952 resultados para Ca2 Release
The evaluation of the photorelease of a carboxylic acid drug, using butyric acid as a representative model, was carried out by using 7-amino-4-chloromethyl-2-oxo-2Hnaphtho[1,2-b] pyran, an aminobenzocoumarin, and its mono- and di-methylated or ethylated derivatives. This study was intended to improve the release of butyric acid from benzocoumarins by the addition of an amino group to the heterocycle by applying the knowledge of second-generation coumarinylmethyl-based photoremovable protecting groups. Photolysis studies were performed on the resultant ester cages by irradiation in a photochemical reactor at 254, 300, 350 and 419 nm, using methanol/HEPES buffer 80:20 solutions as solvent. The data obtained showed that these new fluorescent aminobenzocoumarins are superior to all the previously tested benzocoumarins with the same or different ring fusions. As well as the photolysis, the photophysics of the compounds were characterised by both steady state and time-resolved methods.
Sport fishing for peacock bass Cichla spp. in the Brazilian Amazon has increased in popularity and attracts anglers who generate significant economic benefits in rural regions. The sustainability of this fishery is partly dependent on the survival of fish caught through catch-and-release fishing. The objective of this work was to investigate, hooking mortality of Cichla spp., including speckled peacock bass (C. temensis Humbolt), butterfly peacock bass (C. orinocensis Humbolt), and popoca peacock bass (C. monoculus Agassiz) in the basin of the Negro River, the largest tributary of the Amazon River. Fish were caught at two different sites using artificial lures, transported to pens anchored in the river and monitored for 72 hours. A total of 162 individual peacock bass were captured and hooking mortality (mean % 95% confidence intervals) was calculated. Mean mortality was 3.5% ( 5.0), 2.3% ( 3.5) and 5.2% ( 10.2) for speckled peacock bass, butterfly peacock bass, and popoca peacock bass, respectively. Lengths of captured fish ranged from 26 to 79 cm (standard length), however, only fish under 42 cm died. This research suggests that catch-and-release sport fishing of peacock bass does not result in substantial mortality in the Negro River basin.
The Amazon River basin is important in the contribution of dissolved material to oceans (4% worldwide). The aim of this work was to study the spatial and the temporal variability of dissolved inorganic materials in the main rivers of the Amazon basin. Data from 2003 to 2011 from six gauging stations of the ORE-HYBAM localized in Solimões, Purus, Madeira and Amazon rivers were used for this study. The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO4 -2, HCO3 - and SiO2 were analyzed. At the stations of Solimões and Amazon rivers, the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 - and SO4 -2 had heterogeneous distribution over the years and did not show seasonality. At the stations of Madeira river, the concentration of these ions had seasonality inversely proportional to water discharge (dilution-concentration effect). Similar behavior was observed for the concentrations of Cl- and Na+ at the stations of the Solimões, Amazon and Madeira rivers, indicating almost constant release of Cl- and Na+ fluxes during the hydrological cycle. K+ and SiO2 showed almost constant concentrations throughout the years and all the stations, indicating that their flows depend on the river discharge variation. Therefore, the temporal variability of the dissolved inorganic material fluxes in the Solimões and Amazon rivers depends on the hydro-climatic factor and on the heterogeneity of the sources. In the Madeira and Purus rivers there is less influence of these factors, indicating that dissolved load fluxes are mainly associated to silicates weathering. As the Solimões basin contributes approximately 84% of the total flux of dissolved materials in the basin and is mainly under the influence of a hydro-climatic factor, we conclude that the temporal variability of this factor controls the temporal variability of the dissolved material fluxes of the Amazon basin.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of tissues is an assembly of insoluble macromolecules that specifically interact with soluble bioactive molecules and regulate their distribution and availability to cells. Recapitulating this ability has been an important target in controlled growth factor delivery strategies for tissue regeneration and requires the design of multifunctional carriers. This review describes the integration of supramolecular interactions on the design of delivery strategies that encompass self-assembling and engineered affinity components to construct advanced biomimetic carriers for growth factor delivery. Several glycan- and peptide-based self-assemblies reported in the literature are highlighted and commented upon. These examples demonstrate how molecular design and chemistry are successfully employed to create versatile multifunctional molecules which self-assemble/disassemble in a precisely predicted manner, thus controlling compartmentalization, transport and delivery. Finally, we discuss whether recent advances in the design and preparation of supramolecular delivery systems have been sufficient to drive real translation towards a clinical impact.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Qumica e Biolgica.
