985 resultados para Climate Changes
Rapid climate changes at the onset of the last deglaciation and during Heinrich Event H4 were studied in detail at IMAGES cores MD95-2039 and MD95-2040 from the Western Iberian margin. A major reorganisation of surface water hydrography, benthic foraminiferal community structure, and deepwater isotopic composition commenced already 540 years before the Last Isotopic Maximum (LIM) at 17.43 cal. ka and within 670 years affected all environments. Changes were initiated by meltwater spill in the Nordic Seas and northern North Atlantic that commenced 100 years before concomitant changes were felt off western Iberia. Benthic foraminiferal associations record the drawdown of deepwater oxygenation during meltwater and subsequent Heinrich Events H1 and H4 with a bloom of dysoxic species. At a water depth of 3380 m, benthic oxygen isotopes depict the influence of brines from sea ice formation during ice-rafting pulses and meltwater spill. The brines conceivably were a source of ventilation and provided oxygen to the deeper water masses. Some if not most of the lower deep water came from the South Atlantic. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages display a multi-centennial, approximately 300-year periodicity of oxygen supply at 2470-m water depth. This pattern suggests a probable influence of atmospheric oscillations on the thermohaline convection with frequencies similar to Holocene climate variations. For Heinrich Events H1 and H4, response times of surface water properties off western Iberia to meltwater injection to the Nordic Seas were extremely short, in the range of a few decades only. The ensuing reduction of deepwater ventilation commenced within 500-600 years after the first onset of meltwater spill. These fast temporal responses lend credence to numerical simulations that indicate ocean-climate responses on similar and even faster time scales.
One of the most abrupt and yet unexplained past rises in atmospheric CO2 (10 p.p.m.v. in two centuries) occurred in quasi-synchrony with abrupt northern hemispheric warming into the Bølling/Allerød, 14,600 years ago. Here we use a U/Th-dated record of atmospheric D14C from Tahiti corals to provide an independent and precise age control for this CO2 rise. We also use model simulations to show that the release of old (nearly 14C-free) carbon can explain these changes in CO2 and D14C. The D14C record provides an independent constraint on the amount of carbon released (125 Pg C). We suggest, in line with observations of atmospheric CH4 and terrigenous biomarkers, that thawing permafrost in high northern latitudes could have been the source of carbon, possibly with contribution from flooding of the Siberian continental shelf during meltwater pulse 1A. Our findings highlight the potential of the permafrost carbon reservoir to modulate abrupt climate changes via greenhouse-gas feedbacks.
The Niveau Breistroffer black shale succession in the Vocontian Basin (SE France) is the regional equivalent of the widely distributed Late Albian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d. The studied black shale-rich interval at the Col de Palluel section is 6.28 m thick and comprises four black shale units with up to 2.5 wt% total organic carbon (TOC) intercalated with marlstones. Calcareous nannofossil, palynomorph, planktic Foraminifera and stable isotopic data from the Niveau Breistroffer succession suggest that short-term climate changes influenced its deposition, with relatively warm and humid climate during black shale formation in comparison with relatively cool and dry climatic conditions during marlstone deposition. An increase in the terrigenous/marine ratio of palynomorphs indicates enhanced humidity and higher runoff during black shale formation. A nutrient index based on calcareous nannofossils and the abundance pattern of small (63-125 µm) hedbergellid Foraminifera show short-term changes in the productivity of the surface water. Surface-water productivity was reduced during black shale formation and increased during marlstone deposition. A calcareous nannofossil temperature index and bulk-rock oxygen isotope data indicate relative temperature changes, with warmer surface waters for black shale samples. At these times, warm-humid climate and reduced surface-water productivity were accompanied by greater abundances of 'subsurface'-dwelling calcareous nannofossils (nannoconids) and planktic Foraminifera (rotaliporids). These taxa presumably indicate more stratified surface-water conditions. We suggest that the formation of the Niveau Breistroffer black shales occurred during orbitally induced increase in monsoonal activity that led to increasing humidity during periods of black shale formation. This, in turn, caused a decrease in low-latitude deep-water formation and probably an increase in surface-water stratification. The combination of these two mechanisms caused depleted O2 concentrations in the bottom water that increased the preservation potential of organic matter
