877 resultados para Alda, Alan , 1936-
The goal of this paper is to reflect on the process of adaptation from literature to cinema in order to understand how are made the choices in this kind of transposition. For that, we will analyze the case of the novel The Past (2003), by Alan Pauls, and its translation into the film language (2007) by Héctor Babenco, using reflections from semiotic studies of literature and cinema
The novel O passado (2003) by Alan Pauls presents many isotopies which would deserve to be investigated: there is a varied construction of loving relationships among the characters, who reveal different feelings, that would allow a mapping of passions to be studied; there is an activity of translation (role performed by Rimini and Carmen) that engenders a very rich reflection on the literary activity which is taking place. There is also the presence of a visual artist, Jeremy Riltse, revealing a poetic work which was created by this discourse. Due to the dimension that a research of this kind would require, it is not possible to deal with all the isotopies. Thus, the last one was chosen to be investigated, that is, to verify how the fictional visual artist and his singular work operate in the novel.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The agricultural lands of this country are its greatest natural resource. History points out that nations with vast areas of good farm land are most likely to prosper and survive over long periods of time. Local communities, too, prosper and flourish in proportion to the productiveness of the surrounding land. Schools, social life, and business develop best in areas where the land is productive and properly managed and conserved. Nebraska, in common with other states, has suffered by the depletion of soil fertility. The reduction in acres in legumes and grasses, and the deplation of the organic matter in the surface soils, has likewise had its effect on the run-off of precipitation, soil blowing, and damage from drouth. In order to know what elements of fertility may become deficient and how soil fertility may be restored and maintained, we should understand the composition, character, and management of soils. In the following pages, some fundamentals of soil feritlity are given, followed later by a discussion of practical soil-management practices.
The penaeidean Litopenaeus schmitti, popularly known as white shrimp, is a species of great economic importance, being a target of fishing fleets in the southeast region of Brazil. It is distributed through the western Atlantic, from Cuba to Brazil, until Rio Grande do Sul. Adults are found from shallow depths up to 30 m and have been found to depths of 47 m in the state of Rio de Janeiro, while juveniles are located in bays and estuaries. The studied species is seasonally distributed in the region of Ubatuba. The objectives of this study are to analyze the abundance and ecological distribution of L. schmitti and to assess if and when juveniles use the Indaia estuary during their life cycle. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested that the main period of recruitment in the bay coincides with the period of closure of fisheries defined by the Instruction of IBAMA. To that end, samples were taken monthly from July 2005 through June 2007, both in Ubatuba Bay and in the estuary formed by the Rio Indaia. At each sampling station, salinity, temperature (bottom), depth, organic matter content (%), and grain size of sediments were measured. We found that the largest catches in the estuary were in late spring and early summer. In Ubatuba Bay, peak catches occurred during winter and early spring, whereas in the second year, already in May, there was a high peak capture. The variation in the number of individuals was correlated with some environmental factors both in the estuary and in the inlet (p < 0.05). In the estuary, abundance was positively correlated with temperature (p = 0.008) and organic matter (p = 0.025) and negatively with depth (p = 0.009). Regarding the Ubatuba Bay, only temperature (p = 0.034) and depth (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with the distribution of the shrimp, both being negative relations. The shrimp L. schmitti uses both the estuarine as well the shore environment, particularly the Ubatuba estuary and its adjacent bay, to complete its life cycle. The proposed period of fisheries closure (between March to May in the state of Sao Paulo) for this and other shrimps coincides with individuals capable of reproduction entering the inlet and thus are being protected.
