978 resultados para FIELD SURVEY
AIMS: To assess waiting times for cataract surgery and their acceptance in European countries, and to find explanatory, country-specific health indicators. METHODS: Using data from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe (SHARE), waiting times for cataract surgery of 245 respondents in ten countries were analysed with the help of linear regression. The influence of four country specific health indicators on waiting times was studied by multiple linear regression. The influence of waiting time and country on the wish to have surgery performed earlier was determined through logistic regression. Additional information was obtained for each country from opinion leaders in the field of cataract surgery. RESULTS: Waiting times differed significantly (p<0.001) between the ten analysed European countries. The length of wait was significantly influenced by the total expenditure on health (p<0.01) but not by the other country specific health indicators. The wish to have surgery performed earlier was determined by the length of wait (p<0.001) but not by the country where surgery was performed. CONCLUSION: The length of wait is influenced by the total expenditure on health, but not by the rate of public expenditure on health, by the physician density or by the acute bed density. The wish to have surgery performed earlier depends on the length of wait for surgery and is not influenced by the country.
The primary goal of this project was to launch a pilot population study in the spring-fed wetland area southwest of Montana Tech to establish baseline data on density, distribution, abundance, and diversity of amphibians in the area. The current confirmed species at the select site is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris). Based on preliminary habitat assessment and existing literature, other species possibilities included the long-toed salamander (Ambrystoma macrodactylum) boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus), and the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), (Werner et al. 2004) though the latter species is considered unlikely based on the specie’s declining status (Werner 2003; Werner et al. 2004). The project’s secondary goal was to collect basic habitat and environmental data: vegetation, precipitation, temperature. The third goal was to explore correlations between species prevalence and environmental data to expand the scientific understanding of population dynamics in the field of amphibian studies (see: Ferner, 2007; Dodd, 2010).
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this nationwide survey carried out in department of cardiac anesthesia in Germany was to identify current practice with regard to neuromonitoring und neuroprotection. METHODOLOGY: The data are based on a questionnaire sent out to all departments of cardiac anesthesia in Germany between October 2007 und January 2008. The anonymized questionnaire contained 26 questions about the practice of preoperative evaluation of cerebral vessels, intra-operative use of neuromonitoring, the nature und application of cerebral protective measures, perfusion management during cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative evaluation of neurological status, and training in the field of cerebral monitoring. RESULTS: Of the 80 mailed questionnaires 55% were returned and 90% of department evaluated cerebral vessels preoperatively with duplex ultrasound. The methods used for intra-operative neuromonitoring are electroencephalography (EEG, 60%) for type A dissections (38.1%), for elective surgery on the thoracic and thoraco-abdominal aorta (34.1% and 31.6%, respectively) and in carotid surgery (43.2%) near infrared spectroscopy (40%), evoked potentials (30%) and transcranial Doppler sonography (17.5%), with some centers using combined methods. In most departments the central nervous system is not subjected to monitoring during bypass surgery, heart valve surgery, or minimally invasive surgery. Cerebral protective measures used comprise patient cooling on cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB 100%), extracorporeal cooling of the head (65%) and the administration of corticosteroids (58%), barbiturates (50%) and antiepileptic drugs (10%). Neuroprotective anesthesia consists of administering inhalation anesthetics (32.5%; sevoflurane 76.5%) and intravenous anesthesia (20%; propofol and barbiturates each accounting for 46.2%). Of the departments 72.5% cool patients as a standard procedure for surgery involving cardiovascular arrest and 37.5% during all surgery using CPB. In 84.6% of department CPB flow equals calculated cardiac output (CO) under normothermia, while the desired mean arterial pressure (MAP) varies between 60 and 70 mmHg (43.9%) and between 50 and 60 mmHg (41.5%), respectively. At body temperatures less than 18 degrees C CPB flow is reduced below the calculated CO (70%) while 27% of departments use normothermic flow rates. The preferred MAP under hypothermia is between 50 and 60 mmHg (59%). The results of intra-operative neuromonitoring are documented on the anesthesia record (77%). In 42.5% of the departments postoperative neurological function is estimated by the anesthesiologist. Continuing education sessions pertaining to neuromonitoring are organized on a regular basis in 32.5% of the departments and in 37.5% individual physicians are responsible for their own neuromonitoring education. CONCLUSION: The present survey data indicate that neuromonitoring and neuroprotective therapy during CPB is not standardized in cardiac anesthesiology departments in Germany. The systemic use of available methods to implement multimodal neuromonitoring would be desirable.
