993 resultados para ELF “English as a Lingua Franca” “riviste scientifiche” “lingua franca” “World Englishes”
O presente captulo visa, con recurso ao universo terico e ao referencial metodolxico da ciencia poltica e das relacins internacionais, analizar a evolucin histrica da CPLP, as rupturas, mudanzas e (des) continuidades verificadas na accin externa e diplomtica da organizacin na sa relacin coa organizacin poltica do mundo, o seu argumentario poltico de referencia, o discurso lexitimador(1) (Maltez, 1996: 153; Sarmento, 2008: 251; Costa, 2009: 9) e a retrica discursiva que preside a constitucin dunha comunidade poltica lusfona asentada en solidariedades horizontais (Moreira, 2001: 15). Percibida polas elites polticas como unha oportunidade histrica sen precedentes (Cabral, 1994: 2;) emerxe analiticamente como unha fonte explicativa da crecente complexidade do fenmeno poltico no espazo lusfono, e modelo institucional capaz de potenciar e descentralizar o dilogo intercontinental (Gama, 1996: 7) entre os pases que teen a lingua portuguesa como vehculo privilexiado de comuni- cacin, e mecanismo formatador dun modo portugus de estar no mundo(3)(Moreira, 1956; Castelo, 1998: 13 e 101).
We run experiments on English Auctions where the bidders already own a part (toehold) ofthe good for sale. The theory predicts a very strong effect of even small toeholds, however wefind the effects are not so strong in the lab. We explain this by analyzing the flatness of thepayoff functions, which leads to relatively costless deviations from the equilibrium strategies.We find that a levels of reasoning model explains the results better than the Nash equilibrium.Moreover, we find that although big toeholds can be effective, the cost to acquire them mightbe higher than the strategic benefit they bring. Finally our results show that in general theseller s revenues fall when the playing field is uneven.
We study the influence of television translation techniques on the quality of the English spoken across the EU and OCDE. We identify a large positive effect for subtitled original version as opposed to dubbed television, which loosely corresponds to between four and twenty years of compulsory English education at school. We also show that the importance of subtitled television is robust to a wide array of specifications.We then find that subtitling and better English skills have an influence on high-tech exports, international student mobility, and other economic and social outcomes.
Adapting the Process Writing Approach to English Language Learners with Special Needs: Using Visuals
The available literature on the writing characteristics and best practices to teach writing to English Language Learners who also present some disability is scarce. In order to understand and provide some insight on the developments in this field, I propose an adaptation of the Process Writing Approach based on a literature review of the existing bibliography about the writing characteristics of English Language Learners, Special Needs Learners, and English Language Learners with Special Needs writing, the effects of the Process Writing Approach in teaching writing to these groups, and the use of visuals in writing instruction. The main assumptions of this study are: a) The Process Writing Approach provides an opportunity to differentiate instruction to ELLs with special needs and gives them additional opportunities to bring their funds of knowledge to the classroom, improving their writing, and b) By allowing students to rely on visuals in different phases of the writing process teachers will be addressing the needs of both visual and verbal learners, therefore allowing students more options to develop writing skills. The main pedagogical implication is that by dividing writing in recursive stages and inserting visuals as scaffolding throughout the entire writing process, teachers will provide an alternative approach to writing instruction that may be more effective to English Language Learners with Special Needs.
[Bible (italien). 1547. Brucioli]