441 resultados para Attrition


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The concepts of buccal health promotion and the increase of life expectancy have contributed for the highest maintenance of dental elements. Thus, with the new alimentary and behavioral habits the irreversible loss of dental hard tissue of non-carious origin has increased substantially, being divided in attrition, erosion and abrasion. The dental erosion is a chronic pathology defined as the superficial loss of dental hard tissue as a result of a chemical process not involving bacteria caused by acid that could be intrinsic, extrinsic or unknown etiology, causing irreversible loss of mineral tissue and dentinal hypersensitivity. The aim of this paper is to present a review of literature on the main factors that can cause the injuries of erosion, including the different aspects related to its etiology, classification, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.


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In many oral rehabilitation professionals seeking venture renew people smile. However, these procedures have functional implications and aesthetic criteria which must be satisfied so that the final result is predictable. The restoration of relations intermaxillary, phonetics, masticatory function, esthetics and patient comfort are the goals to be achieved. An effective way to achieve these goals when immediate reconstruction with permanent dentures is not possible, make use of a type of partial denture called overlay. Bruxism is a manifestation of biopsychological imbalance that affects the stomatognathic system, characterized by clenching and / or attrition of teeth together so centric or eccentric, can be manifestation of nocturnal or diurnal. Its effects can manifest themselves in different parts of the stomatognathic system, varying the severity of the damage as the resistance of the structures affected, the time of existence, its regularity and the general state of the wearer. The description of the steps followed in solving this case, in which the patient edentulous mandibular arch while the maxillary arch showed absence of teeth 16 and 26 and, except for the teeth 17 and 27, all other teeth showed wear very sharp in the sense denoting incisal cervical, severe impairment of the vertical dimension, the quality of masticatory function and a marked impairment phonetic, this case report aims to guide the beginning of a rehabilitation, as well as the transitional phase of treatment for recovery of functional and aesthetic relationships intermaxillary .


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A simple and scalable procedure was used to obtain thin, stable, homogeneous, and easy-to-handle films composed of silicone derived from dimethicones containing dispersed hydrotalcite-type materials previously organo-modified with amino acids. The absence of the typical X-ray pattern of the bioinorganic LDH filler suggested an exfoliation process that was further indirectly evidenced by a drastic change in the rheological behavior, which turned from a quasi-Newtonian behavior for the silicone free of LDH filler to an extensive developed gel-like structure for the nanocomposite derivatives. Visualized by the shear-thinning exponent of the complex viscosity in the low-frequency range, the percolation threshold was evident for filler loading as low as <5 w/W%, suggesting the presence of a largely developed interface between the filler and the polymer. The increase of more than one order of magnitude in viscosity was explained by the rather strong attrition phenomenon between the tethered amino acid anions and the silicone chains. UVB radiation absorption profiles make such bioinorganic polymer nanocomposites potentially applicable in skin protection. Thermo-gravimetric analysis revealed significant improvement in the thermal stability, especially in the final step of the polymer combustion, thus underlining the role of the hybrid material as a thermal retardant agent. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mutations in the coding region of telomerase complex genes can result in accelerated telomere attrition and human disease. Manifestations of telomere disease include the bone marrow failure syndromes dyskeratosis congenita and aplastic anemia, acute myeloid leukemia, liver cirrhosis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Here, we describe a mutation in the CCAAT box (GCAAT) of the TERC gene promoter in a family in which multiple members had typical features of telomeropathy. The genetic alteration in this critical regulatory sequence resulted in reduced reporter gene activity and absent binding of transcription factor NF-Y, likely responsible for reduced TERC levels, decreased telomerase activity, and short telomeres. This is the first description of a pathogenic mutation in the highly con-served CCAAT box and the first instance of a mutation in the promoter region of TERC producing a telomeropathy. We propose that current mutation-screening strategies should include gene promoter regions for the diagnosis of telomere diseases. This clinical trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00071045. (Blood. 2012;119(13):3060-3063)


