999 resultados para All-carbon quaternary


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The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.

It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.

Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.

Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.

The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.

Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.

The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.

It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.

Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.


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High-resolution, natural-abundance 13C spectra have been obtained from a wide variety of organic compounds; 13C chemical shifts and coupling constants have been correlated with other molecular properties.

Geminal and vicinal, carbon-proton couplings in benzene and the five- and six-membered aromatic heterocycles have been related to the corresponding proton-proton couplings in substituted ethylenes. The carbon-proton coupling constants in benzene are JCCH = + 1.0, JCCCH = +7.4 and JCCCH = -1.1 Hz. Extended Hückel wavefunctions are uniformly poor in explaining the long-range, carbon-proton couplings in aromatic systems.

Couplings between carbon and elements other than hydrogen have been observed in proton decoupled 13C spectra. All of the carbons in fluorobenzene and 1-fluoronaphthalene, but only six of the carbons in 2-fluoronaphthalene are coupled to the fluorine. One-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in trialkylphosphines is negative, while one-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in tetra-alkylphosphonium ions is positive. Atoms which do not use hybrid orbitals to form bonds to carbon (F, P(III), Se, Te) may have negative, one-bond coupling constants because of the failure of the average energy approximation. One-bond couplings between carbon and carbon, silicon, tin, lead and mercury appear to be explainable in terms of an effective nuclear charge and the s-bond order of the metal. Couplings between carbon and nitrogen and phosphorus (IV) have significant negative contributions to the Fermi contact coupling expression, though, within one series, correlations with s-bond order may be valid. Carbon-carbon coupling in cyclopropane derivatives (10-15 Hz) is consistent with a high degree of p character in the interior orbitals. Some two- and three-bond carbon-carbon coupling constants have also been observed.

Substituent effects of hydroxyl groups on the 13C chemical shifts of continuous-chain alkanes depend both on steric and electronic factors. The hydroxyl substituent effects in the long-chain, primary alcohols are α = -48.3, β = -10.2, and γ = +6.0 ppm. The upfield γ effect is attributed to steric crowding in the gauche conformations. Additivity of the hydroxyl and carbonyl and alkyl substituent effects in alkyl-substituted cyclohexanols and cyclohexanones has been demonstrated.


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Low loss index enhanced planar waveguides in Nd3+-doped silicate glass were fabricated by 3.0 MeV C+ ion implantation. The enhancement of the refractive index confined the light propagating in the waveguide. The prism-coupling method was used to measure dark modes in the waveguide. The effective refractive indices of the waveguide were obtained based on the dark modes. The moving fiber method was applied to measure the waveguide propagation loss. Loss measured in non-annealed samples is about 0.6 dB/cm. And the waveguide mode optical near-field output at 633 nm was presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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alpha-Al2O3:C crystal shows excellent thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) properties but the real role carbon plays in this crystal is still not clearly understood so far. In this work, alpha-Al2O3:C crystal doping with different amounts of carbon were grown by the temperature gradient technique, and TL and OSL properties of as-grown crystals were investigated. Additionally, a mechanism was proposed to explain the role of carbon in forming the TL and OSL properties of alpha-Al2O3:C. TL and OSL intensities of as-grown crystals increase with the increasing amount of carbon doping in the crystal, but no shift is found in the glow peak location at 465 K. As the amount of carbon doping in the crystals decreases, OSL decay rate becomes faster. With the increase in heating rate, the integral TL response of as-grown crystals decreases and glow peak shifts to higher temperatures. TL response decrease rate increases with the increasing amount of carbon doping in the crystals. All the TL and OSL response curves of as-grown crystals show linear-sublinear-saturation characteristic, and OSL dose response exhibits higher sensitivity and wider linear dose range than that of TL. The crystal doping with 5000 ppm carbon shows the best dosimetric properties. Carbon plays the role of a dopant in alpha-Al2O3:C crystal and four-valent carbon anions replace the two-valent anions of oxygen during the crystal growth process, and large amounts of oxygen vacancies were formed, which corresponds to the high absorption coefficient of F and F+ centers in the crystals.


