883 resultados para Formation of the teachers


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Distribution of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen is examined in a section along 65-67°E between 18°S and 23°N during the transition period from winter to summer monsoons. It is shown that, under conditions of very large oxygen deficit in the 200-400 m layer, denitrification process results in formation of the second deep-sea maximum of nitrites and the intermediate minimum of nitrate nitrogen.


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Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the finely dispersed fraction of particulate organic matter in sea water is given. It is demonstrated that in the euphotic zone of high productivity waters this fraction constitutes 86%, in waters with low productivity 61%, and in deep waters (>200 m) 53% of the organic carbon in particulate matter. Formation of the finely dispersed fraction and its role in distribution of energy in the detrital food chain of the ecosystem are discussed.


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In the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman marl forms the primary sediment cover, particularly on the Iranian side. A detailed quantitative description of the sediment components > 63 µ has been attempted in order to establish the regional distribution of the most important constituents as well as the criteria governing marl sedimentation in general. During the course of the analysis, the sand fraction from about 160 bottom-surface samples was split into 5 phi° fractions and 500 to 800 grains were counted in each individual fraction. The grains were cataloged in up to 40 grain type catagories. The gravel fraction was counted separately and the values calculated as weight percent. Basic for understanding the mode of formation of the marl sediment is the "rule" of independent availability of component groups. It states that the sedimentation of different component groups takes place independently, and that variation in the quantity of one component is independent of the presence or absence of other components. This means, for example, that different grain size spectrums are not necessarily developed through transport sorting. In the Persian Gulf they are more likely the result of differences in the amount of clay-rich fine sediment brought in to the restricted mouth areas of the Iranian rivers. These local increases in clayey sediment dilute the autochthonous, for the most part carbonate, coarse fraction. This also explains the frequent facies changes from carbonate to clayey marl. The main constituent groups of the coarse fraction are faecal pellets and lumps, the non carbonate mineral components, the Pleistocene relict sediment, the benthonic biogene components and the plankton. Faecal pellets and lumps are formed through grain size transformation of fine sediment. Higher percentages of these components can be correlated to large amounts of fine sediment and organic C. No discernable change takes place in carbonate minerals as a result of digestion and faecal pellet formation. The non-carbonate sand components originate from several unrelated sources and can be distinguished by their different grain size spectrum; as well as by other characteristics. The Iranian rivers supply the greatest amounts (well sorted fine sand). Their quantitative variations can be used to trace fine sediment transport directions. Similar mineral maxima in the sediment of the Gulf of Oman mark the path of the Persian Gulf outflow water. Far out from the coast, the basin bottoms in places contain abundant relict minerals (poorly sorted medium sand) and localized areas of reworked salt dome material (medium sand to gravel). Wind transport produces only a minimal "background value" of mineral components (very fine sand). Biogenic and non-biogenic relict sediments can be placed in separate component groups with the help of several petrographic criteria. Part of the relict sediment (well sorted fine sand) is allochthonous and was derived from the terrigenous sediment of river mouths. The main part (coarse, poorly sorted sediment), however, was derived from the late Pleistocene and forms a quasi-autochthonous cover over wide areas which receive little recent sedimentation. Bioturbation results in a mixing of the relict sediment with the overlying younger sediment. Resulting vertical sediment displacement of more than 2.5 m has been observed. This vertical mixing of relict sediment is also partially responsible for the present day grain size anomalies (coarse sediment in deep water) found in the Persian Gulf. The mainly aragonitic components forming the relict sediment show a finely subdivided facies pattern reflecting the paleogeography of carbonate tidal flats dating from the post Pleistocene transgression. Standstill periods are reflected at 110 -125m (shelf break), 64-61 m and 53-41 m (e.g. coare grained quartz and oolite concentrations), and at 25-30m. Comparing these depths to similar occurrences on other shelf regions (e. g. Timor Sea) leads to the conclusion that at this time minimal tectonic activity was taking place in the Persian Gulf. The Pleistocene