1000 resultados para Direito civil - Indenização
For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents-mainly, new popular movements-of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in Latin American civil society as a displacement trend of actors of the first wave by the second wave-""NGOization""-""and even denounces new civil society as rootless, depoliticized, and functional to retrenchment. Thus, supposedly, NGOization encumbers social change. The authors argue that NGOization diagnosis is a flawed depiction of change within civil society. Rather than NGOization related to the depoliticization and neoliberalization of civil society, in Mexico City and Sao Paulo, there has been modernization of organizational ecologies, changes in the functional status of civil society, and interestingly, specialization aimed at shaping public agenda. The authors argue that such specialization, instead of encumbering social change, brings about different repertoires of strategies and skills purposively developed for influencing policy and politics. Their argument relies on comparative systematic evidence. Through network analysis, they examine the organizational ecology of civil society in Mexico City and Sao Paulo.
The civil-military dictatorship, which took power in 1964, influenced the daily activities of schools and teachers. Many transformations occurred during this period, including the new legislation enacted under Law 5692/71 and changes which occurred due to the vigilance which teachers felt when working. The memories analyzed here of teachers from public schools in Sao Paulo show different perceptions of this surveillance, involving various forms of acceptance or resistance. The purpose of this article is to show that although there was no direct repression of schools, unlike in the universities, teachers at the elementary school also felt constrained and this can be seen in their educational practices and teaching concepts.
What's law got to do with it? Mapping Modern mediation movements in civil & common law jurisdictions
Introduction: the rise and rise of the public intellectual My starting point is the remarkable rise to prominence of public intellectuals – and talk about public intellectuals – over the last decade in Australia. Since 1997, especially, this has occurred around Indigenous questions with the result that issues such as the stolen generations, genocide, the apology and reconciliation have also gained new prominence. This is undeniably a good thing. New ways of thinking about history and the nation and new kinds of public ethical discourse have been put into circulation. History as battleground is preferable to the great Australian silence. And yet – my starting point is also the ambivalent effects and meanings of these recent developments, not least the way that the debates have centred so much around the figure of the 'public intellectual', the way that certain kinds of intellectuals and intellectual discourse have come to dominate the mainstream representation of the issues.
Os direitos humanos s??o os direitos essenciais a todos os seres humanos, sem que haja discrimina????o por ra??a, cor, g??nero, idioma, nacionalidade ou por qualquer outro motivo. Eles podem ser civis ou pol??ticos, como o direito ?? vida, ?? igualdade perante a lei e ?? liberdade de express??o. Podem tamb??m ser econ??micos, sociais e culturais, como o direito ao trabalho e ?? educa????o e coletivos, como o direito ao desenvolvimento. As Pol??ticas P??blicas em Direitos Humanos ?? tema deste boletim bibliogr??fico, o qual traz publica????es que mostram que estas n??o devem ser apenas programas governamentais, mas um instrumento de participa????o da sociedade civil na delimita????o do espa??o p??blico.
O projeto Pensando o Direito tem por objetivo qualificar o trabalho jur??dico da Secretaria de Assuntos Legislativos do Minist??rio da Justi??a, abrindo espa??o para a absor????o da produ????o acad??mica de ponta e fortalecendo seu trabalho de elabora????o normativa. O projeto ?? realizado pela Secretaria de Assuntos Legislativos do Minist??rio da Justi??a (SAL/MJ), por meio de acordo de coopera????o t??cnica com o Programa das Na????es Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) ??? acordo BRA/07/004: Democratiza????o de Informa????es no Processo de Elabora????o Normativa - e implementado por meio de cartas-acordo com institui????es de ensino e pesquisa de todo o pa??s. Foram firmadas parcerias, por meio de seis sele????es p??blicas, com institui????es acad??micas de ensino e pesquisa em 42 ??reas tem??ticas previamente definidas pela SAL/MJ. O objetivo ?? o fomento ?? pesquisa de car??ter emp??rico e multidisciplinar de assuntos jur??dicos pouco debatidos na academia, mas em discuss??o na sociedade. De 2007 a 2010, foram apresentadas 265 propostas de projetos de pesquisa por 152 institui????es e, dessas, 43 foram aprovadas
Esta ?? uma iniciativa de gest??o para implementa????o da Agenda Social Registro Civil de Nascimento e Documenta????o B??sica, envolvendo uma rede de ??rg??os e institui????es de diversos poderes da Rep??blica nos tr??s n??veis administrativos do estado brasileiro, bem como institui????es da sociedade civil e organismos internacionais, a partir da atua????o de comit??s gestores em n??vel central e descentralizados. A agenda possibilitou intervir na forma????o de uma cultura de inclus??o a partir da documenta????o civil, com base na realiza????o das campanhas em n??vel nacional. Um dos resultados da implementa????o da agenda ?? a queda do ??ndice de sub-registro de nascidos vivos, que era de 20,9% em 2002, e passou para 12,2% em 2007
Nesta publica????o, referente ao 15?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal, o leitor encontrar?? iniciativas inovadoras nas seguintes ??reas: Arranjos institucionais para coordena????o e/ou implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas (intra e inter-governamental); atendimento ao cidad??o; gest??o da informa????o; melhoria dos processos de trabalho