946 resultados para Carbon sequestration - Pasture - Grazing management


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O cultivo de microalgas é uma matéria prima para produção de biocombustível e de captura de carbono devido a vantagens como alta produção de biomassa e rápido crescimento quando comparado com outras fontes de energia e não necessitar de terra fértil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar métodos de concentração da biomassa. A microalga utilizada foi a Isochrysis galbana. Os cultivos tiveram duração de 20 dias e concentração inicial de 7.104 cel/mL no meio de cultivo F2/Guillard. e foram realizados em fotobioreatores de 500 mL, 3 L e 12 L. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em foto-período de 12 h claro/escuro, com temperatura de 27 a 29 C. Ao final dos cultivos, as amostras foram levadas para a sequência de processos de separação. Inicialmente, foram realizados ensaios de microfiltração em membrana com porosidade de 0,45 m em procedimento do tipo dead-end e constatou-se a rápida e intensa formação de camada de fouling. Acrescentou-se uma etapa de separação por floculação preliminar à microfiltração, utilizando-se Al2(SO4)3 como agente floculante. O meio coagulado foi então filtrado e microfiltrado. O estudo combinado das 3 etapas de separação possibilitou 99% de remoção de biomassa.O teor de óleo obtido foi de 22,4%. Portanto, o trabalho apresenta uma configuração de concentração da biomassa Isochrysis galbana visando o processo de produção de biocombustíveis


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O presente estudo defende a tese de que o desenvolvimento da capacidade de abordar a realidade de forma integrada, através de exercícios interdisciplinares e/ou transdisciplinares, torna a ciência mais interessante, completa e, ao mesmo tempo, mais comum. Para alcançá-la, em lugar de abordar o "estoque e sequestro de carbono em manguezais" como um objeto de estudo natural e pertinente às disciplinas Oceanografia, Ecologia, Engenharia Florestal e outras do mesmo campo, optou-se por descrever a rede sociotécnica do carbono assimilado por manguezais. Trata-se de um mergulho na prática científica e de um rastreamento dos vínculos sociais criados e recriados por nossa relação com os objetos tecnocientíficos. O texto resultante destes movimentos que inclui desde estimadores de biomassa vegetal e povos das florestas, até a Convenção do Clima, grandes corporações "verdes" e inventários nacionais de emissões proporciona uma reflexão sobre a forma como a ciência se desenvolveu e tem se apresentado ao mundo contemporâneo (moderno), regulando a ordem política. E é exatamente para tal reflexão que a pergunta "Para onde vamos com o sequestro de carbono?" convida. Depois de percebermos o carbono como um híbrido de natureza e cultura em seus aspectos natural-social, científico-político e local-global , concluímos que o desenvolvimento de metodologias e a elaboração de estimativas de estoque e sequestro de carbono florestal podem ser um caminho para a mitigação do aquecimento global, desde que não sejam colocados de antemão como um conhecimento essencial para tal fim, e que, por ser natural/científico, subjuga os demais saberes