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Aim: To use published literature and experts' opinion to investigate the clinical meaning and magnitude of changes in the Quality of Life (QOL) of groups of patients measured with the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30). Methods: An innovative method combining systematic review of published studies, expert opinions and meta-analysis was used to estimate large, medium, and small mean changes over time for QLQ-C30 scores. Results: Nine hundred and eleven papers were identified, leading to 118 relevant papers. One thousand two hundred and thirty two mean changes in QOL over time were combined in the meta-analysis, with timescales ranging from four days to five years. Guidelines were produced for trivial, small, and medium size classes, for each subscale and for improving and declining scores separately. Estimates for improvements were smaller than respective estimates for declines. Conclusions: These guidelines can be used to aid sample size calculations and interpretation of mean changes over time from groups of patients. Observed mean changes in the QLQ-C30 scores are generally small in most clinical situations, possibly due to response shift. Careful consideration is needed when planning studies where QOL changes over time are of primary interest; the timing of follow up, sample attrition, direction of QOL changes, and subscales of primary interest are key considerations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As one of the few areas apt for horticulture in Northern Chile's arid landscape, the prehistory of the Atacama oases is deeply enmeshed with that of the inter-regional networks that promoted societal development in the south central Andes. During the Middle Horizon (AD 5001000), local populations experienced a cultural apex associated with a substantial increase in inter-regional interaction, population density, and quantity and quality of mortuary assemblages. Here, we test if this cultural peak affected dietary practices equally among the distinct local groups of this period. We examine caries prevalence and the degree of occlusal wear in four series recovered from three cemeteries. Our results show a reduction in the prevalence of caries for males among an elite subsample from Solcor 3 and the later Coyo 3 cemeteries. Dental wear tends to increase over time with the Late Middle Horizon/Late Intermediate Period cemetery of Quitor 6 showing a higher average degree of wear. When considered in concert with archaeological information, we concluded that the Middle Horizon was marked by dietary variability wherein some populations were able to obtain better access to protein sources (e.g., camelid meat). Not all members of Atacameno society benefited from this, as we note that this dietary change only affected men. Our results suggest that the benefits brought to the San Pedro oases during the Middle Horizon were not equally distributed among local groups and that social status, relationship to the Tiwanaku polity, and interment in particular cemeteries affected dietary composition. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Akodontini is the second most speciose tribe of sigmodontine rodents, one of the most diverse groups of neotropical mammals. Molecular phylogenetic analyses are discordant regarding the interrelationships of genera, with low support for some clades. However, two clades are concordant, one (clade A) with Akodon sensu strictu (excluding Akodon serrensis), "Akodon" serrensis, Bibimys, Deltamys, Juscelinomys, Necromys, Oxymycterus, Podoxymys, Thalpomys and Thaptomys, and another (clade B) with Blarinomys, Brucepattersonius, Kunsia, Lenoxus and Scapteromys. Here, we present chromosome painting using Akodon paranaensis (APA) Y paint, after suppression of simple repetitive sequences, on ten Akodontini genera. Partial Y chromosome homology, in addition to the homology already reported on the Akodon genus, was detected on the Y chromosomes of "A." serrensis, Thaptomys, Deltamys, Necromys and Thalpomys and on Y and X chromosomes in Oxymycterus. In Blarinomys, Brucepattersonius, Scapteromys and Kunsia, no APA Y signal was observed using different hybridization conditions; APA X paint gave positive signals only on the X chromosome in all genera. The Y chromosome homology was variable in size and positioning among the species studied as follow: (1) whole acrocentric Y chromosome in Akodon and "A." serrensis, (2) Yp and pericentromeric region in submetacentric Y of Necromys and Thaptomys, (3) pericentromeric region in acrocentric Y of Deltamys, (4) distal Yq in the acrocentric Y chromosome of Thalpomys and (5) proximal Yq in the acrocentric Y and Xp in the basal clade A genus Oxymycterus. The results suggest that the homology involves pairing (pseudoautosomal) and additional regions that have undergone rearrangement during divergence. The widespread Y homology represents a phylogenetic signal in Akodontini that provides additional evidence supporting the monophyly of clade A. The findings also raise questions about the evolution of the pseudoautosomal region observed in Oxymycterus. The Y chromosomes of these closely related species seem to have undergone dynamic rearrangements, including restructuring and reduction of homologous segments. Furthermore, the changes observed may indicate progressive attrition of the Y chromosome in more distantly related species.


