990 resultados para Classes of Degeneracy


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The removal of noncoding sequences, or introns, from the eukaryotic messenger RNA precursors is catalyzed by a ribonucleoprotein complex known as the spliceosome. In most eukaryotes, two distinct classes of introns exist, each removed by a specific type of spliceosome. The major, U2-type introns account for over 99 % of all introns, and are almost ubiquitous. The minor, U12-type introns are found in most but not all eukaryotes, and reside in conserved locations in a specific set of genes. Due to their slow excision rates, the U12-type introns are expected to be involved in the regulation of the genes containing them by inhibiting the maturation of the messenger RNAs. However, little information is currently available on how the activity of the U12-dependent spliceosome itself is regulated. The levels of many known splicing factors are regulated through unproductive alternative splicing events, which lead to inclusion of premature STOP codons, targeting the transcripts for destruction by the nonsense-mediated decay pathway. These alternative splice sites are typically found in highly conserved sequence elements, which also contain binding sites for factors regulating the activation of the splice sites. Often, the activation is achieved by binding of products of the gene in question, resulting in negative feedback loops. In this study, I show that U11-48K, a protein factor specific to the minor spliceosome, specifically recognizes the U12-type 5' splice site sequence, and is essential for proper function of the minor spliceosome. Furthermore, the expression of U11-48K is regulated through a feedback mechanism, which functions through conserved sequence elements that activate alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated decay. This mechanism is conserved from plants to animals, highlighting both the importance and early origin of this mechanism in regulating splicing factors. I also show that the feedback regulation of U11-48K is counteracted by a component of the major spliceosome, the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle, as well as members of the hnRNP F/H protein family. These results thus suggest that the feedback mechanism is finely tuned by multiple factors to achieve precise control of the activity of the U12-dependent spliceosome.


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The regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription poses major challenges in terms of the innumerable protein factors required to ensure tissue or cell-type specificity. While this specificity is sought to be explained by the interaction of cis-acting DNA elements and thetrans-acting protein factor(s), considerable amount of degeneracy has been observed in this interaction. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene expression in B cells and liver-specific gene expression are discussed as examples of this complexity in this article. Heterodimerization and post-translational modification of transcription factors and the organization of composite promoter elements are strategies by which diverse sets of genes can be regulated in a specific manner using a finite number of protein factors


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Backlund transformations relating the solutions of linear PDE with variable coefficients to those of PDE with constant coefficients are found, generalizing the study of Varley and Seymour [2]. Auto-Backlund transformations are also determined. To facilitate the generation of new solutions via Backlund transformation, explicit solutions of both classes of the PDE just mentioned are found using invariance properties of these equations and other methods. Some of these solutions are new.


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Flower development provides a model system to study mechanisms that govern pattern formation in plants. Most flowers consist of four organ types that are present in a specific order from the periphery to the centre of the flower. Reviewed here are studies on flower development in two model species: Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus that focus on the molecular genetic analysis of homeotic mutations affecting pattern formation in the flower. Based on these studies a model was proposed that explains how three classes of regulatory genes can together control the development of the correct pattern of organs in the flower. The universality of the basic tenets of the model is apparent from the analysis of the homologues of the Arabidopsis genes from other plant species


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In this paper we consider an N x N non-blocking, space division ATM switch with input cell queueing. At each input, the cell arrival process comprises geometrically distributed bursts of consecutive cells for the various outputs. Motivated by the fact that some input links may be connected to metropolitan area networks, and others directly to B-ISDN terminals, we study the situation where there are two classes of inputs with different values of mean burst length. We show that when inputs contend for an output, giving priority to an input with smaller expected burst length yields a saturation throughput larger than if the reverse priority is given. Further, giving priority to less bursty traffic can give better throughput than if all the inputs were occupied by this less bursty traffic. We derive the asymptotic (as N --> infinity) saturation throughputs for each priority class.


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We establish conditions for the existence, in a chordal graph, of subgraphs homeomorphic to K-n (n greater than or equal to 3), K-m,K-n (m,n greater than or equal to 2), and wheels W-r (r greater than or equal to 3). Using these results, we develop a simple linear time algorithm for testing planarity of chordal graphs. We also show how these results lead to simple polynomial time algorithms for the Fixed Subgraph Homeomorphism problem on chordal graphs for some special classes of pattern graphs.