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土地利用变化,尤其是热带地区森林生态系统土地利用方式的变化极大地改变了全球碳循环,对大气CO2浓度的升高,气候变暖等全球性环境问题起着不可忽视的作用。同时,森林的大面积破坏,引起土壤流失,营养元素含量降低,土壤健康状况恶化,最终大幅度降低生态系统的生产力。本文主要结合野外实地调查和室内分析的方法,研究森林砍伐后转变为农田和橡胶园对西双版纳热带地区土壤碳、氮、磷含量以及有机质化学结构的影响,天然次生林恢复、橡胶园建设对大气CO2的蓄积作用。 森林砍伐后转变为农田和橡胶园,显著地改变了土壤的理化特性。研究结果表明,与次生林相比,农田和橡胶园表层土壤容重、pH值升高,含水量降低,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、有效磷含量显著降低。土地利用变化对土壤特性的影响主要发生在0-40 cm 表层土壤,而对40 cm以下土层影响较小。 土地利用变化改变土壤碳含量,同时影响土壤有机质的化学结构。胡敏酸紫外-可见光谱(UV-VIS)、傅利叶变换红外光谱 (FT-IR) 分析发现,不同生态系统表层土壤 (0-20 cm) 胡敏酸光谱学特性存在明显差异。次生林E4/E6值高于农田和橡胶园。与次生林相比,农田和橡胶园表层土壤有机质中酚基相对含量显著降低,脂肪族、芳香族、羧基以及多聚糖等化合物相对含量增加。 运用样地调查、生物量模型模拟和室内土壤样品分析方法,研究了次生林恢复和橡胶园建设对大气CO2的汇集作用。结果表明:退化土壤恢复为次生林、农田建设橡胶园能够有效促进植被和土壤中碳的汇集。次生林和橡胶林生物量增长速率分别为9.8,10.2 (9.4)t•ha-1•yr-1, 1 m表层土壤有机碳汇集速率分别为0.7和1.1 t•C•ha-1•yr-1。模拟结果显示,40年橡胶林生物量为327 (324) t•ha-1, 恢复50年后天然次生林生物量为395 t•ha-1。加之土壤有机碳,40年橡胶园约汇集碳190 t•ha-1, 次生林恢复50年碳汇集潜力为250 t•ha-1。


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Three years of eddy covariance measurements were used to characterize the seasonal and interannual variability of the CO2 fluxes above an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. This alpine meadow was a weak sink for atmospheric CO2, with a net ecosystem production (NEP) of 78.5, 91.7, and 192.5 g C m(-2) yr(-1) in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. The prominent, high NEP in 2004 resulted from the combination of high gross primary production (GPP) and low ecosystem respiration (R-e) during the growing season. The period of net absorption of CO2 in 2004, 179 days, was 10 days longer than that in 2002 and 5 days longer than that in 2003. Moreover, the date on which the mean air temperature first exceeded 5.0 degrees C was 10 days earlier in 2004 (DOY110) than in 2002 or 2003. This date agrees well with that on which the green aboveground biomass (Green AGB) started to increase. The relationship between light-use efficiency and Green AGB was similar among the three years. In 2002, however, earlier senescence possibly caused low autumn GPP, and thus the annual NEP, to be lower. The low summertime R-e in 2004 was apparently caused by lower soil temperatures and the relatively lower temperature dependence of R-e in comparison with the other years. These results suggest that (1) the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau plays a potentially significant role in global carbon sequestration, because alpine meadow covers about one-third of this vast plateau, and (2) the annual NEP in the alpine meadow was comprehensively controlled by the temperature environment, including its effect on biomass growth.


