951 resultados para Animal welfare.


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Oil pollution is a significant conservation concern. We examined data from six institutions along the coast of South America: Emergency Relief Team of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Fundacion Mundo Marino, Centro de Recuperacao de Animais Marinhos, Natura Patagonia, Associacao R3 Animal, and Mar del Plata Aquarium and data from resightings in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Falkland/Malvinas Islands. From 2000 to 2010, 2183 oiled Magellanic penguins were rehabilitated as part of the routine activities of these institutions or during emergency responses to eight oil spills in which they were involved; all rehabilitated penguins were flipper banded and released. Since their release, 41 penguins were resighted until 31 December 2011. The results demonstrate that, when combined with other prevention strategies, the rehabilitation of Magellanic penguins is a strategy that contributes to the mitigation of adverse effects of oil spills and chronic pollution to the species. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Consolidation of international guidelines for the management of canine populations in urban areas and proposal of performance indicators The objective of this study is to propose a generic program for the management of urban canine populations with suggestion of performance indicators. The following international guidelines on canine population management were revised and consolidated: World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Society for the Protection of Animals, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Management programs should cover: situation diagnosis, including estimates of population size; social participation with involvement of various sectors in the planning and execution of strategies; educational actions to promote humane values, animal welfare, community health, and responsible ownership (through purchase or adoption); environmental and waste management to eliminate sources of food and shelter; registration and identification of animals; animal health care, reproductive control; prevention and control of zoonoses; control of animal commerce; management of animal behavior and adequate solutions for abandoned animals; and laws regulating responsible ownership, prevention of abandonment and zoonoses. To monitor these actions, four groups of indicators are suggested: animal population indicators, human/animal interaction indicators, public service indicators, and zoonosis indicators. The management of stray canine populations requires political, sanitary, ethologic, ecologic, and humanitarian strategies that are socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. Such measures must also include the control of zoonoses such as rabies and leishmaniasis, considering the concept of "one health," which benefits both the animals and people in the community.


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O confinamento de matrizes suínas foi criado com o intuito de maximizar a produtividade; entretanto, existem problemas relacionados ao bem-estar animal. Objetivou-se avaliar a criação de matrizes suínas gestantes no sistema de confinamento e ao ar livre, com relação ao ambiente térmico e às respostas fisiológicas. O experimento foi realizado em Monte Mor/SP. A avaliação fisiológica foi realizada por meio do registro das variáveis: frequência respiratória e temperatura de pele. Foram registradas as variáveis meteorológicas: temperatura de bulbo seco, temperatura de bulbo úmido e temperatura de globo negro, caracterizando o ambiente por meio da entalpia e índice de temperatura de globo e umidade. Foram utilizados seis animais por tratamento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. As variáveis fisiológicas e meteorológicas apresentaram valores superiores no confinamento. O sistema de criação ao ar livre potencializou as trocas térmicas entre os animais e o ambiente, o que refletiu em menor estresse por calor observado nos animais.


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Máster en Economía del Turismo, Transporte y Medio Ambiente


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In order to improve the animal welfare, the Council Directive 1999/74/EC (defining minimum standards for the welfare of laying hens) will ban conventional cage systems since 2012, in favour of enriched cages or floor systems. As a consequence an increased risk of bacterial contamination of eggshell is expected (EFSA, 2005). Furthermore egg-associated salmonellosis is an important public health problem throughout the world (Roberts et al., 1994). In this regard the introduction of efficient measures to reduce eggshell contamination by S. Enteritidis or other bacterial pathogens, and thus to prevent any potential or additional food safety risk for Human health, may be envisaged. The hot air pasteurization can be a viable alternative for the decontamination of the surface of the egg shell. Few studies have been performed on the decontamination power of this technique on table eggs (Hou et al, 1996; James et al., 2002). The aim of this study was to develop innovative techniques to remove surface contamination of shell eggs by hot air under natural or forced convection. Initially two simplified finite element models describing the thermal interaction between the air and egg were developed, respectively for the natural and forced convection. The numerical models were validated using an egg simulant equipped by type-K thermocouple (Chromel/Alumel). Once validated, the models allowed the selection of a thermal cycle with an inner temperature always lower than 55°C. Subsequently a specific apparatus composed by two hot air generators, one cold air generator and rolling cylinder support, was built to physically condition the eggs. The decontamination power of the thermal treatments was evaluated on shell eggs experimentally inoculated with either Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and on shell eggs containing only the indigenous microflora. The applicability of treatments was further evaluated by comparing quality traits of treated and not treated eggs immediately after the treatment and after 28 days of storage at 20°C. The results showed that the treatment characterized by two shots of hot air at 350°C for 8 sec, spaced by a cooling interval of 32 (forced convection), reduce the bacterial population of more than 90% (Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes). No statistically significant results were obtained comparing E. coli treated and not treated eggs as well as indigenous microflora treated and not treated eggs. A reduction of 2.6 log was observed on Salmonella enteritidis load of eggs immediately after the treatment in oven at 200°C for 200 minutes (natural convection). Furthermore no detrimental effects on quality traits of treated eggs were recorded. These results support the hot air techniques for the surface decontamination of table eggs as an effective industrial process.


