865 resultados para Dual Diffusion


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical potential of diffusion-weighted MR imaging with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping for the assessment of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) response to targeted therapy in comparison with 18F-FDG PET/CT. Methods and materials: Five patients (3W/2M, aged 56 ± 13 y) with metastatic GIST underwent both a 18F-FDG PET/CT (Discovery LS, GE Healthcare) and a MRI (VIBE T1 Gd, DWI [b = 50,300,600] and ADC mapping) before and after change in therapy. Exams were first analyzed blindly, then PET/CT images were coregistered to T1 Gd MR images for lesion detection. SUVmax and ADC were measured for the six largest lesions on MRI. The relationship between SUVmax and ADC was analyzed using Spearman's correlation. Results: Altogether, 24 lesions (15 hepatic and 9 non-hepatic) were analyzed on both modalities. Three PET/CT lesions (12.5%) were initially not considered on ADC and 4 lesions on the second PET/CT were excluded because of hepatic vascular activity spillover. SUVmax decreased from 7.2 ± 7.7 g/mL to 5.9 ± 5.9 g/mL (P = 0.53) and ADC increased from 1.2x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 to 1.4x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 (P = 0.07). There was a significant association between SUVmax decrease and ADC increase (rho= -0.64, P = 0.004). Conclusion: Changes in ADC from diffusion-weighted MRI reflect response of 18F-FDG-avid GIST to therapy. The exact diagnostic value of DWI needs to be investigated further, as well as the effect of lesion size and time under therapy before imaging. Furthermore, the proven association between SUVmax and ADC may be useful for the assessment of treatment response in 18F-FDG non-avid GIST.


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The glioma CpG island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP) has been shown to be highly correlated with prognosis andwas noted to be highly concordant with IDH1mutation in malignant glioma in the limited number of samples analyzed. To better understand the relationship of G-CIMP with IDH1 mutation status and patient outcome, we examined G-CIMP status in detail in a larger retrospective series of glioblastomas as well as tumor samples from the RTOG 0525 clinical trial. Sampleswere tested for 6 CIMPmarkers andwere correlated with patient outcomes. In the retrospective tumor set (n ¼ 301),we found 3 distinct survival groups based on the number of CIMP markers: 0-1 (CIMP-negative), 2-4 (CIMP-intermediate), and 5 or greater (CIMP-positive) with median survivals 13.8, 20.1, and 90.6 months, respectively. This finding was validated in the RTOG 0525 samples (median survivals 15.0, 20.3, and 37.0 months). Among 787 cases with both IDH and CIMP data, 617 were CIMP-negative, 136 were CIMP-intermediate, and 34 were CIMP-positive. Seven hundred forty-four were wild type for IDH1 mutation, and 43 were mutant. CIMP and IDH status were positively correlated but outliers were found. Among the 610 CIMP-negative tumors, there were 7 IDH-mutant tumors, which showed no difference in outcome. Similarly, among the 34 CIMP-positive tumors, there were 21 IDH-mutant cases, which also showed no difference in outcome. However, among the CIMP-intermediate cases, there were 15 IDH-mutant cases with significantly (p ¼ 0.0003) improved outcome (medians not reached vs. 18.5 months, 2 year survival 87% vs. 32%). Multivariate analysis showed that both IDH1 mutation status and CIMP status were independent predictors of outcome. These findings suggest the clinical utility of refining the CIMP status into negative, intermediate, and positive groups and the finding that both IDH1 and CIMPstatus are important molecular markers in GBM.


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The nucleus is an extremely dynamic compartment, and protein mobility represents a key factor in transcriptional regulation. We showed in a previous study that the diffusion of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), a family of nuclear receptors regulating major cellular and metabolic functions, is modulated by ligand binding. In this study, we combine fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, dual color fluorescence cross-correlation microscopy, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer to dissect the molecular mechanisms controlling PPAR mobility and transcriptional activity in living cells. First, we bring new evidence that in vivo a high percentage of PPARs and retinoid X receptors is associated even in the absence of ligand. Second, we demonstrate that coregulator recruitment (and not DNA binding) plays a crucial role in receptor mobility, suggesting that transcriptional complexes are formed prior to promoter binding. In addition, association with coactivators in the absence of a ligand in living cells, both through the N-terminal AB domain and the AF-2 function of the ligand binding domain, provides a molecular basis to explain PPAR constitutive activity.


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The antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6) is a key regulator of the cellular redox balance, particularly under stress conditions. We identified Prdx6 as an important player in different phases of skin carcinogenesis. Loss of Prdx6 in mice enhanced the susceptibility to skin tumorigenesis, whereas overexpression of Prdx6 in keratinocytes of transgenic mice had the opposite effect. The tumor-preventive effect of Prdx6, which was observed in a human papilloma virus 8-induced and a chemically induced tumor model, was not due to alterations in keratinocyte proliferation, apoptosis, or in the inflammatory response. Rather, endogenous and overexpressed Prdx6 reduced oxidative stress as reflected by the lower levels of oxidized phospholipids in the protumorigenic skin of Prdx6 transgenic mice and the higher levels in Prdx6-knockout mice than in control animals. In contrast to its beneficial effect in tumor prevention, overexpression of Prdx6 led to an acceleration of malignant progression of existing tumors, revealing a dual function of this enzyme in the pathogenesis of skin cancer. Finally, we found strong expression of PRDX6 in keratinocytes of normal human skin and in the tumor cells of squamous cell carcinomas, indicating a role of Prdx6 in human skin carcinogenesis. Taken together, our data point to the potential usefulness of Prdx6 activators or inhibitors for controlling different stages of skin carcinogenesis.