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Telomere attrition induces cell senescence and apoptosis. We hypothesized that age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere length might predict treatment-related mortality (TRM) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Between 2000 and 2005, 178 consecutive patients underwent HSCT from HLA-identical sibling donors after myeloablative conditioning regimens, mainly for hematologic malignancies (n = 153). Blood lymphocytes' telomere length was measured by real-time quantitative PCR before HSCT. Age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere lengths were analyzed for correlation with clinical outcomes. After age adjustment, patients' telomere-length distribution was similar among all 4 quartiles except for disease stage. There was no correlation between telomere length and engraftment, GVHD, or relapse. The overall survival was 62% at 5 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 54-70). After a median follow-up of 51 months (range, 1-121 months), 43 patients died because of TRM. The TRM rate inversely correlated with telomere length. TRM in patients in the first (lowest telomere length) quartile was significantly higher than in patients with longer telomeres (P = .017). In multivariate analysis, recipients' age (hazard ratio, 1.1; 95% CI, .0-1.1; P = .0001) and age-adjusted telomere length (hazard ratio, 0.4; 95% CI; 0.2-0.8; P = .01) were independently associated with TRM. In conclusion, age-adjusted recipients' telomere length is an independent biologic marker of TRM after HSCT. (Blood. 2012;120(16):3353-3359)


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Loss of posterior teeth may cause an imbalance in the stomatognathic system. Overlay removable partial dentures (ORPD) are a reversible and relatively inexpensive treatment for patients with severely worn teeth. This paper presents a treatment with ORPD in a 55-year-old male patient who had severe attrition in the maxillary and mandibular teeth, temporomandibular joint pain and reduced vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO). The treatment consisted in the reestablishment of the VDO using Lucia’s jig, fabricating removable partial denture with reconstruction of the worn teeth without preparation. This therapy can be used as an alternative treatment to provide esthetic, function and stable occlusion in patients with severely worn teeth.


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Die Analyse funktioneller Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung und Zahnmorphologie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt primatologischer und paläontologischer Forschung. Als überdauernder Teil des Verdauungssystems geben Zähne die bestmöglichen Hinweise auf die Ernährungsstrategien (ausgestorbener) Arten und eine Fülle weiterer Informationen. Aufgrund dessen ist es für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von größter Bedeutung, die Zähne so detailliert und exakt wie möglich in ihrer gesamten Struktur zu erfassen. Bisher wurden zumeist zweidimensionale Parameter verwendet, um die komplexe Kronenmorphologie von Primatenmolaren vergleichend zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel, Zähne verschiedener Arten von Altweltaffen mittels computerbasierter Methoden dreidimensional zu erfassen und neue Parameter zu definieren, mit denen die Form dieser Zähne objektiv erfasst und funktionell interpretiert werden kann. Mit einem Oberflächen-Scanner wurden die Gebisse einer Stichprobe von insgesamt 48 Primaten von fünf verschiedenen Arten eingescannt und mit Bildverarbeitungsmethoden so bearbeitet, dass dreidimensionale digitale Modelle einzelner Backenzähne zur Analyse vorlagen. Es wurden dabei sowohl Arten ausgewählt, die eine für ihre Gattung typische Ernährungsweise besitzen - also Frugivorie bei den Cercopithecinen und Folivorie bei den Colobinen - als auch solche, die eine davon abweichende Alimentation bevorzugen. Alle Altweltaffen haben sehr ähnliche Molaren. Colobinen haben jedoch höhere und spitzere Zahnhöcker, dünneren Zahnschmelz und scheinen ihre Zähne weniger stark abzukauen als die Meerkatzen. Diese Beobachtungen konnten mit Hilfe der neuen Parameter quantifiziert werden. Aus der 3D-Oberfläche und der Grundfläche der Zähne wurde ein Index gebildet, der die Stärke des Oberflächenreliefs angibt. Dieser Index hat bei Colobinen deutlich höhere Werte als bei Cercopithecinen, auch bei Zähnen, die schon stark abgekaut sind. Die Steilheit der Höcker und ihre Ausrichtung wurden außerdem gemessen. Auch diese Winkelmessungen bestätigten das Bild. Je höher der Blätteranteil an der Ernährung ist, desto höher sind die Indexwerte und umso steiler sind die Höcker. Besonders wichtig war es, dies auch für abgekaute Zähne zu bestätigen, die bisher nicht in funktionelle Analysen miteinbezogen wurden. Die Ausrichtung der Höckerseiten gibt Hinweise auf die Kaubewegung, die zum effizienten Zerkleinern der Nahrung notwendig ist. Die Ausrichtung der Höcker der Colobinen deutet darauf hin, dass diese Primaten flache, gleitende Kaubewegungen machen, bei denen die hohen Höcker aneinander vorbei scheren. Dies ist sinnvoll zum Zerschneiden von faserreicher Nahrung wie Blättern. Cercopithecinen scheinen ihre Backenzähne eher wie Mörser und Stößel zu verwenden, um Früchte und Samen zu zerquetschen und zu zermahlen. Je nachdem, was neben der hauptsächlichen Nahrung noch gekaut wird, unterscheiden sich die Arten graduell. Anders als bisher vermutet wurde, konnte gezeigt werden, dass Colobinen trotz des dünnen Zahnschmelzes ihre Zähne weniger stark abkauen und weniger Dentin freigelegt wird. Dies gibt eindeutige Hinweise auf die Unterschiede in der mechanischen Belastung, die während des Kauvorgangs auf die Zähne wirkt, und lässt sich gut mit der Ernährung der Arten in Zusammenhang bringen. Anhand dieser modellhaften Beobachtungen können in Zukunft ausgestorbene Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Ernährungsweise mit 3D-Techniken untersucht werden.