climate, as evidenced by the absence of Iranian river sediment, was probably drier than the present day Persian Gulf climate. Foremost among the benthonic biogene components are the foraminifera and mollusks. When a ratio is set up between the two, it can be seen that each group is very sensitive to bottom type, i.e., the production of benthonic mollusca increases when a stable (hard) bottom is present whereas the foraminifera favour a soft bottom. In this way, regardless of the grain size, areas with high and low rates of recent sedimentation can be sharply defined. The almost complete absence of mollusks in water deeper than 200 to 300 m gives a rough sedimentologic water depth indicator. The sum of the benthonic foraminifera and mollusca was used as a relative constant reference value for the investigation of many other sediment components. The ratio between arenaceous foraminifera and those with carbonate shells shows a direct relationship to the amount of coarse grained material in the sediment as the frequence of arenaceous foraminifera depends heavily on the availability of sand grains. The nearness of "open" coasts (Iranian river mouths) is directly reflected in the high percentage of plant remains, and indirectly by the increased numbers of ostracods and vertebrates. Plant fragments do not reach their ultimate point of deposition in a free swimming state, but are transported along with the remainder of the terrigenous fine sediment. The echinoderms (mainly echinoids in the West Basin and ophiuroids in the Central Basin) attain their maximum development at the greatest depth reached by the action of the largest waves. This depth varies, depending on the exposure of the slope to the waves, between 12 to 14 and 30 to 35 m. Corals and bryozoans have proved to be good indicators of stable unchanging bottom conditions. Although bryozoans and alcyonarian spiculae are independent of water depth, scleractinians thrive only above 25 to 30 m. The beginning of recent reef growth (restricted by low winter temperatures) was seen only in one single area - on a shoal under 16 m of water. The coarse plankton fraction was studied primarily through the use of a plankton-benthos ratio. The increase in planktonic foraminifera with increasing water depth is here heavily masked by the "Adjacent sea effect" of the Persian Gulf: for the most part the foraminifera have drifted in from the Gulf of Oman. In contrast, the planktonic mollusks are able to colonize the entire Persian Gulf water body. Their amount in the plankton-benthos ratio always increases with water depth and thereby gives a reliable picture of local water depth variations. This holds true to a depth of around 400 m (corresponding to 80-90 % plankton). This water depth effect can be removed by graphical analysis, allowing the percentage of planktonic mollusks per total sample to be used as a reference base for relative sedimentation rate (sedimentation index). These values vary between 1 and > 1000 and thereby agree well with all the other lines of evidence. The "pteropod ooze" facies is then markedly dependent on the sedimentation rate and can theoretically develop at any depth greater than 65 m (proven at 80 m). It should certainly no longer be thought of as "deep sea" sediment. Based on the component distribution diagrams, grain size and carbonate content, the sediments of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman can be grouped into 5 provisional facies divisions (Chapt.19). Particularly noteworthy among these are first, the fine grained clayey marl facies occupying the 9 narrow outflow areas of rivers, and second, the coarse grained, high-carbonate marl facies rich in relict sediment which covers wide sediment-poor areas of the basin bottoms. Sediment transport is for the most part restricted to grain sizes < 150 µ and in shallow water is largely coast-parallel due to wave action at times supplemented by tidal currents. Below the wave base gravity transport prevails. The only current capable of moving sediment is the Persian Gulf outflow water in the Gulf of Oman.


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Drilling at site 207 (DSDP Leg 21), located on the broad summit of the Lord Howe Rise, bottomed in rhyolitic rocks. Sanidine concentrates from four samples of the rhyolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar total fusion method and conventional K-Ar method, and yielded concordant ages of 93.7 +/- 1.1 my, equivalent to the early part of the Upper Cretaceous. At this time the Lord Howe Rise, which has continental-type structure, is thought to have been emergent and adjacent to the eastern margin of the Australian-antarctic continent. Subsequent to 94 my ago and prior to deposition of Maastrichtian (70-65 myBP) marine sediments on top of the rhyolitic basement of the Lord Howe Rise, rifting occurred and the formation of the Tasman Basin began by sea-floor spreading with rotation of the Rise away from the margin of Australia. Subsidence of the Rise continued until Early Eocene (about 50 myBP), probably marking the end of sea-floor spreading in the Tasman Basin. These large scale movements relate to the breakup of this part of Gondwanaland in the Upper Cretaceous.