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This is a review of the measurement of I If noise in certain classes of materials which have a wide range of potential applications. This includes metal films, semi-conductors, metallic oxides and inhomogeneous systems such as composites. The review contains a basic introduction to this field, the theories and models and follows it up with a discussion on measurement methods. There are discussions on specific examples of the application of noise spectroscopy in the field of materials science. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two new classes of mono- and bis-D-pi-A cryptand derivatives with a flexible and a rigid cryptand core have been synthesized. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of these molecules are probed. The three dimensional cavity of the cryptand moiety has been utilized to modulate the SHG intensity to different extents in solution with metal ion inputs such as Ni-II,Cu-II,Zn-II, and Cd-II. We also report that decomplexation events can be used to reversibly modulate their NLO responses.


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We have investigated a mathematical model of the process of activation of the X chromosomes in eutherian mammals. The model assumes that the activation is brought about over some definite time interval T by the complete saturation of N receptor sites on an X chromosome by M activating molecules (or multiples of M). The probability λ of a first hit on the receptor site is considered to be very much lower than that of subsequent hits; that is, we assume strong co-operative binding. Assuming further that an incomplete saturation of receptor sites is malfunctional, we can show that for proper activation of X chromosomes in normal diploid males and females, we must have λMT ≥ 3 and 0·96 ≤ N/M ≤ 1. An extension of this analysis for the triploid cases shows that under these conditions, we cannot explain the activation of two X's if the number of activating molecules is fixed at M. This suggests that there must be two classes of triploid embryos differing from each other in a step-wise manner in the number of activating molecules. In other words, triploids with two active X chromosomes would require 2M activating molecules as opposed to M molecules in triploids with a single active X. This interpretation of the two classes of triploids would be consistent with differing imprinting histories of the parental contributions to the triploid zygote.


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Thiolases are important in fatty-acid degradation and biosynthetic pathways. Analysis of the genomic sequence of Mycobacterium smegmatis suggests the presence of several putative thiolase genes. One of these genes appears to code for an SCP-x protein. Human SCP-x consists of an N-terminal domain (referred to as SCP2 thiolase) and a C-terminal domain (referred as sterol carrier protein 2). Here, the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of this putative SCP-x protein from M. smegmatis are reported. The crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.5 angstrom resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1. Calculation of rotation functions using X-ray diffraction data suggests that the protein is likely to possess a hexameric oligomerization with 32 symmetry which has not been observed in the other six known classes of this enzyme.


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We report on the synthesis of CdSe magic-sized clusters (MSCs) and their evolution into 1D rod and wires retaining the diameter of the order of MSCs. At the beginning of the reaction, different classes of stable MSCs with band gaps of 3.02 eV and 2.57 eV are formed, which exhibit sharp band edge photoluminescence features with FWHM in the order of similar to 13 nm. Reaction annealing time was carried out in order to monitor the shape evolution of the MSCs. We find that magic sized CdSe evolve into 1D rod and wires retaining the same diameter upon increasing annealing time. We observed the gradual emergence of new red shifted emission peaks during this shape evolution process, which emerge as a result of one dimensional energy transfer within the magic sized clusters during their subsequent transformation into rods and wires. The smallest, the second smallest sized MSC and the wires sequentially act as donors and acceptors during the size evolution from small MSCs to larger ones, and then eventually to wires. Steady-state and time-resolved luminescent spectroscopy revealed Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the MSCs to the rods and wires.


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We study the statistical properties of spatially averaged global injected power fluctuations for Taylor-Couette flow of a wormlike micellar gel formed by surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate. At sufficiently high Weissenberg numbers the shear rate, and hence the injected power p(t), at a constant applied stress shows large irregular fluctuations in time. The nature of the probability distribution function (PDF) of p(t) and the power-law decay of its power spectrum are very similar to that observed in recent studies of elastic turbulence for polymer solutions. Remarkably, these non-Gaussian PDFs can be well described by a universal, large deviation functional form given by the generalized Gumbel distribution observed in the context of spatially averaged global measures in diverse classes of highly correlated systems. We show by in situ rheology and polarized light scattering experiments that in the elastic turbulent regime the flow is spatially smooth but random in time, in agreement with a recent hypothesis for elastic turbulence.