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This paper selected the Taklamakan Desert and the Badain Jaran Desert as the research areas, tested the carbonate content of surface-sand samples of dunes using Eijkelkamp carbonate goniophotometer, and analyzed the spatial-distribution characteristics of carbonate and estimated the carbonate-stock and secondary carbonate-stock in 1m depth of surface sand in the Taklamakan Desert and the Badain Jaran Desert. In addition, the paper test XRD, SEM, TDA, stable carbon isotope and radioactive strontium isotope of lacustrine deposits in the Taklamakan Desert and carbonates, such as kunkar, root canal, lacustrine deposits, sinter and calcrete, in the Badain Jaran Desert. Resting on the achievements by our predecessors, it analyzed the mineral-composition differences of the carbonates, calculated the contents of secondary carbonate and, furthermore, evaluated their potential of sequestration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The overall goal of this study was to increase our understanding of soil carbonate in the context of carbon sequestration in the arid region in China. That is, to advance our understanding about whether or not secondary carbonate in desert is a sink for atmospheric CO2. The following viewpoints were obtained: 1 Carbonate contents of surface-sand samples decend from the south to the north of the Taklamakan Desert. The minimum lies in the south and the maxmum in the mid. Carbonate content of surface-sand of megadunes in the Badain Jaran Desert has low value generally in the dune-crest and the base of slope, and large value in the mid. The average of Carbonate contents of all sorts of collected samples in the same area of the Taklamakan Desert has small diffetences. The average is about 9%. 2 Using carbonate contents as key parameters, calculate the carbon-stock of carbonates in 1m depth of surface sand in the Taklamakan Desert and the Badain Jaran Deser.They are 1.13Pg and 0.19 Pg respectively. There are 0.53Pg and 0.088Pg carbon-stock of secondary-carbonates in 1m depth of surface sand in the Taklamakan Desert and the Badain Jaran Desert. 3 Through testing data from XRD (X-ray diffraction)and TAD ( Thermal Analysis Data), the most significant conclusion derived from is that the main mineral ingredient is calcite in different carbonate substances in arid regions, From the SEM(Scanning electron microscopy ) images, can obtains the information about the micro environment of different carbonate forms in which they can grow. 4 Selected gas by termal cracking and traditional phosphoric acid method, their δ13C show that δ13C is a good parameter to indicate the micro environment in which different secondary carbonate forms. From the δ13C of the same type samples, if the redeposit degree is hard, theδ13C is light, the redeposit degree is weak, the δ13C is heave. and the δ13C of the different type samples, δ13C is mainly controlled by the micro environment in which secondary formed. if the procedure is characterized by redeposit and dissolve of marine facies carbonate, δ13C is heavy, it is characterized by CO2 which produced by plant respiration,δ13C is light. 5 From the δ13C of lacustrine deposit in the different grain size, there exsit certain differences in their micro environment and secondary degree among different grain size in the same grade. 6 The secondary carbonate content of lacustrine deposits in Taklimakan Desert is 47.26%. And those of root canal, sinter, calcrete, kunkar, lacustrine deposit and surface sand in Badain Jaran Desert are 91.74%, 78.46%, 76.26%, 87.87%, 85.37%and 46.49%, respectively. Of different grain size samples, the secondary carbonate contents of coarse fraction (20-63μm), sub-coarse fraction (5-20μm) and fine fraction (<5μm) are 80.10%, 47.2%and 50.07%, respectively. 7 There is no obvious relevance betweenδ13C of secondary carbonate and the content of secondary carbonate,theδ13C of secondary carbonate mainly reflects the parameters of secondary process, the content of secondary carbonate reflects difference of secondary degree.. 8 Silicates potentially supply 3.4 pencent calcium source during forming process of lacustrine deposits in Taklimakan Desert. If calcium source is mainly supplied by goundwater, it can be calculated that about 5.18 %, 6.13%, 5.68%, 5.64 % and 6.82% silicates supply calcium source respectively for root canal, kunkar, lacustrine deposit, calcrete and sinter, during the forming process of different kinds of carbonates in Badain Jaran Desert.


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Carbon Capture and Storage may use deep saline aquifers for CO(2) sequestration, but small CO(2) leakage could pose a risk to overlying fresh groundwater. We performed laboratory incubations of CO(2) infiltration under oxidizing conditions for >300 days on samples from four freshwater aquifers to 1) understand how CO(2) leakage affects freshwater quality; 2) develop selection criteria for deep sequestration sites based on inorganic metal contamination caused by CO(2) leaks to shallow aquifers; and 3) identify geochemical signatures for early detection criteria. After exposure to CO(2), water pH declines of 1-2 units were apparent in all aquifer samples. CO(2) caused concentrations of the alkali and alkaline earths and manganese, cobalt, nickel, and iron to increase by more than 2 orders of magnitude. Potentially dangerous uranium and barium increased throughout the entire experiment in some samples. Solid-phase metal mobility, carbonate buffering capacity, and redox state in the shallow overlying aquifers influence the impact of CO(2) leakage and should be considered when selecting deep geosequestration sites. Manganese, iron, calcium, and pH could be used as geochemical markers of a CO(2) leak, as their concentrations increase within 2 weeks of exposure to CO(2).