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BACKGROUND: Thyroid ectopy results from the failure of the thyroid precursor cells to migrate from the primordial pharynx to the anterior part of the neck. Most ectopic thyroids are revealed by congenital hypothyroidism and present as a single round mass at the base of the tongue, with no other thyroid tissue. However, some cases have dual ectopy, with part of the tissue having partially migrated. We hypothesized that this occurs more frequently than previously reported.¦METHODS: To determine the prevalence of dual ectopy, we reviewed the pertechnetate scintigraphies of 81 patients with congenital hypothyroidism from thyroid ectopy diagnosed between 2002 and 2011 at our institution.¦RESULTS: We report a series of seven cases (9%) of dual ectopy, representing an incidence ranging from 1:50,000 to 1:70,000.¦CONCLUSIONS: Almost one in 10 cases with congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid ectopy has dual ectopy. This suggests that two populations of cells diverged at an early stage of development, which may arise from insufficient signaling gradients in surrounding tissues during early organogenesis or may indirectly support the polyclonal nature of the thyroid.


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High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR allows metabolic characterization of biopsies. HR-MAS spectra from tissues of most organs show strong lipid contributions that are overlapping metabolite regions, which hamper metabolite estimation. Metabolite quantification and analysis would benefit from a separation of lipids and small metabolites. Generally, a relaxation filter is used to reduce lipid contributions. However, the strong relaxation filter required to eliminate most of the lipids also reduces the signals for small metabolites. The aim of our study was therefore to investigate different diffusion editing techniques in order to employ diffusion differences for separating lipid and small metabolite contributions in the spectra from different organs for unbiased metabonomic analysis. Thus, 1D and 2D diffusion measurements were performed, and pure lipid spectra that were obtained at strong diffusion weighting (DW) were subtracted from those obtained at low DW, which include both small metabolites and lipids. This subtraction yielded almost lipid free small metabolite spectra from muscle tissue. Further improved separation was obtained by combining a 1D diffusion sequence with a T2-filter, with the subtraction method eliminating residual lipids from the spectra. Similar results obtained for biopsies of different organs suggest that this method is applicable in various tissue types. The elimination of lipids from HR-MAS spectra and the resulting less biased assessment of small metabolites have potential to remove ambiguities in the interpretation of metabonomic results. This is demonstrated in a reproducibility study on biopsies from human muscle.


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Object The purpose of this study was to investigate whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the corticospinal tract (CST) is a reliable surrogate for intraoperative macrostimulation through the deep brain stimulation (DBS) leads. The authors hypothesized that the distance on MRI from the DBS lead to the CST as determined by DTI would correlate with intraoperative motor thresholds from macrostimulations through the same DBS lead. Methods The authors retrospectively reviewed pre- and postoperative MRI studies and intraoperative macrostimulation recordings in 17 patients with Parkinson disease (PD) treated by DBS stimulation. Preoperative DTI tractography of the CST was coregistered with postoperative MRI studies showing the position of the DBS leads. The shortest distance and the angle from each contact of each DBS lead to the CST was automatically calculated using software-based analysis. The distance measurements calculated for each contact were evaluated with respect to the intraoperative voltage thresholds that elicited a motor response at each contact. Results There was a nonsignificant trend for voltage thresholds to increase when the distances between the DBS leads and the CST increased. There was a significant correlation between the angle and the voltage, but the correlation was weak (coefficient of correlation [R] = 0.36). Conclusions Caution needs to be exercised when using DTI tractography information to guide DBS lead placement in patients with PD. Further studies are needed to compare DTI tractography measurements with other approaches such as microelectrode recordings and conventional intraoperative MRI-guided placement of DBS leads.


