966 resultados para Corrective orthodontics


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In the present study, to shed light on a role of positional error correction mechanism and prediction mechanism in the proactive control discovered earlier, we carried out a visual tracking experiment, in which the region where target was shown, was regulated in a circular orbit. Main results found in this research were following. Recognition of a time step, obtained from the environmental stimuli, is required for the predictive function. The period of the rhythm in the brain obtained from environmental stimuli is shortened about 10%, when the visual information is cut-off. The shortening of the period of the rhythm in the brain accelerates the motion as soon as the visual information is cut-off, and lets the hand motion precedes the target motion. Although the precedence of the hand in the blind region is reset by the environmental information when the target enters the visible region, the hand precedes in average the target when the predictive mechanism dominates the error-corrective mechanism.


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Arousing stimuli, either threat-related or pleasant, may be selected for priority at different stages within the processing stream. Here we examine the pattern of processing for non-task-relevant threatening (spiders: arousing to some) and pleasant stimuli (babies or chocolate: arousing to all) by recording the gaze of a spider Fearful and Non-fearful group while they performed a simple “follow the cross” task. There was no difference in first saccade latencies. Saccade trajectories showed a general hypervigilance for all stimuli in the Fearful group. Saccade landing positions corresponded to what each group would find arousing, such that the Fearful group deviated towards both types of images whereas the Non-fearful group deviated towards pleasant images. Secondary corrective saccade latencies away from threat-related stimuli were longer for the Fearful group (difficulty in disengaging) compared with the Non-fearful group. These results suggest that attentional biases towards arousing stimuli may occur at different processing stages.


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Ecological forecasting is difficult but essential, because reactive management results in corrective actions that are often too late to avert significant environmental damage. Here, we appraise different forecasting methods with a particular focus on the modelling of species populations. We show how simple extrapolation of current trends in state is often inadequate because environmental drivers change in intensity over time and new drivers emerge. However, statistical models, incorporating relationships with drivers, simply offset the prediction problem, requiring us to forecast how the drivers will themselves change over time. Some authors approach this problem by focusing in detail on a single driver, whilst others use ‘storyline’ scenarios, which consider projected changes in a wide range of different drivers. We explain why both approaches are problematic and identify a compromise to model key drivers and interactions along with possible response options to help inform environmental management. We also highlight the crucial role of validation of forecasts using independent data. Although these issues are relevant for all types of ecological forecasting, we provide examples based on forecasts for populations of UK butterflies. We show how a high goodness-of-fit for models used to calibrate data is not sufficient for good forecasting. Long-term biological recording schemes rather than experiments will often provide data for ecological forecasting and validation because these schemes allow capture of landscape-scale land-use effects and their interactions with other drivers.


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Introduction: Orthodontic tooth movement uses mechanical forces that result in inflammation in the first days. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an enzyme found in polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) granules, and it is used to estimate the number of PMN granules in tissues. So far, MPO has not been used to study the inflammatory alterations after the application of orthodontic tooth movement forces. The aim of this study was to determine MPO activity in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and saliva (whole stimulated saliva) of orthodontic patients at different time points after fixed appliance activation. Methods: MPO was determined in the GCF and collected by means of periopaper from the saliva of 14 patients with orthodontic fixed appliances. GCF and saliva samples were collected at baseline, 2 hours, and 7 and 14 days after application of the orthodontic force. Results: Mean MPO activity was increased in both the GCF and saliva of orthodontic patients at 2 hours after appliance activation (P<0.02 for all comparisons). At 2 hours, PMN infiltration into the periodontal ligament from the orthodontic force probably results in the increased MPO level observed at this time point. Conclusions: MPO might be a good marker to assess inflammation in orthodontic movement; it deserves further studies in orthodontic therapy. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:613-6)


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Objective: To develop yardsticks for assessment of dental arch relationship in young individuals with repaired complete bilateral cleft lip and palate appropriate to different stages of dental development. Participants: Eleven cleft team orthodontists from five countries worked on the projects for 4 days. A total of 776 sets of standardized plaster models from 411 patients with operated complete bilateral cleft lip and palate were available for the exercise. Statistics: The interexaminer reliability was calculated using weighted kappa statistics. Results: The interrater weighted kappa scores were between .74 and .92, which is in the ""good"" to ""very good"" categories. Conclusions: Three bilateral cleft lip and palate yardsticks for different developmental stages of the dentition were made: one for the deciduous dentition (6-year-olds` yardstick), one for early mixed dentition (9-year-olds` yardstick), and one for early permanent dentition (12-year-olds` yardstick).


