995 resultados para 1857-10-21


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Under normal viewing conditions, humans find it easy to distinguish between objects made out of different materials such as plastic, metal, or paper. Untextured materials such as these have different surface reflectance properties, including lightness and gloss. With single isolated images and unknown illumination conditions, the task of estimating surface reflectance is highly underconstrained, because many combinations of reflection and illumination are consistent with a given image. In order to work out how humans estimate surface reflectance properties, we asked subjects to match the appearance of isolated spheres taken out of their original contexts. We found that subjects were able to perform the task accurately and reliably without contextual information to specify the illumination. The spheres were rendered under a variety of artificial illuminations, such as a single point light source, and a number of photographically-captured real-world illuminations from both indoor and outdoor scenes. Subjects performed more accurately for stimuli viewed under real-world patterns of illumination than under artificial illuminations, suggesting that subjects use stored assumptions about the regularities of real-world illuminations to solve the ill-posed problem.


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This paper describes a machine vision system that classifies reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper, under unknown real-world illumination. We demonstrate performance of our algorithm for surfaces of arbitrary geometry. Reflectance estimation under arbitrary omnidirectional illumination proves highly underconstrained. Our reflectance estimation algorithm succeeds by learning relationships between surface reflectance and certain statistics computed from an observed image, which depend on statistical regularities in the spatial structure of real-world illumination. Although the algorithm assumes known geometry, its statistical nature makes it robust to inaccurate geometry estimates.


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Identificao de especies; Especies principais; Especies secundarias; Especies beneficas; Amostragens e niveis de danos; Amostragem; Danos; Medidas de controle; Controle quimico; Uso de doses reduzidas de inseticidas associados ao sal de cozinha; Uso de inseticidas em locais selecionados.


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A finalidade deste estudo foi avaliar o impactos do processo de fragmentação florestal sobre a estrutura horizontal do fragmento e biomassa viva acima do solo, nos ambientes de borda e interior. Para esta avaliação foram considerados os seguintes parâmetros: uso atual da terra; composição florestal; mensuração da biomassa vegetal viva acima do solo, por meio de equações alométricas ajustadas para a região e estimativa do estoque de carbono.


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Através deste trabalho, avaliou-se a atividade inseticida de extratos aquosos e alcoólicos de várias partes de plantas de 13 espécies vegetais, exóticas e nativas da Amazônia brasileira, em adultos de Cerotoma tingomarianus.


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Esta publicação apresenta o desempenho da Embrapa Acre nas áreas de Comunicação e Transferência de Tecnologia, demonstrando sua capacidade de responder aos desafios ue lhe são propostos e eu compromisso com a Amazônia no sentido de incorporar novas oportunidades para o agronegócio regional.


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A propagação do cafeeiro é feita de duas formas: sexuada, que se baseia no uso de sementes, e assexuada, baseada no uso de estruturas vegetativas das plantas, a exemplo do uso das estacas, ou pedaços de seus ramos. No Acre, o processo usual de propagação do cafeeiro, tanto da espécie arabica como canephora, é por semente.


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Até meados da década passada, não se falava em calagem a adubação de pastagens no Estado do Acre, cujos solos são considerados de maior fertilidade que a maioria dos solos da Região Amazônica. Entretanto, atualmente, há maior demanda dos pecuaristas do Estado por informações sobre o uso da calagem e da adubação em pastagens, fato que se deve, principalmente, à redução da produtividade das pastagens estabelecidas há mais de 10 anos e ao aumento de número de produtores que estão renovando áreas de pastagens degradadas.


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Este documento tem como objetivo apresentar os esforços administrativos da Direção da Embrapa Acre para estruturação e fortalecimento deste Centro de Pesquisa.


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No Estado do Acre a cultura da mandioca apresenta expressiva importância econômica e social, constituindo-se um dos produtos básicos da alimantação da população. A maior demanda por mandioca, no Estado, é para a fabricação de farinha, mas existe também um grande potencial para o seu consumo in natura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genótipos de mandioca para consumo in natura em diferentes épocas de colheita no Estado do Acre.


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The problem of discovering frequent poly-regions (i.e. regions of high occurrence of a set of items or patterns of a given alphabet) in a sequence is studied, and three efficient approaches are proposed to solve it. The first one is entropy-based and applies a recursive segmentation technique that produces a set of candidate segments which may potentially lead to a poly-region. The key idea of the second approach is the use of a set of sliding windows over the sequence. Each sliding window covers a sequence segment and keeps a set of statistics that mainly include the number of occurrences of each item or pattern in that segment. Combining these statistics efficiently yields the complete set of poly-regions in the given sequence. The third approach applies a technique based on the majority vote, achieving linear running time with a minimal number of false negatives. After identifying the poly-regions, the sequence is converted to a sequence of labeled intervals (each one corresponding to a poly-region). An efficient algorithm for mining frequent arrangements of intervals is applied to the converted sequence to discover frequently occurring arrangements of poly-regions in different parts of DNA, including coding regions. The proposed algorithms are tested on various DNA sequences producing results of significant biological meaning.


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The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) plays a central role in aspects of cognitive control and decision making. Here, we provide evidence for an anterior-to-posterior topography within the DMPFC using tasks that evoke three distinct forms of control demands--response, decision, and strategic--each of which could be mapped onto independent behavioral data. Specifically, we identify three spatially distinct regions within the DMPFC: a posterior region associated with control demands evoked by multiple incompatible responses, a middle region associated with control demands evoked by the relative desirability of decision options, and an anterior region that predicts control demands related to deviations from an individual's preferred decision-making strategy. These results provide new insight into the functional organization of DMPFC and suggest how recent controversies about its role in complex decision making and response mapping can be reconciled.


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Zebra finches communicate with each other in ways that are more complex than previously thought.


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The neutron multidetector DéMoN has been used to investigate the symmetric splitting dynamics in the reactions 58.64Ni + 208Pb with excitation energies ranging from 65 to 186 MeV for the composite system. An analysis based on the new backtracing technique has been applied on the neutron data to determine the two-dimensional correlations between the parent composite system initial thermal energy (EthCN) and the total neutron multiplicity (νtot), and between pre- and post-scission neutron multiplicities (νpre and νpost, respectively). The νpre distribution shape indicates the possible coexistence of fast-fission and fusion-fission for the system 58Ni + 208Pb (Ebeam = 8.86 A MeV). The analysis of the neutron multiplicities in the framework of the combined dynamical statistical model (CDSM) gives a reduced friction coefficient β = 23 ± 2512 × 1021 s-1, above the one-body dissipation limit. The corresponding fission time is τf = 40 ± 4620 × 10-21 s. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.