341 resultados para Facundo


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La singular coyuntura de los años 1814-1816 enmarca la actividad del Congreso de Tucumán. Ante un escenario internacional de restauración monárquica y un contexto rioplatense signado por el levantamiento de Fontezuelas, el Congreso y el nuevo director supremo emanado del mismo dirigen sus acciones a consolidar su legitimidad y garantizar la gobernabilidad de los pueblos asistentes. Las sesiones secretas actúan como caja de resonancia de los múltiples frentes de intervención. El presente trabajo permite realizar un balance historiográfico del estado actual de los estudios sobre el Congreso en su etapa tucumana, aportando una lectura desde una fuente poco explorada


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En la década de 1990 se presentó un nuevo contexto para el turismo argentino: la Convertibilidad permitió a los sectores beneficiados con el modelo neoliberal realizar sus prácticas turísticas en destinos extranjeros u optar por destinos nacionales reacondicionados para que sean representativos de la postmodernidad y para distanciarse de la otredad popular. La costa atlántica está representada como el territorio turístico más popular de la Argentina, identificado con la masividad desde la década de 1940. Este se ha transformado a partir de la década de 1990, en congruencia con el modelo turístico postfordista que se apoya en una mayor diversificación de ambientes y de consumidores, siendo el resultado la fragmentación social y espacial de los escenarios turísticos de la costa. El presente trabajo explora las formas en que se han desplegado las nuevas prácticas turísticas en las últimas dos décadas, definiendo el término neoexclusividad turística como una reinterpretación del turismo de elite de fines de siglo XIX ligado a la filosofía de la Generación del 80. Para tal fin se han identificado los actores representativos del modelo, sus racionalidades, prácticas y formas de sociabilidad propias de la neoexclusividad; y los nuevos escenarios y paisajes que se construyen en la costa bonaerense. Como instrumentos metodológicos se realizaron entrevistas, encuestas, observación in situ, analogías con otros casos y estudios del paisaje socializado


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The International Cooperation Agency (identified in this article as IDEA) working in Colombia is one of the most important in Colombian society with programs that support gender rights, human rights, justice and peace, scholarships, aboriginal population, youth, afro descendants population, economic development in communities, and environmental development. The identified problem is based on the diversified offer of services, collaboration and social intervention which requires diverse groups of people with multiple agendas, ways to support their mandates, disciplines, and professional competences. Knowledge creation and the growth and sustainability of the organization can be in danger because of a silo culture and the resulting reduced leverage of the separate group capabilities. Organizational memory is generally formed by the tacit knowledge of the organization members, given the value of accumulated experience that this kind of social work implies. Its loss is therefore a strategic and operational risk when most problem interventions rely on direct work in the socio-economic field and living real experiences with communities. The knowledge management solution presented in this article starts first, with the identification of the people and groups concerned and the creation of a knowledge map as a means to strengthen the ties between organizational members; second, by introducing a content management system designed to support the documentation process and knowledge sharing process; and third, introducing a methodology for the adaptation of a Balanced Scorecard based on the knowledge management processes. These three main steps lead to a knowledge management “solution” that has been implemented in the organization, comprising three components: a knowledge management system, training support and promotion of cultural change.


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The world is in a period of reflection about social and economic models. In particular there is a review of the capacities that countries have for improving their competitiveness. The experiences in a society are part of the process of learning and knowledge development in that society: especially in the development of communities. Risks appear continually in the process of the search for, analysis and implementation of solutions to problems. This paper discusses the issues related to the improvement of productivity and knowledge in a society, the risk that poor or even declining productivity brings to the communities and the need to develop people that support the decision making process in communities.The approach to improve the communities' development is through the design of a research programme in knowledge management based on distance learning. The research programme implementation is designed to provide value added to the decisions in communities in order to use collective intelligence, solve collective problems and to achieve goals that support local solutions. This program is organized and focused on four intelligence areas, artificial, collective, sentient and strategic. These areas are productivity related and seek to reduce the risk of lack of competitiveness through formal and integrated problem analysis. In a country such as Colombia, where different regions face varying problems to solve and there is a low level of infrastructure, the factors of production such as knowledge, skilled labour and "soft" infrastructure can be a way to develop the society.This entails using the local physical resources adequately for creating value with the support of people in the region to lead the analysis and search for solutions in the communities. The paper will describe the framework and programme and suggest how it could be applied in Colombia.


