309 resultados para BATTERED PETS
Seven Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from dogs and cats in Spain were found to be highly resistant to aminoglycosides, and ArmA methyltransferase was responsible for this phenotype. All isolates were typed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) as ST11, a human epidemic clone reported worldwide and associated with, among others, OXA-48 and NDM carbapenemases. In the seven strains, armA was borne by an IncR plasmid, pB1025, of 50 kb. The isolates were found to coproduce DHA-1 and SHV-11 β-lactamases, as well as the QnrB4 resistance determinant. This first report of the ArmA methyltransferase in pets illustrates their importance as a reservoir for human multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae.
Similar to what occurs in Human Medicine, also in Veterinary Medicine, the prevalence of oncological diseases has significantly increased. The evolution of Veterinary Medicine, in last decades has brought changes in clinical paradigms, particularly concerning the relationship with the animal and also with the owner. More than any other specialty, members of the Veterinary Medical Team that work in the oncology field, are unavoidably forced to break bad news. This paper proposes the adaptation of the ABCDE model from Human Medicine to Veterinary Medicine. The adaptation of the ABCDE model for Veterinary Medicine improves communication with the owner and offers all the members of the Veterinary Medical Team better communication skills.
Introdução: À semelhança do que ocorre na Medicina Humana, também em Medicina Veterinária, a prevalência da doença oncológica em animais de companhia tem vindo a aumentar significativamente. Desenvolvimento: A evolução da Medicina Veterinária, nas últimas décadas, veio trazer mudança nos paradigmas clínicos, nomeadamente no respeitante à relação com o animal mas também com o proprietário. Sendo a oncologia a especialidade em que há maior probabilidade de ter que comunicar uma má notícia, neste trabalho propõe-se a adaptação do modelo ABCDE da Medicina Humana para a Medicina Veterinária. Conclusões: A adaptação do modelo ABCDE para a Medicina Veterinária permite melhorar a comunicação com o proprietário cuidador e dotar os profissionais da equipe Médica Veterinária de melhores competências.
When you see a wild animal or an animal you don’t know look at them from a safe distance. Don’t get too close. Learn about them. Leave them alone. Remind your mom or dad to take your pets to the vet to get their rabies shots.
Nosotros somos Nevada Canina una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de helados para perros. Estamos ubicados en Bogotá, en el barrio Cedritos. Nos enfocamos en el mercado de dueños de perros, donde la tendencia de las familias es humanizarlos, otorgándoles el mejor bienestar a sus mascotas a cambio de un afecto y fidelidad incondicional. Como dueños de perros hemos vivido y evidenciado esta tendencia en nosotros y en numerosos dueños de perros con los que hemos interactuado y creado amistades. Los cuales nos comparten sus dolores de cabeza como también sus alegrías. Nuestra misión es ofrecer una experiencia nutritiva, refrescante y divertida, para nuestros amigos incondicionales de cuatro patas.