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Maestrichtian to Holocene calcareous nannofossils from two closely spaced sites on the upper continental rise some 100 miles (161 km) southeast of Atlantic City, New Jersey, were zoned in order to help date a major canyon-cutting event in the late Miocene and to delineate and correlate other hiatuses with seismic stratigraphy. Mid-middle Eocene through middle Miocene sediments (Zones CP14 to CN6) were not recovered in these holes, but nearly all other zones are accounted for. The Eocene section is described in a companion chapter (Applegate and Wise, 1987, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.93.118.1987). Nannofossils are generally sparse and moderately preserved in the clastic sediments of Site 604. Sedimentation rates are extremely high for the upper Pleistocene (201 m/m.y. minimum) above a hiatus calculated to span 0.44 to 1.1 Ma. The associated disconformity is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon Pr . Sedimentation rates continue to be high (93 m/m.y.) down to a second hiatus in the upper Pliocene dated from about 2.4 to 2.9 (or possibly 3.3) Ma. The disconformity associated with this hiatus is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon P2 and regional Reflector Blue, which can be interpreted to mark either the onset of Northern Hemisphere continental glaciation or circulation changes associated with the closure of the Central American Seaway. Sedimentation rates in the pre-glacial lower Pliocene are only about a third those in the glacial upper Pliocene. A prominent disconformity in the upper Miocene marks a major lithologic boundary that separates Messinian(?) glauconitic claystones above from lower Tortonian conglomeratic debris flows and turbidites below. The debris flows recovered are assigned to nannofossil Zones CN8a and CN7, but drilling difficulties prevented penetration of the bottom of this sequence some 100 m below the terminal depth of the hole. Correlation of the lower bounding seismic reflector (M2/Merlin?) to a drift sequence drilled on the lower rise at DSDP Site 603, however, predicts that the debris flows began close to the beginning of the late Miocene (upper Zone CN6 time) at about 10.5 Ma. The debris flows represent a major canyon-cutting event that we correlate with the beginning of the particularly severe late Miocene glaciations believed to be associated with the formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The existence of these spectacular debris flows strongly suggest that the late Miocene glacio-eustatic low stand occurred during Vail Cycle TM3.1 (lower Tortonian) rather than during Vail Cycle TM3.2 (Messinian) as originally published. Beneath a set of coalesced regional disconformities centered upon seismic reflection Horizon Au, coccoliths are abundant and in general are moderately preserved at Site 605 in a 619-m carbonate section extending from the middle Eocene Zone CP13b to the upper Maestrichtian Lithraphidites quadratus Zone. Sedimentation rates are 37 m/m.y. in the Eocene down to a condensed interval near the base (Zone CP9). A disconformity is suspected near the Eocene/Paleocene boundary. Sedimentation rates for the upper Paleocene Zone CP8 are similar to those of the Eocene, but Zones CP7 and CP6 lie within another condensed interval. The highest Paleocene rates are 67 m/m.y. down through Zones CP5 and CP4 to a major disconformity that separates the upper Paleocene from the Danian. This hiatus spans about 2.6 m.y. (upper Zone CP3 to lower Zone CP2) and corresponds to the major sea-level drop at the base of Vail Cycle TE2.1. As the most prominent break in this Paleogene section, it may correspond to seismic reflection Horizon A* of the North American Basin. Sedimentation rates from this point to the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary drop to 11 m/m.y., still high for a Paleocene DSDP section. No major break in deposition could be detected at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary.