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The main objective of the present work is to contribute to the development of the coordination chemistry of macromolecules such as resorcinarene with the synthesis and characterization of new copper complexes with chloride, vanillin and resorcinarene binders, all coordinated to phenanthroline, a biologically active molecule with important properties in biological systems. The complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)], was synthesized from the direct reaction of the metals with resorcinarene and generates several possibilities for coordination, which hinders its characterization. Therefore, in order to limit the coordination sites of the ligand, the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 was formed from a new synthetic methodology. The complex cis-[Cu(phen)Cl2], cis-[Cu(phen)(van)]Cl, [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)] and [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 were characterized by spectroscopic techniques such as IR, UV-vis and EPR. By using infrared it has been possible to demonstrate the presence of the phenanthroline ligand in the synthesized complexes, and vanillin in the complex cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl and resvan ligand in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)], besides this indicating the formation of resorcinarene in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4. The electronic spectra of these coordination compounds indicated the presence of the phenanthroline ligand, by its intense bands in the ultraviolet region. For the complex cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl it still indicated the presence of the ligand vanillin based on intraligand bands of vanillin and charge transfer, LMCT. Furthermore, the spectra showed d-d bands, confirming the formation of metal compounds. The amount of copper atoms present in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 was estimated from a comparative analysis of the absorbances of solutions of the same concentration of [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 and cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl, which indicates that these compounds have copper atoms in the ratio 4:1. The EPR spectra of the complex cis-[Cu(phen)Cl2], cis-[Cu(phen)(van)]Cl and [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 showed axial profiles, while the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)] showed of axial and rhombic profiles, indicating a change in the symmetry of the Cu (II) to this complex environment. The binders vanillin and resvan underwent biological assays with satisfactory results, both exhibited antioxidant activity and low toxicity, as well vanillin present antitoxoplásmico character.


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The goal set for this work was to synthesize and to characterize new iron and copper complexes with the Schiff base 3-MeOsalen and ligands of biological relevance, whose formulas are [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO2], [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)], [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO] and Na[Cu(3-MeOsalen)NO2]. The compounds were characterized by vibrational spectroscopy in the infrared region (IV) and Electronic spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region (Uv-Vis). From the analysis of infrared spectra, they proved to formation of precursor complexes, as evidenced by changes in the vibrationals frequencies ν(C=N) e ν(C-O) and the emergence of vibrationals modes metal-oxygen and metal-nitrogen. For nitro complexes of iron and copper were observed ν(NO2)ass around 1300 cm-1 e ν(NO2)sim in 1271 cm-1 , indicating that the coordination is done via the nitrogen atom. The complex spectrum [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)] exhibited two bands, the ν(C-NR2) in 1508 cm-1 e ν(C-S) in 997 cm-1 , the relevant vibrational modes of coordinating ligand in the bidentate form. For the complex [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO] was observed a new intense band in 1670 cm-1 related to the ν(NO). With the electronic spectra, the formation of complexes was evidenced by shifts of bands intraligands transitions and the emergence of new bands such as LMCT (p Cl-  d* Fe3+) in [Fe(3-MeOsalen)Cl] and the d-d in [Cu(3-MeOsalen)H2O]. As for the [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO2] has highlighted the absence of LMCT band present in the precursor complex as for the [Cu(3-MeOsalen)NO2] found that the displacement of the band hipsocrômico d-d on 28 nm. The electronic spectrum of [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)] presented LMCT band shifts and changes in intraligantes transitions. With regard to [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO], revealed a more energetic transitions intraligands regions from the strong character π receiver NO and MLCT band of transition dπFe(II)π*(NO).