O presente relatório descreve as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular que decorreu no Hospital Veterinário de Leiria, com a duração de seis meses e sob a orientação do Dr Ricardo Alves. Este encontra-se dividido em duas partes, referindo-se a primeira à casuística acompanhada ao longo do estágio, em que a área com maior representatividade é a clínica médica e a segunda parte consiste numa revisão bibliográfica referente ao tema “ Demodicose canina”. Finalmente segue-se a apresentação de casos clínicos acompanhados no âmbito do tema referido. A demodicose é uma patologia dermatológica causada pela proliferação anormal do ácaro Demodex spp nos folículos pilosos associada a uma desregulação do sistema imunitário. Esta patologia pode manifestar-se de forma localizada ou generalizada e ocorrer tanto em jovens como adultos, sendo mais frequente nos jovens e nos adultos é geralmente associada á existência simultânea de doença imunossupressora; Abstract: Clinic of company animal and large animals This report describes the internship that took place at the Hospital Veterinário de Leiria for a period of six months, under the guidance of Dr. Ricardo Alves. This report is divided in two sections, the first one refers to the followed clinical cases during the practice internship,in which the most representative area is the medical clinic, and the second part consist of a literature review on the “Canine Demodicosis”, finally followed by presentation of clinical cases followed under that theme. The demodicosis is a skin disease caused by the abnormal proliferation of Demodex spp mite in hair follicles associated with a dysregulation of the immune system. This disorder can manifest it self in localized or generalized forms and occurs in both young and adults, being more frequent in young pets and adults is usually associated simultaneous with other forms of immunosuppressive disease
A clínica veterinária de pequenos animais é um mundo vasto e complexo que necessita de um estudo contínuo. Este relatório de estágio está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte contém a descrição das atividades realizadas durante o estágio curricular realizado na clínica AlcabidecheVet. A segunda parte corresponde a uma monografia cujo tema é doença renal crónica em animais de companhia. A doença renal crónica acomete tanto cães como gatos em idade avançada, tendo uma progressão irreversível. Vários estudos científicos têm sido realizados para melhorar a sua prevenção e diagnóstico, como o estudo de biomarcadores da função renal. A utitilização de biomarcadores no diagnóstico e controlo da doença renal é essencial para o seu estadiamento e para demarcar o avanço dos danos renais. É também necessário conhecer os mecanismos patológicos em ação nesta doença para que o seu tratamento e monitorização providenciem o máximo bem-estar e o prolongamento da vida do animal; Abstract: (Small Animal Practice and Surgery – Kidney Chronic Disease) The world of small animal veterinary practice is vast and complex and needs a continuous study. This report is divided in two parts. The first describes the activities performed during the curricular internship at the clinic AlcabidecheVet. The second consists of a monograph which theme is chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease affects both dogs and cats of declining age, and has an irreversible progression. There’s been scientific advances in its prevention and diagnosis with the study of biomarkers of kidney function. It’s also necessary to understand the pathological mechanisms in action in this disease, so its treatment and control can aim towards the welfare and the life extension of pets.
ABSTRACT: This article is based on the contributions of discourse analysis from French orientation, which combines the linguistic aspect to the socio-historical, it understands, therefore, that the speech is the place of ideological manifestations (ORLANDI, 1984) and can not be dissociated from its production condition, that is, of all his surroundings and constituent: who, when, where. Starting with four announcement on runaway slaves and two missing pets, published in the Journal: Dezenove de Dezembro, in circulation in the State of Paraná, in the nineteenth century, we analyze the position of the press at the time to refer to the runaway slave. The appreciation of the words used by the enunciator has revealed that he had the intention to highlight the condition of "object" of the black slave, limiting his identity to their physical particulars, referring to aspects found in the missing pets announcements. Thereby, we find, in these analyzed announcements, which the formation of the subject slave in the Paraná society of the nineteenth century is subjected, and it can not be disconnected of ideological and historical instances.
The underlying imaginary geographical landscapes account from a certain perception of a nation's identity construction processes. It is what we find in the aesthetic design of Os transparentes the Angolan writer's Ondjaki, a work which you can see the boundaries between the territory and the individual who occupies it through constructions and deconstructions mutual processes. We therefore want to develop interpretive analysis of the relations that link the internal and external influences of characters in intense contact with the place they live in a battered building, located in a city in crisis, Luanda. We will analyze exchanges between the characters of this work, marking the movements of the narrators and text structure, movements point to the many ways to represent the heterogeneous space of cultural influences located in the historical and spatial context of contemporaneity. Therefore, we will use the Rita Chaves studies on the break with the fixity that undertake such characters and also the Tania Macêdo, on the relationship between literature, history and identity Angola. Materiality to immateriality, the work is meant to examine the physical dematerialization experienced by the protagonist, along the plot, highlighting a closer relationship between this process and the deterioration of the city, metonymic situation that may be related to poor stability as it flies to national identity Angola.