Curcumin and caffeine (used as lipophilic and hydrophilic model compounds, respectively) were successfully encapsulated in lactoferrin-glycomacropeptide (Lf-GMP) nanohydrogels by thermal gelation showing high encapsulation efficiencies (>90 %). FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the encapsulation of bioactive compounds in Lf-GMP nanohydrogels and revealed that according to the encapsulated compound different interactions occur with the nanohydrogel matrix. The successful encapsulation of bioactive compounds in Lf-GMP nanohydrogels was also confirmed by fluorescence measurements and confocal laser scanning microscopy. TEM images showed that loaded nanohydrogels maintain their spherical shape with sizes of 112 and 126 nm for curcumin and caffeine encapsulated in Lf-GMP nanohydrogels, respectively; in both cases a polydispersity of 0.2 was obtained. The release mechanisms of bioactive compounds through Lf-GMP nanohydrogels were evaluated at pH 2 and pH 7, by fitting the Linear Superimposition Model to the experimental data. The bioactive compounds release was found to be pH-dependent: at pH 2, relaxation is the governing phenomenon for curcumin and caffeine compounds and at pH 7 Ficks diffusion is the main mechanism of caffeine release while curcumin was not released through Lf-GMP nanohydrogels.
Dissertao de mestrado em Biofsica e Bionanossistemas
PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering
El objetivo general del proyecto es estudiar el efecto de la progesterona y de algunas protenas del plasma seminal sobre la actividad del Ca2+ en diferentes procesos fisiolgicos que ocurren en el espermatozoide, los cuales estn estrechamente relacionados con la capacidad fertilizante de esta clula. La progesterona, principal esteroide secretado por las clulas del cumulus oophorus, ejerce su efecto a travs de un receptor no-genmico provocando aumento en el calcio intracelular de los espermatozoides y, consecuentemente, promoviendo la capacitacin, la respuesta quimiotctica y la exocitosis acrosomal. Pese a estas observaciones, los mecanismos a travs de los cuales la progesterona estimula fenmenos tan diversos en el espermatozoide son an desconocidos. Tampoco se conoce con exactitud el papel funcional y los mecanismos de accin de algunas protenas del plasma seminal que interaccionan y se unen a los espermatozoides, con alta especificidad, durante la eyaculacin. Por lo tanto, resulta altamente interesante profundizar los estudios sobre las propiedades funcionales de las protenas caltrin (calcium transport inhibitor) y -microseminoprotein (MSP) del plasma seminal de mamferos, las cuales responden a las caractersticas mencionadas. Los estudios hasta ahora realizados han dado cuenta de que caltrin inhibe la incorporacin de Ca2+ extracelular, previene la exocitosis acrosomal espontnea y promueve la unin espermatozoide-zona pelcida. Tambin hay datos preliminares que sugieren un efecto inhibitorio sobre la movilidad hiperactivada de los espermatozoides. Respecto a MSP, slo se sabe que inhibe la exocitosis acrosomal espontnea y que su contenido, en el plasma seminal, guarda una relacin inversa con la fertilidad. Por todo lo expuesto, se propone estudiar los mecanismos de accin de la progesterona y las protenas caltrin y MSP sobre los procesos fisiolgicos antes indicados. Para ello, se estudiarn las variaciones de Ca2+ intracelular en espermatozoides individuales sometidos a diferentes tratamientos (gradientes de progesterona, capacitacin en presencia y ausencia de caltrin y/o MSP, etc.), usando video microscopa de fluorescencia y anlisis computarizado de imgenes. Tambin se examinar la influencia de estas molculas sobre la interaccin de gametas y la fertilizacin.
