428 resultados para Anglican priest jailed


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA 33004013063P4


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This work is about the modernist writer Ernesto Buonaiuti (1881-1946) in the early years of his cultural activity. He was suggested by Alfred Loisy's historical method and by William James pragmatism in philosophy. So he refused traditional religious education he received to become a catholic priest and started a long-life battle against Roman Catholic Church. My research tries to investigate the influence of pragmatism on Buonaiuti's thought, analyzing articles he published on the modernist review «Il Rinnovamento», from 1907 to 1909. Then I compared philosophical themes with other works by Buonaiuti, trying to focus the development of his way of thinking throught the years until the end. My conclusion: Buonaiuti was a religious pragmatist all over his life and many works he published after the modernist crisis can confirm it.


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È importante ricordare che l’attuale Archivio Marella (AM) è stato costituito sotto la direzione del prof.re Mauro Pesce insieme alla dott.ssa Donatella Micheletti negli anni 1981-1983, dopo che Edero Gattamorta aveva contribuito in modo determinante a raccogliere il materiale che veniva inseguito inserito e pubblicato nel lavoro di tesi: Olinto Marella (1882-1969). Rinvenimento e sistemazione dell’archivio. Schizzo biografico, AA 1975-76, relatore Mauro Pesce, Università Bologna, Facoltà Scienze Politiche. I nuclei principali del materiale conservato nell’archivio riguardano: 1) la vita di Marella; 2) le iniziative caritative di M. dalla metà degli anni trenta in poi; 3) la famiglia Marella, soprattutto lo zio G. M. Marella; 4) la biblioteca. Già nella Guida alla consultazione dell’archivio curata da M. Pesce e stampata nel 1984 si rilevava come il materiale inventariato dal dr. E. Gattamorta nel 1975-76 del settore b) e quello del settore c) fosse assolutamente provvisorio e in parte non catalogato


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In questa tesi si intende presentare le logiche proposizionali polivalenti con alcuni esempi: esse sono estensioni dalla logica classica a insiemi (in generale ancora finiti come in questa tesi) di valori di verità maggiori di due. La sintassi è la stessa ma non la semantica, rappresentata però sempre da tavole di verità o interpretazioni. Nel primo capitolo sono presentate le definizioni e gli elementi della logica classica che serviranno per studiare questo nuovo tipo di logiche. Nel secondo capitolo è esposto l'esempio di una logica a quattro valori. Si dimostra la completezza di questo calcolo, in una forma diversa rispetto alla logica classica usando tecniche simili. Non valgono infatti il principio del terzo escluso e la Legge di Lewis. Si analizza la validità delle regole del calcolo della deduzione naturale e la riscrittura delle leggi di De Morgan. Nell'ultimo capitolo si affrontano le logiche a n valori con n>2 e varianti a tre valori (vero, falso e indefinito) con i principali esempi di Lukasiewicz-Tarski, Kleene, Priest e Bochvar. Nelle conclusioni si ricordano alcune applicazioni di questo tipo di logiche facendo riferimento alla meccanica quantistica, all'informatica e all'elettronica.


