830 resultados para City and citizenship
A presente dissertação constituiu um estudo da política na Área de Saúde Bucal em um município de grande porte através dos seus processos - de formulação e implementação - seus atores e sua interface com a Política Nacional Brasil Sorridente. Tomando como referência a experiência do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2001 a 2006, optou-se por um estudo de caso por tratar-se de descrever a unidade a política - em profundidade e em detalhe. A condução de listas livres possibilitou um maior discernimento das mudanças político-organizacionais e principalmente de dois momentos consecutivos: a suposta centralidade da Saúde Bucal na agenda municipal com o decreto do Programa Saúde e Cidadania Dentescola e a oportunidade de se estabelecer uma política de Saúde Bucal contextualizada no acolhimento, no acesso e na universalidade da atenção. O processo de implementação da Política Carioca Rindo à Toa e do Programa Saúde e Cidadania Dentescola dependeu principalmente do aumento de recursos humanos e da aproximação desses com as propostas de Integralidade e Transversalidade.
A judicialização da saúde é uma expressão cada vez mais presente nos cenários de assistência à saúde no Brasil materializada, principalmente, pelos mandados judiciais para a realização de procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos, consultas, internações e dispensação de insumos médico-cirúrgicos. Como objetivo geral o estudo visa analisar o processo de judicialização da saúde no Brasil, no âmbito do SUS, a partir dos profissionais de saúde envolvidos nesse processo. Foram definidos como objetivos específicos descrever a estrutura e os conteúdos das representações sociais da judicialização da saúde no âmbito do SUS para gestores, reguladores e profissionais de saúde envolvidos no processo de atendimento às demandas geradas pela prática da ação judicial; comparar as Representações Sociais sobre a judicialização da saúde destes grupos sociais; discutir os conteúdos dessas representações no processo de judicialização da saúde compreendendo o campo social no qual esta questão se insere, as relações de poder que as perpassam e as construções simbólicas que as especificam. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido à luz da Teoria das Representações Sociais, realizado com 152 profissionais, em um hospital universitário e na central de regulação de procedimentos e leitos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Aplicou-se a Técnica de Evocação Livre através do termo indutor judicialização da saúde, sendo essas analisadas com a técnica de quadro de quatro casas e 40 entrevistas semiestruturadas analisadas através da análise de conteúdo temático-categorial instrumentalizada pelo software NVivo. Na análise estrutural foram evocadas 761 palavras, com média das ordens médias de evocação de três, com frequência máxima de 17 e mínima de 10, já a análise processual resultou em seis categorias, com 2257 unidades de registro, distribuídas em 85 temas. Identificou-se que os profissionais de saúde apresentam um posicionamento negativo diante da realidade imposta pela judicialização, entretanto reconhecem esse recurso como necessário mediante a crise da saúde pública brasileira. Os profissionais de saúde trabalham sob a pressão do poder judiciário, com a ameaça de prisão levando a um cotidiano estressante de suas práticas profissionais decorrente de uma ação ineficaz do Estado na execução da política de saúde. Conclui-se que a representação social encontra-se em fase final de consolidação. Considerando a representação social como determinante de práticas, concluímos também que as representações que emergiram deste estudo podem contribuir para a mudança das práticas dos profissionais de saúde que operacionalizam esse sistema. Espera-se desta forma, que ocorra a promoção de melhorias no resultado final da assistência direta aos usuários que buscam as instituições públicas de saúde para serem atendidos em suas necessidades de saúde, caracterizando-se dessa forma um desafio maior que caminha no sentido de fazer avançar a democracia e a cidadania.