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The aim of this study is to investigate on some molecular mechanisms contributing to the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) and in particular to the senescence of articular chondrocytes. It is focused on understanding molecular events downstream GSK3β inactivation or dependent on the activity of IKKα, a kinase that does not belong to the phenotype of healthy articular chondrocytes. Moreover, the potential of some nutraceuticals on scavenging ROS thus reducing oxidative stress, DNA damage, and chondrocyte senescence has been evaluated in vitro. The in vitro LiCl-mediated GSK3β inactivation resulted in increased mitochondrial ROS production, that impacted on cellular proliferation, with S-phase transient arrest, increased SA-β gal and PAS staining, cell size and granularity. ROS are also responsible for the of increased expression of two major oxidative lesions, i.e. 1) double strand breaks, tagged by γH2AX, that associates with activation of GADD45β and p21, and 2) 8-oxo-dG adducts, that associate with increased IKKα and MMP-10 expression. The pattern observed in vitro was confirmed on cartilage from OA patients. IKKa dramatically affects the intensity of the DNA damage response induced by oxidative stress (H2O2 exposure) in chondrocytes, as evidenced by silencing strategies. At early time point an higher percentage of γH2AX positive cells and more foci in IKKa-KD cells are observed, but IKKa KD cells proved to almost completely recover after 24 hours respect to their controls. Telomere attrition is also reduced in IKKaKD. Finally MSH6 and MLH1 genes are up-regulated in IKKαKD cells but not in control cells. Hydroxytyrosol and Spermidine have a great ROS scavenging capacity in vitro. Both treatments revert the H2O2 dependent increase of cell death and γH2AX-foci formation and senescence, suggesting the ability of increasing cell homeostasis. These data indicate that nutraceuticals represent a great challenge in OA management, for both therapeutical and preventive purposes.


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The purpose of this work is to find a methodology in order to make possible the recycling of fines (0 - 4 mm) in the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) process. At the moment this fraction is a not desired by-product: it has high contaminant content, it has to be separated from the coarse fraction, because of its high water absorption which can affect the properties of the concrete. In fact, in some countries the use of fines recycled aggregates is highly restricted or even banned. This work is placed inside the European project C2CA (from Concrete to Cement and Clean Aggregates) and it has been held in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the Technical University of Delft, in particular, in the laboratory of Resources And Recycling. This research proposes some procedures in order to close the loop of the entire recycling process. After the classification done by ADR (Advanced Dry Recovery) the two fractions "airknife" and "rotor" (that together constitute the fraction 0 - 4 mm) are inserted in a new machine that works at high temperatures. The temperatures analysed in this research are 600 °C and 750 °C, cause at that temperature it is supposed that the cement bounds become very weak. The final goal is "to clean" the coarse fraction (0,250 - 4 mm) from the cement still attached to the sand and try to concentrate the cement paste in the fraction 0 - 0,250 mm. This new set-up is able to dry the material in very few seconds, divide it into two fractions (the coarse one and the fine one) thanks to the air and increase the amount of fines (0 - 0,250 mm) promoting the attrition between the particles through a vibration device. The coarse fraction is then processed in a ball mill in order to improve the result and reach the final goal. Thanks to the high temperature it is possible to markedly reduce the milling time. The sand 0 - 2 mm, after being heated and milled is used to replace 100% of norm sand in mortar production. The results are very promising: the mortar made with recycled sand reaches an early strength, in fact the increment with respect to the mortar made with norm sand is 20% after three days and 7% after seven days. With this research it has been demonstrated that once the temperature is increased it is possible to obtain a clean coarse fraction (0,250 - 4 mm), free from cement paste that is concentrated in the fine fraction 0 - 0,250 mm. The milling time and the drying time can be largely reduced. The recycled sand shows better performance in terms of mechanical properties with respect to the natural one.


