400 resultados para Artillery (Troops)
With Ukraine disintegrating before our eyes, Michael Emerson calls for the EU to convene again the Geneva Quad with the utmost urgency, and proposes a peacekeeping operation by a jointly flagged tripartite brigade of Ukrainian, EU and Russian troops and police to clean up the Maidan in Kyiv, moving on into Donetsk and Lugansk. This short-term action should also have long-term consequences for the European order, if it initiated a switch by the EU and Russia into a cooperative mode over their common neighbourhood.
Tensions over Iran’s nuclear programme have risen considerably in recent months. This has been visible in numerous threats of – and much speculation about – an imminent Israeli (and US) attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. In this context, the support for the attacks that the countries of the South Caucasus (and Azerbaijan in particular) could provide has been the subject of lively debate, as has been the prospect of a Russian political and military offensive in the Caucasus in response to the attacks on Iran. It seems that the ongoing war campaign in the media has been aimed primarily at putting pressure on Iran and the international community to find a political solution to the Iranian problem. This also applies to the Caucasus’s involvement in the campaign. Given the outcome of the Istanbul round of talks on a political solution to the Iranian issue (14 April), which warrants moderate optimism, the threat of a conflict now appears more distant and this also indirectly proves the effectiveness of the campaign. The war of nerves with Iran, however, is already now actually affecting the stability of the Southern Caucasus. While it seems that Azerbaijan is not Israel’s partner in the preparations to attacks, and that there is no real link between the Iranian problem and the ongoing and planned movements of Russian troops in the Caucasus, the tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan are indeed high. Moreover, the global image of the Caucasus is deteriorating, the USA’s position in the region is becoming more complicated, and Russia’s room for manoeuvre is expanding.
In recent years, terrorist actions have increased in Central Asia, especially in the two weakest states, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and on the Uzbek side of the Ferghana Valley. The killing of Osama bin Laden by US special forces has raised fears of a possible backlash from his supporters and a new wave of terror across a large area surrounding Afghanistan. Now the Taliban have warned Kazakhstan – Central Asia's most successful economy and largest oil producer which has to date avoided the Islamist violence that has affected its Central Asian neighbours – of the dangers of entering the war on Afghanistan after the Kazakh parliament decided to send troops to join the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) war efforts.
Opium is at the heart of the war economy in Afghanistan, involving a broad range of actors. It generates a sustainable violence cycle and, while international troops withdraw from the country, threatens the Afghan government’s reconstruction efforts. The European Union (EU) plays an important part in the debate on how to deal with this issue. Several counter-narcotics policies have been implemented since 2001 and have mostly failed. This paper looks at these failures and questions the European Union’s ability to help tackle the problem of opium in Afghanistan. It argues that a comprehensive development response, backed by counter-narcotics incentives, could unfasten the spiral of the war economy. It also argues that the EU has developed relevant policies based on poverty alleviation and a structural approach to the opium issue but still lacks the means for action and for donor coordination in order to significantly influence the situation.
In late March and early April, the US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) held an exercise in Estonia, during which US F-16s destroyed ground targets in an Estonian firing range. Around the same time the Americans held a drill with the Swedish and Finnish Air Forces over the Baltic Sea. The United States has been playing a leading role in the process of strengthening NATO’s presence in the Baltic states. As far as the Western European allies are concerned, Germany will follow in the footsteps of Denmark and the United Kingdom, both of which made significant military contributions to the strengthening of the allied presence in 2014, and will deploy the largest number of troops in 2015. Non-aligned Sweden and Finland, key for the performance of NATO operations in the Baltic states, have been emphasising their military and political readiness to co-operate with NATO in the event of potential crises or conflicts. Comparing NATO ‘s military presence in the Baltic states before and after the outbreak of the Russian intervention in Ukraine, it is clear that NATO has stepped up its engagement considerably. However, its scope is still relatively small, given the much larger military potential and mobilisation capacity of Russia. Moreover, the message sent by NATO’s actions may be diminished by the political, military and financial constraints faced by the allies and Sweden and Finland. It seems that the greatest risk to the military security of the Baltic states currently appears to be the possibility that Russia could wrongly assess the reliability of NATO’s security guarantees.
On 29 July a deal was signed in Paris concerning a merger between Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), Germany’s largest manufacturer of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery systems, and its French counterpart Nexter. The new holding formed as a result of the merger will be Europe’s largest producer of arms systems for land forces, comparable to the Airbus Group in the aerospace industry. While work on finalising the merger was underway, the German government was developing a new strategy for Germany’s arms industry, which was published on 9 June 2015. The strategy’s provisions show that German politicians, despite holding negative opinions on previous mergers between German arms companies and foreign businesses, have concluded that consolidation at the European level is nonetheless the only way to go. However, the strategy also states that the German government should exercise more influence than previously on the terms and conditions of any such consolidation. To this end, it identified key national technologies which will be supported and protected through various instruments, including also the conclusion of intergovernmental agreements on strategic defence co-operation. Such agreements may regulate questions such as the ownership structures of the new companies, the locations for developing technologies and for manufacturing products, subcontractors and exports of jointly developed arms and military equipment. In relation to the KMW–Nexter merger, such a deal between France and Germany is expected to be signed this autumn.
