976 resultados para Direct Solid Samples


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Introdução: O diagnóstico microbiológico da infecção por Legionella é complexo, pois a bactéria não é visualizada à coloração de Gram no escarro, e sua cultura não é realizada na maioria dos laboratórios clínicos. A imunofluorescência direta nas secreções respiratórias tem baixa sensibilidade, em torno de 40% e a técnica da “PCR” não é ainda recomendada para o diagnóstico clínico (CDC, 1997). A detecção de anticorpos no soro é a técnica mais utilizada, e o critério definitivo é a soroconversão para no mínimo 1:128, cuja sensibilidade é de 70 a 80% (Edelstein, 1993). Como critérios diagnósticos de possível pneumonia por Legionella, eram utilizados: título único de anticorpos a L pneumophila positivo na diluição 1:256, em paciente com quadro clínico compatível (CDC, 1990) e o achado de antígeno a Legionella na urina (WHO, 1990). Nos últimos anos, porém, com o uso crescente do teste de antigenúria, foram detectados casos de pneumonia por Legionella, que não eram diagnosticados por cultura ou sorologia, tornando-o método diagnóstico de certeza para o diagnóstico de pneumonia por Legionella (CDC, 1997). Por sua fácil execução, resultado imediato, e alta sensibilidade - de 86% a 98% (Kashuba & Ballow, 1986; Harrison & Doshi, 2001), tem sido recomendado para o diagnóstico das PAC que necessitam internação hospitalar (Mulazimoglu & Yu, 2001; Gupta et al., 2001; Marrie, 2001), especialmente em UTI (ATS, 2001). Vários estudos documentaram baixo valor preditivo positivo do título único positivo de 1:256, tornando-o sem valor para o diagnóstico da pneumonia por Legionella, exceto, talvez, em surtos (Plouffe et al., 1995). Outros detectaram alta prevalência de anticorpos positivos na diluição 1:256 na população, em pessoas normais (Wilkinson et al., 1983; Nichol et al., 1991). A partir de 1996, o CDC de Atlanta recomendou que não seja mais utilizado o critério de caso provável de infecção por Legionella pneumophila por título único de fase convalescente ≥1:256, por falta de especificidade(CDC, 1997). A pneumonia por Legionella é raramente diagnosticada, e sua incidência é subestimada. Em estudos de PAC, a incidência da pneumonia por Legionella nos EUA, Europa, Israel e Austrália, foi estimada entre 1% a 16% (Muder & Yu, 2000). Nos EUA, foi estimado que cerca de 8 000 a 23 000 casos de PAC por Legionella ocorrem anualmente, em pacientes que requerem hospitalização (Marston et al., 1994 e 1977). No Brasil, a incidência de PAC causadas por Legionella em pacientes hospitalizados é tema de investigação pertinente, ainda não relatado na literatura. Objetivo: detectar a incidência de pneumonias causadas por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, em pacientes que internaram no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre por PAC, por um ano. Material e Métodos: o delineamento escolhido foi um estudo de coorte (de incidência), constituída por casos consecutivos de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade que internaram no HCPA de 19 de julho de 2000 a 18 de julho de 2001. Para a identificação dos casos, foram examinados diariamente o registro computadorizado das internações hospitalares, exceto as internações da pediatria e da obstetrícia, sendo selecionados todos os pacientes internados com o diagnóstico de pneumonia e de insuficiência respiratória aguda. Foram excluídos aqueles com menos de 18 anos ou mais de 80 anos; os procedentes de instituições, HIV-positivos, gestantes, pacientes restritos ao leito; e portadores de doença estrutural pulmonar ou traqueostomias. Foram excluídos os pacientes que tivessem tido alta hospitalar nos últimos 15 dias, e aqueles já incluídos no decorrer do estudo. Os pacientes selecionados foram examinados por um pesquisador, e incluídos para estudo se apresentassem infiltrado ao RX de tórax compatível com pneumonia, associado a pelo menos um dos sintomas respiratórios maiores (temperatura axilar > 37,8ºC, tosse ou escarro; ou dois sintomas menores (pleurisia, dispnéia, alteração do estado mental, sinais de consolidação à ausculta pulmonar, mais de 12 000 leucócitos/mm3). O estudo foi previamente aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do HCPA. Os pacientes eram entrevistados por um pesquisador, dando seu consentimento por escrito, e então seus dados clínicos e laboratoriais eram registrados em protocolo individual. Não houve interferência do pesquisador, durante a internação, exceto pela coleta de urina e de sangue para exame laboratoriais específicos da pesquisa. Os pacientes eram agendados, no ambulatório de pesquisa, num prazo de 4 a 12 semanas após sua inclusão no estudo, quando realizavam nova coleta de sangue, RX de tórax de controle, e outros exames que se fizessem necessários para esclarecimento diagnóstico.Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados por 1 ano, após sua inclusão no estudo.Foram utilizadas a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta para detecção de anticorpos das classes IgG, IgM e IgA a Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6 no soro, em duas amostras, colhidas, respectivamente, na 1ª semana de internação e depois de 4 a 12 semanas; e a técnica imunológica por teste ELISA para a detecção do antígeno de Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na urina, colhida na primeira semana de internação. As urinas eram armazenadas, imediatamente após sua coleta, em freezer a –70ºC, e depois descongeladas e processadas em grupos de cerca de 20 amostras. A imunofluorescência foi feita no laboratório de doenças Infecciosas da Universidade de Louisville (KY, EUA), em amostras de soro da fase aguda e convalescente, a partir da diluição 1:8; e a detecção do antígeno de Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1, nas amostras de urina, foi realizada no laboratório de pesquisa do HCPA, pelos investigadores, utilizando um kit comercial de teste ELISA fabricado por Binax (Binax Legionella Urinary Enzyme Assay, Raritan, EUA). As urinas positivas eram recongeladas novamente, para serem enviadas para confirmação no mesmo laboratório americano, ao fim do estudo. Foram adotados como critérios definitivos de infecção por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, a soroconversão (elevação de 4 vezes no título de anticorpos séricos entre o soro da fase aguda e da fase convalescente para no mínimo 1:128); ou o achado de antígeno de L pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na urina não concentrada, numa razão superior a 3, conforme instruções do fabricante e da literatura.Os pacientes foram classificados, de acordo com suas características clínicas, em 1º) portadores de doenças crônicas (doenças pulmonares, cardíacas, diabete mellitus, hepatopatias e insuficiência renal); 2º) portadores de doenças subjacentes com imunossupressão; 3º) pacientes hígidos ou com outras doenças que não determinassem insuficiência orgânica. Imunossupressão foi definida como esplenectomia, ser portador de neoplasia hematológica, portador de doença auto-imune, ou de transplante; ou uso de medicação imunossupressora nas 4 semanas anteriores ao diagnóstico (Yu et al., 2002b); ou uso de prednisolona 10 mg/dia ou equivalente nos últimos 3 meses (Lim et al., 2001). As características clínicas e laboratoriais dos pacientes que evoluíram ao óbito por pneumonia foram comparados àquelas dos pacientes que obtiveram cura. Para a análise das variáveis categóricas, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste exato de Fisher. Para as variáveis numéricas contínuas, utilizou-se o teste “t“ de Student. Um valor de p< 0,05 foi considerado como resultado estatisticamente significativo (programas SPSS, versão 10). Foi calculada a freqüência de mortes por pneumonia na população estudada, adotando-se a alta hospitalar como critério de cura. Foi calculada a incidência cumulativa para pneumonia por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, em um hospital geral, no período de 1 ano. Resultados: durante um ano de estudo foram examinados 645 registros de internação, nos quais constavam, como motivo de baixa hospitalar, o diagnóstico de pneumonia ou de insuficiência respiratória aguda; a maioria desses diagnósticos iniciais não foram confirmados. Desses 645 pacientes, foram incluídos no estudo 82 pacientes, nos quais os critérios clínicos ou radiológicos de pneumonia foram confirmados pelos pesquisadores. Durante o acompanhamento desses pacientes, porém, foram excluídos 23 pacientes por apresentarem outras patologias que mimetizavam pneumonia: DPOC agudizado (5), insuficiência cardíaca (3), tuberculose pulmonar (2), colagenose (1), fibrose pulmonar idiopática (1), edema pulmonar em paciente com cirrose (1), somente infecçâo respiratória em paciente com sequelas pulmonares (4); ou por apresentarem critérios de exclusão: bronquiectasias (4), HIV positivo (1), pneumatocele prévia (1). Ao final, foram estudados 59 pacientes com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, sendo 20 do sexo feminino e 39 do sexo masculino, com idade entre 24 e 80 anos (média de 57,6 anos e desvio padrão de ±10,6). Tivemos 36 pacientes com doenças