834 resultados para value–based selling


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Purpose: to assess the opinions regarding smoking ban policies in Switzerland. Methods: cross sectional study on 2,601 women and 2,398 men, aged 35-75 years, living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Nine questions on smoking policies (restrictions, advertising, taxes and prevention) were applied. Results: 95% of responders supported policies that would help smokers to quit, 92% supported no selling of tobacco to subjects aged less than 16 years, 87% a smoking ban in public places and 86% a national campaign against smoking. A further 77% supported a total ban on tobacco advertising, 74% the reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies and 70% increasing the price of cigarettes. Conversely, a lower support was found for a total ban of tobacco sales (35%) or the promotion of light cigarettes (22%). Multivariate analysis showed that women, lower educational level, older age, being physically active or non-smoker were associated with tougher policies against tobacco, whereas current drinking or smoking and higher educational level were associated with lower levels of support. Conclusion: opinions regarding smoking poli ci es vary considerably according to the policy type considered and also the characteristics of the subjects. Those findings provide interesting data regarding which anti-smoking policies would be more acceptable by the lay public, as well as the subjects who might oppose them.


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[cat] En aquest article, es presenta un model econòmic que permet determinar la venda o no d'una pòlissa de vida (total o en part) per part d'un assegurat malalt terminal en el mercat dels viatical settlements. Aquest mercat va aparèixer a finals de la dècada dels 80 a conseqüència de l'epidèmia de la SIDA. Actualment, representa una part del mercat dels life settlements. Les pòlisses que es comercialitzen en el mercat dels viaticals són aquelles on l'assegurat és malalt terminal amb una esperança de vida de dos anys o menys. El model és discret i considera només dos períodes (anys), ja que aquesta és la vida residual màxima que contempla el mercat. L'agent posseix una riquesa inicial que ha de repartir entre consum i herència. S'introdueix en primer lloc la funció d'utilitat esperada del decisor i, utilitzant programació dinàmica, es dedueix l'estratègia que reporta una utilitat més gran (no vendre/vendre (en part) la pòlissa en el moment zero/vendre (en part) la pòlissa en el moment ú). L'òptim depèn del preu de la pòlissa venuda i de paràmetres personals de l'individu. Es troba una expressió analítica per l'estratègia òptima i es realitza un anàlisi de sensibilitat.


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The Department identified 2,706 potential retail locations at which motor fuel may be sold. Reporting forms were mailed to 1,675 locations identified using Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship motor fuel license information and to 305 locations identified through the Department of Revenue motor fuel tax database. In addition, 726 locations were identified for four large motor fuel retailers that submitted their annual sales data electronically. The Department received either forms or electronic files representing 2,324 (85.9%) of the locations. Replies for 115 of the locations indicated that no retail sales of any type of motor fuel were made during 2010. 2,209 locations reported retail motor fuel sales. This report’s primary focus is on biofuel sales. Of the reporting retail locations, 2,075 (93.9%) reported selling E10 blend motor fuel, 165 (7.5%) reported selling the E85 blend motor fuel, and 239 (10.8%) reported selling various blends of biodiesel.


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[cat] En aquest article, es presenta un model econòmic que permet determinar la venda o no d'una pòlissa de vida (total o en part) per part d'un assegurat malalt terminal en el mercat dels viatical settlements. Aquest mercat va aparèixer a finals de la dècada dels 80 a conseqüència de l'epidèmia de la SIDA. Actualment, representa una part del mercat dels life settlements. Les pòlisses que es comercialitzen en el mercat dels viaticals són aquelles on l'assegurat és malalt terminal amb una esperança de vida de dos anys o menys. El model és discret i considera només dos períodes (anys), ja que aquesta és la vida residual màxima que contempla el mercat. L'agent posseix una riquesa inicial que ha de repartir entre consum i herència. S'introdueix en primer lloc la funció d'utilitat esperada del decisor i, utilitzant programació dinàmica, es dedueix l'estratègia que reporta una utilitat més gran (no vendre/vendre (en part) la pòlissa en el moment zero/vendre (en part) la pòlissa en el moment ú). L'òptim depèn del preu de la pòlissa venuda i de paràmetres personals de l'individu. Es troba una expressió analítica per l'estratègia òptima i es realitza un anàlisi de sensibilitat.


