961 resultados para Cell adhesion gene


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LYRIC/AEG-1 and its altered expression have been linked to carcinogenesis in prostate, brain and melanoma as well as promoting chemoresistance and metastasis in breast cancer. LYRIC/AEG-1 function remains unclear, although LYRIC/AEG-1 is activated by oncogenic HA-RAS, through binding of c-myc to its promoter, which in turn regulates the key components of the PI3-kinase and nuclear factor-kappaB pathways. We have identified the transcriptional repressor PLZF as an interacting protein of LYRIC/AEG through a yeast two-hybrid screen. PLZF regulates the expression of genes involved in cell growth and apoptosis including c-myc. Coexpression of LYRIC/AEG-1 with PLZF leads to a reduction in PLZF-mediated repression by reducing PLZF binding to promoters. We have confirmed that nuclear LYRIC/AEG-1 and PLZF interact in mammalian cells via the N- and C termini of LYRIC/AEG-1 and a region C terminal to the RD2 domain of PLZF. Both proteins colocalize to nuclear bodies containing histone deacetylases, which are known to promote PLZF-mediated repression. Our data suggest one mechanism for cells with altered LYRIC/AEG-1 expression to evade apoptosis and increase cell growth during tumourigenesis through the regulation of PLZF repression.


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Prostate cancer is a unique and heterogeneous disease. Currently, a major unmet clinical need exists to develop biomarkers that enable indolent disease to be distinguished from aggressive disease. The prostate is an abundant secretor of glycoproteins of all types, and alterations in glycans are, therefore, attractive as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Despite progress over the past decade in profiling the genome and proteome, the prostate cancer glycoproteome remains relatively understudied. A wide range of alterations in the glycoproteins on prostate cancer cells can occur, including increased sialylation and fucosylation, increased O-β-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) conjugation, the emergence of cryptic and high-mannose N-glycans and alterations to proteoglycans. Glycosylation can alter protein function and has a key role in many important biological processes in cancer including cell adhesion, migration, interactions with the cell matrix, immune surveillance, cell signalling and cellular metabolism; altered glycosylation in prostate cancer might modify some, or all of these processes. In the past three years, powerful tools such as glycosylation-specific antibodies and glycosylation gene signatures have been developed, which enable detailed analyses of changes in glycosylation. Thus, emerging data on these often overlooked modifications have the potential to improve risk stratification and therapeutic strategies in patients with prostate cancer.


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The vertebral column and its units, the vertebrae, are fundamental features, characteristic of all vertebrates. Developmental segregation of the vertebral bodies as articulated units is an intrinsic requirement to guarantee the proper function of the spine. Whenever these units become fused either during development or postsegmentation, movement is affected in a more or less severe manner, depending on the number of vertebrae affected. Nevertheless, fusion may occur as part of regular development and as a physiological requirement, like in the tetrapod sacrum or in fish posterior vertebrae forming the urostyle. In order to meet the main objective of this PhD project, which aimed to better understand the molecular and cellular events underlying vertebral fusion under physiological and pathological conditions, a detailed characterization of the vertebral fusion occurring in zebrafish caudal fin region was conducted. This showed that fusion in the caudal fin region comprised 5 vertebral bodies, from which, only fusion between [PU1++U1] and ural2 [U2+] was still traceable during development. This involved bone deposition around the notochord sheath while fusion within the remaining vertebral bodies occur at the level of the notochord sheath, as during the early establishment of the vertebral bodies. A comparison approach between the caudal fin vertebrae and the remaining vertebral column showed conserved features such as the presence of mineralization related proteins as Osteocalcin were identified throughout the vertebral column, independently on the mineralization patterns. This unexpected presence of Osteocalcin in notochord sheath, here identified as Oc1, suggested that this gene, opposing to Oc2, generally associated with bone formation and mature osteoblast activity, is potentially associated with early mineralization events including chordacentrum formation. Nevertheless, major differences between caudal fin region and anterior vertebral bodies considering arch histology and mineralization patterns, led us to use RA as an inductive factor for vertebral fusion, allowing a direct comparison of equivalent structures under normal and fusion events. This fusion phenotype was associated with notochord sheath ectopic mineralization instead of ectopic perichordal bone formation related with increased osteoblast activity, as suggested in previous reports. Additionally, alterations in ECM content, cell adhesion and blood coagulation were discussed as potentially related with the fusion phenotype. Finally, Matrix gla protein, upregulated upon RA treatment and shown to be associated with chordacentrum mineralization sites in regular development, was further described considering its potential function in vertebral formation and pathological fusion. Therefore with this work we propose zebrafish caudal fin vertebral fusion as a potential model to study both congenital and postsegmentation fusion and we present candidate factors and genes that may be further explored in order to clarify whether we can prevent vertebral fusion.


