846 resultados para Art 13 Ley 222 de 1995
Ursula Schlosstein born Gottschalk in her nursery school, Allens Lane Art Center.
Ursula Schlosstein born Gottschalk in her nursery school, Allens Lane Art Center.
The records of the North American Jewish Students Appeal (NAJSA or APPEAL) contains documents on two levels of concern: those documents dealing with the NAJSA as a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity among college-aged youth; and those documents dealing with the APPEAL as a fundraising organization for several well-known student constituent organizations. The Constituents were: the Jewish Student Press Service, Lights in Action, the North American Jewish Students Network, the Progressive Zionist Caucus, Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review, Yavneh Religious Students Organization, and Yugntruf Youth for Yiddish. Documents include correspondence, financial records, minutes, press releases, information on grants awarded to student organizations for programming and publishing, student journals, and newspapers, photographs, and ephemera.
Various newspaper articles about Daisy Davidow and her art work.
Tämän pro gradu -työn tarkoituksena on selvittää tekstin Jer 20:7-13 jumalakuvaa ja muita ”tekstin puhujan” ilmaisemia vuorovaikutussuhteita ja vaihtelevia tunteita. On kuitenkin epäselvää, missä määrin Jeremian kirja tai sen yksittäiset jaksot kuvaavat profeetan persoonaa ja historiallista taustaa. Tekstit voivat kuvata myös muita myöhempiä tilanteita ja asenteita. Tämän tutkimuksen pääasiallinen eksegeettinen metodi on syvyyspsykologinen. Se saattaa pystyä kertomaan jotakin siitä, miten tutkittava teksti peilaa menneisyyden kokemuksellisia kaavoja. Samaan tapaan kuten psykohistoriassa, tutkimus ei yritä tutkia, tulkita tai rekonstruoida tradition tai historian Jeremiaa. Syvyyspsykologinen eksegeesi on tunnistettu jo aiemmin, mutta suomalaisessa tutkimuksessa sitä ei vielä ole sovellettu yksittäisiin teksteihin. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimusasetelma avaa tekstin sisäisiä ja vaihtelevia vuorovaikutussuhteita eli objektisuhteita. Tutkimus nimittää tätä vuorovaikutussuhteiden analyysiä objektisuhdeanalyysiksi. Se perustuu teologian tohtori, psykoanalyytikko Matti Hyrckin psykoanalyyttiseen suhteessaolon perusmielikuvien teoriaan (SPT), jonka hän esittelee väitöskirjassaan Mielen kuvat Jumalasta (1995). Tekstin Jahve-kuvat on nähtävä objektirepresentaatioina. Nämä vahvasti värittyneet representaatiot ja kuvat kertovat enemmän kokijasta itsestään kuin niistä objekteista, joiden kuviksi ne ovat syntyneet. Käsitys objektien sisäsyntyisyydestä mahdollistaa Hyrckillä objektisuhteiden systematisoinnin ja SPT:n luomisen. Siten emotionaaliset silmälasit on tämän tutkimuksen tekijän mielestä mahdollista valjastaa myös tutkijan käyttöön. Tutkimuksen laaja näkökulmia hakeva teoriaosuus varmistaa tämän. Hermeneuttinen ”kolmen maailman malli” on lukijakeskeisyyteen ja kulttuurihyppyyn arvokas työväline. Jeremian kirja sisältää useita osin runomuotoisia valituksia, joista tutkittava teksti on viimeinen. Valituslaulujen sarja päättyy tutkittavaa tekstiä seuraavaan syntymäpäivän kiroamiseen jakeissa 14-18. Valituksen edellä kontekstina on joitakin kertomuksia Jeremiasta, mutta vasta jakeessa 20:2 Jeremia nimetään profeetaksi. Muuten valittaja on nimetön. Jeremia-kertomusten kehys on tässä toimituksellinen ja valituksen jälkeen seuraa deuteronomistista saarnaa Juudaa ja Jerusalemia vastaan. Tutkimus selvittää jakeiden 7-13 rakennetta, sisältöä ja tulkintaa ensin lähinnä laji- ja kirjallisuus- kriittisesti. