758 resultados para Cyprus
Title: «Mediterranean diet in Portuguese proverbs». Mediterranean diet has been considered Immaterial World Patrimony since December 2013. It is characteristic of basin Mediterranean people (Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia) and includes their gastronomy with local products, their traditions, their culture and their healthy lifestyle. Mediterranean diet is passed on from one generation to another mostly orally and it is likewise present in phraseological units, especially in proverbs. This paper analyses Portuguese proverbs aiming to show their importance when transmitting cookingrelated knowledge and information, such as, local ingredients, cooking techniques and the social function, both daily or on holidays. Since the practice of physical exercise is so important for the Mediterranean diet, our study includes physical exercise and relaxation-related proverbs as well.
In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.
La Turquie va-t-elle adhérer à l'Union européenne? Sa candidature a toujours été sujette à critiques: droits de l'homme non respectés, restrictions des droits et libertés, notamment de la liberté d'expression, de religion et des droits politiques. Les dossiers sensibles comme le problème kurde et la question chypriote sont à l'origine des multiples plaintes contre l'État turc devant la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Dotée des caractéristiques essentielles d'un État moderne et laïque, le pays dispose de structures formellement démocratiques, mais sa démocratie se révèle fragile: ses politiques tant internes qu'externes sont décidées par un Conseil national de sécurité composé pour l'essentiel de militaires. En outre, l'armée qui a pris le pouvoir à maintes reprises a donné au régime une dimension autoritaire. Cela non seulement en vertu des principes fondateurs de la République (tradition centralisatrice de l'État turc), mais aussi de la priorité que l'institution militaire accorde à la sécurité, à l'unité et à l'identité nationales. En effet, les mesures d'exception (état d'urgence, cours de sûreté de l'État, loi anti-terroriste) ont contribué aux violations des droits de l'homme, d'où l'opposition entre le droit conventionnel et le droit national. De plus, le système judiciaire et administratif instauré par les militaires en 1982 n'est pas conçu dans l'intérêt des justiciables. Certes, l'accès à la modernité n'a pu se faire que sous la contrainte et le contrôle de l'armée, mais le régime en Turquie peut-il continuer à s'appuyer sur les«piliers de l'ordre» que sont l'armée, la police et la justice ? L’État semble cependant se réorganiser progressivement pour permettre au pouvoir politique d'assurer un contrôleur les forces de sécurité et pour donner une meilleure indépendance à la justice. Le processus mis en route et les critères imposés pour l'adhésion à l'UE devraient contribuer à mettre en œuvre les réformes institutionnelles capables d'harmoniser la démocratie à l'État de droit, à l'image des pays européens. En effet, les changements récents sont liés à l'agenda européen. Le gouvernement turc semble être déterminé et ambitieux dans sa vocation européenne. Les progrès réalisés pour intégrer l'UE lui sont un moteur de propulsion devant servir au pays et à sa population.
RÉSUMÉ Cette étude porte sur la présence phénicienne en Syrie du Nord uniquement pendant la première moitié de l’Âge du Fer, i.e entre 1000 et 500 av. J.C. Elle est fondée sur l’analyse des données archéologiques et littéraires des principaux sites côtiers de cette région, al Mina, Ras el Bassit, Tell Kazel, Tell Soukas et Amrit. Après une présentation des caractéristiques culturelles de la civilisation phénicienne, j’aborde l’analyse de ces sites. Les données qui permettent de prouver une présence phénicienne dans la région s’avèrent nombreuses et j’en conclus que les Phéniciens devaient constituer une minorité importante de la population de ces sites, au même titre que les Grecs ou les Chypriotes, la majorité étant d’origine syrienne. Mais dans certains cas, notamment sur les sites les plus proches des grandes capitales phéniciennes, il n’est pas impossible qu’ils aient été majoritaires. L’étude illustrera par ailleurs l’importance du rôle des cités de la Syrie du Nord dans les échanges commerciaux et culturels avec les autres cultures du Sud-Est du bassin méditerranéen, notamment celles de la Grèce, île de Chypre, de la Cilicie et de la Syrie intérieure.