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I begin by citing a definition of "third wave" from the glossary in Turbo Chicks: Talking Young Feminisms at length because it communicates several key issues that I develop in this project. The definition introduces a tension within "third wave" feminism of building and differentiating itself from second wave feminism, the newness of the term "third wave," its association with "young" women, complexity of contemporary feminisms, and attention to multiple identities and oppressions. Uncovering explanations of "third wave" feminism that go beyond, like this one, generational associations, is not an easy task. Authors consistently group new feminist voices together by age under the label "third wave" feminists without questioning the accuracy of the designation. Most explorations of "third wave" feminism overlook the complexities and distinctions that abound among "young" feminists ; not all young feminists espouse similar ideas, tactics, and actions; and for various reasons, not all young feminists identify with a "third wave" of feminism. Less than a year after I began to learn about feminism I discovered Barbara Findlen's Listen Up: Voices From the Next Feminist Generation. Although the collection nor its contributors declare association with "third wave" feminism, consequent reviews and citations in articles identify it, along with Rebecca Walker's To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Voice of Feminism, as a major text of "third wave" feminism. Re-reading Listen Up since beginning to research "third wave" feminism, I now understand its fundamental influence on my research questions as a starting point for assessing persistent exclusion in contemporary feminism, rather than as a revolutionary text (as it is claimed to be in many reviews). Findlen begins the introduction with the bold claim, "My feminism wasn't shaped by antiwar or civil rights activism ..." (xi). Framing the collection with a disavowal of the influence women of color's organizational efforts negates, for me, the project's proclaimed commitment to multivocality. Though several contributions examine persistent exclusion within contemporary feminist movement, the larger project seems to rely on these essays to reflect this commitment, suggesting that Listen Up does not go beyond the "add and stir" approach to "diversity." Interestingly, this statement does not appear in the new edition of Listen Up published in 2001. And the content has changed with this new edition, including several more Latina contributors and other "corrective" additions.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo que analisa o grau de satisfação de clientes, pacientes e acompanhantes, acerca da assistência nutricional hospitalar da ISCMPA, que utiliza o índice de satisfação de clientes como indicador de desempenho, demostrando a preocupação em elevar a qualidade do serviço a níveis de excelência. Foi aplicado um questionário, realizando entrevista pessoal com 215 clientes, resultando num estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, de perfil qualitativo e quantitativo. A análise de resultados foi apresentada em três blocos: características dos envolvidos na investigação, nível de satisfação e grau de importância por constructos. Aspectos como percepção dos clientes da imagem da Instituição, posição frente à comunidade, fatores que os levariam a trocar de Hospital e os sentimentos expressos pelos respondentes na ocasião da pesquisa, também foram abordados. O índice de 95 % de satisfação dos clientes, meta da Instituição, foi atingido em quatro dos seis contructos avaliados: Comportamento e Atuação de Funcionários, Comunicação com a Equipe por Telefone, Contato Inicial com a Equipe de Nutrição e Higiene de Material da Copa. Os constructos que não alcançaram a meta foram Refeições e Adequação de Material. O conhecimento do grau de satisfação dos clientes permitiu estabelecer um plano de intervenção, definindo ações corretivas e de melhorias para constructos que não alcançaram a meta e para pontos críticos identificados.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar os coeficientes sazonais de algumas variáveis econômicas (produção industrial, exportações e importações), isentos das mudanças estruturais registradas na economia. O estudo verifica se os planos de estabilização implementados pelo governo nos últimos quinze anos afetaram o padrão sazonal daquelas séries. Para tanto aplica-se o X-12-ARIMA, o novo método de dessazonalização de séries desenvolvido pelo U.S. Bureau of the Census. O uso desse método torna-se necessário, porque os demais métodos conhecidos impedem testar nossa hipótese, ao não permitirem o emprego de intervenções, não obtendo assim os melhores estimadores para os coeficientes sazonais. O estudo cobre o período que vai de 1980 a 1997 e os resultados confirmam a nossa hipótese de mudança no padrão sazonal no período. As nossas variáveis econômicas foram - de um ou de outro modo - atingidas pelos planos de estabilização implementados nos últimos quinze anos.