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The mouth area of the North (Severnaya) Dvina River is characterized by a high concentrations of methane in water (from 1.0 to 165.4 µl/l) and bottom sediments (from 14 to 65000 µl/kg), being quite comparable to productive mouth areas of rivers from the temperate zone. Maximum methane concentrations in water and sediments were registered in the delta in segments of channels and branches with low rates of tidal and runoff currents, where domestic and industrial wastewaters are supplied. In the riverine and marine water mixing zone with its upper boundary, locating far into the delta and moving depending on a phase of the tidal cycle, decrease of methane concentration with salinity increase was observed. The prevailing role in formation of the methane concentration level in water of the mouth area pertains to bottom sediments, which is indicated by close correlation between gas concentrations in these two media. Existence of periodicity in variations of methane concentration in river water downstream caused by tidal effects was found.


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Los polímeros cristales líquidos (LCP) son sistemas complejos que forman mesofases que presentan orden orientacional y polímeros amorfos. Con frecuencia, el estado amorfo isotrópico no puede ser estudiado debido a la rápida formación de mesofases. En este trabajo se ha sintetizado y estudiado un nuevo LCP: poli(trietilenglicol metil p, p '-bibenzoato), PTEMeB. Este polímero presenta una formación de mesofase bastante lenta haciendo posible estudiar de forma independiente tanto los estados amorfo y de cristal líquidos. La estructura y las transiciones de fase del PTEMeB han sido investigados por calorimetría (DSC), con MAXS / WAXS con temperatura variable que emplean radiación de sincrotrón y con difracción de rayos X. Estos estudios han mostrado la existencia de dos transiciones vítreas, relacionadas con las fases amorfa y cristal líquido. Se ha realizado un estudio de relajación dieléctrica en amplios intervalos de temperatura y presión. Se ha encontrado que la transición vítrea dinámica de la fase amorfa es más lenta que la del cristal líquido. El estudio de la relajación ? nos ha permitido seguir la formación isoterma de la mesofase a presión atmosférica. Además, con el estudio el comportamiento dinámico a alta presión se ha encontrado que se produce la formación rápida de la mesofase inducida por cambios bruscos de presión. Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) are complex systems that include features of both orientationally ordered mesophases and amorphous polymers. Frequently, the isotropic amorphous state cannot be studied due to the rapid mesophase formation. Here, a new main chain LCP, poly(triethyleneglycol methyl p,p'-bibenzoate), PTEMeB, has been synthesized. It shows a rather slow mesophase formation making possible to study independently both the amorphous and the liquid crystalline states. The structure and phase transitions of PTEMeB have been investigated by calorimetry, variable-temperature MAXS/WAXS employing synchrotron radiation, and X-ray diffraction in oriented fibers. These experiments have pointed out the presence of two glass transitions, related to the amorphous or to the liquid crystal phases. Additionally, the mesophase seems to be a coexistence of orthogonal and tilted smectic phases. A dielectric relaxation study of PTEMeB over broad ranges of temperature and pressure has been performed. The dynamic glass transition turns out to be slower for the amorphous state than for the liquid crystal. Monitoring of the α relaxation has allowed us to follow the isothermal mesophase formation at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the dynamical behavior at high pressures has pointed out the fast formation of the mesophase induced by sudden pressure changes.


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Speech is the major function, emergence and which development radically changes all course of formation of the identity of the child already in the early childhood. If language and speech development in solitary born children is investigated today quite well, at twin children this process practically is not studied. Our research was carried out for the purpose of studying of an originality of mastering by speech by heterosexual children of pair of twins within communicative and pragmatist approach (T.N. Ushakov,G. V. Chirkina). Application of this approach to the analysis of process of communication at twin children allowed us to allocate those peculiar receptions and means of communication which they functionally develop in a situation of pair of twins, as allows them to show the phenomena of the speech which are not meeting at solitary born contemporaries. In this work results of supervision and research of pair of heterosexual twins of the second year of the life, carried out by a technique developed by us under the scientific guide of G. V. Chirkina