Turquía es un país asiático con un trozo de su territorio en Europa y se encuentra en proceso de adhesión a la Unión Europea (UE), su candidatura es y ha sido un tema polémico entre los Estados miembros y desde el inicio de las negociaciones formales en 2005 se presentó como un caso especial principalmente por la ocupación militar que mantienen en parte del territorio de Chipre, quien es miembro pleno de la UE desde el 2004. El problema de Chipre está entre las condiciones que debe cumplir Turquía para poder ingresar a la UE y por esto tiene que darle una adecuada solución al problema, sin embargo Turquía no ha cedido frente al problema de Chipre por el interés geopolítico en la isla, ya que es un importante enclave geoestratégico y porque el costo real para su gobierno es mínimo, por ende no se ve obligado a cambiar su política intransigente hacia Chipre y menos cuando sus posibilidades de acceso se ven disminuidas por la posición de países como Francia y Alemania. En consecuencia, la entrada de Turquía es una oferta condicionada y la ausencia de una solución y de negociaciones interminables, pueden aumentar las tensiones en la isla y bloquear indefinidamente el proceso de adhesión de Turquía a la UE.
Las relaciones políticas entre Turquía y la Unión Europea tienen un historial de altos y bajos marcado por los intereses comerciales de cada uno. Sin embargo, en 2005 con la postulación de Turquía como candidato a país miembro de la Unión Europea, el conflicto en la isla de Chipre entre comunidades griegas y turcas se convierte en el principal protagonista de las relaciones bilaterales.
Una de las estrategias que Colombia ha venido implementando para garantizar el desarrollo continuo de su economía es la firma de acuerdos comerciales, en especial con países con economías más fuertes y desarrolladas, entre las cuales se encuentra Estados Unidos, Corea del Sur y la Unión Europea. Esto con el objetivo de que nuestras pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) se involucren en el tema de la globalización y puedan llegar a ser competentes en el mercado internacional, en el aumento de la inversión directa extranjera y en la disminución de la tasa de desempleo. De ahí que, la investigación de perfiles del consumidor para algunos de los países con los cuales Colombia ha firmado acuerdos comerciales, pueden resultar útiles para que los empresarios obtengan un estudio profundo, en el cual se identifiquen estrategias y oportunidades de negocio, en especial para todos aquellos que se vean amenazados por este tipo de acuerdos o para aquellos que estén interesados en entrar en el mundo de la globalización y puedan así ser competentes a nivel mundial. Así mismo, este documento buscará identificar el top de los productos más demandados por los países de estudio y así facilitar la identificación de las oportunidades en cada mercado.
Es por esto que el objetivo de este proyecto es dar a conocer mediante la investigación del comercio internacional entre Colombia y la Unión Europea, específicamente para los países de Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria y Chipre estrategias de internacionalización y expansión de las PYMES a nuevos mercados. Entonces, con este proyecto se quiere conseguir que por medio de la investigación y la información se determinen aquellos productos y servicios que Colombia está ofreciendo a los países de estudio, para que de esta manera se puedan identificar características propias del mercado internacional, en especial los competidores directos a la exportación.
Radiocarbon (carbon-14) data from the Aegean Bronze Age 1700-1400 B.C. show that the Santorini (Thera) eruption must have occurred in the late 17th century B.C. By using carbon-14 dates from the surrounding region, cultural phases, and Bayesian statistical analysis, we established a chronology for the initial Aegean Late Bronze Age cultural phases (Late Minoan IA, IB, and II). This chronology contrasts with conventional archaeological dates and cultural synthesis: stretching out the Late Minoan IA, IB, and II phases by similar to 100 years and requiring reassessment of standard interpretations of associations between the Egyptian and Near Eastern historical dates and phases and those in the Aegean and Cyprus in the mid-second millennium B.C.