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Jeremian valitus noudattaa yksilön valituslaulun kaavaa, mutta ei kuitenkaan yksiselitteisesti taivu lajin usein stereotyyppisiin tarkoituksiin. Suurin syy tähän on tekstin proosa- ja runomuodon vaihtelu ja sisällön hajanaisuus. Edes valituksen ydintä ei voi varmistaa, vaikka valituslaulun nuorimpina osina on tyypillisesti helppo pitää loppupuolen kollektiivisia lisiä. Varsinainen valitus on jakeissa 7-9 ja jakeet 10-13 ovat todennäköisimmin monivaiheinen päätössarja. Tutkimuksen keskeiset objektisuhdeteoreettiset peruskäsitteet sisäinen subjekti ja sisäinen objekti ovat ihmisen tiedostamattoman tason mielikuvia. Varhaisen tilan vuorovaikutusmielikuvien sisäisinä subjekteina ovat Riippuvainen ja Itseriittoinen. Ne ovat vaihtelevissa suhteissa Houkuttajan ja Hallitsijan muotoisia sisäisiä objekteja kohtaan. Myöhäisessä tilassa objekteille on syytä antaa uudet nimet: Vetäytyjä, Vaatija ja Parantaja. Tutkimus etenee osoittamalla tekstin ja SPT:n mukaisen mallin samankaltaisuuksia. Samalla on ollut mahdollista ottaa kantaa myös tekstin saumoihin ja tekstin syntyprosessiin. Tekstin objekti osoittautuu pääosin Hallitsijaksi, sillä Houkuttajan muotoisista jumaluuksista on kollektiivisesti pyritty tekemään pesäeroa Jerusalemin temppelin hävityksestä lähtien. Silti muistoista ja Houkuttajaksikin värittyneistä kaipuun ja pelon muodoista ei päästä eroon. Valituksen alkujakeita 7-9 leimaa Riippuvaisen masennus ja Itseriittoisen häpeä. Jakeissa 11-13 Hallitsijan muotoinen Jahve Sebaot tarjoaa hierarkkista symbioosia. Myöhäistä Vaatijaa ei tutkittavassa tekstissä ole kuin vanhurskaan käsitteenä, joka deuteronomistisessa teologiassa perustuu Jahven sanan kuulemiseen ja lain noudattamiseen. Tutkimus pyrkii osoittamaan, että kaikilla kokemuksilla on jollakin tavalla sekä yhteisöä että yksilöä eheyttäviä tarkoituksia. Kun valitus päättyy sarjaan vakuutuksia ja huipentuu kollektiiviseen ylistyskehotukseen, myös niillä on tarkoitus. Yksi osa tutkimustehtävää on ollut testata psykoanalyyttisen objektisuhdeteoreettisen metodin toimivuutta eksegeettisessä tutkimuksessa. Vaikka tulokset ovat suuntaa antavia, metodi on osoittautunut toimivaksi.
‘Every face on Vanity Fair’s Hollywood covers 1995-2008’ renders an ethnographic-like study of Hollywood celebrity as a cinematic experience. Viewers are presented with constantly mutating portraits that violently twist and shear into other faces, while an immersive soundscape echoes the turbulent painterly surface. Through technical processes of scaling, looping and image morphing; the work explores a positive affectual response to the seductive power of celebrity imagery. Conceptually, given Vanity Fair magazine’s prestigious stature, the work also performs an ethnographic-mapping of the popularity of Hollywood stars over time, while at the same time creating in-between, ‘mutant’ versions of their visages. The installation explores the potential for fan-based responses to pop culture to lead to artworks that enable a more critical response to the subjective and intersubjective dynamics of celebrity portraiture. Questions are raised about how these cultural forms impact pop culture fans, and their role in the mapping of culture and social experience.
Active Fiber Composites (AFC) possess desirable characteristics over a wide range of smart structure applications, such as vibration, shape and flow control as well as structural health monitoring. This type of material, capable of collocated actuation and sensing, call be used in smart structures with self-sensing circuits. This paper proposes four novel applications of AFC structures undergoing torsion: sensors and actuators shaped as strips and tubes; and concludes with a preliminary failure analysis. To enable this, a powerful mathematical technique, the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) was used to perform cross-sectional analyses of thin generally anisotropic AFC beams. The resulting closed form expressions have been utilized in the applications presented herein.
