891 resultados para EAD Finding Aids
A presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo investigar as características do casal heterossexual moderno praticante de swing. Em especial, busca-se compreender quais fatores influenciam as negociações dos adeptos acerca da prevenção de DSTs/Aids. O swing, também conhecido como troca de casais, é considerado uma das experiências possíveis de não exclusividade sexual dentro da relação conjugal, o que significa dizer que os parceiros que o praticam, em comum acordo, permitem a ocorrência de intercursos sexuais envolvendo terceiros e preferencialmente em ambientes compartilhados. O estabelecimento do swing enquanto estilo de vida é a principal premissa dos praticantes. A partir das observações etnográficas de festas swingers realizadas em uma boate na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, da análise dos discursos de casais informantes e do levantamento das pesquisas sobre swing realizadas no Brasil, Europa e Estados Unidos, foi possível refletir a respeito das particularidades socioculturais deste grupo, bem como apreender o conjunto de valores que o orientam. As trajetórias dos sujeitos, desde o descobrimento do swing até o envolvimento real com o universo em questão, também são abordados neste trabalho. Finalmente, procura-se descrever e analisar os principais aspectos em torno das condutas sexuais dos swingers e a relação destas com o uso ou desuso de estratégias preventivas a fim de suscitar reflexões contributivas às discussões sobre prevenção de DSTs/Aids entre swingers.
Sri Lanka is a comparatively small island (65.584 km²) within the equatorial belt of calms. There are only slight seasonal variations in temperature, air humidity and day length. A description is given of the amphibian and reptile material brought back from the Austrian Indo-Pacific expedition, 1970-71. Some notes on the habitat of the animals are included.
艾滋病(AIDS)是人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染后引起的一种严重危害人类健 康的致死性传染病。抗HIV 药物挽救和延长了很多HIV 感染者的生命,提高了其生活 质量,但是仍然不能治愈AIDS 和预防传播。最终有效控制HIV 传播和感染的方法可能 仍将依赖于HIV 疫苗的应用。HIV 感染对感染者以及社会造成的灾难性后果使得发展 一个有效的艾滋病疫苗变得尤为紧迫和重要。 负载HIV-1 抗原的DC 回输到HIV-1 感染者体内可以诱导产生较强的抗HIV-1 细 胞免疫反应,这种免疫反应理论上和临床试验都表明治疗AIDS 有效,而且对HARRT 治疗能够产生很好的协同作用。我们拟用感染了重组腺病毒的DC,回输到HIV-1 感染 者体内,期望可以较好地控制病毒复制和阻止感染。为此,本研究我们制备了重组腺病 毒vAd-gp140、vAd-tat 和vAd-gp140-tat,为后续研究奠定基础。 结构蛋白Env 是激发抗体反应的抗原,由于Env 全长有较大细胞毒性,本文采用 了截短的gp140 分子,删除了gp41 的胞内段,降低了gp140 蛋白的细胞毒性。同时保 留了gp41 的跨膜区,表达的蛋白可被正确地锚定在细胞表面,提高蛋白的免疫原性。 将gp140 分子克隆到复制缺陷型的腺病毒载体中,用Wester Blotting 方法检测到gp140 在293 细胞中的表达。 有效的抗 HIV-1 的疫苗应该能够同时激发针对多种亚型病毒株的细胞和体液免疫 反应。早期病毒蛋白激发的CTL 应答在控制病毒载量上更为有效,而且Tat 蛋白的重 要免疫抗原表位和功能区域在不同HIV-1 病毒株之间是高度保守的。Tat 蛋白的多种生 物学功能使得它成为较强的免疫原、共抗原和佐剂,激发T 细胞抗原表位的Th1 型反 应和CTL 反应,扩大体内T 细胞识别的抗原表位谱,提高T 细胞特异性免疫反应。本 文扩增了HIV-1ⅢB 的tat 基因,克隆到复制缺陷性的腺病毒中,构建了重组腺病毒 vAd-tat,并在293 细胞中表达了分子量大小为15kDa 的蛋白。早期蛋白和结构蛋白的联合免疫能够全面地控制病毒复制,在动物实验中一定程度 上保护了猴子。我们将已得到表达的gp140 和tat 基因进行融合表达。利用融合PCR 技 术,扩增gp140 和tat 的融合基因,构建携有HIV-1 gp140-tat 融合基因的重组腺病毒 vAd-gp140-tat。gp140-tat 在293 细胞中的融合表达还需要进一步验证。 下一步的工作是将构建好的重组腺病毒感染DC,检测外源基因在DC 中的表达水 平,对DC 表面分子表型的影响以及对DC 功能的影响。
主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)是与免疫应答和移植排斥直接相关的一组基因群.由于MHC高度的多态性,使其在脊椎动物的免疫遗传、进化、保护以及与疾病的相关性等方面的研究倍受关注.猕猴MHC尤其是MHC Ⅰ类基因的组成与人类有显著差异,一个单体型中存在多个Mamu-A和Mamu-B基因.在猕猴AIDS模型中,MHC对病毒的免疫逃逸以及对AIDS疫苗的研究均有十分重要的作用,某些MHC Ⅰ类和MHCⅡ类基因能够显著延缓猕猴AIDS疾病的进展,为在人体中理解MHCⅠ类等位基因与免疫保护和控制病毒复制的相关性提供了一个良好的模型.
