982 resultados para Deslinde de costas
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En este trabajo se describe el funcionamiento de un sistema de tutorización de profesores universitarios que realizan un Máster en Docencia Universitaria para Profesorado Novel en la Universidad de Barcelona. La tutorización está basada en las mentorías. La mentoría es una modalidad de tutoría que se ha adaptado a la formación de profesorado novel. Esta forma de tutorización es bastante diferente de la tutoría académica o la de carrera de los estudiantes de grado. El mentor es un profesor con experiencia docente e investigadora, que tiene una triple función: a) supervisar la formación y la práctica docente del profesorado novel; b) acompañarlo en su integración en equipos docentes de departamento o de facultad, y c) orientarlo en la toma de decisiones que como profesional ha de asumir. La mentoría, en este máster, se complementa con el apoyo de una Comisión de seguimiento que proporciona asistencia y ayuda a la acción tutorial
Eu verei. Tu verás. Ele verá. Nós veremos. Vós vereis. Eles Verão. Um decreto do Planalto não desritmiza o tempo. "O tempo não pára", canta o poeta-cigarra-cazuza arrebentando pelas costas em estranha metamorfose. "O tempo não pára", pelo menos para aqueles que no tempo estão mergulhados. O tempo não se congela como imagem de TV. O tempo não se congela como um plano de verão. Houve um tempo em que os museus, dormindo em relicário, sonhavam com peças raras, belas e preciosas. Houve um tempo em que os museus dormindo, assim sonhavam em plena noite de verão, mas "o tempo não pára" - insiste o roqueiro. Houve um tempo em que os museus sonhavam em congelar o tempo, cristalizar o passado nas paredes, nas estantes, nas vitrines-cristaleiras, nos painéis e nos tablados, nos arquivos e gavetas, mas "o sonho acabou" - diria o poeta Lennon. É hora de um outro sonhar, pois o tempo (como o sonho) não pára, renasce (como a fénix) do detrito federal. Não posso jurar de pés juntos que todos os museus acordaram: é fato que muitos continuam dormindo em berço esplêndido, perpetuando e consagrando a ideologia de dominação: mas é fato também que existem aqueles que se encontram no estágio intermediário entre o sono e o despertar, e outros ainda que estão vigilantes, em processo de constante transformação, atentos para as mudanças políticas, sociais, culturais e económicas. "O tempo não pára". Engana-se quem pensar que os museus não estão em trânsito, como a própria sociedade brasileira.
Se presenta una visión global del tráfico ilegal de migrantes ecuatorianos que tienen como destino los Estados Unidos de América. Se incluyen los puntos de salida y las rutas que utilizan los coyotes para transportar a los migrantes desde las costas ecuatorianas hacia diferentes puertos en Centroamérica, principalmente a Guatemala, para continuar por tierra hacia México, por lo que se expone la normativa guatemalteca en la materia y se analiza la legislación mexicana aplicable a migrantes irregulares, considerando que el Ecuador es el primer país, luego de los centroamericanos, con mayor número de deportados desde México. En este contexto se estudia las funciones de control, así como las labores de prevención de la marina ecuatoriana en aguas jurisdiccionales. Finalmente se proporcionan estadísticas relativas a embarcaciones capturadas por la marina, y migrantes ecuatorianos deportados desde México y Guatemala.
Luego de ubicar a Ángel F. Rojas entre los ensayistas de temas literarios de su generación, la autora sustenta la vigencia del crítico lojano. Más allá de que no exista, en el siglo XX, ningún otro estudio de similar alcance sobre la novela ecuatoriana, plantea que los méritos de esta obra radican en los criterios de periodización empleados, en que los juicios emitidos se sustentan en criterios estéticos, y en que jerarquiza las obras de acuerdo a su valor literario, no se trata de crítica impresionista o biografista, ni sesgada negativamente por consideraciones ideológicas. Rojas incluye, entonces, tres rasgos propios de la moderna crítica literaria: el deslinde, el establecimiento de jerarquías y la emisión de juicios sustentados en la literaturidad de las obras. Un buen número de las conclusiones del autor mantiene actualidad, igual ocurre con la significación de muchas de ellas en el canon del país. El texto de Rojas inicia la moderna crítica literaria ecuatoriana, y mantiene su lugar referencial entre los estudios de la novela en este país.