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Die großen christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland befinden sich in einem strukturellen Umbruch, der sich zunehmend auf die Pastoral der örtlichen Pfarreien und Kirchengemeinden auswirkt. Durch die Einführung von Verfahren aus dem New Public Management erhoffen sich Kirchenleitungen beider Konfessionen eine innerkirchliche Personalentwicklung, die vor allem das hauptberufliche Seelsorgepersonal neu motivieren soll. Insbesondere in der katholischen Kirche soll so - in Verbindung mit einem möglichst missionarisch wirksamen Neuaufbruch - die Transformation der ehemals volkskirchlich geprägten Pfarrgemeinden in eine sich neu abzeichnende Sozialgestalt von Kirche als Netzwerk größerer pastoraler Einheiten unterstützt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht an der interdisziplinären Schnittstelle von Organisationforschung und praktischer Theologie, inwieweit die Einführung von Zielvereinbarungsgesprächen (ZVG) führungsverantwortliche Priester in der Wahrnehmung ihrer Leitungsaufgabe stärkt. Über 300 leitende Priester aus den Erzbistümern Freiburg und Paderborn hatten an der empirischen Studie mit zwei Messzeitpunkten teilgenommen. 73 Priester waren an beiden Messzeitpunkten A (2007) und B (2008) beteiligt. Unmittelbar nach dem Zeitpunkt A besuchten die befragten Priester der Erzdiözese Freiburg eine ZVG-Einführungsschulung, der sich eine einjährige Gesprächspraxis anschloss. Die in der Erzdiözese Paderborn befragten Priester bildeten die Vergleichsgruppe (ohne entsprechendes Treatment).rn rnWesentliches Ergebnis der Studie sind empirische Hinweise auf signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen dem priesterlichem Leitungsselbstverständnis, der ZVG-Umsetzung und der Einschätzung der eigenen Führungsqualität.rnrnIn den Selbsteinschätzungen der leitenden Priester (z.B. im Hinblick auf Leitungszufriedenheit, Bedeutung bzw. Gelingen von einzelnen Leitungs- und Gesprächsaspekten, etc.) zeigten sich zum Zeitpunkt A im Vergleich zwischen beiden Diözesen nur geringe Unterschiede. Dies gilt auch für die in A erfolgte Auswertung offener Fragen zum priesterlichen Selbstverständnis, welches als leitungs-amtliche Handlungs- und Objektorientierung in beiden Diözesen am wenigsten stark ausgeprägt war.Zum Zeitpunkt B verdeutlichte die Untersuchung des Tätigkeitsfelds Gemeindeleitung, dass dessen Bedeutung in Freiburg größer war als in Paderborn. Der hierfür erbrachte Kraft- bzw. Zeitaufwand war in Freiburg jedoch niedriger als in Paderborn, was als eine Frucht der verbindlichen ZVG-Einführung in Freiburg interpretiert werden kann. Deutlich wird auch, dass Priester, die der ZVG-Einführung eine hohe Bedeutung beimessen, mit ihren Mitarbeitern viele Gespräche planen. Weil Folgegespräche zum Zeitpunkt B im gleichen Umfang wie schon zum Zeitpunkt A geplant wurden, müssen die konkreten Gesprächserfahrungen in der A-Phase hinreichend positiv gewesen sein. Die Umsetzung zum Zeitpunkt B war jedoch nicht in dem zum Zeitpunkt A geplanten Maß erfolgt, was sich mit Prioritätsverschiebungen erklären lässt. Interessanterweise korreliert die Anzahl der geführten Zielvereinbarungsgespräche mit dem Dienst- und Lebensalter der Priester. Erfahrene Priester, die sich auf eine Mitarbeiterführung durch Zielvereinbarung einlassen, machen demnach gute Erfahrungen mit diesem Personalentwicklungsinstrument. rnrnInsgesamt können die Ergebnisse der Studie zu einer weiteren Kultivierung der Zielvereinbarungsgespräche im kirchlichen Dienst ermutigen. Bistümern, die noch keine Zielvereinbarungsgespräche eingeführt haben, kann eine Implementierung angeraten werden. rn


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Labor Historian Marc Karson has singled out “labor priest” Peter E. Dietz as one of the strongest proponents for the active implementation of the Catholic Church’s 1890’s labor encyclical Rerum Novarum in the daily practice of American Catholics. Biographer Sister Mary Harrita Fox pointed out that in his work, Dietz “was particularly concerned over the role of the church in the copper strike in Upper Michigan.” This “particular concern” should be noted since the 1913 strike was one of the only disputes where Dietz went out of his way to visit and become actively involved. Why the keen interest? This presentation will review the impetus for the huge effort which brought Peter E. Dietz to the Copper Country and solely to that dispute alone, the resulting visit and report that he made concerning the strike, the important role he believed this visit and stance in the Copper Strike had in the future of the Church’s relationship to the US labor movement. The presentation will look at both what Dietz thought would occur as a result of his 1913 trip to the Keweenaw and what actually happened in this pivotal pre-World War One era event. The paper will put Father Peter E. Dietz and the Catholic Church into the larger frame of how religion has been viewed within the history of the Strike.


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With its economically and politically advantageous autonomy, the province of South-Tyrol (northern Italy) has developed a society in which multilingualism plays an ever more important role. As suggested in the present contribution, a solution to some still current problems and barriers that exist between the different linguistic groups can, and indeed should, be found in the principle of subsidiarity, applied consciously, and not only encouraging and accomplishing a simple improvement of the situation. Thanks to subsidiarity, we could think about eliminating existing deficits and inequality. It is precisely with this concept in mind that, half a century ago, in an evening school for young workers and later in his parish school in Barbiana, the Italian priest Don Milani established his school for “children without a school”, an experiment which gained a wide reputation in the whole of Italy and which inspired the reform of scuola media emphasising the concept of language education.


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Decision making in honeybees is based on in- formation which is acquired and processed in order to make choices between two or more al- ternatives. These choices lead to the expression of optimal behaviour strategies such as floral constancy. Optimal foraging strategies such as floral constancy improve a colony’s chances of survival, however to our knowledge, there has been no research on decision making based on optimal storage strategies. Here we show, using diagnostic radioentomology, that decision mak- ing in storer bees is influenced by nectar sugar concentrations and that, within 48 hours of col- lection, honeybees workers store carbohydrates in groups of cells with similar sugar concentra- tions in a nonrandom way. This behaviour, as evidenced by patchy spatial cell distributions, would help to hasten the ripening process by reducing the distance between cells of similar sugar concentrations. Thus, colonies which ex- hibit optimal storage strategies such as these would have an evolutionary advantage and im- prove colony survival expectations over less efficient colonies and it should be plausible to select colonies that exhibit these preferred traits.