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In order to show the choice of transparency as the guiding principle of the accreditation process, the article evaluates its influence on the fundamental subprocess of self-evaluation, thereby confirming that transparency is an essential tool for continuous improvement of academic processes and those of educational quality management. It fosters educational innovation and permits the sustainability of the continuous accreditation process over time, resulting in greater probabilities of university self-regulation through systemization of the process, with the objective of continuous improvement of university degree programs. The article analyzes the influence of transparency on each activity of the self-evaluation process according to the Peruvian accreditation model prepared under the total quality approach, as a reference for other accreditation models, proposing concrete transparency actions and evaluating its influence on the stakeholder groups in the self-evaluation process, as well as on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It is concluded that transparency has a positive influence on the training of human capital and the formation of the university?s organizational culture, facilitating dissemination, understanding and involvement of the stakeholder groups in the continuous improvement of accreditation activities and increasing their acceptance of change and commitment to the process. It is confirmed that transparency contributes toward increasing the efficiency index of the self-evaluation process by reducing operating costs through adequate, accessible, timely contribution of information by the stakeholders and through the optimization of the time spent gathering relevant information. In addition, it is concluded that transparency contributes toward increasing the effectiveness index of self-evaluation by facilitating the achievement of its objectives through synthetic, useful, reliable interpretation of the education situation and the formulation of feasible improvement plans based on the adequacy, relevance, visibility, pertinence and truthfulness of the information analyzed.


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The phosphorelay signal transduction system activates developmental transcription in sporulation of Bacillus subtilis by phosphorylation of aspartyl residues of the Spo0F and Spo0A response regulators. The phosphorylation level of these response regulators is determined by the opposing activities of protein kinases and protein aspartate phosphatases that interpret positive and negative signals for development in a signal integration circuit. The RapA protein aspartate phosphatase of the phosphorelay is regulated by a peptide that directly inhibits its activity. This peptide is proteolytically processed from an inactive pre-inhibitor protein encoded in the phrA gene. The pre-inhibitor is cleaved by the protein export apparatus to a putative pro-inhibitor that is further processed to the active inhibitor peptide and internalized by the oligopeptide permease. This export–import circuit is postulated to be a mechanism for timing phosphatase activity where the processing enzymes regulate the rate of formation of the active inhibitor. The processing events may, in turn, be controlled by a regulatory hierarchy. Chromosome sequencing has revealed several other phosphatase–prepeptide gene pairs in B. subtilis, suggesting that the use of this mechanism may be widespread in signal transduction.


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An in vitro system to study the mechanism of site-specific integration of adeno-associated virus (AAV) was developed. This system is based on two substrates, a linear or circular AAV donor and a circular acceptor containing the preintegration locus AAVS1. In the presence of HeLa extract and the His-Tag-purified Rep68 protein, specific covalent junctions between AAV and AAVS1 were formed and detected by PCR. The majority of the junctions were located within the Rep binding site of both the AAV and the AAVS1 substrates, underlining the involvement of the Rep protein. A limited amount of replication and the presence of nuclear factors promoted the efficiency of the reaction. The process was ATP-dependent, indicating that the helicase activity of Rep may be important in the formation of the junctions. According to current models of integration, the formation of the junctions would represent a first step in the process of AAV integration. This step could be crucial for the site specificity of the recombination event that leads to the integration of AAV into human chromosome 19 in vivo.


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Formation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) depends upon a nerve-derived protein, agrin, acting by means of a muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase, MuSK, as well as a required accessory receptor protein known as MASC. We report that MuSK does not merely play a structural role by demonstrating that MuSK kinase activity is required for inducing acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering. We also show that MuSK is necessary, and that MuSK kinase domain activation is sufficient, to mediate a key early event in NMJ formation—phosphorylation of the AChR. However, MuSK kinase domain activation and the resulting AChR phosphorylation are not sufficient for AChR clustering; thus we show that the MuSK ectodomain is also required. These results indicate that AChR phosphorylation is not the sole trigger of the clustering process. Moreover, our results suggest that, unlike the ectodomain of all other receptor tyrosine kinases, the MuSK ectodomain plays a required role in addition to simply mediating ligand binding and receptor dimerization, perhaps by helping to recruit NMJ components to a MuSK-based scaffold.