O estudo ora apresentado tem como objetivo analisar o ProJovem enquanto materialização da Política Nacional de Juventude, nos marcos do Governo Lula. O pressuposto central para esta análise está na idéia de que a Política Nacional de Juventude, na forma como foi concebida, materializada quase exclusivamente pelo ProJovem, encontra seus limites no marco das transformações societárias recentes e acaba por reiterar a lógica de constituição histórica das políticas sociais brasileiras, agravada pelos condicionantes políticos e econômicos do pós-1970, comprometendo assim a configuração do seu objetivo, uma vez que nessa conjuntura, a referida política toma por eixo o tripé educação, qualificação profissional e a cidadania, subordinados aos princípios da acumulação capitalista. Para esta análise, optou-se por realizar uma revisão bibliográfica a fim de compreender as principais formulações a respeito da juventude, bem como as suas particularidades na realidade brasileira, tomando como eixo principal para a sua apreensão a perspectiva das expressões da "questão social" sobre condição juvenil. A partir deste debate, a análise da construção da Política Nacional de Juventude toma como pressuposto que esta surge como resposta às manifestações da "questão social", mediada pelas características históricas do processo de constituição das políticas sociais brasileiras e pelas inflexões das novas exigências do modo de produção capitalista, a partir da ofensiva neoliberal e do processo de reestruturação produtiva, no contexto sócio-histórico engendrado no pós-1970. O binômio "inclusão/exclusão social" e o "protagonismo juvenil" são apresentados como os principais eixos que orientam a política, sendo relevante a compreensão do seu significado no contexto das ações voltadas para a juventude. Por fim, buscou-se analisar como os princípios de tal política se materializam no ProJovem, e os limites postos para a efetivação do programa. Para a análise da Política Nacional de Juventude e do ProJovem optou-se por uma pesquisa documental, com base nos instrumentos legais, relatórios e publicações dos profissionais que atuam no programa na realidade do Rio de Janeiro.
This study deals with seasonal variations, natural correlations and similarities of fouling assemblages on exposure panels in the Suez Bay during January 1992 to January 1993. Three main sources of pollutions flow into the bay; industrial waste products, domestic drainage of Suez city and ships' oil and refuse.The fouling assemblages on the test pan els after various periods (1, 2 and 3 months) belonged mainly to the algae (Ulva rigida), polychaetes (Hydroides elegans), Cirripedes (Balanus amphitrite) and amphipods. The fouling at the lst station was relatively more dense than at the 2nd station during the summer and autumn seasons. The lowest productivity was achieved at the 3rd station which was considered less polluted being offshore water. The overall paucity of fouling in the bay is because of the silt covering the submerged surfaces, particularly at the 2nd station, leading to the prevention of the settlements or establishment of fouling organisms. The seasonal changes in the intensity of fouling assemblages on submerged surfaces in seawater seems to be closely related to seasonal variations in water temperature. The great fouling communities on the buoys and long exposure panels showed a remarkable variety of species and density rather than on short term exposures, which were more dense during warmer months.
The type species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo was misidentified as Varicorhinus tungting, and the species under the generic name belong to Bangana and Linichthys. In order to make Sinilabeo available, its type species is fixed under Article 70.3.2 of the 1999 edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as S. hummeli, a new species herein described from the upper Yangtze River basin in Chongqing City and Sichuan Province, South China. A re-definition is provided for Sinilabeo. It resembles Qianlabeo in having an upper lip only present in the side of the upper jaw and uncovered by the rostral fold, but missing in the median part of the upper jaw that, instead, bears a thin, flexible, and cornified sheath, covered by the rostral fold, a character that can separate both from all other existing genera of Asian labeonins. However, Sinilabeo is distinguished from Qianlabeo in the presence of a rostral fold disconnected from the lower lip; a broadly interrupted postlabial groove only restricted to the side of the lower jaw; an upper lip, which is only present in the side of the upper separated from it by a groove; 9-10 branched dorsal-fin rays; two pairs of tiny maxillary barbels.