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The purpose of the PhD research was the identification of new strategies of farming and processing, with the aim to improve the nutritional and technological characteristics of poultry meat. Part of the PhD research was focused on evaluation of alternative farming systems, with the aim to increase animal welfare and to improve the meat quality and sensorial characteristics in broiler chickens. It was also assessed the use of innovative ingredients for marination of poultry meat (sodium bicarbonate and natural antioxidants) The research was developed by studying the following aspects: - Meat quality characteristics, oxidative stability and sensorial traits of chicken meat obtained from two different farming systems: free range vs conventional; - Meat quality traits of frozen chicken breast pre-salted using increasing concentrations of sodium chloride; - Use of sodium bicarbonate in comparison with sodium trypolyphosphate for marination of broiler breast meat and phase; - Marination with thyme and orange essential oils mixture to improve chicken meat quality traits, susceptibility to lipid oxidation and sensory traits. The following meat quality traits analyseswere performed: Colour, pH, water holding capacity by conventional (gravimetric methods, pressure application, centrifugation and cooking) and innovative methods (low-field NMR and DSC analysis) ability to absorb marinade soloutions, texture (shear force using different probes and texture profile analysis), proximate analysis (moisture, proteins, lipids, ash content, collagen, fatty acid), susceptibility to lipid oxidation (determinations of reactive substances with thiobarbituric acid and peroxide value), sensorial analysis (triangle test and consumer test).


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Non-perforating abomasal lesions are a considerable problem affecting more than half the population of veal calves. The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of pyloric and fundic abomasal lesions in Swiss veal calves at slaughter and to compare the occurrence of non-perforating abomasal lesions between two different production programs ('Naturafarm' and 'conventional'). 'Conventional'-production settings met the minimal standards as defined by the Swiss animal welfare legislation, whereas 'Naturafarm' production complied with increased animal welfare requirements. In order to identify risk factors for the development of abomasal lesions, information on management, housing, and feeding was obtained by a questionnaire. A total of 125 abomasa were randomly selected in one large abattoir. They were examined macroscopically, and the occurence of lesions in either the fundic or pyloric region of the abomasum was recorded separately. Animals raised in the 'conventional'-production setting revealed a significantly higher prevalence of lesions in the fundic part. Factors significantly affecting the prevalence of non-perforating lesions in the fundic part were the 'conventional'-production environment, including missing access to an outside pen, missing access to water and straw as the only roughage, feeding by bucket and the liquid milk by-product Protofit in combination with the powder Sprayfit.


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A cross-sectional field study on the prevalence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum was performed in the Emmental. The study included 211 bovines, 170 equines, 20 ovines, 46 caprines and 23 rabbits (from 119 farms). In addition, laboratory routine diagnostic data obtained from 2.840 animals--all originating from the same area of investigation--were assessed in the same way. The infection extent concerning the different animal species were the following: bovines 46%, equines 12%, ovines 30%, caprines 48% and rabbits 9%. Univariate analyses of baseline epidemiological data identified no significant risk factors, with the exception of the type of stable used. Bovines kept in a modern free ranging stable had a significantly lower chance of infection with D. dendriticum than cattle in conventional tie stalls. The epidemiological data characterizing the area of investigation suggest the following procedure to reduce the problem of dicrocoeliosis: Pasturing animals of all ages should be regularly dewormed (e.g. every six week during pasture) using a compound effective against D. dendriticum. A treatment is especially indicated at the time after pasture in autumn or before housing the animals in winter. In spring, only animals having pastured the year before need to be treated prior to pasture in the new year. However, it is recommended to perform an economic analysis comparing costs of treatment versus putative costs of damage prior to the initiation of a strategic campaign: animal welfare aspects have to be considered. The laboratory routine diagnostic data showed infection extent similar to those of the cross-sectional study: bovines 60%, equines 24%, ovines 26%, caprines 31%, rabbits 32%. Atypical hosts such as dogs and cats exhibited low infection extent (3% and 1%, respectively), rather reflecting a gastro-intestinal passage of parasite eggs ingested by consumption of infected livers or by coprophagy of ruminant faeces.


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Several disease predispositions of Irish Wolfhounds are mentioned in the veterinary literature, but these lists vary greatly between different publications. This article reviews findings on lifespan as well as disease predispositions that have been reported in the literature. Hereditary mechanisms found so far are discussed, including their implications for breeding healthier dogs, the ethical necessity of which is stressed under the aspect of animal welfare. An open health registry, combined with the estimation of breeding values, seems to be the most promising approach. Furthermore, routine male castration is discouraged as being associated with an increased osteosarcoma risk. Mean lifespan estimates in Irish Wolfhounds vary between 4.95 and 8.75 years, but bias due to right censored data is common. The diseases reported to occur most frequently are dilated cardiomyopathy, osteogenic sarcoma, gastric dilation and volvulus and diseases of the osteochondrosis spectrum. Furthermore, intrahepatic portosystemic shunt plays an important role. Several other diseases have been reported in the literature, including rhinitis, epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, von Willebrand's Disease, and juvenile fibrocartilaginous embolism.


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The provision of environmental enrichment to mice used in research is a topic that generates often widely divergent opinions as to the value of this husbandry practice. The literature is replete with examples of the positive effects enrichment has on the animals’ welfare. However, many published studies have demonstrated that enrichment can impact research in unforeseen and unpredictable ways, and thus may pose a concern as a confounding variable. Indeed, an analysis of the outcomes of murine enrichment studies suggests that both views are accurate, and thus inclusion of environmental enrichment in the mouse cage should be done with the understanding that while the use of appropriate cage complexities can certainly enhance animal welfare and concomitantly provide a better animal model for scientific purposes, the wrong choice of enrichment may negatively impact the welfare of the animals or the research. This chapter describes our current understanding regarding the effects of several commonly used mouse enrichments.