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Public administration has been labeled as inefficient for decades, with society seen it as a great waste of public money with a low generation of results. Its services are notably classified as sluggish, bureaucratic, with a low productivity level and a high incidence of mistakes. In periods of crisis, public administration must be the first to give good examples of balance and parsimony in its expenditures, or it could lead to the failure of the government, in general, causing damages to the population. To reach this goal, some corrective measures must be done, in different directions, by selecting the expenditures and fostering the maximum economy for the exchequer. This is only possible through the application of correct planning techniques, a still far way reality from the culture of our public organisms. One way to this change is the adoption of the Price Registration System, that in the Federal scope was already adopted by the Decree nº 3.931/01, and in the scope of the municipality of Manaus was ordered by the Decree nº 8.270/06. The present study verifies the influence of the use of the Price Registration System in purchases and contracts undertaken by the Local Secretariat of Construction, Basic Services and Housing, in the city of Manaus concerning the economy obtained when compared to other methods of tenders.


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Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.


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Este trabalho trata de um estudo de caso sobre a participação direta dos cidadãos no orçamento público municipal. Discute-se a teoria democrática sustentando-se que a democracia representativa apresenta fàlhas que exigem mecanismos corretivos e que a participação direta dos cidadãos se apresenta como uma alternativa para corrigir esses desvios. A premissa básica que permeia toda a pesquisa é a da participação direta como meio eficiente de controle do cidadão sobre as ações do Estado - Governo Local. Por meio da análise do Programa de Governo do Partido e do Plano de Governo da Prefeitura de Santos~ procurou-se verificar quais os fundamentos teóricos da participação direta que orientam as ações do Governo Municipal Santista. A dimensão institucional da participação é explorada por meio da descrição e análise crítica das formas de participação direta~ previstas na legislação constitucional - Constituições Federal e Estadual de São Paulo e Lei Orgânica do Município de Santos. Busca-se identificar quais são os limites dos mecanismos de participação direta, previstos na legislação. quando aplicados ao orçamento municipal. A investigação sobre o processo decisório orçamentário visa a captar qual lógica subjaz no processo de alocação de recursos no orçamento público. Embora se tenha assinalados certos embaraços jurídicos e operacionais à participação direta dos cidadãos no orçamento~ esses entraves não invalidam a importância da experiência com orçamento participativo no Município de Santos. A proposta da Prefeitura Santista, por seu caráter inovador e educativo revela-se uma valiosa contribuição para a prática de uma gestão mais democrática e transparente no âmbito municipal.