subjacentes classificadas como “doenças crônicas”, dos quais 18 pacientes apresentavam mais de uma co-morbidade, por ordem de prevalência: doenças pulmonares, cardíacas, diabete mellitus, hepatopatias e insuficiência renal; neoplasias ocorreram em 9 pacientes, sendo sólidas em 7 pacientes e hematológicas em 2. Dos 59 pacientes, 61% eram tabagistas e 16,9%, alcoolistas. Do total, 10 pacientes apresentavam imunossupressão. Dos demais 13 pacientes, somente um era previamente hígido, enquanto os outros apresentavam tabagismo, sinusite, anemia, HAS, gota, ou arterite de Takayasu. A apresentação radiológica inicial foi broncopneumonia em 59,3% dos casos; pneumonia alveolar ocorreu em 23,7% dos casos, enquanto ambos padrões ocorreram em 15,2% dos pacientes. Pneumonia intersticial ocorreu em somente um caso, enquanto broncopneumonia obstrutiva ocorreu em 5 pacientes (8,5%). Derrame pleural ocorreu em 22% dos casos, e em 21 pacientes (35%) houve comprometimento de mais de um lobo ao RX de tórax. Foram usados beta-lactâmicos para o tratamento da maioria dos pacientes (72,9%9). A segunda classe de antibióticos mais usados foi a das fluoroquinolonas respiratórias, que foram receitadas para 23 pacientes (39,0%), e em 3º lugar, os macrolídeos, usados por 11 pacientes (18,6%). Apenas 16 pacientes não usaram beta-lactâmicos, em sua maioria recebendo quinolonas ou macrolídeos. Dos 43 pacientes que usaram beta-lactâmicos, 25 não usaram nem macrolídeos, nem quinolonas. Em 13 pacientes as fluoroquinolonas respiratórias foram as únicas drogas usadas para o tratamento da pneumonia. Do total, 8 pacientes foram a óbito por pneumonia; em outros 3 pacientes, o óbito foi atribuído a neoplasia em estágio avançado. Dos 48 pacientes que obtiveram cura, 33 (68,7%) estavam vivos após 12 meses. Os resultados da comparação realizada evidenciaram tendência a maior mortalidade no sexo masculino e em pacientes com imunossupressão, porém essa associação não alcançou significância estatística. Os pacientes que usaram somente beta-lactâmicos não apresentaram maior mortalidade do que os pacientes que usaram beta-lactâmicos associados a outras classes de antibióticos ou somente outras classes de antibióticos. Examinando-se os pacientes que utiizaram macrolídeos ou quinolonas em seu regime de tratamento, isoladamente ou combinados a outros antibióticos, observou-se que também não houve diferença dos outros pacientes, quanto à mortalidade. Os pacientes com padrão radiológico de pneumonia alveolar tiveram maior mortalidade, e essa diferença apresentou uma significância limítrofe (p= 0,05). Nossa mortalidade (11,9%) foi similar à de Fang et al. (1990), em estudo clássico de 1991 (13,7%); foi também similar à média de mortalidade das PAC internadas não em UTI (12%), relatada pela ATS, no seu último consenso para o tratamento empírico das PAC (ATS, 2001). Foram detectados 3 pacientes com pneumonia por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na população estudada: 2 foram diagnosticados por soroconversão e por antigenúria positiva, e o 3º foi diagnosticado somente pelo critério de antigenúria positiva, tendo sorologia negativa, como alguns autores (McWhinney et al., 2000). Dois pacientes com PAC por Legionella não responderam ao tratamento inicial com beta-lactâmicos, obtendo cura com levofloxacina; o 3º paciente foi tratado somente com betalactâmicos, obtendo cura. Conclusões: A incidência anual de PAC por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, no HCPA, foi de 5,1%, que representa a incidência anual de PAC por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6 em um hospital geral universitário. Comentários e Perspectivas: Há necessidade de se empregar métodos diagnósticos específicos para o diagnóstico das pneumonias por Legionella em nosso meio, como a cultura, a sorologia com detecção de todas as classes de anticorpos, e a detecção do antígeno urinário, pois somente com o uso simultâneo de técnicas complementares pode-se detectar a incidência real de pneumonias causadas tanto por Legionella pneumophila, como por outras espécies. A detecção do antígeno de Legionella na urina é o teste diagnóstico de maior rendimento, sendo recomendado seu uso em todas as PAC que necessitarem internação hospitalar (Mulazimoglu & Yu, 2001; Gupta et al., 2001); em todos os pacientes com PAC que apresentarem fatores de risco potenciais para legionelose (Marrie, 2001); e para o diagnóstico etiológico das pneumonias graves (ATS, 2001). Seu uso é indicado, com unanimidade na literatura, para a pesquisa de legionelose nosocomial e de surtos de legionelose na comunidade.


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A dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry (GC–ITMS) method was developed and applied for the qualitative determination of the volatile compounds present in commercial whisky samples which alcoholic content was previously adjusted to 13% (v/v). Headspace SPME experimental conditions, such as fibre coating, extraction temperature and extraction time, were optimized in order to improve the extraction process. Five different SPME fibres were used in this study, namely, poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS),poly(acrylate)(PA),Carboxen-poly(dimethylsiloxane)(CAR/PDMS),Carbowax-divinylbenzene(CW/DVB)and Carboxen-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-divinylbenzene (CAR/PDMS/DVB). The best results were obtained using a 75 m CAR/PDMS fibre during headspace extraction at 40◦C with stirring at 750rpm for 60min, after saturating the samples with salt. The optimised methodology was then appliedtoinvestigatethevolatilecompositionprofileofthreeScotchwhiskysamples—BlackLabel,BallantinesandHighlandClan.Approximately seventy volatile compounds were identified in the these samples, pertaining at several chemical groups, mainly fatty acids ethyl esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids, carbonyl compounds, monoterpenols, C13 norisoprenoids and some volatile phenols. The ethyl esters form an essential group of aroma components in whisky, to which they confer a pleasant aroma, with “fruity” odours. Qualitatively, the isoamyl acetate, with “banana” aroma,wasthemostinteresting.Quantitatively,significantcomponentsareethylestersofcaprilic,capricandlauricacids.Thehighestconcentration of fatty acids, were observed for caprilic and capric acids. From the higher alcohols the fusel oils (3-methylbutan-1-ol and 2.phenyletanol) are the most important ones.


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The volatile composition from four types of multifloral Portuguese (produced in Madeira Island) honeys was investigated by a suitable analytical procedure based on dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by thermal desorption gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMS). The performance of five commercially available SPME fibres: 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS; 85 μm polyacrylate, PA; 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen on polydimethylsiloxane, DVB/CAR/PDMS (StableFlex); 75 μm carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, CAR/PDMS, and 65 μm carbowax/divinylbenzene, CW/DVB; were evaluated and compared. The highest amounts of extract, in terms of the maximum signal obtained for the total volatile composition, were obtained with a DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre at 60 °C during an extraction time of 40 min with a constant stirring at 750 rpm, after saturating the sample with NaCl (30%). Using this methodology more than one hundred volatile compounds, belonging to different biosynthetic pathways were identified, including monoterpenols, C13-norisoprenoids, sesquiterpenes, higher alcohols, ethyl esters and fatty acids. The main components of the HS-SPME samples of honey were in average ethanol, hotrienol, benzeneacetaldehyde, furfural, trans-linalool oxide and 1,3-dihydroxy-2-propanone.


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The analysis of volatile compounds in Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars of Annona cherimola Mill. (cherimoya) was carried out by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMSD). HS-SPME technique was optimized in terms of fibre selection, extraction time, extraction temperature and sample amount to reach the best extraction efficiency. The best result was obtained with 2 g of sample, using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) fibre for 30 min at 30 °C under constant magnetic stirring (800 rpm). After optimization of the extraction methodology, all the cherimoya samples were analysed with the best conditions that allowed to identify about 60 volatile compounds. The major compounds identified in the four cherimoya cultivars were methyl butanoate, butyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural. These compounds represent 69.08 ± 5.22%, 56.56 ± 15.36%, 56.69 ± 9.28% and 71.82 ± 1.29% of the total volatiles for Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars, respectively. This study showed that each cherimoya cultivars have 40 common compounds, corresponding to different chemical families, namely terpenes, esters, alcohols, fatty acids and carbonyl compounds and using PCA, the volatile composition in terms of average peak areas, provided a suitable tool to differentiate among the cherimoya cultivars.


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In the present study, a simple and sensitive methodology based on dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by thermal desorption gas chromatography with quadrupole mass detection (GC–qMSD), was developed and optimized for the determination of volatile (VOCs) and semi-volatile (SVOCs) compounds from different alcoholic beverages: wine, beer and whisky. Key experimental factors influencing the equilibrium of the VOCs and SVOCs between the sample and the SPME fibre, as the type of fibre coating, extraction time and temperature, sample stirring and ionic strength, were optimized. The performance of five commercially available SPME fibres was evaluated and compared, namely polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, 100 μm); polyacrylate (PA, 85 μm); polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB, 65 μm); carboxen™/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS, 75 μm) and the divinylbenzene/carboxen on polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS, 50/30 μm) (StableFlex). An objective comparison among different alcoholic beverages has been established in terms of qualitative and semi-quantitative differences on volatile and semi-volatile compounds. These compounds belong to several chemical families, including higher alcohols, ethyl esters, fatty acids, higher alcohol acetates, isoamyl esters, carbonyl compounds, furanic compounds, terpenoids, C13-norisoprenoids and volatile phenols. The optimized extraction conditions and GC–qMSD, lead to the successful identification of 44 compounds in white wines, 64 in beers and 104 in whiskys. Some of these compounds were found in all of the examined beverage samples. The main components of the HS-SPME found in white wines were ethyl octanoate (46.9%), ethyl decanoate (30.3%), ethyl 9-decenoate (10.7%), ethyl hexanoate (3.1%), and isoamyl octanoate (2.7%). As for beers, the major compounds were isoamyl alcohol (11.5%), ethyl octanoate (9.1%), isoamyl acetate (8.2%), 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (5.9%), and octanoic acid (5.5%). Ethyl decanoate (58.0%), ethyl octanoate (15.1%), ethyl dodecanoate (13.9%) followed by 3-methyl-1-butanol (1.8%) and isoamyl acetate (1.4%) were found to be the major VOCs in whisky samples.


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BACKGROUND: Non-invasive diagnostic strategies aimed at identifying biomarkers of cancer are of great interest for early cancer detection. Urine is potentially a rich source of volatile organic metabolites (VOMs) that can be used as potential cancer biomarkers. Our aim was to develop a generally reliable, rapid, sensitive, and robust analytical method for screening large numbers of urine samples, resulting in a broad spectrum of native VOMs, as a tool to evaluate the potential of these metabolites in the early diagnosis of cancer. METHODS: To investigate urinary volatile metabolites as potential cancer biomarkers, urine samples from 33 cancer patients (oncological group: 14 leukaemia, 12 colorectal and 7 lymphoma) and 21 healthy (control group, cancer-free) individuals were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. Dynamic solid-phase microextraction in headspace mode (dHS-SPME) using a carboxenpolydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) sorbent in combination with GC-qMS-based metabolomics was applied to isolate and identify the volatile metabolites. This method provides a potential non-invasive method for early cancer diagnosis as a first approach. To fulfil this objective, three important dHS-SPME experimental parameters that influence extraction efficiency (fibre coating, extraction time and temperature of sampling) were optimised using a univariate optimisation design. The highest extraction efficiency was obtained when sampling was performed at 501C for 60min using samples with high ionic strengths (17% sodium chloride, wv 1) and under agitation. RESULTS: A total of 82 volatile metabolites belonging to distinct chemical classes were identified in the control and oncological groups. Benzene derivatives, terpenoids and phenols were the most common classes for the oncological group, whereas ketones and sulphur compounds were the main classes that were isolated from the urine headspace of healthy subjects. The results demonstrate that compound concentrations were dramatically different between cancer patients and healthy volunteers. The positive rates of 16 patients among the 82 identified were found to be statistically different (Po0.05). A significant increase in the peak area of 2-methyl3-phenyl-2-propenal, p-cymene, anisole, 4-methyl-phenol and 1,2-dihydro-1,1,6-trimethyl-naphthalene in cancer patients was observed. On average, statistically significant lower abundances of dimethyl disulphide were found in cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS: Gas chromatographic peak areas were submitted to multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and supervised linear discriminant analysis) to visualise clusters within cases and to detect the volatile metabolites that are able to differentiate cancer patients from healthy individuals. Very good discrimination within cancer groups and between cancer and control groups was achieved.


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In this study the effect of the cultivar on the volatile profile of five different banana varieties was evaluated and determined by dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (dHS-SPME) combined with one-dimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (1D-GC–qMS). This approach allowed the definition of a volatile metabolite profile to each banana variety and can be used as pertinent criteria of differentiation. The investigated banana varieties (Dwarf Cavendish, Prata, Maçã, Ouro and Platano) have certified botanical origin and belong to the Musaceae family, the most common genomic group cultivated in Madeira Island (Portugal). The influence of dHS-SPME experimental factors, namely, fibre coating, extraction time and extraction temperature, on the equilibrium headspace analysis was investigated and optimised using univariate optimisation design. A total of 68 volatile organic metabolites (VOMs) were tentatively identified and used to profile the volatile composition in different banana cultivars, thus emphasising the sensitivity and applicability of SPME for establishment of the volatile metabolomic pattern of plant secondary metabolites. Ethyl esters were found to comprise the largest chemical class accounting 80.9%, 86.5%, 51.2%, 90.1% and 6.1% of total peak area for Dwarf Cavendish, Prata, Ouro, Maçã and Platano volatile fraction, respectively. Gas chromatographic peak areas were submitted to multivariate statistical analysis (principal component and stepwise linear discriminant analysis) in order to visualise clusters within samples and to detect the volatile metabolites able to differentiate banana cultivars. The application of the multivariate analysis on the VOMs data set resulted in predictive abilities of 90% as evaluated by the cross-validation procedure.


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This paper reports on the development and optimization of a modified Quick, Easy, Cheap Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) based extraction technique coupled with a clean-up dispersive-solid phase extraction (dSPE) as a new, reliable and powerful strategy to enhance the extraction efficiency of free low molecular-weight polyphenols in selected species of dietary vegetables. The process involves two simple steps. First, the homogenized samples are extracted and partitioned using an organic solvent and salt solution. Then, the supernatant is further extracted and cleaned using a dSPE technique. Final clear extracts of vegetables were concentrated under vacuum to near dryness and taken up into initial mobile phase (0.1% formic acid and 20% methanol). The separation and quantification of free low molecular weight polyphenols from the vegetable extracts was achieved by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) equipped with a phodiode array (PDA) detection system and a Trifunctional High Strength Silica capillary analytical column (HSS T3), specially designed for polar compounds. The performance of the method was assessed by studying the selectivity, linear dynamic range, the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness, and matrix effects. The validation parameters of the method showed satisfactory figures of merit. Good linearity (View the MathML sourceRvalues2>0.954; (+)-catechin in carrot samples) was achieved at the studied concentration range. Reproducibility was better than 3%. Consistent recoveries of polyphenols ranging from 78.4 to 99.9% were observed when all target vegetable samples were spiked at two concentration levels, with relative standard deviations (RSDs, n = 5) lower than 2.9%. The LODs and the LOQs ranged from 0.005 μg mL−1 (trans-resveratrol, carrot) to 0.62 μg mL−1 (syringic acid, garlic) and from 0.016 μg mL−1 (trans-resveratrol, carrot) to 0.87 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin, carrot) depending on the compound. The method was applied for studying the occurrence of free low molecular weight polyphenols in eight selected dietary vegetables (broccoli, tomato, carrot, garlic, onion, red pepper, green pepper and beetroot), providing a valuable and promising tool for food quality evaluation.