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Fragmentation behavior of two classes of cyclodepsipeptides, isariins and isaridins, obtained from the fungus Isaria, was investigated in the presence of different metal ions using multistage tandem mass spectrometry (MS(n)) with collision induced dissociation (CID) and validated by NMR spectroscopy. During MS(n) process, both protonated and metal-cationized isariins generated product ions belonging to the identical `b-ion' series, exhibiting initial backbone cleavage explicitly at the beta-ester bond. Fragmentation behavior for the protonated and metal-cationized acyclic methyl ester derivative of isariins was very similar. On the contrary, isaridins during fragmentation produced ions belonging to the `b' or/and the `y' ion series depending on the nature of interacting metal ions, due to initial backbone cleavages at the beta-ester linkage or/and at a specific amide linkage. Interestingly, independent of the nature of the interacting metal ions, the product ions formed from the acyclic methyl ester derivative of isaridins belonged only to the `y-type'. Complementary NMR data showed that, while all metal ions were located around the beta-ester group of isariins, the metal ion interacting sites varied across the backbone for isaridins. Combined MS and NMR data suggest that the different behavior in sequence specific charge-driven fragmentation of isariins and isaridins is predetermined because of the constituent beta-hydroxy acid residue in isariins and the cis peptide bond in isaridins.


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The restoration, conservation and management of water resources require a thorough understanding of what constitutes a healthy ecosystem. Monitoring and assessment provides the basic information on the condition of our waterbodies. The present work details the study carried out at two waterbodies, namely, the Chamarajasagar reservoir and the Madiwala Lake. The waterbodies were selected on the basis of their current use and locations. Chamarajasagar reservoir serves the purpose of supplying drinking water to Bangalore city and is located on the outskirts of the city surrounded by agricultural and forest land. On the other hand, Madiwala lake is situated in the heart of Bangalore city receiving an influx of pollutants from domestic and industrial sewage. Comparative assessment of the surface water quality of both were carried out by instituting the various physico–chemical and biological parameters. The physico-chemical analyses included temperature, transparency, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, nitrates, phosphates, sodium, potassium and COD measurements of the given waterbody. The analysis was done based on the standard methods prescribed (or recommended) by (APHA) and NEERI. The biological parameter included phytoplankton analysis. The detailed investigations of the parameters, which are well within the tolerance limits in Chamarajasagar reservoir, indicate that it is fairly unpolluted, except for the pH values, which indicate greater alkalinity. This may be attributed to the natural causes and the agricultural runoff from the catchment. On the contrary, the limnology of Madiwala lake is greatly influenced by the inflow of sewage that contributes significantly to the dissolved solids of the lake water, total hardness, alkalinity and a low DO level. Although, the two study areas differ in age, physiography, chemistry and type of inflows, they still maintain a phytoplankton distribution overwhelmingly dominated by Cyanophyceae members,specifically Microcystis aeruginosa. These blue green algae apparently enter the waterbodies from soil, which are known to harbour a rich diversity of blue green flora with several species common to limnoplankton, a feature reported to be unique to the south Indian lakes.Chamarajasagar water samples revealed five classes of phytoplankton, of which Cyanophyceae (92.15 percent) that dominated other algal forms comprised of one single species of Microcystis aeruginosa. The next major class of algae was Chlorophyceae (3.752 percent) followed by Dinophyceae (3.51 percent), Bacillariophyceae (0.47 percent) and a sparsely available and unidentified class (0.12 percent).Madiwala Lake phytoplankton, in addition to Cyanophyceae (26.20 percent), revealed a high density of Chlorophyceae members (73.44 percent) dominated by Scenedesmus sp.,Pediastrum sp., and Euglena sp.,which are considered to be indicators of organic pollution. The domestic and industrial sewage, which finds its way into the lake, is a factor causing organic pollution. As compared to the other classes, Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae members were the lowest in number. Thus, the analysis of various parameters indicates that Chamarajasagar reservoir is relatively unpolluted except for the high percentage of Microcystis aeruginosa, and a slightly alkaline nature of water. Madiwala lake samples revealed eutrophication and high levels of pollution, which is clarified by the physico–chemical analysis, whose values are way above the tolerance limits. Also, the phytoplankton analysis in Madiwala lake reveals the dominance of Chlorophyceae members, which indicate organic pollution (sewage being the causative factor).


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.