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While numerous studies find that deep-saline sandstone aquifers in the United States could store many decades worth of the nation's current annual CO 2 emissions, the likely cost of this storage (i.e. the cost of storage only and not capture and transport costs) has been harder to constrain. We use publicly available data of key reservoir properties to produce geo-referenced rasters of estimated storage capacity and cost for regions within 15 deep-saline sandstone aquifers in the United States. The rasters reveal the reservoir quality of these aquifers to be so variable that the cost estimates for storage span three orders of magnitude and average>$100/tonne CO 2. However, when the cost and corresponding capacity estimates in the rasters are assembled into a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC), we find that ~75% of the estimated storage capacity could be available for<$2/tonne. Furthermore, ~80% of the total estimated storage capacity in the rasters is concentrated within just two of the aquifers-the Frio Formation along the Texas Gulf Coast, and the Mt. Simon Formation in the Michigan Basin, which together make up only ~20% of the areas analyzed. While our assessment is not comprehensive, the results suggest there should be an abundance of low-cost storage for CO 2 in deep-saline aquifers, but a majority of this storage is likely to be concentrated within specific regions of a smaller number of these aquifers. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Carbon sequestration in sandstone saline reservoirs holds great potential for mitigating climate change, but its storage potential and cost per ton of avoided CO2 emissions are uncertain. We develop a general model to determine the maximum theoretical constraints on both storage potential and injection rate and use it to characterize the economic viability of geosequestration in sandstone saline aquifers. When applied to a representative set of aquifer characteristics, the model yields results that compare favorably with pilot projects currently underway. Over a range of reservoir properties, maximum effective storage peaks at an optimal depth of 1600 m, at which point 0.18-0.31 metric tons can be stored per cubic meter of bulk volume of reservoir. Maximum modeled injection rates predict minima for storage costs in a typical basin in the range of $2-7/ ton CO2 (2005 U.S.$) depending on depth and basin characteristics in our base-case scenario. Because the properties of natural reservoirs in the United States vary substantially, storage costs could in some cases be lower or higher by orders of magnitude. We conclude that available geosequestration capacity exhibits a wide range of technological and economic attractiveness. Like traditional projects in the extractive industries, geosequestration capacity should be exploited starting with the low-cost storage options first then moving gradually up the supply curve.


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Phytoplankton account for approximately 50% of global primary production, form the trophic base of nearly all marine ecosystems, are fundamental in trophic energy transfer and have key roles in climate regulation, carbon sequestration and oxygen production. Boyce et al.1 compiled a chlorophyll index by combining in situ chlorophyll and Secchi disk depth measurements that spanned a more than 100-year time period and showed a decrease in marine phytoplankton biomass of approximately 1% of the global median per year over the past century. Eight decades of data on phytoplankton biomass collected in the North Atlantic by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey2, however, show an increase in an index of chlorophyll (Phytoplankton Colour Index) in both the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic basins3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Fig. 1), and other long-term time series, including the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT)8, the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS)8 and the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)9 also indicate increased phytoplankton biomass over the last 20–50 years. These findings, which were not discussed by Boyce et al.1, are not in accordance with their conclusions and illustrate the importance of using consistent observations when estimating long-term trends.


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This research is concerned with the following environmental research questions: socio-ecological system complexity, especially when valuing ecosystem services; ecosystems stock and services flow sustainability and valuation; the incorporation of scale issues when valuing ecosystem services; and the integration of knowledge from diverse disciplines for governance and decision making. In this case study, we focused on ecosystem services that can be jointly supplied but independently valued in economic terms: healthy climate (via carbon sequestration and storage), food (via fisheries production in nursery grounds), and nature recreation (nature watching and enjoyment). We also explored the issue of ecosystem stock and services flow, and we provide recommendations on how to value stock and flows of ecosystem services via accounting and economic values respectively. We considered broadly comparable estuarine systems located on the English North Sea coast: the Blackwater estuary and the Humber estuary. In the past, these two estuaries have undergone major land-claim. Managed realignment is a policy through which previously claimed intertidal habitats are recreated allowing the enhancement of the ecosystem services provided by saltmarshes. In this context, we investigated ecosystem service values, through biophysical estimates and welfare value estimates. Using an optimistic (extended conservation of coastal ecosystems) and a pessimistic (loss of coastal ecosystems because of, for example, European policy reversal) scenario, we find that context dependency, and hence value transfer possibilities, vary among ecosystem services and benefits. As a result, careful consideration in the use and application of value transfer, both in biophysical estimates and welfare value estimates, is advocated to supply reliable information for policy making.