Optical surveys for space debris in high-altitude orbits have been conducted since more than ten years. Originally these efforts concentrated mainly on the geostationary ring (GEO). Corresponding observation strategies, processing techniques and cataloguing approaches have been developed and successfully applied. The ESA GEO surveys, e.g., resulted in the detection of a significant population of small-size debris and later in the discovery of high area-to-mass ratio objects in GEO-like orbits. The observation scenarios were successively adapted to survey the geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) region; and recently surveys to search for debris in the medium Earth orbit (MEO) region of the global navigation satellite constellations were successfully conducted. Comparably less experience (both, in terms of practical observation and strategy definition) is available for eccentric orbits that (at least partly) are in the MEO region, in particular for the Molniya-type orbits. Several breakup events and deliberate fragmentations are known to have taken place in such orbits. Different survey and follow-up strategies for searching space debris objects in highly-eccentric MEO orbits, and to acquire orbits which are sufficiently accurate to catalogue such objects and to maintain their orbits over longer time spans were developed. Simulations were performed to compare the performance of different survey and cataloguing strategies. Eventually, optical observations were conducted in the framework of an ESA study using ESA’s Space Debris Telescope (ESASDT) the 1-m Zeiss telescope located at the Optical Ground Station (OGS) at the Teide Observatory at Tenerife, Spain. A first series of surveys of Molnjya-type orbits was performed between January and April 2013. During these four months survey observations were performed during nine nights. A basic survey consisted of observing a single geocentric field for 10 minutes. If a faint object was found, follow-up observations were performed during the same night to ensure a save rediscovery of the object during the next nights. Additional follow-up observations to maintain the orbits of these newly discovered faint objects were also acquired with AIUB ́s 1m ZIMLAT telescope in Zimmerwald, Switzerland. Eventually 195 basic surveys were performed during these nine nights corresponding to about 32.5 hours of observations. In total 24 uncorrelated faint objects were discovered and all known catalogue objects in the survey fields were detected. On average one uncorrelated object was found every 80 minutes. Some of these objects show a considerable brightness variation and have a high area-to-mass ratio as determined in the orbit estimation process.
This study investigates the relationship between cigarette smoking and adolescents in Ecuador, South America. Using the Social Learning Theory as a basis, the cross-sectional survey focuses attention on such social influences as the smoking habits of family members and peers as well as, the role of cigarette advertisements. Actual use prevalence, access to cigarettes and knowledge and attitudes about smoking are also obtained.^ The survey was conducted in both urban and rural areas, with 50 schools in 40 different communities participating. Two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven adolescents aged 9 to 15 years completed a self-administered questionnaire. This part of the study was conducted in collaboration with the international health organization Amigos de las Americas (AMIGOS). Staff assigned to the AMIGOS Ecuador projects worked with local health and education officials to implement the cross-sectional survey in the field.^ The key informant survey and subsequent policy review were designed to illuminate the social, cultural and institutional environment for anti-smoking activities and interventions in Ecuador. Key individuals involved with this issue on both national and local levels were interviewed. A review of past legislative efforts and present anti-smoking laws was also conducted.^ The current smoking prevalence among the study population was 8.6 percent. Findings from the cross-sectional survey revealed significant positive associations between the smoking habits of siblings and peers and the smoking behavior of the adolescents surveyed. Significant age and gender differences were also found in association with several different variables.^ The policy review found an unfavorable environment for anti-smoking efforts. Several factors contribute to this including, most importantly, lack of funding and lack of public support. The present anti-smoking law is often vague and lacks important provisions, such as a prohibition on selling tobacco products to minors.^ Together, the two surveys provide comprehensive information for the purpose of designing smoking prevention interventions. Using the results from the two surveys, recommendations for intervention are proposed. ^
During the last decade, DNA profiling and the use of DNA databases have become two of the most employed instruments of police investigations. This very rapid establishment of forensic genetics is yet far from being complete. In the last few years novel types of analyses have been presented to describe phenotypically a possible perpetrator. We conducted the present study among German speaking Swiss residents for two main reasons: firstly, we aimed at getting an impression of the public awareness and acceptance of the Swiss DNA database and the perception of a hypothetical DNA database containing all Swiss residents. Secondly, we wanted to get a broader picture of how people that are not working in the field of forensic genetics think about legal permission to establish phenotypic descriptions of alleged criminals by genetic means. Even though a significant number of study participants did not even know about the existence of the Swiss DNA database, its acceptance appears to be very high. Generally our results suggest that the current forensic use of DNA profiling is considered highly trustworthy. However, the acceptance of a hypothetical universal database would be only as low as about 30% among the 284 respondents to our study, mostly because people are concerned about the security of their genetic data, their privacy or a possible risk of abuse of such a database. Concerning the genetic analysis of externally visible characteristics and biogeographical ancestry, we discover a high degree of acceptance. The acceptance decreases slightly when precise characteristics are presented to the participants in detail. About half of the respondents would be in favor of the moderate use of physical traits analyses only for serious crimes threatening life, health or sexual integrity. The possible risk of discrimination and reinforcement of racism, as discussed by scholars from anthropology, bioethics, law, philosophy and sociology, is mentioned less frequently by the study participants than we would have expected. A national DNA database and the widespread use of DNA analyses for police and justice have an impact on the entire society. Therefore the concerns of lay persons from the respective population should be heard and considered. The aims of this study were to draw a broader picture of the public opinion on DNA databasing and to contribute to the debate about the possible future use of genetics to reveal phenotypic characteristics. Our data might provide an additional perspective for experts involved in regulatory or legislative processes.