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The Notch family of evolutionarily conserved proteins regulates a broad spectrum of cell-fate decisions and differentiation processes during fetal and post-natal development. The best characterized role of Notch signaling during mammalian hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis is the essential function of the Notch1 receptor in T-cell lineage commitment. More recent studies have addressed the roles of other Notch receptors and ligands, as well as their downstream targets, revealing additional novel functions of Notch signaling in intra-thymic T-cell development, B-cell development and peripheral T-cell function.


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The CD209 gene family that encodes C-type lectins in primates includes CD209 (DC-SIGN), CD209L (L-SIGN) and CD209L2. Understanding the evolution of these genes can help understand the duplication events generating this family, the process leading to the repeated neck region and identify protein domains under selective pressure. We compiled sequences from 14 primates representing 40 million years of evolution and from three non-primate mammal species. Phylogenetic analyses used Bayesian inference, and nucleotide substitutional patterns were assessed by codon-based maximum likelihood. Analyses suggest that CD209 genes emerged from a first duplication event in the common ancestor of anthropoids, yielding CD209L2 and an ancestral CD209 gene, which, in turn, duplicated in the common Old World primate ancestor, giving rise to CD209L and CD209. K(A)/K(S) values averaged over the entire tree were 0.43 (CD209), 0.52 (CD209L) and 0.35 (CD209L2), consistent with overall signatures of purifying selection. We also assessed the Toll-like receptor (TLR) gene family, which shares with CD209 genes a common profile of evolutionary constraint. The general feature of purifying selection of CD209 genes, despite an apparent redundancy (gene absence and gene loss), may reflect the need to faithfully recognize a multiplicity of pathogen motifs, commensals and a number of self-antigens


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La diapause embryonnaire se manifeste par un arrêt réversible du développement embryonnaire durant la période de préimplantation et induit un retard de l’implantation. Chez le vison américain, une diapause embryonnaire obligatoire caractérise chaque gestation. Si les mécanismes de contrôle de la diapause embryonnaire obligatoire chez cette espèce sont bien connus, le rôle utérin impliqué dans la réactivation de l’embryon demeure, quant à lui, encore inconnu. Le sujet de ce doctorat a consisté dans un premier temps à explorer l’environnement utérin à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire afin de caractériser, dans un deuxième temps, les principaux acteurs utérins qui provoquent la réactivation de l’embryon. Nous avons effectué une analyse du transcriptome utérin à l’émergence de la diapause embryonnaire ce qui a permis de construire une librairie de 123 séquences d’ADNc utérines différentiellement exprimées à la réactivation de l’embryon et homologues à des séquences de gènes connues chez d’autres espèces. Ces gènes sont impliqués dans la régulation du métabolisme (25 %), de l’expression génique (21 %), de la transduction de signal (15 %), du cycle cellulaire (15 %), du transport (10 %) et de la structure cellulaire (9 %), reflétant ainsi d’importantes modifications utérines à la réactivation embryonnaire. Nous avons validé l’expression différentielle de dix gènes ainsi identifiés : GDF3 (growth and differentiation 3), ALCAM (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule), ADIPOR1 (adiponectin receptor 1), HMGN1 (high mobility group N1), TXNL1 (thioredoxin like 1), TGM2 (tissue transglutaminase 2), SPARC (secreted protein acidic rich in cystein), et trois gènes codant pour AZIN1 (antizyme inhibitor 1), ODC1 (ornithine decarboxylase 1) et SAT1 (spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase), des enzymes impliquées dans la biosynthèse des polyamines. Le patron de l’expression spatio-temporel de SPARC et d’HMGN1 illustrent spécifiquement un remodelage tissulaire et de la chromatine au niveau utérin à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire. Ayant mesuré une augmentation des concentrations utérines en polyamines à la reprise du développement embryonnaire, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que les polyamines seraient impliquées dans les événements menant à la sortie de la diapause. L’inhibition de la biosynthèse des polyamines par un traitement à l’ α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) a provoqué une diminution significative de la proliferation cellulaire dans les embryons à la réactivation, un retard du moment de l’implantation, mais n’a pas affecté le succès de la reproduction. De manière similaire, nous avons induit un état de dormance dans les cellules de trophoblaste de vison en présence DFMO dans le milieu de culture, et constaté que cet état était réversible. En conclusion, cette étude a non seulement ouvert de nouveaux horizons quant à la compréhension du rôle utérin dans les événements menant à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire, mais a démontré pour la première fois, l’existence de facteurs utérins indispensables à la réactivation de l’embryon: les polyamines.