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Social/interpersonal factors play a central role in PTSD. Previous studies have indicated the specific pathways along which these factors take effect. The study reported here investigates these pathways with reference to a sample of former political prisoners jailed in the GDR. It examines dysfunctional disclosure of traumatic experiences, social acknowledgement, general social support and forgiveness tendencies. For the study N = 86 non-treatment-seeking former political prisoners were recruited (average age 64 years). The instruments employed were the Disclosure of Trauma questionnaire, the Social Acknowledgement questionnaire, the Social Support questionnaire, the Tendency to Forgive scale and the Impact of Event scale (revised). Dysfunctional disclosure was proximally, social acknowledgement distally and general social support and forgiveness indirectly associated with PTSD symptomatologies. The study casts light on potential pathways to posttraumatic adjustment, with special reference to social/interpersonal factors.


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In this study we present the analysis of the human remains from tomb K93.12 in the Ancient Egyptian necropolis of Dra’ Abu el-Naga, located opposite the modern city of Luxor in Upper Egypt on the western bank of the Nile. Archaeological findings indicate that the rock tomb was originally built in the early 18th dynasty. Remains of two tomb-temples of the 20th dynasty and the looted burial of the High Priest of Amun Amenhotep have been identified. After the New Kingdom the tomb was reused as a burial place until the 26th dynasty. The skeletal and mummified material of the different tomb areas underwent a detailed anthropological and paleopathological analysis. The human remains were mostly damaged and scattered due to extensive grave robberies. In total, 79 individuals could be partly reconstructed and investigated. The age and sex distribution revealed a male predominance and a high percentage of young children (< 6 years) and adults in the range of 20 to 40 years. The paleopathological analysis showed a high prevalence of stress markers such as cribra orbitalia in the younger individuals, and other pathological conditions such as dental diseases, degenerative diseases and a possible case of ankylosing spondylitis. Additionally, 13 mummies of an intrusive waste pit could be attributed to three different groups belonging to earlier time periods based on their style of mummification and materials used. The study revealed important information on the age and sex distribution and diseases of the individuals buried in tomb K93.12.


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The purpose of this dissertation was to survey men in the Harris County Jail (HCJ) to establish a more valid estimate of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) prevalence in a jailed-based population; to assess whether inmates with a history of CSA were at greater risk for use of drugs and alcohol and engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors than those without histories of childhood sexual abuse. ^ The first study determined the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among incarcerated males in a county jail. In this study, sixty-three percent of the subjects reported having been sexually abused. Sixty-one percent reported abuse pre-puberty and 10% reported abuse post puberty. In pre-puberty abuse the initiation of first abuse occurred at a mean age of 5.6 years (SD 5.096, range: 2–13 years). ^ The second study explored the association between inmates with histories of CSA as a risk factor for sexual risk behaviors. A history of sexual abuse did not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of sexual risk behaviors. ^ The third study explored a history of drug use and a history of CSA among the inmates. A chi-square test showed that the inmates who reported a history of CSA, was significantly greater for the following drugs: Marijuana (02), Crack (03), Heroin/Morphine (.03), Amphetamines/Speed (01), Downers/Barbiturates (.001), Methamphetamine/Crystal Meth (.001), Valium .02), LSD/Acid (.001), and Inhalants (.001), p < .05). Significance was not found in alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, Quaaludes and methadone. ^ The research from this study provides empirical data supporting previous research. The current data shows that incarcerated inmates have a high prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and drug use. Sexual victimization as a child does not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of unsafe sexual behaviors. However, men who used drugs were twice as likely to have engaged in unprotected sex with casual and regular partners, and rarely used condoms with paid sex. Although our study methods do not permit a causal explanation for this association, we believe it is of concern. Finally, data in this study shows that sexually abused children are likely candidates for adult criminal behavior. ^


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The 1971 ruling of the California Supreme Court in the case of Serrano v. Priest initiated a chain of events that abruptly ended local financing of public schools in California. In seven short years, California transformed its school finance system from a decentralized one in which local communities chose how much to spend on their schools to a centralized one in which the state legislature determines the expenditures of every school district. This paper begins by describing California's school finance system before Serrano and the transformation from local to state finance. It then delineates some consequences of that transformation and draws lessons from California's experience with school finance reform.