El Estrs de Retculo Endoplsmico (RE) es inducido por la acumulacin de protenas sin plegar en el lumen de la organela. Esto se puede observar en diversas situaciones fisio-patolgicas como durante una infeccin viral o en proceso isqumico. Adems, contribuye a la base molecular de numerosas enfermedades ya sea ndole metablico (Fibrosis qustica o Diabetes Miellitus) o neurodegenerativas como mal de Alzheimer o Parkinson (Mutat Res, 2005, 569). Para restablecer la homeostasis en la organela se activa una seal de transduccin (UPR), cuya respuesta inmediata es la atenuacin de la sntesis de protena debido a la fosforilacin de subunidad alpha del factor eucaritico de iniciacin de translacin (eIF2) va PERK. Esta es una protena de membrana de RE que detecta estrs. Bajo condiciones normales, PERK est inactiva debido a la asociacin de su dominio luminar con la chaperona BIP (Nat Cell Biol, 2000, 2: 326). Frente a una situacin de estrs, la chaperona se disocia causando desinhibicin. Recientemente, (Plos One 5: e11925) se observ, bajo condiciones de estrs, un aumento de Ca2+ citoslico y un rpido incremento de la expresin de calcineurina (CN), una fosfatasa citoslica dependiente de calcio, heterodimrica formada por una subunidad cataltica (CN-A) y una regulatoria (CN-B). Adems, CN interacciona, sin intermediarios, con el dominio citoslico de PERK favoreciendo su trans-autofosforilacin. Resultados preliminares indican que, astrocitos CNA-/- exhibieron, en condiciones basales, un mayor nmero de clulas muertas y de niveles de eIF2 fosforilado que los astrocitos CNA-/-. Hiptesis: CNA/B interacciona con PERK cuando el Ca2+ citoslico esta incrementado luego de haberse inducido Estrs de RE, lo cual promueve dimerizacin y auto-fosforilacin de la quinasa, acentundose as la fosforilacin de eIF2 e inhibicin de la sntesis de protenas. Esta activacin citoslica de PERK colaborara con la ya descrita, desinhibicin luminal llevada cabo por BIP. Cuando el Ca2+ citoslico retorna a los niveles basales, PERK fosforila a CN, reduciendo su afinidad de unin y disocindose el complejo CN/PERK. Objetivo general: Definir las condiciones por las cuales CN interacciona con PERK y regula la fosforilacin de eIF2 e inhibicin de la sntesis de protena. Objetivos especficos: I-Estudiar la diferencia de afinidades y dependencia de Ca2+, de las dos isoformas de CN ( y ) en su asociacin con PERK. Adems verificar la posible participacin de la subunidad B de CN en esta interaccin. II-Determinar si la auto-fosforilacin de PERK es diferencialmente regulada por las dos isoformas de CN. III-Discernir la relacin del estado de fosforilacin de CN con su unin a PERK. IV-Determinar efectos fisiolgicos de la interaccin de CN-PERK durante la respuesta de Estrs de RE. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se realizarn experimentos de biologa molecular, interaccin protena-protena, ensayos de fosforilacin in vitro y un perfil de polisoma con astrocitos CNA-/- , CNA-/- y astrocitos controles. Se espera encontrar una mayor afinidad de unin a PERK de la isoforma de CN y en condiciones donde la concentracin de Ca2+ sea del orden micromolar e imite niveles del in durante un estrs. Con respecto al estado de fosforilacin de CN, debido a los resultados preliminares, donde solo se la encontr fosforilada en condiciones basales, se piensa que CN podra interactuar con mayor afinidad con PERK cuando CN se encuentre desfosforilada. Por ltimo, se espera encontrar un aumento de eIF2 fosforilado y una acentuacin de la atenuacin de la sntesis de protena como consecuencia de la mayor activacin de PERK por su asociacin con la isoforma de CN en astrocitos donde el Estrs de RE se indujo por privacin de oxigeno y glucosa. Estos experimentos permitirn avanzar en el estudio de una nueva funcin citoprotectora de CN recientemente descrita por nuestro grupo de trabajo y sus implicancias en un modelo de isquemia. The accumulation of unfolded proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) activates a signal transduction cascade called Unfolding Protein Response (UPR), which attempts to restore homeostasis in the organelle. (PKR)-like-ER kinase (PERK) is an early stress response transmembrane protein that is generally inactive due to its association with the chaperone BIP. During ER stress, BIP is tritrated by the unfolded protein, leading PERK activation and phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha (eIF2alpha), which attenuates protein sntesis. If ER damage is too great and homeostasis is not restored within a certain period of time, an apoptotic response is elicited. We recently demonstrated a cytosolic Ca2+ increase in Xenopus oocytes after induce ER stress. Moreover, calcineurin A/B, a an heterotrimeric Ca2+ dependent phosphatases (CN-A/B), associates with PERK increasing its auto-phosphorylation and significantly enhancing cell viability. Preliminary results suggest that, CN-A-/- knockout astrocytes exhibit a significant higher eIF2 phosphorylated level compared to CN-A-/- astrocytes. Our working hypothesis establishes that: CN binds to PERK when cytosolic Ca2+ is initially increased by ER stress, promoting dimerization and autophosphorylation, which leads to phosphorylation of elF2 and subsequently attenuation of protein translation. When cytosolic Ca2+ returns to resting levels, PERK phosphorylates CN, reducing its binding affinity so that the CN/PERK complex dissociates. The goal of this project is to determine the conditions by which CN binding to PERK attenuates protein translation during the ER stress response and subsequently, to determine how the interaction of CN with PERK is terminated when stress is removed. To perform this project is planed to do molecular biology experiments, pull down assays, in vitro phosphorylations and assess overall mRNA translation efficiency doing a polisome profile.