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Background: Swine influenza is a highly contagious viral infection in pigs affecting the respiratory tract that can have significant economic impacts. Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is one of the most important post-weaning bacterial pathogens in swine causing different infections, including pneumonia. Both pathogens are important contributors to the porcine respiratory disease complex. Outbreaks of swine influenza virus with a significant level of co-infections due to S. suis have lately been reported. In order to analyze, for the first time, the transcriptional host response of swine tracheal epithelial (NPTr) cells to H1N1 swine influenza virus (swH1N1) infection, S. suis serotype 2 infection and a dual infection, we carried out a comprehensive gene expression profiling using a microarray approach. Results: Gene clustering showed that the swH1N1 and swH1N1/S. suis infections modified the expression of genes in a similar manner. Additionally, infection of NPTr cells by S. suis alone resulted in fewer differentially expressed genes compared to mock-infected cells. However, some important genes coding for inflammatory mediators such as chemokines, interleukins, cell adhesion molecules, and eicosanoids were significantly upregulated in the presence of both pathogens compared to infection with each pathogen individually. This synergy may be the consequence, at least in part, of an increased bacterial adhesion/invasion of epithelial cells previously infected by swH1N1, as recently reported. Conclusion: Influenza virus would replicate in the respiratory epithelium and induce an inflammatory infiltrate comprised of mononuclear cells and neutrophils. In a co-infection situation, although these cells would be unable to phagocyte and kill S. suis, they are highly activated by this pathogen. S. suis is not considered a primary pulmonary pathogen, but an exacerbated production of proinflammatory mediators during a co-infection with influenza virus may be important in the pathogenesis and clinical outcome of S. suis-induced respiratory diseases.