The amplification of carboxylesterase genes is a mechanism of organophosphate resistance in Culex mosquitoes. Amplified carboxylesterase genes from an insecticide resistant Culex pipiens strain collected in Cyprus were analysed and compared to other Culex amplified carboxylesterase alleles. A 12 kb section of genomic DNA containing two gene loci coding for carboxylesterase alleles A5 and B5 was cloned and sequenced. A comparison between this amplicon and one from a strain with co-amplified carboxylesterase alleles A2 and B2 revealed a number of differences. The intergenic spacer was 3.7 kb in length in the A5-B5 amplicon (2.7 kb in A2-B2) and contained putative Juan and transposable elements upstream of B5. A fragment of a gene with high homology to aldehyde oxidase was also present immediately downstream of A5. The comparison revealed no differences that would explain the successful spread of the A2-B2 amplicon worldwide whilst the A5-B5 amplicon is restricted to the Mediterranean. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The arrival of a student who is Blind in the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading has made it an interesting and challenging year for all. Visually impaired students have already graduated from other Schools of the University and the School of Systems Engineering has seen three students with visual impairment graduate recently with good degrees. These students could access materials - and do assessments - essentially by means of enlargement and judicious choice of options. The new student had previously been supported by a specialist college. She is a proficient typist and also a user of both Braille and JAWS screen reader, and she is doing a joint course in Cybernetics and Computer Science. The course requires mathematics which itself includes graphs, and also many diagrams including numerous circuit diagrams. The University bought proven equipment such as a scanner to process books into speech or Braille, and screen reading software as well as a specialist machine for producing tactile diagrams for educational use. Clearly it is also important that the student can access assessments and examinations and present answers for marking or feedback (by sighted staff). So the School also used innovative in-house tactile methods to represent diagrams. This paper discusses the success or otherwise of various modifications of course delivery and the way forward for the next three years.
The introduction of multimedia on pervasive and mobile communication devices raises a number of perceptual quality issues. However, limited work has been done examining the 3-way interaction between use of equipment, user perceptual quality and quality of service. Our work measures user perceptual quality with the quality of perception (QoP) metrics which comprises levels of informational transfer (objective) and user satisfaction (subjective) when users are presented with multimedia video clips at three different frame rates, using four different display devices. Finally, our results will show that variation in frame-rate does not impact a user’s level of information assimilation (IA), however, does impact a users’ perception of multimedia video ‘quality’.
A climatology of cyclones with a focus on their relation to wind storm tracks in the Mediterranean region (MR) is presented. Trends in the frequency of cyclones and wind storms, as well as variations associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic/West Russian (EAWR) and the Scandinavian variability pattern (SCAND) are discussed. The study is based on the ERA40 reanalysis dataset. Wind storm tracks are identified by tracking clusters of adjacent grid boxes characterised by extremely high local wind speeds. The wind track is assigned to a cyclone track independently identified with an objective scheme. Areas with high wind activity – quantified by extreme wind tracks – are typically located south of the Golf of Genoa, south of Cyprus, southeast of Sicily and west of the Iberian Peninsula. About 69% of the wind storms are caused by cyclones located in the Mediterranean region, while the remaining 31% can be attributed to North Atlantic or Northern European cyclones. The North Atlantic Oscillation, the East Atlantic/West Russian pattern and the Scandinavian pattern all influence the amount and spatial distribution of wind inducing cyclones and wind events in the MR. The strongest signals exist for the NAO and the EAWR pattern, which are both associated with an increase in the number of organised strong wind events in the eastern MR during their positive phase. On the other hand, the storm numbers decrease over the western MR for the positive phase of the NAO and over the central MR during the positive phase of the EAWR pattern. The positive phase of the Scandinavian pattern is associated with a decrease in the number of winter wind storms over most of the MR. A third of the trends in the number of wind storms and wind producing cyclones during the winter season of the ERA40 period may be attributed to the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation.