Sistema de gestão de energia e ativação de uma espoleta eletrónica

Autoria(s): Mesquita, Ana Carolina Apolinário dos Santos

Baptista, António Carlos de Campos Simões

Santos, Pedro Nuno Mendonça dos






Os incêndios florestais constituem uma realidade que pode ser minimizada com o auxílio Forças Armadas, através de homens e de meios. O Projeto FIREND®, no qual este trabalho está inserido, tem como objetivo projetar uma munição que ao libertar uma substância química sobre o fogo, o impeça de se expandir e se possível, o extinga. O projétil tem 155mm de calibre e o seu compartimento de carga terá cerca de 7,5

Forest fires are incidents that must be dealt with in a rapid manner. The Portuguese Armed Forces intend to further increase their manpower and resources dedicated to the capacity to provide support during emergency situations. The FIREND® Project has the objective to design and develop an artillery ammunition that is able to release fire extinguisher chemical powder over forest fires, preventing them from expanding or even extinguish them. The 155mm projectile developed is compatible with the existing shells used by NATO 155mm artillery and will deliver a payload of 7.5 dm3 of chemical powder that is deemed effective over a forest fire that is active on a area of 75m2. The FIREND® Project ammunition will be able to release the chemical under harsh wind and visibility conditions or over rugged terrain that obstruct or severely constrain the operation of aircrafts used to combat forest fires. Other foreseeable advantages are the reduction of fire combating personnel exposure to fire and the lower cost per utilization when compared with fire combat air assets. This project intends to discriminate the design of the electronic fuse used by the artillery shell of the FIREND® Project that does not contain any explosive charge. The acceleration at the end of the howitzer tube will initiate the fuse in accordance with the flight time and permitting the deliverance of the chemical powder on the designated area on optimal effectiveness conditions. Fuse´s functional blocks guided this research and development project. The initial efforts were steered towards the block related to the sensors, power management and activation. The design and development of the controller, communications and control clock block were discuss in another project. The developed circuit is able to detect the ammunition acceleration, activate the fuse and trigger the payload release at an appropriate distance from the soil. The hypotheses considered during the design and development as well the respective logical reasoning that support the selected options are presented throughout this work.






Palavras-Chave #Espoleta eletrónica #Incêndios #Acelerómetro #Domínio/Área Científica::Engenharia e Tecnologia::Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática
