principal de su aparición la proliferación neointimal a través de una compleja cascada de sucesos que pueden tardar meses en desarrollarse. Una de las reacciones más importantes es la trombosis o la formación de una fina capa de coágulo como respuesta a la presencia de un material extraño. Este proceso es multifactorial, y en él intervienen la regresión de la pared como consecuencia del estiramiento previo, la denudación endotelial, lo que permite la agregación plaquetaria, la proliferación neointimal, lo que facilita a los receptores de membrana desencadenar un proceso de agregación posterior y, por último, el remodelado negativo inadecuado de la pared, lo que produce pérdida de luz arterial. Se ha observado frecuentemente que el depósito de ateroma en la pared arterial está relacionado con el valor de los esfuerzos cortantes en la misma. Hay mayores probabilidades de engrosamiento de la pared en las zonas donde son bajos los esfuerzos cortantes, quizá por el mayor tiempo de residencia de las partículas circulantes por el torrente sanguíneo. Si nos centramos en la afirmación anterior, el siguiente paso sería buscar las zonas susceptibles de presentar un valor bajo de dichos esfuerzos. Las zonas potencialmente peligrosas son los codos y bifurcaciones, entre otras. Nos hemos centrado en una bifurcación coronaria, ya que los patrones de flujo que se suelen presentar, tales como recirculación y desprendimiento de vórtices están íntimamente relacionados con las técnicas de implantación de stents en esta zona. Proyectamos nuestros esfuerzos en el estudio de dos técnicas de implante, utilizando un único stent y una tercera a través de una configuración de culotte con el uso de dos stents. El primer caso trata de una bifurcación con un único stent en la rama principal cuyos struts cierran el orificio lateral que da salida a la rama secundaria de la bifurcación, es decir sería un stent sin orificio. El segundo consiste en un único stent también, pero con la diferencia de que éste presenta un orificio de comunicación con la rama lateral. Todas estas técnicas se aplicaron a bifurcaciones de 45º y de 90º. Introdujimos las geometrías -una vez confeccionadas con el código comercial Gambit- en el programa Ansys-Fluent contemplando régimen estacionario. Los resultados obtenidos fueron cotejados con los experimentales, que se realizaron paralelamente, con el fin de corroborarlos. Una vez validados, el estudio computacional ya contó con la fiabilidad suficiente como para abordar el régimen no estacionario, tanto en la versión de reposo como en la de ejercicio –hiperemia- El comportamiento reológico de la sangre para régimen no estacionario en estado de reposo es otra de las tareas abordadas, realizando una comparativa de los modelos Newtoniano, Carreau y Ley de Potencias. Finalmente, en una última etapa, debido a la reciente incursión de los stents diseñados específicamente frente a los convencionales, se aborda el comportamiento hemodinámico de los mismos. Concretamente, se comparó el patrón de flujo en un modelo de bifurcación coronaria con los nuevos stents (Stentys) y los convencionales. Se estudiaron cuatro modelos, a saber, stent simple en la rama principal, stent simple en la rama secundaria, culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama principal y culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama secundaria. La bifurcación estudiada presenta un ángulo de apertura de 45º y la relación de diámetros de las ramas hija se ajustaron de acuerdo a la ley de Finet. Se recogieron resultados experimentales en el laboratorio y se corrieron simulaciones numéricas con Ansys Fluent paralelamente. Las magnitudes que se tuvieron en cuenta con el fin de ubicar las regiones potencialmente ateroscleróticas fueron los esfuerzos cortantes, vorticidad y caída de presión. ABSTRACT Nowadays, restenosis after percutaneous dilation is the major drawback of coronary angioplasty. It represents a special form of atherosclerosis due to the healing process secondary to extensive vessel trauma induced after intracoronary balloon inflation. The use of coronary stents may decrease the incidence of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, intra-stent restenosis still occurs in 20-30% of the cases following the stent implantation. Most experiments suggest a correlation between low wall shear stress and wall thickness. The preferential locations for the atherosclerotic plaque are bifurcations. The objective of this work is to analyze the local hemodynamic changes caused in a coronary bifurcation by three different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the main vessel with kissing balloon in the side branch and culotte. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used, and two bifurcation angles, 45º and 90º, are chosen as representative of the wide variety of real configurations. Both numerical simulations and experimental measurements are performed. First, steady simulations are carried out with the commercial code Ansys-Fluent, then, experimental measurements with PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), obtained in the laboratory, are used to validate the numerical simulations. The steady computational simulations show a good overall agreement with the experimental data. Then, pulsatile flow is considered to take into account the transient effects. The time averaged wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and pressure drop obtained numerically are used to compare the behavior of the stenting techniques. In a second step, the rheologic behavior of blood was considered comparing Newtonian, Carreau and Power Law models. Finally, as a result of previous investigations with conventional stents and after the recent emergence of several devices specifically designed for coronary bifurcations angioplasty, the hemodynamic performance of these new devices (Stentys) was compared to conventional ones and techniques in a coronary bifurcation model. Four different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the side vessel, culotte deploying the first stent in the main vessel and culotte deploying the first stent in the side vessel have been considered. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used. A 45 degrees bifurcation angle is considered and the daughter branches diameters are obtained according to the Finet law. Both experiments in the laboratory and numerical simulations were used , focusing on important factors for the atherosclerosis development, like the wall shear stress, the oscillation shear index, the pressure loss and the vorticity.


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A large number of functions have been demonstrated for tenascin-C by antibody perturbation assays and in vitro cell culture experiments. However, these results contrast sharply with the lack of any apparent phenotype in mice with a genetic deletion of tenascin-C. A possible explanation for the lack of phenotype would be expression of some altered but functional tenascin-C in the mutant. We report the generation of an independent tenascin-C null mouse and conclude that the original tenascin-C knockout, which is genetically very similar to ours, is also a true null. As found previously, the absence of tenascin-C has no influence on development, adulthood, life span, and fecundity. We have studied in detail two models of wound healing. After axotomy, the regeneration of the sciatic nerve is not altered without tenascin-C. During healing of cutaneous wounds, deposition of collagen I, fibulin-2, and nidogen is identical in mutant and wild-type mice. In contrast. fibronectin appears diminished in wounds of tenascin-C-deficient mice. However, the lack of tenascin-C together with the reduced amount of fibronectin has no influence on the quality of the healing process.


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We study a simple antiplane fault of finite length embedded in a homogeneous isotropic elastic solid to understand the origin of seismic source heterogeneity in the presence of nonlinear rate- and state-dependent friction. All the mechanical properties of the medium and friction are assumed homogeneous. Friction includes a characteristic length that is longer than the grid size so that our models have a well-defined continuum limit. Starting from a heterogeneous initial stress distribution, we apply a slowly increasing uniform stress load far from the fault and we simulate the seismicity for a few 1000 events. The style of seismicity produced by this model is determined by a control parameter associated with the degree of rate dependence of friction. For classical friction models with rate-independent friction, no complexity appears and seismicity is perfectly periodic. For weakly rate-dependent friction, large ruptures are still periodic, but small seismicity becomes increasingly nonstationary. When friction is highly rate-dependent, seismicity becomes nonperiodic and ruptures of all sizes occur inside the fault. Highly rate-dependent friction destabilizes the healing process producing premature healing of slip and partial stress drop. Partial stress drop produces large variations in the state of stress that in turn produce earthquakes of different sizes. Similar results have been found by other authors using the Burridge and Knopoff model. We conjecture that all models in which static stress drop is only a fraction of the dynamic stress drop produce stress heterogeneity.