El autor interpreta el poemario Mordiendo el frío, del ecuatoriano Edwin Madrid. Lo hace a la luz de una afirmación del filósofo Alain Badiou: que el poema actual tiene solo una responsabilidad estética, ya no filosófica. Barreto afirma que Madrid muestra el deslinde entre filosofía y el poema moderno, para ello, se vale del lenguaje coloquial, el humor y la gozosa levedad sexual de Valerio, el personaje poético del libro. Según Barreto, el lenguaje poético, vacío, ya no cataliza la experiencia del sujeto: deviene en pura información. Añade que tal desconfianza en la poesía y el lenguaje líricos constituye una velada crítica a la institucionalización del género. Así, esta obra mostraría el agotamiento lírico de cierta poesía moderna. Barreto sugiere que dicho agotamiento se inserta en las condiciones globalizadas de las sociedades actuales, y que participa de la muerte de la experiencia en el sujeto moderno. Concluye que Madrid no lamenta la ruptura entre filosofía y poesía, por el contrario, busca trazar nuevas sensibilidades, signadas por la cotidianidad posmoderna.
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto mostrar que los relatos de la tradición oral afroecuatoriana hacen parte de una compleja construcción que no termina en la articulación de eventos más o menos ficticios cuyo destino es ser narrados. Así, Cimarronaje, Seres Intangibles, Guardianes de la tradición, entre otros elementos internos, de los cuales no puede desprenderse la narración, se articulan con el fin de llevar a cabo un proyecto de resistencia y conservación de las tradiciones. La ausencia de estos elementos daría como resultado una narración cuyo fin se limitaría al mero “entretener.” El Riviel, ser del mar que pese a los embates de la tecnología convive aún con los pescadores en las costas esmeraldeñas, es el ejemplo ideal para adentrarse y aventurar esta tesis. Más si se toma en cuenta que en cada una de las versiones aquí recogidas, los elementos a los que nos referimos no dejan de presentarse vigorosamente. De esta manera, el relato oral se convierte en un instrumento (con una máscara de ficción, si se quiere) urdido con la intensión de resistir. El lector que amablemente se acerque a estas líneas debe, sin embargo, ser advertido de lo que aquí se intenta: una aproximación al relato desde el ámbito académico. Esto, y a pesar de todo lo minuciosos que hayamos sido en la elección de las categorías que facilitan nuestro trabajo, no significa estar mejor dotados para la interpretación de “El Riviel” que cualquiera de sus propios Guardianes y creadores.
Following a pressure treatment of a clonal Staphylococcus aureus culture with 400 MPa for 30 min, piezotolerant variants were isolated. Among 21 randomly selected survivors, 9 were piezotolerant and all formed small colonies on several agar media. The majority of the isolates showed increased thermotolerance, impaired growth, and reduced antibiotic resistance compared to the wild type. However, several nonpiezotolerant isolates also demonstrated impaired growth and the small-colony phenotype. In agglutination tests for the detection of protein A and fibrinogen, the piezotolerant variants showed weaker agglutination reactions than the wild type and the other isolates. All variants also showed defective production of the typical S. aureus golden color, a characteristic which has previously been linked with virulence. They were also less able to invade intestinal epithelial cells than the wild type. These S. aureus variants showed phenotypic similarities to previously isolated Listeria monocytogenes piezotolerant mutants that contained mutations in ctsR. Because of these similarities, possible alterations in the ctsR hypermutable regions of the S. aureus variants were investigated through amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. No mutations were identified, and subsequently we sequenced the ctsR and hrcA genes of three representative variants, finding no mutations. This work demonstrates that S. aureus probably possesses a strategy resulting in an abundance of multiple-stressresistant variants within clonal populations. This strategy, however, seems to involve genes and regulatory mechanisms different from those previously reported for L. monocytogenes. We are in the process of identifying these mechanisms.
