576 resultados para Gerundio, Fray
A new strategy for enhancing the efficiency and reducing the production cost of TiO 2 solar cells by design of a new formulated TiO 2 paste with tailored crystal structure and morphology is reported. The conventional three- or four-fold layer deposition process was eliminated and replaced by a single layer deposition of TiO 2 compound. Different TiO 2 pastes with various crystal structures, morphologies and crystallite sizes were prepared by an aqueous particulate sol-gel process. Based on simultaneous differential thermal (SDT) analysis the minimum annealing temperature to obtain organic-free TiO 2 paste was determined at 400°C, being one of the lowest crystallization temperatures of TiO 2 photoanode electrodes for solar cell application. Photovoltaic measurements showed that TiO 2 solar cell with pure anatase crystal structure had higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than that made of pure rutile-TiO 2. However, the PCE of solar cells depends on the anatase to rutile weight ratio, reaching a maximum at a specific value due to the synergic effect between anatase and rutile TiO 2 nanoparticles. Moreover, it was found that the PCE of solar cells made of crystalline TiO 2 powders was much higher, increasing in the range 32-84% depending on anatase to rutile weight ratio, than that of prepared by amorphous powders. TiO 2 solar cell with the morphology of mixtures of nanoparticles and microparticles had higher PCE than the solar cell with the same phase composition containing TiO 2 nanoparticles due to the role of TiO 2 microparticles as light scattering particles. The presented strategy would open up new insight into fabrication and structural design of low-cost TiO 2 solar cells with high power conversion efficiency. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Quarta impresion.
A finales del siglo XVIII, en Europa el conocimiento científico se había desarrollado extraordinariamente. Surgen los nombres de Lavoisier, Ritcher, Coulomb y Celsius entre otros muchos. Se enuncian leyes en química y física; junto a ellas también florece la matemática de la mano de Euler, Lagrange, D«Alambert, Monge, por citar sólo unos cuantos. Mientras tanto, el atraso de las matemáticas españolas se debía, entre otras causas, al pobre estado en que se encontraban las universidades: aún de tipo medieval y de carácter eclesiástico. Esto lo evidencia Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijoo en la carta titulada Causas del atraso que se padece en España en orden a las ciencias naturales, y el Marqués de la Ensenada quien, en 1748, se lo expresa al rey Fernando VI. Las deficiencias de las universidades tenían que ver con la enseñanza memorística, textos anticuados e interés primordial por disciplinas como derecho, teología y filosofía en detrimento de las matemáticas y las ciencias.
This paper studies the influence of cynic philosophy in the construction of the myth of the good savage. In the first part it studies the importance of cynicism in the XVI century and how the cynic influence of Erasmus, More and Montaigne was fundamental to the way that Europe approached the American indigenous. In the second part it studies the cynic motives that could have influenced in the construction of the myth of the good savage.
Contient : Jugements divers sur Aimoin ; Lettres d'Innocent III ; Bulle de Jules II : Pastor ille ; Lettres de Pierre Martyr ; Chronique d'Alfonse VII (Pampelune, 1600 ; in-fol) ; Nobiliaire de Petro de Barcellos (Rome, 1640) ; Vita et processus S. Thomae Cantuariensis (Paris, 1495 ; in-4°) ; Mémoires Séquanois, de Gollut (Dôle, 1592 ; in-fol) ; Bref discours de la maison de Lorraine, de l'abbé Bruand (Lyon, 1591 ; in-8°) ; Extrait des oeuvres de Pierre Martyr ; Historia de la provincia de Sant Iago de Mexico, de la orden des Predicadores, par Fray Augustin Davila Padilla (Bruxelles, 1625 ; in-fol) ; Notes sur divers écrits relatifs à l'Amérique ; Description du Spitzberg