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Der Janus Kinase / signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) Signal- transduktionsweg wird für viele Entwicklungsvorgänge benötigt und spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Hämatopoese und bei der Immunantwort. Obwohl der JAK/STAT-Signalweg in den vergangenen Jahren Gegenstand intensiver Forschung war, erschwert die Redundanz des Signalwegs bei Wirbeltieren genetische Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung derjenigen Mechanismen, die den JAK/STAT-Signalweg regulieren. Der JAK/STAT-Signaltransduktionsweg ist evolutionär konserviert und ebenfalls bei der Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster vorhanden. Im Gegensatz zu Wirbeltieren ist der Signaltransduktionsweg von Drosophila weniger redundant und beinhaltet folgende Hauptkomponenten: den Liganden Unpaired (Upd), den Transmembranrezeptor Domeless (Dome), die einzige JAK-Tyrosinkinase Hopscotch (hop), sowie den Transkriptionsfaktor STAT92E. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs bei der zellulären Proliferation mithilfe der Modellsysteme der Flügel- und der Augen-Imaginalscheiben von Drosophila charakterisiert. "Loss-of-function"- und "Gain-of-function"-Experimente zur Verminderung beziehungs-weise Erhöhung der Signalaktivität zeigten, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg eine Rolle bei der zellulären Proliferation der Flügel-Imaginalscheiben spielte, ohne die Zellgröße oder Apoptose zu verändern. Bei der Flügelentwicklung während des zweiten und des frühen dritten Larvalstadiums war die Aktivität des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs sowohl notwendig für die zelluläre Proliferation als auch hinreichend, um Überproliferation anzutreiben. Allerdings änderte sich während der späten dritten Larvalstadien die JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität, sodass endogene STAT92E-Mengen einen anti-proliferativen Effekt im gleichen Gewebe aufwiesen. Weiterhin reichte die ektopische Aktivierung des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs zu diesem späten Entwicklungszeitpunkt aus, um die Mitose zu inhibieren und die Zellen in der Phase G2 des Zellzyklus zu arretieren. Diese Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg sowohl pro-proliferativ in frühen Flügelscheiben als auch anti-proliferativ zu späten Stadien der Flügelscheiben-Entwicklung wirken kann. Dieser späte anti-proliferative Effekt wurde durch einen nicht-kanonischen Mechanismus der STAT92E-Aktivierung vermittelt, da späte hop defiziente Zellverbände im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Zellen keine Veränderungen im Ausmaß der zellulären Proliferation aufwiesen. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine während der Larvalstadien exprimierte dominant-negative und im N-Terminus deletierte Form von STAT92E (?NSTAT92E) nicht für den anti-proliferativen Effekt verantwortlich ist. Diese Tatsache ist ein weiteres Indiz dafür, dass das vollständige STAT92E den späten anti-proliferativen Effekt verursacht. Um Modulatoren für die von JAK/STAT vermittelte zelluläre Proliferation zu identifieren, wurde ein P-Element-basierter genetischer Interaktions-Screen in einem sensibilisierten genetischen Hintergrund durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden dazu 2267 unabhängige P-Element-Insertionen auf ihre Wechselwirkung mit der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität untersucht und 24 interagierende Loci identifiziert. Diese Kandidaten können in folgende Gruppen eingeordnet werden: Zellzyklusproteine, Transkriptionsfaktoren, DNA und RNA bindende Proteine, ein Mikro-RNA-Gen, Komponenten anderer Signaltransduktionswege und Zelladhäsionsproteine. In den meisten Fällen wurden mehrere Allele der interagierenden Kandidatengene getestet. 18 Kandidatengene mit übereinstimmend interagierenden Allelen wurden dann zur weiteren Analyse ausgewählt. Von diesen 18 Kandidaten-Loci wurden 7 mögliche JAK/STAT-Signalwegskomponenten und 6 neue Zielgene des Signalwegs gefunden. Zusammenfassend wurde das Verständnis um STAT92E verbessert. Dieses Protein hat die gleiche Funktion wie das STAT3-Protein der Wirbeltiere und treibt die zelluläre Proliferation voran. Analog zu STAT1 hat STAT92E aber auch einen anti-proliferativen Effekt. Ferner wurden 24 mögliche Modulatoren der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität identifiziert. Die Charakterisierung dieser Wechselwirkungen eröffnet vielversprechende Wege zu dem Verständnis, wie JAK/STAT die zelluläre Proliferation reguliert und könnte bei der Entwicklung von neuartigen therapeutischen Targets zur Behandlung von Krebskrankheiten und Entwicklungsstörungen beitragen.