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A three dimensional hydrodynamic model with a coupled carbonate speciation sub-model is used to simulate large additions of CO2into the North Sea, representing leakages at potential carbon sequestration sites. A range of leakage scenarios are conducted at two distinct release sites, allowing an analysis of the seasonal, inter-annual and spatial variability of impacts to the marine ecosystem. Seasonally stratified regions are shown to be more vulnerable to CO2release during the summer as the added CO2remains trapped beneath the thermocline, preventing outgasing to the atmosphere. On average, CO2 injected into the northern North Sea is shown to reside within the water column twice as long as an equivalent addition in the southern North Sea before reaching the atmosphere. Short-term leakages of 5000 tonnes CO2over a single day result in substantial acidification at the release sites (up to -1.92 pH units), with significant perturbations (greater than 0.1 pH units) generally confined to a 10 km radius. Long-term CO2leakages sustained for a year may result in extensive plumes of acidified seawater, carried by major advective pathways. Whilst such scenarios could be harmful to marine biota over confined spatial scales, continued unmitigated CO2emissions from fossil fuels are predicted to result in greater and more long-lived perturbations to the carbonate system over the next few decades.


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The likelihood of smallholder farmers not participating in agroforestry agri-environmental schemes and payments for ecosystem services (PES) may be due to limited farmland endowment and formal credit constraints. These deficits may lead to an ‘exclusive club’ of successful farmers, which are not necessarily poor, enjoying the benefits of agri-environmental schemes and PES although agrienvironmental schemes and PES have been devised as a means of fostering rural sustainable development and improving the livelihood of poor smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers in parts of rural Kenya continue to enroll in ‘The International Small Group Tree Planting Programme’ (TIST), an agri-environmental scheme, promoting agroforestry, carbon sequestration and conservation agriculture (CA). The question remains if these farmers are really poor? This study examines factors that determine the participation of smallholder farmers in TIST in parts of rural Kenya. We use survey data compiled in 2013 on 210 randomly selected smallholder farmers from Embu, Meru and Nanyuki communities; the sample consists of TIST and non-TIST members. A random utility model and logit regression were used to test a set of non-monetary and monetary factors that influence participation in the TIST. The utility function is conceptualized to give non-monetary factors, particularly the common medium of communication in rural areas – formal and informal – a central role. Furthermore, we investigate other factors (incl. credit accessibility and interest rate) that reveal the nature of farmers participating in TIST. The findings suggest that spread of information via formal and informal networks is a major driver of participation in the TIST program. Furthermore, variables such credit constrains, age and labour supply positively correlate with TIST participation, while for education the opposite is true. It is important to mention that these correlations, although somewhat consistent, were all found to be weak. The results indicate that participation in the TIST program is not influenced by farm size; therefore we argue that the TIST scheme is NOT an ‘exclusive club’ comprising wealthy and successful farmers. Older farmers’ being more likely to join the TIST is an argument for their long- rather than widely assumed short-term planning horizon and a new contribution to the literature. Given the importance of poverty alleviation and climate smart agriculture in developing countries, sustainable policy should strengthening the social and human capital as well as informal networks in rural areas. Extension services should effectively communicate benefits to less educated and credit constrained farmers.