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The educational games can act as a complementary tool in the teaching and learning as play an important role in the interaction of the student with knowledge, and encourage interrelationship between students and motivate them by the pursuit of knowledge. This research is intended to analyze the evidence of the students of distance education applied to semesters 2011.2 and 2012.2 for the purpose of to catalog the mistakes presented by the students, the contents of stereochemistry that attended the Chemistry of Life discipline. From the presented mistekes, develop an educational game, "walking the stereochemistry", addressing that content. The choice of stereochemistry content was due to the low number of found work in the literature, and for being one of organic chemistry content that generates learning difficulties, as it requires a mental visualization and manipulation of molecular structures, besides require observation and comparison ability by the students. The game was applied of Life Chemistry discipline of Nova Cruz Polo in semester 2013.2, with intention to verify the viability and applicability this tool for the development of motivation ability by the pursuit of knowledge by the students, as well as complement the didactical materials of the DE. Then, It was made available on the course page an opinion questionnaire to the participants of the game, as a way of to investigate the opinion their about the proposed strategy. To diagnose the contributions of the game on student learning, it was taken a comparative analysis of stereochemistry issues contained in didactic tests applied in 2013.2 semester students participating and not participating of the polo of Nova Cruz and was also compared with the tests applied at the poles of Extremoz, Currais Novos, Lajes and Caico. So the game can be considered an important resource to complement the teaching materials of distance education, because awoke the motivation for the search of knowledge and contributes to the learning of stereochemistry content.


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La formación de formadores es un aspecto relevante dentro del campo de la Educación Física actual, siendo un tema destacado en investigaciones, bibliografía y políticas de capacitación educativas. El objetivo del presente trabajo refiere a los procesos formativos de formadores antropometristas, que permiten la acreditación de técnicos antropometristas de niveles 1 y 2 con el objetivo de estandarizar tanto las mediciones como sus técnicas. Esta formación se lleva dentro del marco de la Sociedad Internacional para el Avance de la Cineantropometría (ISAK)


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde la perspectiva histórica, el aporte democrático de Sarmiento al sistema educativo argentino. De igual manera, se indagará la función cuasi sacramental que el autor de Facundo le asignó a la educación, teniendo en cuenta las causas pero sobre todo las consecuencias que esto produjo en el cumplimiento del propósito vigente: transformar en Nación un territorio habitado por una heterogeneidad de individuos. Se observarán también otros aspectos concernientes a la educación tales como los orígenes de la profesión docente y la peculiar forma de vinculación con el saber que los mismos establecieron, profundizando la ideas que Sarmiento sostenía con respecto al rol de la mujer en la trasmisión de conocimientos. Para finalizar, considero que al ocuparnos de la educación nos ocupamos también de la cuestión de la formación de la conciencia nacional debido a la insoslayable dimensión política que la escuela posee. La Escuela forma y configura ciudadanos, ofrece modelos de comportamiento social, crea y define estilos de visión del mundo. La lucha por democratizar la educación no sólo tiene lugar dentro de la escuela. Deberíamos sentirnos profundamente implicados en todo lo que sucede en este espacio ya que, después de todo, la educación, como acción de influir en las personas, es profundamente ética y política por propia naturaleza. Nuestra tarea no consiste en rechazar la dimensión política de la enseñanza sino reconocerla y actuar en consecuencia


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El trabajo que se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación "Los discursos de la enseñanza de las prácticas corporales", intentará desplegar la categoría "Técnica", construida a partir del análisis de programas de la asignatura "Vida en la Naturaleza" En ese contexto, la investigación relevó en los programas, la aparición de la "Técnica" y sus recurrencias en los diversos apartados de los mismos. Eso permitió una descripción general y posterior análisis de cómo la categoría cobra relevancia o no en cada ítem. Esto dio lugar a la construcción de lo que la Educación Física en general y la Vida en la Naturaleza en particular, entienden por la "Técnica". Esto es, entonces, una perspectiva instrumental, a partir de la universalización del sujeto; opuesto a entender la "Técnica" como techné, o sea, como un saber


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Describir un la importancia del espacio de observación y reflexión, el cual se encuentra en el marco de la materia Taller de Observación y Practica Profesional. Para una formación docente - profesional, dentro de una curricula universitaria que transitan alumnos de 1° año del Profesorado Universitario de Educación Física. Identificar por medio de la observación, la diversas problemáticas que presentan los alumnos de la carrera, al momento de abordar la observación e identificar diversas características y/o problemáticas de los alumnos en el espacio de trabajo