The principal components, isoflavonoids and astragalosides, in the extract of Radix Astragali were detected by a high-performance liquid chromatography Couple to electrospray ionization ion trap multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-IT-MSn) method. By comparing the retention time (t(R)) of HPLC, the ESI-MSn data and the structures of analyzed Compounds with the data of reference compounds and in the literature, 17 isoflavonoids and 12 astragalosides have been identified or tentatively deduced. By Virtue of the extracted ion chromatogram (EIC) mode, simultaneous determination of isoflavonoids and astragalosides could be achieved when the different components formed overlapped peaks. And this method has been utilized to analyze the constituents in extracts of Radix Astragali from Helong City and of different growth years. Then the antioxidant activity of different samples has been Successfully investigated by HPLC-ESI-MS method in multiple selected ion monitoring(MIM) mode, applying the spin trapping technology, and the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assay was applied to support the result.
The taxicab provides a significant contribution to the accessibility of a city and provides a wide range of services across many social groups. Considering the role of the taxi this books examines the impacts that the mode currently has, and how it may continue to develop in the provision of access within the city.
Intensive archaeological investigation was undertaken on an urban backlot in Annapolis, Maryland. Fieldwork was conducted on behalf of Historic Annapolis Foundation for the property's owners, King and Cornwall, Inc. Supplemental documentary research, an evaluation of existing conditions on the property, and below-ground excavation of a 35 X 70 ft. urban backlot were conducted. While the project was not a Section 106 compliance effort, the field methods and rationale for the site's investigation are comparable to those of standard Phase II site evaluations. Historical documentation attested to the fact that the 22 West Street Backlot, located along the western most edge of the Historic District of Annapolis, Maryland, had seen development and occupation since the first quarter of the eighteenth century. A substantial brick structure was known to have occupied the property in a series of altered forms for much of that period. This structure served a variety of purposes over time: a private residence in the eighteenth century, a boarding house in the nineteenth century (known as the National Hotel), a duplex in the early twentieth century, half of which remained in use until the structure was entirely razed in the 1970s after destruction by fire. Recovery and analysis of site formation processes (i.e., both cultural and natural transformations of the buried remains) indicated that sections of the site were disturbed to a depth of six feet. In contrast to what initially seemed a poor prognosis for site integrity, other areas of the backlot revealed numerous intact historical features and deposits. Structural remains from the dwelling and its associated outbuildings, additions, and attendant trash deposits were recovered. What was initiated as a program of limited testing evolved into a larger-scale undertaking that made use of largely hand-excavated units in conjunction with machine-assisted stripping of areas demonstrated to contain from four to six-foot deep sterile layers of fill. The current investigations provided a window into a portion of the city and period in its history not documented archaeologically. Moreover, this project provided valuable insight into the archaeology of the homelot within a lightly industrialized, urban context. Evidence was recovered of shifts in the layout and arrangement of the houselot as well as changing relations between individuals and the workplace--all within an urban context--an issue defined elsewhere in the archaeological literature as a significant one. No further investigations are recommended for the site, however, further analysis and interpretation of materials recovered are ongoing. In the event that the site were to undergo development, monitoring of any construction activity is recommended.
With appropriate planning and design, Olympic urban development has the potential to leave positive environmental legacies to the host city and contribute to environmental sustainability. This book explains how a modern Olympic games can successfully develop a more sustainable design approach by learning from the lessons of the past and by taking account of the latest developments. It offers an assessment tool that can be tailored to individual circumstances – a tool which emerges from the analysis of previous summer games host cities and from techniques in environmental analysis and assessment.
Situated in the context of recent geographical engagements with 'landscape', this paper combines 'morphological' and 'iconographic' landscape interpretations to examine how urban forms were perceived in late medieval Europe. To date, morphological studies have mapped the medieval city either by classifying urban layouts according to particular types, or by analysing plan forms of particular towns and cities to reveal their spatial evolution. This paper outlines a third way, an 'iconographic' approach, which shows how urban forms in the Middle Ages conveyed Christian symbolism. Three such 'mappings' explore this thesis: the first uses textual and visual representations which show that the city was understood as a scaled-down world â?? a microcosm â?? linking city and cosmos in the medieval mind; the second 'mapping' develops this theme further and suggests that urban landscapes were inscribed with symbolic form through their layout on the ground; while the third looks at how Christian symbolism of urban forms was performed through the urban landscape in perennial religious processions. Each of these 'mappings' points to the symbolic, mystical significance urban form had in the Middle Ages, based on religious faith, and they thus offer a deepened appreciation of how urban landscapes were represented, constructed and experienced at the time.
