956 resultados para Ehrenreich, Barbara: Nickel and dimed - undercover in low-wage USA
Mixed terrigenous-pelagic sediments from the Oligocene-lower Miocene interval of Hole 1139A accumulated on the flank of an eroded alkalic volcano, Skiff Bank. In this study, I explore relationships among sediment fluxes, especially of organic carbon and the clay mineral by-products of silicate weathering, and lithologic, tectonic, climatic, and biologic forcing factors. Benthic foraminifers indicate that Skiff Bank had subsided to lower bathyal depths (1000-2000 m) by the Oligocene. Two prominent maxima in noncarbonate concentration at 28 and 22 Ma correspond to peaks in the terrigenous flux; also, high noncarbonate concentrations are associated with larger grain sizes (silt) and higher opal concentrations. These and higher-frequency variations of noncarbonate concentration were probably controlled by glacioeustatic/climatic changes, with higher noncarbonate concentrations caused by increased erosion during glacial lowstands. Around 27 Ma, benthic foraminiferal d18O values decreased 0.7 per mil as the noncarbonate concentration decreased after the 28-Ma maximum. A paucity of clay-sized sediment and clay minerals suggests that physical erosion, by waves and/or ice, predominated under weathering-limited conditions. Low organic carbon concentrations (~0.13 wt%) also suggest a harsh environment and/or poor preservation in coarse (>2 µm) sediments that were extensively bioturbated below the oxygen minimum zone.
The presence of sedimentary organic matter blanketing midocean ridge crests has a potentially strong impact on metal transport in hydrothermal vent fluids. To constrain the role of organic matter in metal mobility during hydrothermal sediment alteration, we reacted organic-rich diatomaceous ooze from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, and organic-poor hemipelagic mud from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, with seawater and a Na-Ca-K-Cl fluid of seawater chlorinity, at 275° to 400°C, 350 to 500 bars, and initial fluid: sediment mass ratios ranging from 1.6 to 9.8. Reaction of these fluids with both sediment types released CO2 and high concentrations of ore-forming metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb) to solution. Relatively low concentrations of Cu were observed in solution and likely reflect the reducing conditions that resulted from the presence of sedimentary organic matter. Both the concentrations of CO2 and dissolved metals were lower in fluids reacted with Middle Valley sediment compared with aqueous concentrations in fluids reacted with Guaymas Basin sediment. During alteration of both sediment types, metal concentrations varied strongly as a function of temperature, increasing by up to an order of magnitude over the 75°C range of each experiment. Major element fluid chemistry and observed alteration assemblages suggest that during hydrothermal alteration of organic-lean sediment from Middle Valley a feldspar-quartz-illite mineral assemblage buffered in situ pH. In contrast, data from the experimental alteration of organic-rich Guaymas Basin sediment suggest that a calcite-plagioclase-quartz assemblage regulated in situ pH. Fluid speciation calculations suggest that in situ pH during Guaymas Basin sediment alteration was lower than during alteration of Middle Valley sediment and accounts for the substantially greater metal mobility at a given temperature and pressure during the former experiment. Comparison of our results with the results of basalt alteration experiments indicate that except for Cu, hydrothermal sediment alteration results in equal or greater concentrations of ore-forming metals at a given temperature and pressure. Accordingly, the presence of ore-forming metals in fluids currently venting from sediment-covered hydrothermal systems at concentrations substantially lower than in fluids from bare-rock systems may reflect chemical reequilibration during subsurface cooling within the sediment pile.
Transportation Department, Office of Research and Development Policy, Washington, D.C.
Feb. 1980.
"Contract no. AF 18(600) 1000. File no. 10-16. AFOSR-TR-58-92. ASTIA AD 162133. Cornell University, Department of Engineering Physics."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
This study used a novel cue exposure paradigm to investigate the differences between high- and low-risk drinkers in their desire to drink during a drinking session. Fifty-three self-selected participants were assigned to high- or low-risk drinking groups based on their self-reported consumption of alcohol, then compared on their desire to drink over a 90 min paced drinking session. High-risk drinkers showed increasing desire over the session, while low-risk drinkers' desire began to decrease after only a short drinking period. The perceived and actual effects of the alcohol did not appear to be able to account for the difference. Results are discussed with reference to issues of impaired control. Suggestions for future research directions are also offered.
The role of fatherhood in family life has been accentuated as a consequence of societal change. This change, combined with knowledge about the harmful consequences of passive smoking, has focused attention on males who smoke and are the partners of pregnant women. Of particular interest are low socio-economic groups because of their higher smoking rates. This study examines smoking and parenting in a sample of 561 males in semi-skilled and unskilled occupations (with pregnant partners) who were recruited into a self-help smoking cessation programme. Parenting related variables predicted smoking cessation, particularly knowledge about passive smoking. A high level of knowledge about the effects of passive smoking on a baby was associated with one or more quit attempts early in the partner's pregnancy and smoking cessation. Confidence to quit during the pregnancy was also associated with smoking cessation. These results could be incorporated into smoking cessation and antenatal programmes to improve the health of families.
Background: Relationships between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients have yet to be investigated. Furthermore, current reporting of endothelial function data using flow-mediated dilatation has recognised limitations. The aims of the study were to determine the relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients and to investigate the validity of determining the area under the curve for data collected during the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Methods: Brachial artery responses to reactive hyperemia (endothelial-dependent) and glyceryl trinitrate (endothelial-independent) were assessed in 19 hemodialysis patients using high-resolution ultrasound. Lipid profiles and other factors known to effect brachial artery reactivity were also measured prior to the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Results: There were no significant relationships between serum low-density lipoproteins and endothelial-dependent or -independent vasodilation using absolute change (mm), relative change (%), time to peak change (s) or area under the curve (mm(.)s). In hemodialysis patients with atherosclerosis, area under the curve analysis showed a significantly (p < 0.05) decreased endothelial-dependent response (mean +/- S.D.: 19.2 +/- 17.4) compared to non-atherosclerotic patients (42.3 +/- 28.6). However, when analysing these data using absolute change, relative change or time to peak dilatation, there were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusions: In summary, there was no relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients. In addition, area under the curve analysis of flow-mediated vasodilatation data may be a useful method of determining the temporal vascular response during the procedure. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.