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The accumulation of β-amyloid peptides (Aβ) into senile plaques is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease. Aggregated Aβ is toxic to cells in culture and this has been considered to be the cause of neurodegeneration that occurs in the Alzheimer disease brain. The discovery of compounds that prevent Aβ toxicity may lead to a better understanding of the processes involved and ultimately to possible therapeutic drugs. Low nanomolar concentrations of Aβ1-42 and the toxic fragment Aβ25-35 have been demonstrated to render cells more sensitive to subsequent insults as manifested by an increased sensitivity to formazan crystals following MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) reduction. Formation of the toxic β-sheet conformation by Aβ peptides is increased by negatively charged membranes. Here we demonstrate that phloretin and exifone, dipolar compounds that decrease the effective negative charge of membranes, prevent association of Aβ1-40 and Aβ25-35 to negatively charged lipid vesicles and Aβ induced cell toxicity. These results suggest that Aβ toxicity is mediated through a nonspecific physicochemical interaction with cell membranes.


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The capsid protein of hepatitis B virus, consisting of an “assembly” domain (residues 1–149) and an RNA-binding “protamine” domain (residues 150–183), assembles from dimers into icosahedral capsids of two different sizes. The C terminus of the assembly domain (residues 140–149) functions as a morphogenetic switch, longer C termini favoring a higher proportion of the larger capsids, it also connects the protamine domain to the capsid shell. We now have defined the location of this peptide in capsids assembled in vitro by engineering a mutant assembly domain with a single cysteine at its C terminus (residue 150), labeling it with a gold cluster and visualizing the cluster by cryo-electron microscopy. The labeled protein is unimpaired in its ability to form capsids. Our density map reveals a single undecagold cluster under each fivefold and quasi-sixfold vertex, connected to sites at either end of the undersides of the dimers. Considering the geometry of the vertices, the C termini must be more crowded at the fivefolds. Thus, a bulky C terminus would be expected to favor formation of the larger (T = 4) capsids, which have a greater proportion of quasi-sixfolds. Capsids assembled by expressing the full-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregenome. Our density map of these capsids reveals a distinct inner shell of density—the RNA. The RNA is connected to the protein shell via the C-terminal linkers and also makes contact around the dimer axes.


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The aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase consisting of the core subunits I and II only was isolated from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and crystallized as complex with a monoclonal antibody Fv fragment. Crystals could be grown in the presence of a number of different nonionic detergents. However, only undecyl-β-d-maltoside and cyclohexyl-hexyl-β-d-maltoside yielded well-ordered crystals suitable for high resolution x-ray crystallographic studies. The crystals belong to space group P212121 and diffract x-rays to at least 2.5 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) resolution using synchrotron radiation. The structure was determined to a resolution of 2.7 Å using molecular replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 20.5% (Rfree = 25.9%). The refined model includes subunits I and II and the 2 chains of the Fv fragment, 2 heme A molecules, 3 copper atoms, and 1 Mg/Mn atom, a new metal (Ca) binding site, 52 tentatively identified water molecules, and 9 detergent molecules. Only four of the water molecules are located in the cytoplasmic half of cytochrome c oxidase. Most of them are near the interface of subunits I and II. Several waters form a hydrogen-bonded cluster, including the heme propionates and the Mg/Mn binding site. The Fv fragment binds to the periplasmic polar domain of subunit II and is critically involved in the formation of the crystal lattice. The crystallization procedure is well reproducible and will allow for the analysis of the structures of mechanistically interesting mutant cytochrome c oxidases.