非人灵长类动物模型在艾滋病发病机理、传播途径、免疫反应以及疫苗开发药物治疗等方面的研究具有重要作 用。根据不同的免疫缺陷病毒感染不同的灵长类动物,可将这一模型分为不同的种类, 其中HIV/ 黑猩猩模型、SIV/ 猕猴模型和SHIV/ 猕猴模型是目前应用最为广泛的模型。这几种模型都各有其优缺点,本文将简单介绍这几种艾滋 病非人灵长类动物模型的研究概况。
African fisherfolk suffering from HIV are subject to stigma, denigration and disempowerment, all of which weaken their voice in civil society...
The fisheries resources of Lakes Albert and Kyoga present a high potential for economic growth, food, employment and foreign earnings. However, livelihoods appear to be compromised with the emergence and rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in the fisher communities of L. Albert and Kyoga. HIV/AIDS is considered a silent epidemic that is unique, posing a great challenge to the fisheries managers, health service providers, development planners and the resource users themselves. Fishers have high HIV prevalence, as well as AIDS-related illnesses and mortality rates. The high HIV prevalence rates among the fishing communities in Uganda is between 10-40% compared to the national rates which lie between 6% and 7%. This indicates that the national programmes have not adequately addressed the plight of the fishing communities of Lakes Albert, and Kyoga and the consequences have been devastating. Men and women living in fishing villages across the world have been found to be between five and ten times more vulnerable to the disease than other communities (Tarzan et al 2005, FAO, 2007). The present prevalence rates among the fishing communities stands at 10 to 40 % (LVFO, 2008). Meanwhile the same fishing communities are the essential labour for the Lakes’ fishery industry which is thriving nationally and internationally. That resource potentially can alleviate poverty and the HIV/AIDS threat. Fishing communities are the hidden victims of the disease, mixing patterns with the general population could act as a reservoir of infection that could spill over into the general population to drive the epidemic. On L. Albert, a quarter of the fisher folk were HIV-positive by 1992 compared to 4% in a nearby Agricultural village. Since then, there have been no targeted studies to address or monitor the prevalence rates eight years later, yet the multiplicity factor is high. HIV/AIDS can be linked to unsustainable fisheries, as the labour force available would not go to deep waters to fish, instead would fish in the shallow waters as a coping mechanism. A further effect is the loss to National and local economies and reduced nutritional security for the wider population. HIV/AIDS remains a significant challenge that has created a mosaic of complexity in the fishery sector. This needs to be addressed. It is, therefore, paramount that a comprehensive study was under taken to address this pandemic and the phenomenon of HIV/AIDS based on the study objectives. 1. To determine the trend in HIV/AIDS infection among fishing communities and the factors affecting it 2. To assess the impacts of HIV/AIDS on fish production and the implications for fisheries management.
Deciding which technology to invest in is a recurring issue for technology managers, and the ability to successfully identify the right technology can be a make or break decision for a company. The effects of globalisation have made this issue even more imperative. Not only do companies have to be competitive by global standards but increasingly they have to source technological capabilities from overseas as well. Technology managers already have a variety of decision aids to draw upon, including valuation tools, for example DCF and real options; decision trees; and technology roadmapping. However little theory exists on when, where, why or even how to best apply particular decision aids. Rather than developing further techniques, this paper reviews the relevance and limitations of existing techniques. This is drawn from an on going research project which seeks to support technology managers in selecting and applying existing decision aids and potentially in the design of future decision aids. It is intended that through improving the selection of decision aids, decision performance can be increased, leading to more effective allocation of resources and hence competitive advantage. (c) 2006 PICMET.