This study examines how Finnish foreign and security policy has been influenced by the European Union and its Common Foreign and Security Policy. It points to a growing interplay and misfit between the external expectations originating from the European level and the domestic expectations and traditional ways-of-doing-things. It is concluded that the deepening European integration in the sphere of foreign, security and defence policy has played a significant role in a number of transformations in the Finnish policies since 1995. New, more European, meanings have been attached to the key concepts of Finnish foreign and security policy. Neutrality and traditional peacekeeping have been replaced by a minimalist reading of military non-alignment and participation in crisis management operations and EU battle groups. Traditional small state identity has been recast more and more as small member stateness . At the same time Finland has entered an era of post-consensus in national foreign and security policy. A key theoretical argument in the background of the study is that collective understandings attached to European policies, when not resonating well with domestic understandings, cause adaptation pressures on domestic-level processes and may lead to changes in the way interests and identities are constructed. This means that Europeanization is principally seen as identity reconstruction. Consequently, the theoretical framework of the study builds on the Europeanization research literature and constructivist IR theory on state identity. Foreign and security policy is defined as the practice in which state identity is reproduced, and the key foreign and security policy concepts are seen as the vehicles of identity production. It is concluded that for Finland, participation in the EU s foreign, security and defence policies represents not only a tool for responding to the changes in the international security environment but also a new means of self-identification. Concerning the Finnish attempts of projecting national interests on the European security policy agenda, it is concluded that they mainly relate to the compatibility of the potential development of EU s defence dimension with the Finnish military non-alignment. Although neutrality was cast aside in the official security policy when Finland joined the EU, the analysis shows that its impact has continued in the domestic political debate and in the mind-set of the decision-makers. The primary research material includes official Finnish foreign and security policy documentation and the related parliamentary debates from 1994 to 2007. This study serves also as a comprehensive empirical overview on Finland s reactions and contributions to the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Horseback riding is a popular activity in Finland, especially among young women and girls. For centuries, however, horse husbandry and horse culture in Finland had been dominated by men. Nowadays it is mainly the girls who ride as a hobby and take care of the horses. The stable has evolved into an important social sphere for girls, a semi-public room of their own where they spend time together. A study of the girl culture in the riding stable offers a unique perspective as well as new information on becoming a girl and a young woman in Finland. The subject of my research is the girl culture and girls communities at the horseback riding stables. In this thesis I discuss what kind of girl-cultural sphere the stable is, how girls organize their community, and what different aspects and meanings the hobby entails for girls while they are actively engaged in the hobby. I focus on the construction of gender and girlhood and examine how these gender constructions can be theorized as gender tradition. The research material consists of the interviews of 22 stable girls from different parts of Finland and an observation period at one of the stables. The informants were from 13 to 27 years of age. The theoretical background is based on the anthropological study of folklore, girls studies, feminist theory and post-humanist viewpoints. I am interested in how girls culture and girlhood are produced performatively in the interview narration and participant observation. I concentrate on four aspects of this culture: 1) what girls do at the stable, and what kind of relationships they create with horses; 2) social relations focusing on the ways girls construct their own groups, the way their hierarchy is constructed and how they use power; 3) the norms and social control regarding social behaviour; and 4) the reasons girls give for their involvement in the hobby, and girls interest in horses in general. In this girl culture, gender norms and boundaries are not only stretched or transgressed, but the culture also re-produces the hierarchical and stereotypical ideas of gender. The traditions of gender express both the hegemonic gender system and those ideas of gender which girls resist, at least momentarily. Constructions of gender and gender tradition are constituted at the intersections of historical and contemporary expectations of what it means to be a girl. Conscious of these societal demands, girls support, reproduce, challenge, and make comments on them.