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A prática da negociação é tão antiga quanto a existência do ser humano. Segundo Shell (1999, p. 6, tradução nossa), “todos nós negociamos muitas vezes ao dia”. Negociam-se sobre infinitos assuntos com pessoas da mesma cultura ou de outra totalmente distinta, nos mais diversos ambientes. Na verdade, a negociação está tão presente que não se passa um dia sequer sem que se negocie algo, desde aumentos de salário até a construção de plantas industriais no exterior, em cenário de conflito político. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é levá-lo a compreender por que algumas dessas negociações são bem-sucedidas enquanto outras fracassam. Afim de que este objetivo seja atingido, é preciso inicialmente descrever o que se passa no momento em que a negociação está ocorrendo. Todavia, a descrição do processo em si tão somente não leva a maiores conquistas. É preciso também diagnosticar o que está acontecendo de errado para então prescrever soluções corretivas ou preventivas, conforme o caso. Em suma, os objetivos do presente trabalho visam responder às seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: 1. Qual é o perfil do negociador brasileiro? 2. O brasileiro negocia assuntos diferentes da mesma maneira? 3. Quando confrontado com outras culturas, como o brasileiro se comporta?O trabalho contempla um levantamento, pesquisa na forma de questionário, submetido com sucesso à apreciação de algumas centenas de brasileiros, com o intuito de saber como se comportam diante de dez situações reais em cenários diferentes, cuidadosamente escolhidos e que serão analisados ao longo do presente trabalho. Alguns resultados obtidos foram bastante curiosos. O leitor é convidado a explorar as conclusões sobre os desafios enfrentados pelos brasileiros nos dez cenários citados.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é orientar o gestor municipal, através de medidas preventivas e corretivas, no cumprimento dos requisitos fiscais elencados pelo Serviço Auxiliar de Informações para Transferências Voluntárias - CAUC, promovendo assim, a adimplência do Município e, consequentemente, a possibilidade de captação de recursos federais por transferências voluntárias. Desta forma, primeiramente, é realizada uma breve contextualização do tema, destacando sua relevância e as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos municípios no momento atual. No referencial teórico, a definição dos tipos de transferências de recursos, com destaque para as transferências voluntárias, a definição de convênios e a apresentação do CAUC, seus requisitos e funcionalidades, bem como a metodologia adotada no trabalho. Neste trabalho é apresentada pesquisa realizada no período de 2010 a 2013, com os municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, apontando os requisitos recorrentes no CAUC que geram inadimplência e os principais aspectos observados. A partir dos dados coletados são elencadas medidas de caráter preventivo e corretivo, as principais ações e tipos de monitoramento, com o intuito de auxiliar os municípios na compreensão e no cumprimento das exigências.


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In June 2014 Brazil hosted the FIFA World Cup and in August 2016 Rio de Janeiro hosts the Summer Olympics. These two seminal sporting events will draw tens of thousands of air travelers through Brazil’s airports, airports that are currently in the midst of a national modernization program to address years of infrastructure neglect and insufficient capacity. Raising Brazil’s major airports up to the standards air travelers experience at major airports elsewhere in the world is more than just a case of building or remodeling facilities, processes must also be examined and reworked to enhance traveler experience and satisfaction. This research paper examines the key interface between airports and airline passengers—airport check-in procedures—according to how much value and waste there is associated with them. In particular, the paper makes use of a value stream mapping construct for services proposed by Martins, Cantanhede, and Jardim (2010). The uniqueness of this construct is that it attributes each activity with a certain percentage and magnitude of value or waste which can then be ordered and prioritized for improvement. Working against a fairly commonly expressed notion in Brazil that Brazil’s airports are inferior to the airports of economically advanced countries, the paper examines Rio’s two major airports, Galeão International and Santos Dumont in comparison to Washington D.C.’s Washington National and Dulles International airports. The paper seeks to accomplish three goals: - Determine whether there are differences in airport passenger check-in procedures between U.S. and Brazilian airports in terms of passenger value - Present options for Brazilian government or private sector authorities to consider adopting or implementing at Brazilian airports to maximize passenger value - Validate the Martins et al. construct for use in evaluating the airport check-in procedures Observations and analysis proved surprising in that all airports and service providers follow essentially the same check-in processes but execute them differently yet still result in similar overall performance in terms of value and waste. Although only a few activities are categorized as completely wasteful (and therefore removed in the revised value stream map of check-in activities), the weighting and categorization of individual activities according to their value (or waste) presents decision-makers a means to prioritize possible corrective actions. Various overall recommendations are presented based on this analysis. Most importantly, this paper demonstrates the viability of using the construct developed by Martins et al to examine airport operations, as well as its applicability to the study of other service industry processes.