Synoptic climatology relates the atmospheric circulation with the surface environment. The aim of this study is to examine the variability of the surface meteorological patterns, which are developing under different synoptic scale categories over a suburban area with complex topography. Multivariate Data Analysis techniques were performed to a data set with surface meteorological elements. Three principal components related to the thermodynamic status of the surface environment and the two components of the wind speed were found. The variability of the surface flows was related with atmospheric circulation categories by applying Correspondence Analysis. Similar surface thermodynamic fields develop under cyclonic categories, which are contrasted with the anti-cyclonic category. A strong, steady wind flow characterized by high shear values develops under the cyclonic Closed Low and the anticyclonic H–L categories, in contrast to the variable weak flow under the anticyclonic Open Anticyclone category.
The relative contribution of the main mechanisms that control indoor air quality in residential flats was examined. Indoor and outdoor concentration measurements of different type pollutants (black carbon, SO2, O3, NO, NO2,) were monitored in three naturally ventilated residential flats in Athens, Greece. At each apartment, experiments were conducted during the cold as well as during the warm period of the year. The controlling parameters of transport and deposition mechanisms were calculated from the experimental data. Deposition rates of the same pollutant differ according to the site (different construction characteristics) and to the measuring period for the same site (variations in relative humidity and differences in furnishing). Differences in the black carbon deposition rates were attributed to different black carbon size distributions. The highest deposition rates were observed for O3 in the residential flats with the older construction and the highest humidity levels. The calculated parameters as well as the measured outdoor concentrations were used as input data of a one-compartment indoor air quality model, and the indoor concentrations, the production, and loss rates of the different pollutants were calculated. The model calculated concentrations are in good agreement with the measured values. Model simulations revealed that the mechanism that mainly affected the change rate of indoor black carbon concentrations was the transport from the outdoor environment, while the removal due to deposition was insignificant. During model simulations, it was also established that that the change rate of SO2 concentrations was governed by the interaction between the transport and the deposition mechanisms while NOX concentrations were mainly controlled through photochemical reactions and the transport from outdoors.
A multidisciplinary investigation of the collective burial of Cova do Santo is presented as a novel approach to understand daily life during the Bronze Age in Northwest Iberia. The research is focused on three main aspects: i) taphonomy and patterns of disposal, ii) paleopathology and -demography as indicators of health status and lifestyle, and iii) stable isotope analysis to reconstruct paleodiet and to investigate the timing of the introduction of millet to the Iberian Peninsula. Osteological analyses were performed on 64 bones (61 human and 3 animal); additionally, bone collagen was extracted from 15 samples (13 human and 2 animal) and analyzed for its carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes composition. The radiocarbon age of the human remains is consistent with the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1890 to 1600 cal BC). The recovered remains belonged to a minimum number of 14 individuals with an estimated age at death of forty years or younger. This relatively young age is in contrast to a high prevalence of degenerative joint disease in the group. The isotopic results suggest a very homogeneous diet, which was almost exclusively based on C3 plants and terrestrial animal products. Overall, the data suggest that the studied population belonged to a period prior to the introduction of spring or summer-grown crops such as millets. The collective burial from the cave of Cova de Santo, Galicia, currently represents the largest assemblage of prehistoric human remains from Northwest Spain and the relatively good preservation of the bones offers a unique opportunity to investigate daily life in Northern Iberia during the Bronze Age.
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.
This paper proposes an efficient pattern extraction algorithm that can be applied on melodic sequences that are represented as strings of abstract intervallic symbols; the melodic representation introduces special “binary don’t care” symbols for intervals that may belong to two partially overlapping intervallic categories. As a special case the well established “step–leap” representation is examined. In the step–leap representation, each melodic diatonic interval is classified as a step (±s), a leap (±l) or a unison (u). Binary don’t care symbols are used to represent the possible overlapping between the various abstract categories e.g. *=s, *=l and #=-s, #=-l. We propose an O(n+d(n-d)+z)-time algorithm for computing all maximal-pairs in a given sequence x=x[1..n], where x contains d occurrences of binary don’t cares and z is the number of reported maximal-pairs.