In January/February 1985 a German-South African expedition had the opportunity to repeat measurements made by means of stakes planted in 1951 (Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1949-52) and 1966 (SANAE VII). Although the rediscovery of the old stakes had not been expected, the stakes could be identified and it was possible to derive movement vectors on the basis of old and heterogenic measurement data. The long-term movement rates established basically confirm and complement the values determined in 1951. The flow rates of 9,1 cm/a to 66.4 cm/a proved to be extremly low. Observations of the stake lengths showed very little accumulation in the fringe areas of the blue ice-field (ca. 0.7 to 2.6 cm/a snow/firn); on bare ice an ablation of 2.6 cm/a water equivalent (2.9 cm/a ice) was measured. The paper begins with a description of the essential conditions for the formation of the blue ice-field. Subsequently the measurements are explained in detail and their results are discussed.
The distribution of seagrass and associated benthic communities on the reef and lagoon of Low Isles, Great Barrier Reef, was mapped between the 29 July and 29 August 1997. For this survey, observers walked or free-dived at survey points positioned approximately 50 m apart along a series of transects. Visual estimates of above-ground seagrass biomass and % cover of each benthos and substrate type were recorded at each survey point. A differential handheld global positioning system (GPS) was used to locate each survey point (accuracy ±3m). A total of 349 benthic survey points were examined. To assist with mapping meadow/habitat type boundaries, an additional 177 field points were assessed and a georeferenced 1:12,000 aerial photograph (26th August 1997) was used as a secondary source of information. Bathymetric data (elevation below Mean Sea Level) measured at each point assessed and from Ellison (1997) supplemented information used to determine boundaries, particularly in the subtidal lagoon. 127.8 ±29.6 hectares was mapped. Seagrass and associated benthic community data was derived by haphazardly placing 3 quadrats (0.25m**2) at each survey point. Seagrass above ground biomass (standing crop, grams dry weight (g DW m**-2)) was determined within each quadrat using a non-destructive visual estimates of biomass technique and the seagrass species present identified. In addition, the cover of all benthos was measured within each of the 3 quadrats using a systematic 5 point method. For each quadrat, frequency of occurrence for each benthic category was converted to a percentage of the total number of points (5 per quadrat). Data are presented as the average of the 3 quadrats at each point. Polygons of discrete seagrass meadow/habitat type boundaries were created using the on-screen digitising functions of ArcGIS (ESRI Inc.), differentiated on the basis of colour, texture, and the geomorphic and geographical context. The resulting seagrass and benthic cover data of each survey point and for each seagrass meadow/habitat type was linked to GPS coordinates, saved as an ArcMap point and polygon shapefile, respectively, and projected to Universal Transverse Mercator WGS84 Zone 55 South.