FUNDAMENTO: Treinamento fsico (TF) aumenta a sensibilidade dos hormnios tireoidianos (HT) e a expresso gnica de estruturas moleculares envolvidas no movimento intracelular de clcio do miocrdio, enquanto a restrio alimentar (RIA) promove efeitos contrrios ao TF. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da associao TF e RIA sobre os nveis plasmticos dos HT e a produo de mRNA dos receptores HT e estruturas moleculares do movimento de clcio do miocrdio de ratos. MTODOS: Utilizaram-se ratos Wistar Kyoto divididos em: controle (C, n = 7), RIA (R50, n = 7), exerccio fsico (EX, n = 7) e exerccio fsico + RIA (EX50, n = 7). A RIA foi de 50% e o TF foi natao (1 hora/dia, cinco sesses/semana, 12 semanas consecutivas). Avaliaram-se as concentraes sricas de triiodotironina (T3), tiroxina (T4) e hormnio tireotrfico (TSH). O mRNA da bomba de clcio do retculo sarcoplasmtico (SERCA2a), fosfolamban (PLB), trocador Na+/Ca+2 (NCX), canal lento de clcio (canal-L), rianodina (RYR), calsequestrina (CQS) e receptor de HT (TRα1 e TRβ1) do miocrdio foram avaliados por reao em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real. RESULTADOS: RIA reduziu o T4, TSH e mRNA do TRα1 e aumentou a expresso da PLB, NCX e canal-L. TF aumentou a expresso do TRβ1, canal-L e NCX. A associao TF e RIA reduziu T4 e TSH e aumentou o mRNA do TRβ1, SERCA2a, NCX, PLB e correlao do TRβ1 com a CQS e NCX. CONCLUSO: Associao TF e RIA aumentou o mRNA das estruturas moleculares clcio transiente, porm o eixo HT-receptor no parece participar da transcrio gnica dessas estruturas.
Background: Nitric oxide (NO) has been largely associated with cardiovascular protection through improvement of endothelial function. Recently, new evidence about modulation of NO release by microRNAs (miRs) has been reported, which could be involved with statin-dependent pleiotropic effects, including anti-inflammatory properties related to vascular endothelium function. Objective: To evaluate the effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs including the inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis, atorvastatin and simvastatin, and the inhibitor of cholesterol absorption ezetimibe on NO release, NOS3 mRNA expression and miRs potentially involved in NO bioavailability. Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to atorvastatin, simvastatin or ezetimibe (0 to 5.0 μM). Cells were submitted to total RNA extraction and relative quantification of NOS3 mRNA and miRs -221, -222 and -1303 by qPCR. NO release was measured in supernatants by ozone-chemiluminescence. Results: Both statins increased NO levels and NOS3 mRNA expression but no influence was observed for ezetimibe treatment. Atorvastatin, simvastatin and ezetimibe down-regulated the expression of miR-221, whereas miR-222 was reduced only after the atorvastatin treatment. The magnitude of the reduction of miR-221 and miR-222 after treatment with statins correlated with the increment in NOS3 mRNA levels. No influence was observed on the miR-1303 expression after treatments. Conclusion: NO release in endothelial cells is increased by statins but not by the inhibitor of cholesterol absorption, ezetimibe. Our results provide new evidence about the participation of regulatory miRs 221/222 on NO release induction mediated by statins. Although ezetimibe did not modulate NO levels, the down-regulation of miR-221 could involve potential effects on endothelial function.
Protease-activated receptor; c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK); thrombin; neuroprotection; siRNA
Background: Stress is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Objective: This study aimed at assessing whether chronic stress induces vascular alterations, and whether these modulations are nitric oxide (NO) and Ca2+ dependent. Methods: Wistar rats, 30 days of age, were separated into 2 groups: control (C) and Stress (St). Chronic stress consisted of immobilization for 1 hour/day, 5 days/week, 15 weeks. Systolic blood pressure was assessed. Vascular studies on aortic rings were performed. Concentration-effect curves were built for noradrenaline, in the presence of L-NAME or prazosin, acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside and KCl. In addition, Ca2+ flux was also evaluated. Results: Chronic stress induced hypertension, decreased the vascular response to KCl and to noradrenaline, and increased the vascular response to acetylcholine. L-NAME blunted the difference observed in noradrenaline curves. Furthermore, contractile response to Ca2+ was decreased in the aorta of stressed rats. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the vascular response to chronic stress is an adaptation to its deleterious effects, such as hypertension. In addition, this adaptation is NO- and Ca2+-dependent. These data help to clarify the contribution of stress to cardiovascular abnormalities. However, further studies are necessary to better elucidate the mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular dysfunction associated with stressors. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2014; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)
Protease-activated receptor, interleukin, thrombin, trypsin, asthma