Ostracode fauna of sediment core GIK23414-9 in the northeast Atlantic

Autoria(s): Didié, Claudia; Bauch, Henning A

LATITUDE: 53.536660 * LONGITUDE: -20.288330 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-08-22T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-08-22T00:00:00




Sediment core M23414 from the Rockall Plateau (North Atlantic) covering the last two climatic cycles, marine isotope stages (MIS) 7 to 1, was investigated for glacial-interglacial variations in the deep-sea benthic ostracode fauna. A highly diversified ostracode fauna including 98 species was found. Two climate-related assemblages were identified, associated with interglacial and peak glacial periods, respectively. The 'interglacial' group occurs during the end of MIS 7, 5 and 1 and is composed of the genera Henryhowella, Pelecocythere, Echinocythereis, Cytherella, Bradleya, Aversovalva and Eucytherura. The 'glacial' group consists of the genera Acetabulastoma (which is known as 'sea ice indicator' in the modern Arctic Ocean), Polycope, Bythoceratina, ?Rhombobythere, and some species possibly belonging to the genus Pseudocythere and is found during MIS 6, 4 and 2. These longer-term variations within the ostracode fauna seem related to the particular glacial and interglacial climate conditions that affected both deep-water production as well as primary production in the surface waters. However, a detailed comparison of ostracode abundances with the occurrence of events marked by increased ice-rafted debris reveals also much shorter-term climate related changes in the ostracode fauna. Thus, the temporal fluctuations within ostracode assemblages reflect long- and short-term alterations of the deep-sea environment that are clearly linked to climate changes.


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Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Didié, Claudia; Bauch, Henning A (2000): Species composition and glacial-interglacial variations in the ostracode fauna of the northeast Atlantic during the past 200,000 years. Marine Micropaleontology, 40(1-2), 105-129, doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(00)00034-7

Palavras-Chave #A. arcticum; Acetabulastoma arcticum; Ambocythere spp.; Argilloecia; Aversovalva spp.; B. bathytatos; B. cf. victrix; B. dictyon; B. mucronalatum; B. scaberrima; Bairdoppilata cf. victrix; Bosquetina mucronalatum; Bradleya dictyon; Bythoceratina scaberrima; Bythocypris spp.; Bythocythere bathytatos; Counting >125 µm fraction; Counting 250-2000 µm fraction; Cytherella spp.; Cytheropteron spp.; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; E. calabra; E. echinata; Echinocythereis echinata; Eucythere spp.; Eucytherura calabra; Eucytherura spp.; genera Paracytherois, Paradoxostoma, and ?Pontocypris; GEOMAR; GIK23414-9; Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; Henryhowella spp.; Ice rafted debris; IRD; KAL; Kasten corer; Krithe spp.; M17/2; M23414; Macrocypris sp.; Meteor (1986); Monoceratina sp.; Nannocythere sp.; Northeast Atlantic; Ostrac; Ostrac indet; Ostracoda; Ostracoda indeterminata; Oxycythereis spp.; P. caudata; P. trigonella; Paracytherois-group; Pedicythere spp.; Pelecocythere spp.; Polycope spp.; Poseidonamicus sp.; Poseidonamicus sp. P. major; Propontocypris trigonella; Pseudocythere caudata; Pseudocythere sp.; questionable; questionable, var. 1; questionable, var. 2; R. enigmatica; R. longipunctata; Rhombobythere spp.; Rimacytheropteron longipunctata; Rockallia enigmatica; S. bradii; S. contortus; Sample mass; Samp m; Sarsicytheridea bradii; Sclerochilus contortus; Semicytherura spp.; shallow-water taxa Cythere lutea, Elofsonella concinna, Finmarchinella finmarchica, Hemicythere spp., Rabilimis mirabilis, Robertsonites tuberculatus, Roundstonia globulifera, and broken specimens, which could not be identified; Swainocythere spp.; T. acanthoderma; Thalassocythere acanthoderma; total number