We have compared the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol fine mode fraction (AFMF) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) with those of Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45N, 80.35E), northern India for the pre-monsoon season (March to June, 2001-2005). We found that MODIS systematically overestimates AOD during pre-monsoon season (known to be influenced by dust transport from north-west of India). The errors in AOD were correlated with the MODIS top-of-atmosphere apparent surface reflectance in 2.1 mu m channel (rho*(2.1)). MODIS aerosol algorithm uses p*(2.1) to derive the surface reflectance in visible channels (rho(0.47), rho(0.66)) using an empirical mid IR-visible correlation (rho(0.47) = rho(2.1)/4, rho(0.66) = rho(2.1)/2). The large uncertainty in estimating surface reflectance in visible channels (Delta rho(0.66)+/- 0.04, Delta rho(0.47)+/- 0.02) at higher values of p*(2.1) (p*(2.1) > 0.18) leads to higher aerosol contribution in the total reflected radiance at top-of atmosphere to compensate for the reduced surface reflectance in visible channels and thus leads to overestimation of AOD. This was also reflected in the very low values of AFMF during pre-monsoon whose accuracy depends on the aerosol path radiance in 0.47 and 0.66 mu m channels and aerosol models. The errors in AOD were also high in the scattering angle range 110 degrees-140 degrees, where the effect of dust non-spherity on its optical properties is significant. The direct measurements of spectral surface reflectance are required over the Indo-Gangetic basin in order to validate the mid IR-visible relationship. MODIS aerosol models should also be modified to incorporate the effect of non-spherity of dust aerosols.
A novel approach for measurement of small rotation angles using imaging method is proposed and demonstrated. A plane mirror placed on a precision rotating table is used for imaging the newly designed composite coded pattern. The imaged patterns are captured with the help of a CCD camera. The angular rotation of the plane mirror is determined from a pair of the images of the pattern, captured once before and once after affecting the tilt of the mirror. Both simulation and experimental results suggest that the proposed approach not only retains the advantages of the original imaging method but also contributes significantly to the enhancement of its measuring range (+/- 4.13 degrees with accuracy of the order of 1 arcsec).
The occurrence of occupational chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE) seems to decrease, but still every year reveals new cases. To prevent CSE and early retirement of solvent-exposed workers, actions should focus on early CSE detection and diagnosis. Identifying the work tasks and solvent exposure associated with high risk for CSE is crucial. Clinical and exposure data of all the 128 cases diagnosed with CSE as an occupational disease in Finland during 1995-2007 was collected from the patient records at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) in Helsinki. The data on the number of exposed workers in Finland were gathered from the Finnish Job-exposure Matrix (FINJEM) and the number of employed from the national workforce survey. We analyzed the work tasks and solvent exposure of CSE patients and the findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), and event-related potentials (ERP). The annual number of new cases diminished from 18 to 3, and the incidence of CSE decreased from 8.6 to 1.2 / million employed per year. The highest incidence of CSE was in workers with their main exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons; during 1995-2006 the incidence decreased from 1.2 to 0.3 / 1 000 exposed workers per year. The work tasks with the highest incidence of CSE were floor layers and lacquerers, wooden surface finishers, and industrial, metal, or car painters. Among 71 CSE patients, brain MRI revealed atrophy or white matter hyperintensities or both in 38% of the cases. Atrophy which was associated with duration of exposure was most frequently located in the cerebellum and in the frontal or parietal brain areas. QEEG in a group of 47 patients revealed increased power of the theta band in the frontal brain area. In a group of 86 patients, the P300 amplitude of auditory ERP was decreased, but at individual level, all the amplitude values were classified as normal. In 11 CSE patients and 13 age-matched controls, ERP elicited by a multimodal paradigm including an auditory, a visual detection, and a recognition memory task under single and dual-task conditions corroborated the decrease of auditory P300 amplitude in CSE patients in single-task condition. In dual-task conditions, the auditory P300 component was, more often in patients than in controls, unrecognizable. Due to the paucity and non-specificity of the findings, brain MRI serves mainly for differential diagnostics in CSE. QEEG and auditory P300 are insensitive at individual level and not useful in the clinical diagnostics of CSE. A multimodal ERP paradigm may, however, provide a more sensitive method to diagnose slight cognitive disturbances such as CSE.