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The detailed understanding of the electronic properties of carbon-based materials requires the determination of their electronic structure and more precisely the calculation of their joint density of states (JDOS) and dielectric constant. Low electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) provides a continuous spectrum which represents all the excitations of the electrons within the material with energies ranging between zero and about 100 eV. Therefore, EELS is potentially more powerful than conventional optical spectroscopy which has an intrinsic upper information limit of about 6 eV due to absorption of light from the optical components of the system or the ambient. However, when analysing EELS data, the extraction of the single scattered data needed for Kramers Kronig calculations is subject to the deconvolution of the zero loss peak from the raw data. This procedure is particularly critical when attempting to study the near-bandgap region of materials with a bandgap below 1.5 eV. In this paper, we have calculated the electronic properties of three widely studied carbon materials; namely amorphous carbon (a-C), tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) and C60 fullerite crystal. The JDOS curve starts from zero for energy values below the bandgap and then starts to rise with a rate depending on whether the material has a direct or an indirect bandgap. Extrapolating a fit to the data immediately above the bandgap in the stronger energy loss region was used to get an accurate value for the bandgap energy and to determine whether the bandgap is direct or indirect in character. Particular problems relating to the extraction of the single scattered data for these materials are also addressed. The ta-C and C60 fullerite materials are found to be direct bandgap-like semiconductors having a bandgaps of 2.63 and 1.59eV, respectively. On the other hand, the electronic structure of a-C was unobtainable because it had such a small bandgap that most of the information is contained in the first 1.2 eV of the spectrum, which is a region removed during the zero loss deconvolution.


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We report the synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) encapsulated with Co/Pd magnetic and nonmagnetic multi-metal nanowires using Co and Pd thin-layers deposited on Si substrate by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a bias-enhanced growth method. Detailed structural and compositional investigations of these metal nanowires inside MWCNTs were carried out by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to elucidate the growth mechanisms. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that MWCNTs were encapsulated with Co and Pd nanowires, separately, at the tube top and the bottom of Co nanowire, respectively. The face-centered-cubic (fcc) structure of Co nanowires was confirmed by a selected area diffraction pattern. We proposed a fruitful description for the encapsulating mechanisms of both Co and Pd multi-metal nanowires. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents direct growth of horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) between two predefined various inter-spacing up to tens of microns of electrodes (pads) and its use as CNT field-effect transistors (CNT-FETs). The catalytic metals were prepared, consisting of iron (Fe), aluminum (Al) and platinum (Pt) triple layers, on the thermal silicon oxide substrate (Pt/Al/Fe/SiO2). Scanning electron microscopy measurements of CNT-FETs from the as-grown samples showed that over 80% of the nanotubes are grown across the catalytic electrodes. Moreover, the number of CNTs across the catalytic electrodes is roughly controllable by adjusting the growth condition. The Al, as the upper layer on Fe electrode, not only plays a role as a barrier to prevent vertical growth but also serves as a porous medium that helps in forming smaller nano-sized Fe particles which would be necessary for lateral growth of CNTs. Back-gate field effect transistors were demonstrated with the laterally aligned CNTs. The on/off ratios in all the measured devices are lower than 100 due to the drain leakage current. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper describes the growth of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) both aligned and non-aligned on fully processed CMOS substrates containing high temperature tungsten metallization. While the growth method has been demonstrated in fabricating CNT gas sensitive layers for high temperatures SOI CMOS sensors, it can be employed in a variety of applications which require the use of CNTs or other nanomaterials with CMOS electronics. In our experiments we have grown CNTs both on SOI CMOS substrates and SOI CMOS microhotplates (suspended on membranes formed by post-CMOS deep RIE etching). The fully processed SOI substrates contain CMOS devices and circuits and additionally, some wafers contained high current LDMOSFETs and bipolar structures such as Lateral Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors. All these devices were used as test structures to investigate the effect of additional post-CMOS processing such as CNT growth, membrane formation, high temperature annealing, etc. Electrical characterisation of the devices with CNTs were performed along with SEM and Raman spectroscopy. The CNTs were grown both at low and high temperatures, the former being compatible with Aluminium metallization while the latter being possible through the use of the high temperature CMOS metallization (Tungsten). In both cases we have found that there is no change in the electrical behaviour of the CMOS devices, circuits or the high current devices. A slight degradation of the thermal performance of the CMOS microhotplates was observed due to the extra heat dissipation path created by the CNT layers, but this is expected as CNTs exhibit a high thermal conductance. In addition we also observed that in the case of high temperature CNT growth a slight degradation in the manufacturing yield was observed. This is especially the case where large area membranes with a diameter in excess of 500 microns are used.