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Dans la dernière décennie, plusieurs hectares de terre agricole ont été convertis à la culture intensive sur courtes rotations (CICR) de saules dans le sud du Québec (Canada). Peu d’études ont été réalisées afin de déterminer comment se comporte la dynamique du carbone organique (Corg) dans le sol suivant cette conversion. Nous avons donc comparé la quantité du Corg et de deux pools labiles de carbone (carbone extractible à l’eau chaude et les sucres aminés) entre des CICR en phase initiale d’établissement (1-2 ans) et des parcelles appariées représentant le système de culture qui prévalait avant la transformation en culture de saules (culture fourragère) et d’autres cultures d’intérêt. La même chose a été faite pour une CICR en exploitation (depuis 9 ans) à un autre site. La quantité de Corg du sol n’était pas différente entre les CICR et les parcelles sous culture fourragère. Une plus haute concentration de sucres aminés dans le Corg total des CICR en établissement, par rapport aux autres parcelles sur le même site, permet de soupçonner que les perturbations liées à l’établissement ne mènent pas à une minéralisation accrue du Corg à court terme. La proportion de sucres aminés fongiques, qui diminue théoriquement lors de perturbations, était aussi plus élevée sous la plus jeune culture. Sous la CICR de neuf ans, le Corg était redistribué dans le profil vertical et les pools labiles étaient de plus petite taille (à une profondeur de 20-40 cm) comparativement à une parcelle témoin. La conversion d’une culture fourragère en plantation de saules en CICR n’a pas mené à la formation d’un puits de carbone. L’étude laisse entrevoir qu’un tel puits pourrait être créé si la conversion se faisait à partir d’un aménagement impliquant la culture en rotation de plantes annuelles et des labours.


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In the pastoral production systems, mobility remains the main technique used to meet livestock’s fodder requirements. Currently, with growing challenges on the pastoral production systems, there is urgent need for an in-depth understanding of how pastoralists continue to manage their grazing resources and how they determine their mobility strategies. This study examined the Borana pastoralists’ regulation of access to grazing resources, mobility practices and cattle reproductive performances in three pastoral zones of Borana region of southern Ethiopia. The central objective of the study was to contribute to the understanding of pastoral land use strategies at a scale relevant to their management. The study applied a multi-scalar methodological approach that allowed zooming in from communal to individual herd level. Through participatory mapping that applied Google Earth image print out as visual aid, the study revealed that the Borana pastoralists conceptualized their grazing areas as distinctive grazing units with names, borders, and specific characteristics. This knowledge enables the herders to communicate the condition of grazing resources among themselves in a precise way which is important in management of livestock mobility. Analysis of grazing area use from the participatory maps showed that the Borana pastoralists apportion their grazing areas into categories that are accessed at different times of the year (temporal use areas). This re-organization is an attempt by the community to cope with the prevailing constraints which results in fodder shortages especially during the dry periods. The re-organization represents a shift in resource use system, as the previous mobility practice across the ecologically varied zones of the rangelands became severely restricted. Grazing itineraries of 91 cattle herds for over 16 months obtained using the seasonal calendar interviews indicated that in the areas with the severest mobility constraints, the herders spent most of their time in the year round use areas that are within close proximity to the settlements. A significant change in mobility strategy was the disallowing of foora practice by the communities in Dirre and Malbe zones in order to reduce competition. With the reduction in mobility practices, there is a general decline in cattle reproductive parameters with the areas experiencing the severest constraints showing the least favourable reproductive performances. The study concludes that the multi-scalar methodology was well suited to zoom into pastoral grazing management practices from communal to individual herd levels. Also the loss of mobility in the Borana pastoral system affects fulfilment of livestock feed requirements thus resulting in reduced reproductive performances and herd growth potentials. While reversal of the conditions of the situations in the Borana rangelands is practically unfeasible, the findings from this research underscore the need to protect the remaining pastoral lands since the pastoral production system remains the most important livelihood option for the majority of the Borana people. In this regards the study emphasises the need to adopt and domesticate regional and international policy frameworks such as that proposed by the African Union in 2010.