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A sensitive assay to identify volatile organic metabolites (VOMs) as biomarkers that can accurately diagnose the onset of breast cancer using non-invasively collected clinical specimens is ideal for early detection. Therefore the aim of this study was to establish the urinary metabolomic profile of breast cancer patients and healthy individuals (control group) and to explore the VOMs as potential biomarkers in breast cancer diagnosis at early stage. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) using CAR/PDMS sorbent combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was applied to obtain metabolomic information patterns of 26 breast cancer patients and 21 healthy individuals (controls). A total of seventy-nine VOMs, belonging to distinct chemical classes, were detected and identified in control and breast cancer groups. Ketones and sulfur compounds were the chemical classes with highest contribution for both groups. Results showed that excretion values of 6 VOMs among the total of 79 detected were found to be statistically different (p < 0.05). A significant increase in the peak area of (−)-4-carene, 3-heptanone, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 2-methoxythiophene and phenol, in VOMs of cancer patients relatively to controls was observed. Statiscally significant lower abundances of dimethyl disulfide were found in cancer patients. Bioanalytical data were submitted to multivariate statistics [principal component analysis (PCA)], in order to visualize clusters of cases and to detect the VOMs that are able to differentiate cancer patients from healthy individuals. Very good discrimination within breast cancer and control groups was achieved. Nevertheless, a deep study using a larger number of patients must be carried out to confirm the results.


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Dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by thermal desorption gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry analysis (GC-qMS), was used to investigate the aroma profile of different species of passion fruit samples. The performance of five commercially available SPME fibres: 65 μm polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene, PDMS/DVB; 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS; 85 μm polyacrylate, PA; 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen on polydimethylsiloxane, DVB/CAR/PDMS (StableFlex); and 75 μm carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, CAR/PDMS; was evaluated and compared. Several extraction times and temperature conditions were also tested to achieve optimum recovery. The SPME fibre coated with 65 μm PDMS/DVB afforded the highest extraction efficiency, when the samples were extracted at 50 °C for 40 min with a constant stirring velocity of 750 rpm, after saturating the sample with NaCl (17%, w/v — 0.2 g). A comparison among different passion fruit species has been established in terms of qualitative and semi-quantitative differences in volatile composition. By using the optimal extraction conditions and GC-qMS it was possible to tentatively identify seventy one different compounds in Passiflora species: 51 volatiles in Passiflora edulis Sims (purple passion fruit), 24 in P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa (yellow passion fruit) and 21 compounds in Passiflora mollissima (banana passion fruit). It was found that the ethyl esters comprise the largest class of the passion fruit volatiles, including 82.8% in P. edulis variety, 77.4% in P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa variety and 39.9% in P. mollissima. The semi-quantitative results were then submitted to principal component analysis (PCA) in order to establish relationships between the compounds and the different passion fruit species under investigation.


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A stir bar sorptive extraction with liquid desorption followed by large volume injection coupled to gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (SBSE-LD/LVI-GC–qMS) was evaluated for the simultaneous determination of higher alcohol acetates (HAA), isoamyl esters (IsoE) and ethyl esters (EE) of fatty acids. The method performance was assessed and compared with other solventless technique, the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in headspace mode (HS). For both techniques, influential experimental parameters were optimised to provide sensitive and robust methods. The SBSE-LD/LVI methodology was previously optimised in terms of extraction time, influence of ethanol in the matrix, liquid desorption (LD) conditions and instrumental settings. Higher extraction efficiency was obtained using 60 min of extraction time, 10% ethanol content, n-pentane as desorption solvent, 15 min for the back-extraction period, 10 mL min−1 for the solvent vent flow rate and 10 °C for the inlet temperature. For HS-SPME, the fibre coated with 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) afforded highest extraction efficiency, providing the best sensitivity for the target volatiles, particularly when the samples were extracted at 25 °C for 60 min under continuous stirring in the presence of sodium chloride (10% (w/v)). Both methodologies showed good linearity over the concentration range tested, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.984 for HS-SPME and 0.982 for SBES-LD approach, for all analytes. A good reproducibility was attained and low detection limits were achieved using both SBSE-LD (0.03–28.96 μg L−1) and HS-SPME (0.02–20.29 μg L−1) methodologies. The quantification limits for SBSE-LD approach ranging from 0.11 to 96.56 μg L−and from 0.06 to 67.63 μg L−1 for HS-SPME. Using the HS-SPME approach an average recovery of about 70% was obtained whilst by using SBSE-LD obtained average recovery were close to 80%. The analytical and procedural advantages and disadvantages of these two methods have been compared. Both analytical methods were used to determine the HAA, IsoE and EE fatty acids content in “Terras Madeirenses” table wines. A total of 16 esters were identified and quantified from the wine extracts by HS-SPME whereas by SBSE-LD technique were found 25 esters which include 2 higher alcohol acetates, 4 isoamyl esters and 19 ethyl esters of fatty acids. Generally SBSE-LD provided higher sensitivity with decreased analysis time.