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. March 21, 2012 THIS WEEK: Quick Work at Carlisle(From the Indianola Tribune, December 20, 1877) BACKGROUND: Lewis Todhunter was born in Fayette County, Ohio, April 6, 1817. He was admitted to the bar in Highland County, Ohio, in 1848. Todhunter came to Iowa in 1850, settling along the Des Moines River in Polk County, where he was engaged in farming and selling goods. In 1854, he moved to Indianola and began the practice of law, continuing in that profession for more than a quarter of a century. He served as prosecuting attorney, county auditor, treasurer, and mayor of the city. He was a member of the third constitutional convention, which met at Iowa City in 1857, representing Warren, Madison, Adair, and Cass counties in that body and had the honor of assisting in making the first laws of the state. Todhunter served in the army during the Civil War from 1863-1865 as assistant quartermaster with rank of Captain. He is perhaps widest known, however, as a temperance leader and earnest worker. He joined in the Washingtonian movement in 1840 and was active in temperance reformation for the rest of his life.


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The first phase of this research involved an effort to identify the issues relevant to gaining a better understanding of the County Engineering profession. A related objective was to develop strategies to attract responsible, motivated and committed professionals to pursue County Engineering positions. In an era where a large percentage of County Engineers are reaching retirement age, the shrinking employment pool may eventually jeopardize the quality of secondary road systems not only in Iowa, but nationwide. As we move toward the 21st century, in an era of declining resources, it is likely that professional staff members in charge of secondary roads will find themselves working with less flexible budgets for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. It was important to understand the challenges presented to them, and the degree to which those challenges will demand greater expertise in prioritizing resource allocations for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the 10 million miles of county roads nationwide. Only after understanding what a county engineer is and what this person does will it become feasible for the profession to begin "selling itself", i.e., attracting a new generation of County Engineers. Reaching this objective involved examining the responsibilities, goals, and, sometimes, the frustrations experienced by those persons in charge of secondary road systems in the nine states that agreed to participate in the study. The second phase of this research involved addressing ways to counter the problems associated with the exodus of County Engineers who are reaching retirement age. Many of the questions asked of participants asked them to compare the advantages and disadvantages of public sector work with the private sector. Based on interviews with nearly 50 County Engineers and feedback from 268 who returned surveys for the research, issues relevant to the profession were analyzed and recommendations were made to the profession as it prepares to attract a new generation. It was concluded that both State and Regional Associations for County Engineers, and the National Association of County Engineers are most well-situated to present opportunities for continued professional development. This factor is appealing for those who are interested in competitive advantages as professionals. While salaries in the public sector may not be able to effectively compete with those offered by the private sector, it was concluded that this is only one factor of concern to those who are in the business of "public service". It was concluded, however, that Boards of Supervisors and their equivalents in other states will need to more clearly understand the value of the contributions made by County Engineers. Then the selling points the profession can hope to capitalize on can focus on the strength of state organizations and a strong national organization that act as clearinghouses of information and advocates for the profession, as well as anchors that provide opportunities for staying current on issues and technologies.