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Carbon emissions from industry are dominated by production of goods in steel, cement plastic, paper, and aluminum. Demand for these materials is anticipated to double at least by 2050, by which time global carbon emissions must be reduced by at least 50%. To evaluate the challenge of meeting this target the global flows of these materials and their associated emissions are projected to 2050 under five technical scenarios. A reference scenario includes all existing and emerging efficiency measures but cannot provide sufficient reduction. The application of carbon sequestration to primary production proves to be sufficient only for cement The emissions target can always be met by reducing demand, for instance through product life extension, material substitution, or "light-weighting". Reusing components shows significant potential particularly within construction. Radical process innovation may also be possible. The results show that the first two strategies, based on increasing primary production, cannot achieve the required emissions reductions, so should be balanced by the vigorous pursuit of material efficiency to allow provision of increased material services with reduced primary production.


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Sediments are indicators of the quality of water overlying them and hence, useful in the assessment of environmental pollution. Temporal and spatial variations in sediment characteristics and organic carbon content from 9 stations in the lower reaches of Periyar River an area in Cochin Backwater, India which is polluted from different sources were studied for one year during 1981. Variations in colour and texture of sediments were brought about by changes in the grain size and state of oxidation of organic matter. The colour of the sediment varied from greyish black at stations 1 and 2, brownish at station 3, black at stations 4 to 8 and reddish at station 9. Organic carbon and sediment texture showed a direct relationship at all stations except at station 9 where organic carbon content showed an irregular pattern. Overall range of organic carbon content was between 1.19 and 29.6 mg.g super(-1). The mean organic carbon of the stations ranged between 6.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 5) and 20.8 mg.g super(-1) (station 9). On the whole temporal variations were considerable with high values at station 9 and low values at station 5. Fluctuations were more at stations 6, 7 and 8.


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Thin films of diamond-like carbon (DLC) have been deposited using a novel photon-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (photo-CVD) method. This low energy method may be a way to produce better interfaces in electronic devices by reducing damage due to ion bombardment. Methane requires high energy photons for photolysis to take place and these are not transmitted in most photo-CVD methods owing to the presence of a window between the lamp and the deposition environment. In our photo-CVD system there is no window and all the high energy photons are transmitted into the reaction gas. Initial work has proved promising and this paper presents recent results. Films have been characterized by measuring electron energy loss spectra, by ellipsometry and by fabricating and testing diode structures. Results indicate that the films are of a largely amorphous nature and are semiconducting. Diode structures have on/off current ratios of up to 106.


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Field emission from a series of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous-carbon (ta-C) films, deposited in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc, has been measured. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as-grown undoped ta-C films have threshold fields of the order 10-15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen doped films exhibited fields as low as 5 V/μm. In order to gain further understanding of the mechanism of field emission, the films were also subjected to H2, Ar, and O2 plasma treatments and were also deposited onto substrates of different work function. The threshold field, emission current, emission site densities were all significantly improved by the plasma treatment, but little dependence of these properties on work function of the substrate was observed. This suggests that the main barrier to emission in these films is at the front surface.


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In this paper we study the effect of introducing nitrogen into different carbon networks. Two kinds of carbon nitride films were deposited: (a) Using a DC-magnetron sputtering system sp2 bonded carbon nitride (a-CN) films were deposited and (b) Using a combination of filtered cathodic vacuum arc and a low-pressure N2 plasma source, N was introduced into sp3 carbon networks (ta-C), leading to the formation of a more dense CN film named ta-CN. For ta-CN films we found that the optical gap initially decreases as the N content and the sp2 fraction rises, but above a certain N quantity there is a level-off of the value, and the gap then remains constant despite further increases in the fraction and clustering of the sp2 phase. However, for a-CN films the optical gap increases with the nitrogen content. These two different trends are not easily explained using the same framework as that for carbon films, in which any decrease in the band gap is associated to an increase in the sp2 fraction or its clustering. Here we discuss the conditions that lead to high optical gap in sp2-bonded carbon nitride samples, which are clearly not associated to the presence of any crystalline super-hard phase. We also compared other differences in properties observed between the two films, such as deposition rate, infrared and Raman spectra. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon fibres are a significant volume fraction of modern structural airframes. Embedded into polymer matrices, they provide significant strength and stiffness gains by unit weight compared with competing structural materials. Here we use the Raman G peak to assess the response of carbon fibres to the application of strain, with reference to the response of graphene itself. Our data highlight the predominance of the in-plane graphene properties in all graphitic structures examined. A universal master plot relating the G peak strain sensitivity to tensile modulus of all types of carbon fibres, as well as graphene, is presented. We derive a universal value of - average - phonon shift rate with axial stress of around -5ω0 -1 (cm -1 Mpa-1), where ω0 is the G peak position at zero stress for both graphene and carbon fibre with annular morphology. The use of this for stress measurements in a variety of applications is discussed. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.