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The establishment of potential age markers of Madeira wine is of paramount significance as it may contribute to detect frauds and to ensure the authenticity of wine. Considering the chemical groups of furans, lactones, volatile phenols, and acetals, 103 volatile compounds were tentatively identified; among these, 71 have been reported for the first time in Madeira wines. The chemical groups that could be used as potential age markers were predominantly acetals, namely, diethoxymethane, 1,1-diethoxyethane, 1,1-diethoxy-2-methyl-propane, 1-(1-ethoxyethoxy)-pentane, trans-dioxane and 2-propyl-1,3-dioxolane, and from the other chemical groups, 5-methylfurfural and cis-oak-lactone, independently of the variety and the type of wine. GC × GC-ToFMS system offers a more useful approach to identify these compounds compared to previous studies using GC−qMS, due to the orthogonal systems, that reduce coelution, increase peak capacity and mass selectivity, contributing to the establishment of new potential Madeira wine age markers. Remarkable results were also obtained in terms of compound identification based on the organized structure of the peaks of structurally related compounds in the GC × GC peak apex plots. This information represents a valuable approach for future studies, as the ordered-structure principle can considerably help the establishment of the composition of samples. This new approach provides data that can be extended to determine age markers of other types of wines.


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The screening for genes in metagenomic libraries from soil creates opportunities to explore the enormous genetic and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Rivers are ecosystems with high biological diversity, but few were examined using the metagenomic approach. With this objective, a metagenomic library was constructed from DNA soil samples collected at three different points along the Jundiaí-river (Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil). The points sampled are from open area, rough terrain and with the direct incidence of sunlight. This library was analyzed functionally and based in sequence. For functional analysis Luria-Bertani solid medium (LB) with NaCl concentration varied from 0.17M to 0.85M was used for functional analysis. Positives clones resistant to hypersaline medium were obtained. The recombinant DNAs were extracted and transformed into Escherichia coli strain DH10B and survival curves were obtained for quantification of abiotic stress resistance. The sequences of clones were obtained and submitted to the BLASTX tool. Some clones were found to hypothetical proteins of microorganisms from both Archaea and Bacteria division. One of the clones showed a complete ORF with high similarity to glucose-6-phosphate isomerase which participates in the synthesis of glycerol pathway and serves as a compatible solute to balance the osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells. Subsequently, in order to identify genes encoding osmolytes or enzymes related halotolerance, environmental DNA samples from the river soil, from the water column of the estuary and ocean were collected and pyrosequenced. Sequences of osmolytes and enzymes of different microorganisms were obtained from the UniProt and used as RefSeqs for homology identification (TBLASTN) in metagenomic databases. The sequences were submitted to HMMER for the functional domains identification. Some enzymes were identified: alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase, L-ectoina synthase (EctC), transaminase L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acid (EctB), L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acetyltransferase (EctA), L-threonine 3 dehydrogenase (sorbitol pathway), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inositol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chaperones, L-proline, glycine betaine binding ABC transporter, myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase protein of proline simportadora / PutP sodium-and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase These proteins are commonly related to saline environments, however the identification of them in river environment is justified by the high salt concentration in the soil during prolonged dry seasons this river. Regarding the richness of the microbiota the river substrate has an abundance of halobacteria similar to the sea and more than the estuary. These data confirm the existence of a specialized response against salt stress by microorganisms in the environment of the Jundiaí river


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The presence of pores in ceramics is directly related to the chosen forming process. So, in the starch consolidation method, the ceramics show, after burning, pores with morphology similar to that presented by this organic material. on the other hand, the increase in solid load leads up to alterations in dispersion viscosity, increasing the thermal stresses during drying and sintering processes. In order to verify the solid percentage influence in ceramic final properties, samples were prepared with silicon carbide in different compositions using or not starch as binder agent and pore forming element. The characterization of the ceramic pieces was performed by superficial roughness measurements, porosity besides by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed ceramics with SiC and starch presented physical and microscopic properties slightly higher in relation to those with only ceramic powder in their composition. The presence of organic material, agglomerated and foam during the forming were essential for the final properties of the studied samples.