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ANTECEDENTES: En Colombia, reportes del año 2010 de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación en Nutrición ENSIN 2010(2), muestran uno de cada dos colombianos, presentan un índice de masa corporal mayor al esperado (3) METODO: El presente estudio de corte transversal, determino la prevalencia de obesidad y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población de estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud de una Universidad regional en el primer periodo académico del año 2013. El tamaño de muestra fue n=113 sujetos que corresponden 60,5% a la carrera de medicina y 39,95% a enfermería. Con el fin de conocer su comportamiento con respecto a hábitos y estilos de vida específicos como el consumo de alcohol, el consumo de tabaco y el sedentarismo, así como su asociación a eventos inflamatorios relacionados con la fisiopatología de los procesos de salud asociados al peso, por medio de instrumentos de medición clínica, antropométrica y sérica, determino un modelo estadístico propicio para entender el comportamiento de la obesidad y la enfermedad Cardiovascular RESULTADOS: La prevalencia estimada de sobrepeso y obesidad por Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), fue del 27,7% (IC 95%: 19.9%,37.2%); por el perímetro abdominal (OBPABD) se encontró una prevalencia estimada del 27,4% (IC 95%: 19,9% – 36,4%), y la prevalencia con el Índice Cintura Cadera (OBICC) fue de 3,5% (IC 95%:1,3% – 9,3%). CONCLUSIONES: La presencia de hábitos no saludables y la presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad se considera que es necesario en primera instancia una valoración general de estado nutricional de los universitarios de las diferentes facultados y plantear estrategias preventivas ya que la literatura documenta los efectos de los hábitos no saludables sino además documenta los efectos de la prevención de la misma ya que en si se ha encontrado asociación para enfermedades cardiovasculares. Se propone que para obtener mayor información del comportamiento de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares se deberían realizar estudios retrospectivos en el que intervengan las demás carreras de la universidad y poder evaluar la totalidad de población universitaria


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El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.


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We used two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis to determine early changes in the stress-response pathways that precede focal adhesion disorganization linked to the onset of apoptosis of renal epithelial cells. Treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with the model nephrotoxicant 1,2-(dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (DCVC) resulted in a >1.5-fold up- and down-regulation of 14 and 9 proteins, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis. Proteins included those involved in metabolism, i.e. aconitase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, and those related to stress responses and cytoskeletal reorganization, i.e. cofilin, Hsp27, and alpha-b-crystallin. The most prominent changes were found for Hsp27, which was related to a pI shift in association with an altered phosphorylation status of serine residue 82. Although both p38 and JNK were activated by DCVC, only inhibition of p38 with SB203580 reduced Hsp27 phosphorylation, which was associated with accelerated reorganization of focal adhesions, cell detachment, and apoptosis. In contrast, inhibition of JNK with SP600125 maintained cell adhesion as well as protection against apoptosis. Active JNK co-localized at focal adhesions after DCVC treatment in a FAK-dependent manner. Inhibition of active JNK localization at focal adhesions did not prevent DCVC-induced phosphorylation of Hsp27. Overexpression of a phosphorylation-defective mutant Hsp27 acted as a dominant negative and accelerated the DCVC-induced changes in the focal adhesions as well as the onset of apoptosis. Our data fit a model whereby early p38 activation results in a rapid phosphorylation of Hsp27, a requirement for proper maintenance of cell adhesion, thus suppressing renal epithelial cell apoptosis.


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Platelets perform a central role in haemostasis and thrombosis. They adhere to subendothelial collagens exposed at sites of blood vessel injury via the glycoprotein (GP) 1b-V-IX receptor complex, GPV1 and integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-These receptors perform distinct functions in the regulation of cell signalling involving non-receptor tyrosine kinases (e.g. Src, Fyn, Lyn, Syk and Btk), adaptor proteins, phospholipase C and lipid kinases such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase. They are also coupled to an increase in cytosolic calcium levels and protein kinase C activation, leading to the secretion of paracrine/autocrine platelet factors and an increase in integrin receptor affinities. Through the binding of plasma fibrinogen and von Willebrand Factor to integrin alphaIIbbeta(3), a platelet thrombus is formed. Although increasing evidence indicates that each of the adhesion receptors GPIb-V-IX and GPV1 and integrins alpha(2)beta(1) and alpha(IIb)beta(3) contribute to the signalling that regulates this process, the individual roles of each are only beginning to be dissected. By contrast, adhesion receptor signalling through platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) is implicated in the inhibition of platelet function and thrombus formation in the healthy circulation. Recent studies indicate that understanding of platelet adhesion signalling mechanisms might enable the development of new strategies to treat and prevent thrombosis.