Cosmopolis is a concept that has a long history in many cultures around the globe. It is a mirroring of the 'social' and 'natural' worlds, such that in one is seen the order and the structures of the other -- a mutual 'mapping'. In this paper I examine how the presence of cosmopolis -- a Christianised cosmopolis of the European Middle Ages -- was made evident in the representation and formation of cities at that time. I reveal a dualism between the social and spatial ordering of both city and cosmos which defined and reinforced social and spatial boundaries in urban landscapes, evident for example in the 11th and 12th centuries. Recently, Toulmin (1992) has taken the idea of cosmopolis to argue that it has been a persistent presence in Western - Enlightenment science, philosophy, and religion -- a 'hidden agenda of modernity'. I contend that, as an idea, cosmopolis has a much earlier circulation in European thinking, not least in the Middle Ages. Locating cosmopolis in the medieval and the modern periods then begs a question of what is it that really makes the two distinct and separate? All too often human geographers have emphasised discontinuities between the 'medieval' and 'modern' age, locating the 'rise of modernity' some time in the Enlightenment period. However, what 'mapping' cosmopolis reveals are continuities, binding time and space together, which when looked at begin to help query the modernity concept itself.
The aim of this paper is to recognize the images that prospective elementary school teachers have about citizenship and citizenship education in school. The qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach is used for that deep interview of ethnographic kind and analysis of institutional documents, for example, curricula, course syllabus and graduated profi le. The revision of documents helps to a better understanding of discourses. The analysis of the corpus obtained after the application of the paradigm of codifi cation proposed in the established theory. As the principal fi ndings we way point out that the concept of citizens that is common among prospective elementary school teachers is reduced to the school environment because they consider that the promotion of citizenship helps to the incorporation of children to society, thus reproducing a propaedeutic view of education.
It is argued widely that the academy today is in the process of significant change—in the institutional assumptions of what constitutes the university and the construction of knowledge and in its relations with the city and the world. This article addresses the evolution of the modern university in the context of the discourses of contemporary globalizing institutions. Further, it empirically assesses the organizational priorities of U.S. research universities in light of the application of these discourses to their objectives and practices, finding that they are playing a key role in the formal representation of the institutional direction, goals, and values of American higher education.
On 28th August 1207, King John created the Borough of Liverpool by granting its first charter. During the ensuing 800 years Liverpool has experienced a complex and changing social, economic and political history resulting in powerful images of the city and its people. This paper examines the labelling of Liverpool and stereotypes of Scousers. It explains how historical and contemporary events, and their coverage in various arms of the media, construct social and spatial imaginations of the city. This involves a more systematic contribution to the how and why dimensions of negative place imagery and social stereotypes, and enhances our understanding of the processes and issues affecting our interpretations of people and place. The analysis is both historical and contemporaneous in teasing out how previous and current events shape the perceptions of insiders and outsiders. This paper reveals that despite concerted efforts to re-brand Liverpool the city continues to face difficult challenges with ongoing bad publicity and negative place imagery.
The housing dimension in Kolkata has been changing in recent years. Since 1991, the city has initiated housing reform that has taken many forms and manifestations characterized by the reduction in social allocation, cutbacks in public funding and promotion of a real estate culture in close partnership between the state and private actors. There has been increasing concern about the housing condition of the poor in the deserted slums and bustee settlements amidst the evident ‘poor blindness’ in housing and investment policies. Against this background the paper discusses self-help housing in Kolkata. It seeks to answer a simple question – why the concept of self-help has not been recognised as a viable policy option for a city with widespread slums and bustee settlements by visiting the complex urban context of Kolkata set within the city's politics, poverty and policies. The paper concludes that there is a need to recognise the existing structural duality in the city and support self-help housing as a parallel housing approach.