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The roman institution of the separatio bonorum is a pretorian remedy that relies on the principle of equity, created as to protect the deceased creditors and/or legatees. It provides them a"benefit" in the case of selling the goods of the heir-deubtor, enabling them to separate and reserve for themselves that whole patrimonium, as to avoid that by the act of selling, the heirs creditors could go to it; and like this they maintain intact their guarantee, which relies on the whole goods and assets left by the deceased. The separation of patrimonies implied the existence of 2 different groups of goods: that of the heirs" and that one of the deceased, which are not the same in legal terms, in spite of having a common owner at this point, the heir. This institution was regulated in the 6th title of the 42nd book of the Digesto, and in the 72th title, 7th book of the Justinean Code, and its interest is really high due to its material complexity and its procedure. The aim of this work is to analyze the institution of the separatio bonorum in Roman Law, and its importance in the same figure, actually regulated in the 4th book of the Catalan civil code.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) The idea that religion has to succeed in a «market», selling «salvation goods», has proved to be extremely attractive to scholars in sociology and the study of religion. Max Weber used the term «salvation good» to compare different religious traditions. Pierre Bourdieu employed the term in order to analyze «religious economy». And recently, an American group of researchers advocating «rational choice of religion» put the theme at the forefront of current debates. This book - the fruit of an International Congress in Lausanne in April 2005 - brings together leading specialists in the fields of sociology and the study of religion who discuss the terms «salvation goods» (or religious goods) and «religious market». The authors test the applicability of these concepts by using specific examples and they either deliberately advocate or criticize Weberian, Bourdieusian or rational-choice perspectives.


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El Sistema d'Informació de Taxacions de béns immobles és una solució adaptada a les necessitats d'una empresa que vol sortir al mercat venent els seus productes a través d'internet. L'activitat econòmica de l'empresa es basa en la venda d'informació de subhastes i taxacions de béns immobles. El sistema implementat proporciona una eina per gestionar els productes i un canal de venda per internet.


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This paper uses a database covering the universe of French firms for the period 1990-2007 to provide a forensic account of the role of individual firms in generating aggregatefluctuations. We set up a simple multi-sector model of heterogeneous firms selling tomultiple markets to motivate a theoretically-founded decomposition of firms' annualsales growth rate into different components. We find that the firm-specific componentcontributes substantially to aggregate sales volatility, mattering about as much as thecomponents capturing shocks that are common across firms within a sector or country.We then decompose the firm-specific component to provide evidence on two mechanismsthat generate aggregate fluctuations from microeconomic shocks highlighted in the recentliterature: (i) when the firm size distribution is fat-tailed, idiosyncratic shocks tolarge firms directly contribute to aggregate fluctuations; and (ii) aggregate fluctuationscan arise from idiosyncratic shocks due to input-output linkages across the economy.Firm linkages are approximately three times as important as the direct effect of firmshocks in driving aggregate fluctuations.


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Debat a l'Internauta, el primer programa de ràdio del país sobre la xarxa, una col·laboració entre la UOC i Vilaweb. Fa menys d'una setmana que es va confirmar la notícia: la plataforma de comerç electrònic més potent de la xarxa, Amazon, va obrir dimecres de la setmana passada la filial ibèrica. Amazon és actualment el portal de venda en línia més important i divers, amb un catàleg de milions de llibres impresos i electrònics, a més d'un gavadal de productes com ara compactes, DVD, jocs, aparells d'electrònica de consum i, fins i tot, roba, alimentació i mobiliari. De moment, Amazon.es ha aterrat a casa nostra amb una oferta de productes físics, entre els quals hi ha cinquanta mil llibres impresos en català, però obre tantes oportunitats com interrogants. Com afectarà les llibreries convencionals? Tindran mercat ara plataformes de llibre digital més modestes? Estimularà el negoci del llibre electrònic? Facilitarà l'autoedició de llibres? Farà créixer el nombre de lectors en català? En parlem amb Enric Faura, de la plataforma Edi.cat, i amb l'expert Pep Torn, director de l'àrea de Biblioteca i Recursos Documentals de la UOC.


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We characterize market traders at two rural fairs in Puno, Peru, based on quantitative and qualitative data gathered in 2008, to gain insight into types of traders and the information needs that influence the degree to which they use mobile phones to make decisions regarding which weekly fairs to attend. Using variables such as origin, type of goods sold, means of transportation to the market, and reliance on networks, we identify traders as full-time traders, part-time traders, or subsistence traders, that is, people trading solely to survive. We find that when traders are already familiar with the technology, regularly rely on endogenous networks to make decisions, and have more to lose from failing to trade (e.g., those selling perishable goods), they are more likely to use mobile phones to decide where to sell.