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PURPOSE: To assess the inter/intraobserver variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in treated hepatic lesions and to compare ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with treated malignant liver lesions were examined on a 3.0T machine. After agreeing on the best ADC image, two readers independently measured the ADC values in the whole lesion and in the MRDA. These measurements were repeated 1 month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman correlation coefficients, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the measurements. RESULTS: Interobserver variability for ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA was 0.17 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.17, +0.17] and 0.43 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s [-0.45, +0.41], respectively. Intraobserver limits of agreement could be as low as [-0.10, +0.12] 10(-3) mm(2)/s and [-0.20, +0.33] 10(-3) mm(2)/s for measurements in the whole lesion and in the MRDA, respectively. CONCLUSION: A limited variability in ADC measurements does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies. This is especially true for the measurements of the minimal ADC.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical potential of diffusion-weighted MR imaging with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping for the assessment of gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) response to targeted therapy in comparison with 18F-FDG PET/CT Methods and Materials: Five patients (3 W/2M, aged 56±13 y) with metastatic GIST underwent both a 18F-FDG PET/CT (Discovery LS, GE Healthcare) and a MRI (VIBE T1 Gd, DWI [b = 50,300,600] and ADC mapping) before and after change in therapy. Exams were first analysed blindly and then PET/CT images were coregistered to T1 Gd MR images for lesion detection. SUVmax and ADC were measured for the six largest lesions on MRI. The relationship between SUVmax and ADC was analysed using Spearman's correlation. Results: Altogether, 24 lesions (15 hepatic and 9 non-hepatic) were analysed on both modalities. Three PET/CT lesions (12.5%) were initially not considered on ADC and 4 lesions on the second PET/CT were excluded because of hepatic vascular activity spillover. SUVmax decreased from 7.2±7.7 g/mL to 5.9±5.9 g/mL (P = 0.53) and ADC increased from 1.2x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 to 1.4x10-3 mm2/s ± 0.4 (P = 0.07). There was a significant association between SUVmax decrease and ADC increase (rho= -0.64, P = 0.004). Conclusion: Changes in ADC from diffusion-weighted MRI reflect response of 18F-FDG-avid GIST to therapy. The exact diagnostic value of DWI needs to be investigated further, as well as the effect of lesion size and time under therapy before imaging. Furthermore, the proven association between SUVmax and ADC may be useful for the assessment of treatment response in 18F-FDG non-avid GIST.


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Purpose: To evaluate the short- and mid-term evolutions of the apparent diffusion coefficient of lesions treated with RF, in order to determine if the ADC can be used as a marker of tumour response. Methods and Materials: Twenty patients were treated for a liver malignancy with RF and were examined on a 1.5 T/3.0 T machine with T2, gadolinium-enhanced T1 and diffusion sequences: before treatment (< 1 month), just after treatment (< 1 month) and midterm (3-6 months). The ADC was measured in the whole lesion and in the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA). The ROI size was also measured on the diffusion map. The Pearson/ANOVA tests were used. Results: All patients were successfully treated with complete disappearance of CE. The lesional size on T2 showed a negative evolution in time (p < 0.002). The ADC in the whole lesion showed a bell-shaped evolution (increasing just after RF, then decreasing, p = 0.02). The ROI size on the diffusion map followed a similar course (p = 0.01). For the MRDA, such evolutions were also found, but they were not significant. There was a negative correlation between CE and the ADC (p < 0.02) and between the lesional size on T2 and ADC (p = 0.03) in the whole lesion. There were also positive correlations between the ROI size and ADC (p = 0.0008) and between CE and the size on T2 (p = 0.0002). The ADC in MRDA showed some non-significant correlations with other variables. Conclusion: The lesions successfully treated with RF have a clear and predictable evolution in terms of T2 size, CE and ADC.


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Drawing on Social Representations Theory, this study investigates focalisation and anchoring during the diffusion of information concerning the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the particle accelerator at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). We hypothesised that people focus on striking elements of the message, abandoning others, that the nature of the initial information affects diffusion of information, and that information is anchored in prior attitudes toward CERN and science. A serial reproduction experiment with two generations and four chains of reproduction diffusing controversial versus descriptive information about the LHC shows a reduction of information through generations, the persistence of terminology regarding the controversy and a decrease of other elements for participants exposed to polemical information. Concerning anchoring, positive attitudes toward CERN and science increase the use of expert terminology unrelated to the controversy. This research highlights the relevance of a social representational approach in the public understanding of science.


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This paper presents new estimates of total factor productivity growth in Britain for the period 1770-1860. We use a dual technique recently popularized by Hsieh (1999), and argue that the estimates we derive from factor prices are of similar quality to quantity-based calculations. Our results provide further evidence, derived from this independent set of sources, that productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution was relatively slow. During the years 1770-1800, TFP growth was close to zero, according to our estimates. The period 1800-1830 experienced an acceleration of productivity growth. The Crafts-Harley view of the Industrial Revolution is thus reinforced. We also consider alternative explanations of slow productivity growth, and reject the interpretation that focuses on the introduction of steam as a general purpose technology.


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DP1, a dimerization partner protein of the transcription factor E2F, is known to inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signalling along with E2F, although the function of DP1 itself was not well characterized. Here, we present a novel dual regulatory mechanism of Wnt/β-catenin signalling by DP1 independent from E2F. DP1 negatively regulates Wnt/β-catenin signalling by inhibiting Dvl-Axin interaction and by enhancing poly-ubiquitination of β-catenin. In contrast, DP1 positively modulates the signalling upon Wnt stimulation, via increasing cytosolic β-catenin and antagonizing the kinase activity of NLK. In Xenopus embryos, DP1 exerts both positive and negative roles in Wnt/β-catenin signalling during anteroposterior neural patterning. From subcellular localization analyses, we suggest that the dual roles of DP1 in Wnt/β-catenin signalling are endowed by differential nucleocytoplasmic localizations. We propose that these dual functions of DP1 can promote and stabilize biphasic Wnt-on and Wnt-off states in response to a gradual gradient of Wnt/β-catenin signalling to determine differential cell fates.