Sediment core M23414 from the Rockall Plateau (North Atlantic) covering the last two climatic cycles, marine isotope stages (MIS) 7 to 1, was investigated for glacial-interglacial variations in the deep-sea benthic ostracode fauna. A highly diversified ostracode fauna including 98 species was found. Two climate-related assemblages were identified, associated with interglacial and peak glacial periods, respectively. The 'interglacial' group occurs during the end of MIS 7, 5 and 1 and is composed of the genera Henryhowella, Pelecocythere, Echinocythereis, Cytherella, Bradleya, Aversovalva and Eucytherura. The 'glacial' group consists of the genera Acetabulastoma (which is known as 'sea ice indicator' in the modern Arctic Ocean), Polycope, Bythoceratina, ?Rhombobythere, and some species possibly belonging to the genus Pseudocythere and is found during MIS 6, 4 and 2. These longer-term variations within the ostracode fauna seem related to the particular glacial and interglacial climate conditions that affected both deep-water production as well as primary production in the surface waters. However, a detailed comparison of ostracode abundances with the occurrence of events marked by increased ice-rafted debris reveals also much shorter-term climate related changes in the ostracode fauna. Thus, the temporal fluctuations within ostracode assemblages reflect long- and short-term alterations of the deep-sea environment that are clearly linked to climate changes.
Oxygen isotopic values for benthic foraminifera from DSDP and ODP low latitude marine sediment cores
Sea surface temperature (SST) and seawater d18O (d18Ow) were reconstructed in a suite of sediment cores from throughout the Arabian Sea for four distinct time intervals (0 ka, 8 ka, 15 ka, and 20 ka) with the aim of understanding the history of the Indian Monsoon and the climate of the Arabian Sea region. This was accomplished through the use of paired Mg/Ca and d18O measurements of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber. By analyzing basin-wide changes and changes in cross-basinal gradients, we assess both monsoonal and regional-scale climate changes. SST was colder than present for the majority of sites within all three paleotime slices. Furthermore, both the Indian Monsoon and the regional Arabian Sea mean climate have varied substantially over the past 20 kyr. The 20 ka and 15 ka time slices exhibit average negative temperature anomalies of 2.5°-3.5°C attributable, in part, to the influences of glacial atmospheric CO2 concentrations and large continental ice sheets. The elimination of the cross-basinal SST gradient during these two time slices likely reflects a decrease in summer monsoon and an increase in winter monsoon strength. Changes in d18Ow that are smaller than the d18O signal due to global ice volume reflect decreased evaporation and increased winter monsoon mixing. SSTs throughout the Arabian Sea were still cooler than present by an average of 1.4°C in the 8 ka time slice. These cool SSTs, along with lower d18Ow throughout the basin, are attributed to stronger than modern summer and winter monsoons and increased runoff and precipitation. The results of this study underscore the importance of taking a spatial approach to the reconstruction of processes such as monsoon upwelling.
Although grassland and savanna occupy only a quarter of the world's vegetation, burning in these ecosystems accounts for roughly half the global carbon emissions from fire. However, the processes that govern changes in grassland burning are poorly understood, particularly on time scales beyond satellite records. We analyzed microcharcoal, sediments, and geochemistry in a high-resolution marine sediment core off Namibia to identify the processes that have controlled biomass burning in southern African grassland ecosystems under large, multimillennial-scale climate changes. Six fire cycles occurred during the past 170,000 y in southern Africa that correspond both in timing and magnitude to the precessional forcing of north-south shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Contrary to the conventional expectation that fire increases with higher temperatures and increased drought, we found that wetter and cooler climates cause increased burning in the study region, owing to a shift in rainfall amount and seasonality (and thus vegetation flammability). We also show that charcoal morphology (i.e., the particle's length-to-width ratio) can be used to reconstruct changes in fire activity as well as biome shifts over time. Our results provide essential context for understanding current and future grassland-fire dynamics and their associated carbon emissions.