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The Internet is becoming more and more popular among drug users. The use of websites and forums to obtain illicit drugs and relevant information about the means of consumption is a growing phenomenon mainly for new synthetic drugs. Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL), a chemical precursor of Gamma Hydroxy Butyric acid (GHB), is used as a "club drug" and also in drug facilitated sexual assaults. Its market takes place mainly on the Internet through online websites but the structure of the market remains unknown. This research aims to combine digital, physical and chemical information to help understand the distribution routes and the structure of the GBL market. Based on an Internet monitoring process, thirty-nine websites selling GBL, mainly in the Netherlands, were detected between January 2010 and December 2011. Seventeen websites were categorized into six groups based on digital traces (e.g. IP addresses and contact information). In parallel, twenty-five bulk GBL specimens were purchased from sixteen websites for packaging comparisons and carbon isotopic measurements. Packaging information showed a high correlation with digital data confirming the links previously established whereas chemical information revealed undetected links and provided complementary information. Indeed, while digital and packaging data give relevant information about the retailers, the supply routes and the distribution close to the consumer, the carbon isotopic data provides upstream information about the production level and in particular the synthesis pathways and the chemical precursors. A three-level structured market has been thereby identified with a production level mainly located in China and in Germany, an online distribution level mainly hosted in the Netherlands and the customers who order on the Internet.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli luoda ohutlevytuotteita ja hitsauskokoonpanoja valmistavalle yritykselle kokonaisvaltainen toimintasuunnitelma ja esitellä erilaisia tuotantomalleja case-esimerkkien avulla. Työn aikana kartoitettiin yrityksennykytilannetta ja ongelmakohtia, pohdittiin nykyistä konekantaa ja löytyneitä pullonkauloja. Lisäksi suunniteltiin korjaustoimenpiteitä ja mitä tulisi tehdä, kun tulevaisuudessa yrityksen liikevaihto tulee kasvamaan ja yritystä tullaan laajentamaan. Pääpaino oli myös laskelmilla, joissa selvitettiinmahdollisten investointien tuntihintaa. Tuntihinnan avulla laadittiin taulukoita, joiden avulla ulosmyyntihinta on helppo määrittää. Tuntihinta kytkettiin sijoitetulle pääomalle haluttuun tuottoprosenttiin.


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Tämä diplomityö sisältää suunnitelman liiketoiminnasta, joka perustuu käytettyjen työkoneiden tehdasmaiseen kunnostamiseen. Työn alkuosa keskittyy taustatekijöihin, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet tutkimuksen tarpeellisuuteen. Lähtökohtana on ollut löytää ratkaisu huonokuntoisten käytettyjen koneiden myynnin nopeuttamiseksi. Työssä käsitellään myös liiketalouden teoriaa, joka liittyy läheisesti liiketoimintaan yleisesti sekä liiketoimintasuunnitelman laatimiseen. Loppuosa työtä sisältää liiketoimintasuunnitelman, joka sisältää kuvauksen liikeideasta, liiketoiminnasta, tuotteista ja potentiaalisista asiakassegmenteistä. Näiden lisäksi suunnitelma sisältää myös markkinointisuunnitelman tuotteille ja toimintasuunnitelman tehtaan käynnistämiseksi, sekä analyysin toimintaanliittyvistä riskeistä. Tehtaan toiminnasta on tehty myös kannattavuuslaskelmat,joiden keskeiset tunnusluvut sisältyvät työhön. Näiden lukujen ja riskianalyysien avulla on mahdollista arvioida tehdashankkeen käynnistämisen järkevyyttä ja siihen liittyviä riskejä. Työn tavoitteena on antaa lukijalleen selkeä kuva kunnostustehtaan toiminnasta, tuotteiden myynnistä, asiakkaista, sekä kannattavuudesta. Lisäksi lukija saa hyvän kuvan tehdasmaisen kunnostamisen tuomista eduista, sekä vastaavasti myös sen toteuttamiseen liittyvistä ongelmista.