During GANOVEX VI new gravity data were collected along an east-west profile in North Victoria Land south of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, extending 150 km across the Transantarctic Mountains, and comprising 21 data points. Thirty five additional data points were collected over a small area near Brimstone Peak, near the western end of the regional profile. The survey south of the Drygalski has been connected to northern gravity data (GANOVEX V) by a survey line of 12 points. All data have been terrain corrected, and are further constrained by satellite elevation (GPS) and radar ice-thickness measurements. A pronounced regional Bouguer gravity gradient decreasing to the west by approximately 3 mgal/km is superimposed over a coast-parallel belt of granitoid basement rock. West of this belt the local gravity fields become mote variable. Over Beta Peak (Ferrar dolerite) a 50 mgal spike is obser- ved. Within this area, the Ferrar sills are exposed at the surface. West of Brimstone Peak (Ferrar/Kirk patrick sequences), a smooth regional gradient appears to reassert itself. We interpret the initial gradient east (oceanward) of the break-in-slope to be representative of the crust/mantle boundary within the study area. We interpret the initial break-in-slope and the apparent flattening of the regional gradient to be an effect of the N-S trending zone of dense Ferrar sills and associated deep crusttil fractionate replacing less dense basement. We attribute the variability of the local field to be the product of sub-glacial density contrasts that cannot be removed. The regional gravity gradient of the profile is steeper than that observed to the north (Mt. Melbourne quadrangle) and shallower than that reported to the south (McMurdo Sound). The absolute values of the coastal points of origin south of the Drygalski and within the Mt. Melbourne quadrangle differ by 60 to 100 mgal. In addition, topographic relief within the regional transect area is subdued relative to the Transantarctic Mountains to the north and south. We speculate that the root structure of the Transantarctic Mountains undergoes a change somewhere between the Mt. Melbourne quadrangle and the region south of the Drygalski Ice Tongue.
This report summarizes the results of a herpetofauna (reptile and amphibian) survey at Naval Station Rota (NAVSTA Rota), Spain conducted during June and October 2008, March 2009 and July 2010. The main objective of this investigation was to develop an inventory of herpetofauna, including their base-wide distribution and habitat use. Data from these surveys was used to supplement information in the 2010 Cultural/Natural Resources Management User's Guide and can also be used for environmental planning, natural resource management and conservation. Prior to this survey, only cursory field work had been conducted on the station for herpetofauna with the exception of the common chameleon (Chamaleo chamaeleon). A comprehensive population count and habitat assessment for the common chameleon was conducted in September 2001.
Social desirability and the fear of negative consequences often deter a considerable share of survey respondents from responding truthfully to sensitive questions. Thus, resulting prevalence estimates are biased. Indirect techniques for surveying sensitive questions such as the Randomized Response Technique are intended to mitigate misreporting by providing complete concealment of individual answers. However, it is far from clear whether these indirect techniques actually produce more valid measurements than standard direct questioning. In order to evaluate the validity of different sensitive question techniques we carried out an online validation experiment at Amazon Mechanical Turk in which respondents' self-reports of norm-breaking behavior (cheating in dice games) were validated against observed behavior. This document describes the design of the validation experiment and provides details on the questionnaire, the different sensitive question technique implementations, the field work, and the resulting dataset. The appendix contains a codebook of the data and facsimiles of the questionnaire pages and other survey materials.
Context. Young, nearby stars are ideal targets for direct imaging searches for giant planets and brown dwarf companions. After the first-imaged planet discoveries, vast efforts have been devoted to the statistical analysis of the occurence and orbital distributions of giant planets and brown dwarf companions at wide (>= 5-6 AU) orbits. Aims. In anticipation of the VLT/SPHERE planet-imager, guaranteed-time programs, we have conducted a preparatory survey of 86 stars between 2009 and 2013 to identify new faint comoving companions to ultimately analyze the occurence of giant planets and brown dwarf companions at wide (10-2000 AU) orbits around young, solar-type stars. Methods. We used NaCo at VLT to explore the occurrence rate of giant planets and brown dwarfs between typically 0.1 and 8 ''. Diffraction-limited observations in H-band combined with angular differential imaging enabled us to reach primary star-companion brightness ratios as small as 10(-6) at 1.5 ''. Repeated observations at several epochs enabled us to discriminate comoving companions from background objects. Results. During our survey, twelve systems were resolved as new binaries, including the discovery of a new white dwarf companion to the star HD8049. Around 34 stars, at least one companion candidate was detected in the observed field of view. More than 400 faint sources were detected; 90% of them were in four crowded fields. With the exception of HD8049 B, we did not identify any new comoving companions. The survey also led to spatially resolved images of the thin debris disk around HD61005 that have been published earlier. Finally, considering the survey detection limits, we derive a preliminary upper limit on the frequency of giant planets for the semi-major axes of [10, 2000] AU: typically less than 15% between 100 and 500 AU and less than 10% between 50 and 500 AU for exoplanets that are more massive than 5 M-Jup and 10 M-Jup respectively, if we consider a uniform input distribution and a confidence level of 95%. Conclusions. The results from this survey agree with earlier programs emphasizing that massive, gas giant companions on wide orbits around solar-type stars are rare. These results will be part of a broader analysis of a total of similar to 210 young, solar-type stars to bring further statistical constraints for theoretical models of planetary formation and evolution.