Os incêndios florestais constituem uma realidade que pode ser minimizada com o auxílio Forças Armadas, através de homens e de meios. O Projeto FIREND®, no qual este trabalho está inserido, tem como objetivo projetar uma munição que ao libertar uma substância química sobre o fogo, o impeça de se expandir e se possível, o extinga. O projétil tem 155mm de calibre e o seu compartimento de carga terá cerca de 7,5
A floresta constitui uma das riquezas naturais com maior valor em todo o planeta, assumindo uma vital importância em termos ambientais e económicos, nomeadamente para Portugal. Neste projeto desenvolve-se um potencial meio de combate a incêndios florestais, com base num conceito inovador e complementar aos atuais meios aplicados no combate a este tipo de flagelo. Este projeto de investigação visa o desenvolvimento de um projétil de detonação mecânica, logo inerte, para aplicação no combate a incêndios florestais, e enquadra-se no âmbito de uma parceria alargada de colaboração em I&D entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior Técnico. O conceito deste produto, ao qual foi atribuído o acrónimo: FIREND, foi, inicialmente, desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de I&D da Academia Militar. Neste projeto realiza-se o desenvolvimento final do conceito do produto, incluindo a verificação de aspetos chave no projeto mecânico, seleção e aquisição de materiais e fabrico de protótipos para ensaios balísticos em condições reais. Os resultados de funcionalidade e eficiência são apresentados nas fases estabilidade em voo, impacto com o solo, detonação, projeção e dispersão da carga para o exterior e análise de recuperação dos componentes do FIREND, após utilização. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos relativos ao funcionamento do FIREND durante o disparo do Obus, voo, impacto no solo e detonação e ainda o estado geral dos componentes após os ensaios, pode-se concluir que se trata de um projeto viável.
Todos os anos milhares de hectares são consumidos pelas chamas durante a época de incêndios. As medidas preventivas têm-se revelado insuficientes e as capacidades dos meios de combate estão condicionadas por terrenos inacessíveis, condições de visibilidade reduzida e condições meteorológicas adversas. Com a introdução do projéctil projectado nesta dissertação pretende-se preencher de algum modo o vazio deixado por essas condicionantes. Este projecto dá continuidade ao projecto FIREND® que é a última evolução de um conceito idealizado em 2005 e que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior técnico. O conhecimento assimilado pela revisão bibliográfica de algumas patentes, dos projectos FIREND® anteriores e sobre o funcionamento de projécteis de artilharia convencionais, foi complementada com os conhecimentos de balística e de projecto mecânico, resultando no desenvolvimento sólido de um projéctil de 155mm de detonação electrónica. O projéctil funciona com base num micro gerador de gás que aumenta a pressão interior e desta forma ejecta a carga contida no compartimento de carga. Foram utilizadas as capacidades de desenho tridimensional do software SolidWorks® e estimou-se, através deste, o peso, volume, momentos de inércia dos componentes e a capacidade de carga do projéctil. Estes dados são fundamentais neste projecto para garantir a sua compatibilidade com os obuses e tábuas de tiro utilizadas pela Artilharia do Exército Português. Como resultado, projectou-se um projéctil de 155mm com peso equivalente ao de uma granada convencional e com cotas máximas que lhe conferem total compatibilidade com os Obuses de Artilharia existentes. O projéctil consegue conter, no seu compartimento de carga, aproximadamente 7,5 dm3 de volume, o que lhe confere a capacidade para actuar numa área de aproximadamente 75m2.
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[superscript pi]A² a2-a4 b² A-F⁶ G⁸ H-2O² [2P]⁸ 2Q² 2R⁴ 2S² 2T-2X⁶ 2Y⁴ 2Z-3A² 3B⁸ 3C-6T² [6V-6Z]² [dagger-2 daggers]⁶ chi-2chi².
Contains two letters: The first letter was addressed to Viscount Melville and dated London 16th December, 1826; and the second letter for private distribution was addressed to Captain Sir W. Symonds, dated London, 21st April, 1838 under title: A second letter on the conveyance of troops to Canada / by Capt. Bowles.
Hackett went out as lieutenant in Col. J.A. Gilmore's Artillery brigade, which was disbanded before reaching South America. The writer did not see any actual service, but his Narrative gives account of several British expeditions of 1817.