We analyze sedimentary charcoal records to show that the changes in fire regime over the past 21,000 yrs are predictable from changes in regional climates. Analyses of paleo- fire data show that fire increases monotonically with changes in temperature and peaks at intermediate moisture levels, and that temperature is quantitatively the most important driver of changes in biomass burning over the past 21,000 yrs. Given that a similar relationship between climate drivers and fire emerges from analyses of the interannual variability in biomass burning shown by remote-sensing observations of month-by-month burnt area between 1996 and 2008, our results signal a serious cause for concern in the face of continuing global warming.
The climate during the Cenozoic era changed in several steps from ice-free poles and warm conditions to ice-covered poles and cold conditions. Since the 1950s, a body of information on ice volume and temperature changes has been built up predominantly on the basis of measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of shells of benthic foraminifera collected from marine sediment cores. The statistical methodology of time series analysis has also evolved, allowing more information to be extracted from these records. Here we provide a comprehensive view of Cenozoic climate evolution by means of a coherent and systematic application of time series analytical tools to each record from a compilation spanning the interval from 4 to 61 Myr ago. We quantitatively describe several prominent features of the oxygen isotope record, taking into account the various sources of uncertainty (including measurement, proxy noise, and dating errors). The estimated transition times and amplitudes allow us to assess causal climatological-tectonic influences on the following known features of the Cenozoic oxygen isotopic record: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Oligocene-Miocene Boundary, and the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum. We further describe and causally interpret the following features: Paleocene-Eocene warming trend, the two-step, long-term Eocene cooling, and the changes within the most recent interval (Miocene-Pliocene). We review the scope and methods of constructing Cenozoic stacks of benthic oxygen isotope records and present two new latitudinal stacks, which capture besides global ice volume also bottom water temperatures at low (less than 30°) and high latitudes. This review concludes with an identification of future directions for data collection, statistical method development, and climate modeling.
We infer variations in paleoproductivity and eolian input at ODP Site 1082 in the Walvis Basin from stable oxygen isotope compositions of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia inflata, total organic carbon mass accumulation rates (TOC MAR), and X-ray fluorescence analyses of Fe content. The most pronounced paleoclimatic changes correspond to the time at about 0.9 Ma, when glacial conditions in the northern hemisphere (NH) led to the onset of pronounced 100-kyr glacial-interglacial cycles. We used Fe intensity as a proxy for eolian terrigenous input, and TOC MAR as a paleoproductivity indicator. Paleoproductivity and eolian input show generally higher-amplitude variations of glacial-interglacial cyclicity from 1.5 to 0.58 Ma, indicating pronounced variations in upwellingfavorable winds in this area. At 0.58 Ma, paleoproductivity and eolian input shifted abruptly to lower-amplitude variations with a periodicity of 100 kyr while delta18O values show a trend toward more negative isotope values for the past 0.65 Myr. Especially during glacial periods, oxygen isotope values indicate increasingly warmer sea-surface temperatures toward the end of the Pleistocene. To evaluate the relative influences of NH glaciation and southern hemisphere (SH) insolation as potential forcing mechanisms for variations of eolian input and productivity in the northern Benguela system, we filtered our proxy records at orbital frequencies. The filtered records of Fe intensity and TOC MAR indicate a strong influence of the 100-kyr and 41-kyr frequency bands, supporting our assumption that strong ice buildup in the NH is the dominant trigger for climate changes on the continent and probably in trade-wind intensity. SH insolation and low-latitude precession-related insolation changes were important for paleoproductivity variations in the northern Benguela system, modifying the nutrient supply by southern ocean intermediate waters and the zonal direction of upwelling-inducing trades by the African monsoon system, respectively.