Coccidiosis of the domestic fowl is a worldwide disease caused by seven species of protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria. The genome of the model species, Eimeria tenella, presents a complexity of 55-60 MB distributed in 14 chromosomes. Relatively few studies have been undertaken to unravel the complexity of the transcriptome of Eimeria parasites. We report here the generation of more than 45,000 open reading frame expressed sequence tag (ORESTES) cDNA reads of E. tenella, Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina, covering several developmental stages: unsporulated oocysts, sporoblastic oocysts, sporulated oocysts, sporozoites and second generation merozoites. All reads were assembled to constitute gene indices and submitted to a comprehensive functional annotation pipeline. In the case of E. tenella, we also incorporated publicly available ESTs to generate an integrated body of information. Orthology analyses have identified genes conserved across different apicomplexan parasites, as well as genes restricted to the genus Eimeria. Digital expression profiles obtained from ORESTES/EST countings, submitted to clustering analyses, revealed a high conservation pattern across the three Eimeria spp. Distance trees showed that unsporulated and sporoblastic oocysts constitute a distinct clade in all species, with sporulated oocysts forming a more external branch. This latter stage also shows a close relationship with sporozoites, whereas first and second generation merozoites are more closely related to each other than to sporozoites. The profiles were unambiguously associated with the distinct developmental stages and strongly correlated with the order of the stages in the parasite life cycle. Finally, we present The Eimeria Transcript Database (http://www.coccidia.icb.usp.br/eimeriatdb), a website that provides open access to all sequencing data, annotation and comparative analysis. We expect this repository to represent a useful resource to the Eimeria scientific community, helping to define potential candidates for the development of new strategies to control coccidiosis of the domestic fowl. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Programa de doctorado en Análisis geográfico y ordenación territorial
[ES] Se estudió el estrés del tetra neón (Paracheirodon innesi) en función del tamaño del cardumen. Se observó una reducción significativa en el número de respiraciones por unidad de tiempo cuando el número de componentes de la agrupación superaba los tres individuos.
Tra il 1936 e il 1943 la Spagna visse un periodo di guerra civile e scontri fra la Falange e la Chiesa. Tutto ciò non fece altro che innalzare la figura di Franco, un generale, che viene sacralizzato e che governò per quasi 40 anni
Dal 1936 al 1939 la Spagna dovette fare i conti con gli orrori di una guerra che aveva diviso in due il paese, sia ideologicamente che geograficamente, facendogli vivere una tragedia ancora oggi tangibile nel tessuto sociale e politico della penisola iberica. Questo conflitto, che aveva suscitato l’interesse di molti, raggiunse un livello tale di sperimentazione, sia in campo militare, sia in quello civile, da essere considerato un banco di prova per la seconda guerra mondiale. Il progetto di tesi, attraverso l’analisi e il sottotitolaggio di due documentari, uno anarchico e l’altro franchista, intende presentare una ricerca che ha come focus primario lo studio della propaganda cinematografica durante il periodo della guerra civile spagnola. Il cinema che, proprio negli anni Trenta, si era definitivamente affermato anche grazie all’introduzione del sonoro, fu presto considerato un potente mezzo di comunicazione divenendo un’arma di persuasione della quale, entrambi gli schieramenti con tempistiche diverse, si servirono per indottrinare la popolazione e giustificare la propria azione militare. Il cinema, pertanto, fu messo al servizio della guerra. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato verrà presentato il quadro storico di riferimento con la definizione delle cause, dell’evoluzione e delle ideologie in campo durante il conflitto. Il secondo capitolo si concentrerà sull’analisi dei due sistemi di propaganda, quella repubblicana e quella nazionalista, con un’attenzione principale nei confronti della propaganda cinematografica e delle sue diverse espressioni politiche nella penisola iberica. In questo capitolo si farà, inoltre, accenno alla produzione cinematografica internazionale riferita al conflitto spagnolo durante gli anni della guerra e in quelli immediatamente successivi. Infine, nel terzo e ultimo capitolo, si prenderanno in analisi i due documentari sottotitolati (“Los Aguiluchos de la FAI por tierras de Aragón, Reportaje nº1, Estampas de la revolución antifascista” e “La Liberación de Madrid”, con la presentazione dell’analisi tecnica e contenutistica degli stessi. Per concludere, verranno indicate le strategie traduttive impiegate durante la fase di traduzione e riportati esempi concreti ad esse riferite.