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We used two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis to determine early changes in the stress-response pathways that precede focal adhesion disorganization linked to the onset of apoptosis of renal epithelial cells. Treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with the model nephrotoxicant 1,2-(dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine ( DCVC) resulted in a > 1.5-fold up- and down-regulation of 14 and 9 proteins, respectively, preceding the onset of apoptosis. Proteins included those involved in metabolism, i.e. aconitase and pyruvate dehydrogenase, and those related to stress responses and cytoskeletal reorganization, i.e. cofilin, Hsp27, and alpha-b-crystallin. The most prominent changes were found for Hsp27, which was related to a pI shift in association with an altered phosphorylation status of serine residue 82. Although both p38 and JNK were activated by DCVC, only inhibition of p38 with SB203580 reduced Hsp27 phosphorylation, which was associated with accelerated reorganization of focal adhesions, cell detachment, and apoptosis. In contrast, inhibition of JNK with SP600125 maintained cell adhesion as well as protection against apoptosis. Active JNK co-localized at focal adhesions after DCVC treatment in a FAK-dependent manner. Inhibition of active JNK localization at focal adhesions did not prevent DCVC-induced phosphorylation of Hsp27. Overexpression of a phosphorylation-defective mutant Hsp27 acted as a dominant negative and accelerated the DCVC-induced changes in the focal adhesions as well as the onset of apoptosis. Our data fit a model whereby early p38 activation results in a rapid phosphorylation of Hsp27, a requirement for proper maintenance of cell adhesion, thus suppressing renal epithelial cell apoptosis.


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The increase in CVD incidence following the menopause is associated with oestrogen loss. Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective via their oestrogenic and oestrogen receptor-independent effects, but evidence to support this role is scarce. Individual variation in response to diet may be considerable and can obscure potential beneficial effects in a sample population; in particular, the response to isoflavone treatment may vary according to genotype and equol-production status. The effects of isoflavone supplementation (50hairspmg/d) on a range of established and novel biomarkers of CVD, including markers of lipid and glucose metabolism and inflammatory biomarkers, have been investigated in a placebo-controlled 2x8-week randomised cross-over study in 117 healthy post-menopausal women. Responsiveness to isoflavone supplementation according to (1) single nucleotide polymorphisms in a range of key CVD genes, including oestrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta and (2) equol-production status has been examined. Isoflavones supplementation was found to have no effect on markers of lipids and glucose metabolism. Isoflavones improve C-reactive protein concentrations but do not affect other plasma inflammatory markers. There are no differences in response to isoflavones according to equol-production status. However, differences in HDL-cholesterol and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 response to isoflavones v. placebo are evident with specific ER beta genotypes. In conclusion, isoflavones have beneficial effects on C-reactive protein, but not other cardiovascular risk markers. However, specific ER beta gene polymorphic subgroups may benefit from isoflavone supplementation.


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Background: Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective because of their structural similarity to estrogen. The reduction of concentrations of circulating inflammatory markers by estrogen may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against cardiovascular disease. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on inflammatory biomarkers [von Willebrand factor, intracellular adhesion molecule 1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and endothelin 1 concentrations]. Differences with respect to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [estrogen receptor alpha (XbaI and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta [ER beta (AluI) and ER beta[cx] (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB)] and equol production were investigated. Design: One hundred seventeen healthy European postmenopausal women participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2:1;50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a washout period of 8 wk between the crossover. Plasma inflammatory factors were measured at 0 and 8 wk of each study arm. Results: Isoflavones improved CRP concentrations [odds ratio (95% Cl) for CRP values >1 mg/L for isoflavone compared with placebo: 0.43 (0.27, 0.69)]; no significant effects of isoflavone treatment on other plasma inflammatory markers were observed. No significant differences in the response to isoflavones were observed according to subgroups of equol production. Differences in the VCAM-1 response to isoflavones and to placebo were found with ER beta AluI genotypes. Conclusion: Isoflavones have beneficial effects on CRP concentrations, but not on other inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women, and may improve VCAM-1 in an ER beta gene polymorphic subgroup.