Abrupt and short climate changes, such as the Younger Dryas, punctuated the last glacial-to-interglacial transition (Ruddiman and McIntyre, 1981 doi:10.1016/0031-0182(81)90097-3; Duplessy et al., 1981 doi:10.1016/0031-0182(81)90096-1; Oeschger et al. 1984; Broecker et al., 1985 doi:10.1038/315021a0). Broecker et al. (1988 doi:10.1029/PA003i001p00001) proposed that these may have been caused by an interruption of thermohaline circulation as inputs of glacial meltwater freshened the surface waters of the North Atlantic. The finding (Fairbanks, 1989 doi:10.1038/342637a0) that meltwater discharge was minimal during the Younger Dryas, however, led to the suggestion that the surface-water salinity drop might have been caused instead by changes in the freshwater budget (the difference between precipitation and evaporation), accompanied by a reduction in poleward advection of saline subtropical water. Here we use micropalaeontological and stable-isotope records from foraminifera in two cores from the North Atlantic to generate two continuous, high-resolution records of sea surface temperature and salinity changes over the past 18,000 years. Despite the injection of glacial meltwater during warm episodes, we find that sea surface salinity and temperature remain positively correlated during deglaciation. Cold, low-salinity events occurred during the early stages of deglaciation (14,500-13,000 years ago) and the Younger Dryas, but the minor injections of meltwater at high latitudes during these events are insufficient to account for the observed salinity changes. We conclude that an additional feedback from changes in the hydrological cycle and in advection was necessary to trigger changes in thermohaline circulation and thus in climate. This feedback did not act when the meltwater injection occurred at low latitude.
The isotopic composition of surface seawater is widely used to infer past changes in sea surface salinity using paired foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O from marine sediments. At low latitudes, paleosalinity reconstructions using this method have largely been used to document changes in the hydrological cycle. This method usually assumes that the modern seawater d18O (d18Osw)/salinity relationship remained constant through time. Modelling studies have shown that such assumptions may not be valid because large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns linked to global climate changes can alter the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship locally. Such processes have not been evidenced by paleo-data so far because there is presently no way to reconstruct past changes in the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship. We have addressed this issue by applying a multi-proxy salinity reconstruction from a marine sediment core collected in the Gulf of Guinea. We measured hydrogen isotopes in C37:2 alkenones (dDa) to estimate changes in seawater dD. We find a smooth, long-term increase of ~10 per mil in dDa between 10 and 3 kyr BP, followed by a rapid decrease of ~10 per mil in dDa between 3 kyr BP and core top to values slightly lighter than during the early Holocene. Those features are inconsistent with published salinity estimations based on d18Osw and foraminiferal Ba/Ca, as well as nearby continental rainfall history derived from pollen analysis. We combined dDa and d18Osw values to reconstruct a Holocene record of salinity and compared it to a Ba/Ca-derived salinity record from the same sedimentary sequence. This combined method provides salinity trends that are in better agreement with both the Ba/Ca-derived salinity and the regional precipitation changes as inferred from pollen records. Our results illustrate that changes in atmospheric circulation can trigger changes in precipitation isotopes in a counter-intuitive manner that ultimately impacts surface salinity estimates based on seawater isotopic values. Our data suggest that the trends in Holocene rainfall isotopic values at low latitudes may not uniquely result from changes in local precipitation associated with the amount effect.
Pleistocene stable carbon isotope (d13C) records from surface and deep dwelling foraminifera in all major ocean basins show two distinct long-term carbon isotope fluctuations since 1.00 Ma. The first started around 1.00 Ma and was characterised by a 0.35 per mil decrease in d13C values until 0.90 Ma, followed by an increase of 0.60 per mil lasting until 0.50 Ma. The subsequent fluctuation started with a 0.40 per mil decrease between 0.50 and 0.25 Ma, followed by an increase of 0.30 per mil between 0.25 and 0.10 Ma. Here, we evaluate existing evidence and various hypotheses for these global Pleistocene d13C fluctuations and present an interpretation, where the fluctuations most likely resulted from concomitant changes in the burial fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon due to ventilation changes and/or changes in the production and export ratio. Our model indicates that to satisfy the long-term 'stability' of the Pleistocene lysocline, the ratio between the amounts of change in the organic and inorganic carbon burial fluxes would have to be close to a 1:1 ratio, as deviations from this ratio would lead to sizable variations in the depth of the lysocline. It is then apparent that the mid-Pleistocene climate transition, which, apart from the glacial cycles, represents the most fundamental change in the Pleistocene climate, was likely not associated with a fundamental change in atmospheric pCO2. While recognising that high frequency glacial/interglacial cycles are associated with relatively large (100 ppmv) changes in pCO2, our model scenario (with burial changes close to a 1:1 ratio) produces a maximum long-term variability of only 20 ppmv over the fluctuation between 1.00 and 0.50 Ma.