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Context Long-term antiretroviral therapy (ART) use in resource-limited countries leads to increasing numbers of patients with HIV taking second-line therapy. Limited access to further therapeutic options makes essential the evaluation of second-line regimen efficacy in these settings. Objectives To investigate failure rates in patients receiving second-line therapy and factors associated with failure and death. Design, Setting, and Participants Multicohort study of 632 patients >14 years old receiving second-line therapy for more than 6 months in 27 ART programs in Africa and Asia between January 2001 and October 2008. Main Outcome Measures Clinical, immunological, virological, and immunovirological failure (first diagnosed episode of immunological or virological failure) rates, and mortality after 6 months of second-line therapy use. Sensitivity analyses were performed using alternative CD4 cell count thresholds for immunological and immunovirological definitions of failure and for cohort attrition instead of death. Results The 632 patients provided 740.7 person-years of follow-up; 119 (18.8%) met World Health Organization failure criteria after a median 11.9 months following the start of second-line therapy (interquartile range [IQR], 8.7-17.0 months), and 34 (5.4%) died after a median 15.1 months (IQR, 11.9-25.7 months). Failure rates were lower in those who changed 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) instead of 1 (179.2 vs 251.6 per 1000 person-years; incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.64; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.42-0.96), and higher in those with lowest adherence index (383.5 vs 176.0 per 1000 person-years; IRR, 3.14; 95% CI, 1.67-5.90 for <80% vs ≥95% [percentage adherent, as represented by percentage of appointments attended with no delay]). Failure rates increased with lower CD4 cell counts when second-line therapy was started, from 156.3 vs 96.2 per 1000 person-years; IRR, 1.59 (95% CI, 0.78-3.25) for 100 to 199/μL to 336.8 per 1000 person-years; IRR, 3.32 (95% CI, 1.81-6.08) for less than 50/μL vs 200/μL or higher; and decreased with time using second-line therapy, from 250.0 vs 123.2 per 1000 person-years; IRR, 1.90 (95% CI, 1.19-3.02) for 6 to 11 months to 212.0 per 1000 person-years; 1.71 (95% CI, 1.01-2.88) for 12 to 17 months vs 18 or more months. Mortality for those taking second-line therapy was lower in women (32.4 vs 68.3 per 1000 person-years; hazard ratio [HR], 0.45; 95% CI, 0.23-0.91); and higher in patients with treatment failure of any type (91.9 vs 28.1 per 1000 person-years; HR, 2.83; 95% CI, 1.38-5.80). Sensitivity analyses showed similar results. Conclusions Among patients in Africa and Asia receiving second-line therapy for HIV, treatment failure was associated with low CD4 cell counts at second-line therapy start, use of suboptimal second-line regimens, and poor adherence. Mortality was associated with diagnosed treatment failure.


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Objective: To evaluate early and mid-term results in patients undergoing proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery. Methods: We analyzed 60 patients (median age 60 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 40) who underwent proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery between January 2005 and April 2012. Outcome and risk factors were analyzed. Results: In hospital mortality was 13%, perioperative neurologic injury was 7%. Fifty percent of patients underwent redo surgery in an urgent or emergency setting. In 65%, partial or total arch replacement with or without conventional or frozen elephant trunk extension was performed. The preoperative logistic EuroSCORE I confirmed to be a reliable predictor of adverse outcome- (ROC 0.786, 95%CI 0.64–0.93) as did the new EuroSCORE II model: ROC 0.882 95%CI 0.78–0.98. Extensive individual logistic EuroSCORE I levels more than 67 showed an OR of 7.01, 95%CI 1.43–34.27. A EuroSCORE II larger than 28 showed an OR of 4.44 (95%CI 1.4–14.06). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified a critical preoperative state (OR 7.96, 95%CI 1.51–38.79) but not advanced age (OR 2.46, 95%CI 0.48–12.66) as the strongest independent predictor of in-hospital mortality. Median follow-up was 23 months (1–52 months). One year and five year actuarial survival rates were 83% and 69% respectively. Freedom from reoperation during follow-up was 100%. Conclusions: Despite a substantial early attrition rate in patients presenting with a critical preoperative state, proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery provides excellent early and mid-term results. Higher EuroSCORE I and II levels and a critical preoperative state but not advanced age are independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. As a consequence, age alone should no longer be regarded as a contraindication for surgical treatment in this particular group of patient