Restriction fragments of mycobacteriophage 13 DNA capable of initiating transcription have been cloned into a promoter selection vector of Escherichia coli, and selected on the basis of development of resistance to chloramphenicol. The growth pattern of these 'promoter clones' on a concentration gradient of chloramphenicol and the biochemical assays of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase have permitted the assessment of their relative promoter strengths. DNA sequence analysis revealed significant homology of these promoters to the -35 regions of the mycobacterial- and E. coli promoter consensus, but less so to the - 10 region. Based on the sequence of phage 13 promoters identified here and the reported sequences of mycobacterial promoters, a promoter consensus for mycobacteria has been generated.
El presente estudio se realizó en el ingenio Benjamín Zeledón con el objetivo de determinar los niveles de daño causados por Diatraea spp. y la incidencia del parasitismo natural para su control durante el periodo julio-diciembre de 1995. Evaluándose los parámetros: infestación, intensidad de infestación e índice de infestación, así como los niveles del parasitismo natural de Diatraea spp. en diversas variedades de caña en una área que representa el 16.30% del área total productiva del Ingenio. Determinándose una infestación promedio de 5.35%, una intensidad de infestación promedio de 14.39% y un índice de infestación promedio de 0.85, el cual es considerado internacionalmente como bajo. La variedades L 68-40, J 60-5, L 68-90 y la mezcla de diversas variedades fueron las más afectadas por Diatraea spp. Determinándose en estas variedades índices de infestación superiores al promedio general (0.85)y que corresponden a 1.26, 1.14, 1.13 y 1.09 respectivamente. Sin embargo, SP 70-4790, MEX. 53-4-73 y MEX. 68-P-23 fueron las variedades menos afectadas con 0.51, 0.23 y 0.24 de índice de infestación respectivamente. Por otro lado, se determinó un bajo nivel de parasitismo natural que se concentró sólo en el trimestre julio-septiembre con 19, 21 y 251% de parasitismo natural a partir de 58,19 y 4 larvas colectadas durante estos meses respectivamente. Identificándose a los parasitoides larvales: Billaea claripalpis Wulp, Cotesia flavipes Camerón y Apanteles diatraeae Muesebeck. Aunque no se pudo determinar la incidencia de los parasitoides ovifagos se determinó la presencia de Telenomus sp. y una especie de la familia Trichogrammatidae en los campos muestreados.
Este estudio muestra el análisis de emergía para Nicaragua para los años 1995-99. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son 1) conocer cuáles son las principales características del sistema económico y ambiental de Nicaragua haciendo uso de índices de emergía para describir la carga ambiental y la sostenibilidad del sistema, b) determinar cuál es la posición internacional de Nicaragua en términos de su sistema ecológico-económico y e) determinar cuál es la contribución del medio ambiente de Nicaragua a la economía del país, utilizando la metodología de análisis de emergía. Emergía (con m), es la cantidad de energía que es requerida para hacer algo, es la memoria de energía la cual fue degradada en su proceso de transformación. La metodología de análisis de emergía es útil en donde el crecimiento económico está generando controversia sobre el desarrollo de la economía y la protección del medio ambiente. En este trabajo se presenta un diagrama general de sistema para Nicaragua 1995-99 y una evaluación de emergía de la Base de recursos para Nicaragua. Los resultados indican que la fuente de emergía de la base de recursos para Nicaragua es la energía potencial química en la lluvia (275.97 E+20 sej/año) y se confirma que los recursos renovables más importantes son el ganadero (91.56 E+20 sej/año) y el agrícola (62.26 E+20 sej/año). La relación de emergía exportada a importada fue de 2.14/1, ubicando a Nicaragua como un país productor de recursos. Los diferentes índices calculados para Nicaragua (Relación Emergía/USD = 15.8 E+12 sej/año; Relación de Carga Ambiental =0.39; Relación de Inversión de Emergía= 0.21; Relación de Rendimiento Neto= 5.36 e Indice de Sostenibilidad = 13.86) demuestran que Nicaragua posee una economía subdesarrollada, con niveles tecnológicos pobres y baja intensidad de desarrollo económico. Los índices también indican una baja posición de Nicaragua en la jerarquía económica de naciones. La evaluación y análisis de emergía puede ser utilizado para determinar en términos cuantitativos como realizar de forma óptima y sostenible un buen manejo de los recursos naturales, la población y la economía de una región o país, en este caso de Nicaragua.