909 resultados para theology of Beauty


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This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.


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Even after its abolition, the slave labor still exists in the world. In a new socio-historic context, the shackles and slave quarters have been left behind, nowadays the workers are tempted, subjected to degrading conditions and have their rights retrenched. The contemporary slave labor has been emerging as subject of research in the Organizational Studies since the early 2000s, calling attention to many gaps to be filled about the way organizations all around the world use this practice. Contemporary slave labor is found in many and various economic activities, since coal to textile industries or even stores. In this dissertation, we have incorporated the consumption dimension to the field of Organizational Studies, discussing the modern slavery, aiming to understand the consumers’ point of view about this topic, that is, we have researched the consumers’ interpretations concerning the slave labor in the fashion industry. Our objective is to analyze consumer’s argumentative construction in the decision of buying or not products made by industries from the fashion field that were denounced because of slave labor usage. We have adopted fashion industry as research focus because it obscures the reflection of the consumers that feel like in a new world while shopping, a world of beauty and fantasy, seeking their own satisfaction. Furthermore, the Brazilian fashion industry is one of the biggest of the world (ABIT, 2015), with a huge symbolic strength in the country. We have realized a qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with 35 consumers to identify their arguments according to the criteria defined by Liakopoulos (2002): data, propositions, guarantees, supports and refutations. The data are the statements used by the interviewees categorically, that is, those which are clear in the interviews. The propositions are what qualifies and justifies the used data. The guarantees are related to the nature of the data, they are what gives the sense to the data and are introduced implicitly in the interviewee speech. The supports are universal premises introduced in order to legitimate the arguments. The refutations, when present, counter the used arguments. As results, we’ve found consumers who developed arguments pro-consumption and anti-consumption and who have defended ideas about the responsibility of different actors for the existence of this practice and for the fight against it. From these two categories: (1) pro-consumption – consume despite the complaints and (2) anti-consumption – don’t consume, because of the accusations; we have identified the following argumentative lines: skepticism, faultfinding and moral engagement. By the end, we have presented the interviewees’ argumentative construction and the obtained results.


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No presente estudo sobre o tema: “Desenvolvimento e Justiça na Missão Integral: Uma análise crítica da presença da Teologia e Práxis da Missão Integral no Solo Paulistano” procura-se analisar a presença do conceito de desenvolvimento e justiça da Missão Integral no solo paulistano. Para tal análise tomou-se como sujeito de pesquisa a Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo. Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida no Programa de Pós- Graduação em Ciências da Religião, e pertence à linha de pesquisa “Religião, Sociedade e Cultura”. A metodologia adotada na coleta de dados foi de uma revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo por meio de um roteiro de entrevista. Os questionamentos que nortearam a pesquisa foram: O que é desenvolvimento e Justiça na Missão Integral? É possível notar a presença desses conceitos na práxis e na teologia da Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo? Após uma análise da Missão Integral e da Igreja pesquisada, foi possível verificar as aproximações e distanciamentos, assim como hipóteses que justificassem esses fatos. No primeiro capítulo foi apresentada a Missão Integral, sua história, teologia e método. No segundo capítulo os conceitos de desenvolvimento e justiça foram trabalhados. O último capítulo apresentou a Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo; buscou estabelecer diálogo entre o conceito de Desenvolvimento e Justiça da Missão Integral e a teologia e práxis da Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo.


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This thesis theoretically and critically examines the move towards people-centred approaches to development. It offers a critical examination of the work of Amartya Sen using theoretical resources emerging from Latin American traditions. Amartya Sen’s calls to understand Development as Freedom (1999) have significantly influenced mainstream development thinking and practice, constituting the clearest example of people-centred approaches to development today. Overcoming the limitations of previous state-centred notions of development articulated around ideas of economic growth, in Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) development is seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy. In this understanding, the agency of development shifts from the state to individuals and the analytic focus moves from economic growth to individual capabilities. In this manner, this framework is structured towards the central goal of empowerment, wherein the expansion of capabilities is seen both as the means and end of development. Since its inception, the widespread support for the CA has allowed for the expansion of ethical considerations within mainstream development thinking. Even while the remarkable advances offered by Sen’s work should be praised, this thesis argues that these have come with new limitations. These limitations stem from, what is termed here, a “Paradox of Empowerment” that effectively encloses Sen’s approach within Western notions of development. While Sen’s approach is poised to provide a theoretical framework that is built on the expansion of freedom and individual agency, there is little agency here to move beyond the ideas of development fundamentally linked to liberal democracies and market economies. This thesis engages with several critical traditions from Latin America, recovering their often undervalued insights for development thinking. Crucially, this engagement provides the critical framework to illustrate the aforementioned paradox and explore multiple dimensions of empowerment central for contemporary development thinking and practice. In this, the thesis engages Sen’s work with the Liberation Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez, with Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy and with the contemporary discussions of ‘Buen Vivir’ associated with Indigenous philosophies of the Andean region. Throughout its chapters,it uncovers the conceptual baggage within the Paradox of Empowerment in Sen’s work and examines the ethical challenges and boundaries of this approach in relation to the collective dimension of development processes, the possibilities for structural transformation and concerns for sustainability. Progressively engaging the different dimensions of this paradox, this thesis advances the recovery of the transformative potential of the ideas of empowerment for development.


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La obra de arte tiene la capacidad de convocar en la conciencia colectiva aquello que ha sido excluido, funcionando del mismo modo que los sueños, los síntomas o los mitos. La interpretación arquetipal buscará más allá de las relaciones causales entre un tiempo y su arte, otras de complementariedad o de compensación, que nos llevan hacía un análisis profundo, innatista, más simbólico y más espiritual de la obra de arte. Previamente revisamos los referentes de la postmodernidad y nos preguntamos sobre la muerte del arte en nuestro mundo actual. Para finalizar respondemos a esta pregunta abriendo dos posibilidades opuestas, discrepantes y ambas posibles. En una de ellas apostamos por la muerte del arte, justificada desde los postulados de la psicología arquetipal. En la otra, desde la misma perspectiva, optamos por la supervivencia de un mensaje subyacente en el arte postmoderno, que por tanto permanece vivo y preparado para complementar la conciencia colectiva y nuestra psique actual.


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El discernimiento de espíritus ha sido a lo largo de la historia del cristianismo un mecanismo fundamental para el control del acceso al carisma. Su desarrollo ha estado profundamente ligado a los cambios en la estructura social de las iglesias. Por ello buscamos aportar nuevas miradas sobre este dispositivo, analizándolo en el contexto de las periferias cristianas. Específicamente centraremos nuestro análisis en las iglesias evangélicas aborígenes mocoví del suroeste de la provincia del Chaco en Argentina. Nos aproximaremos a estas cuestiones a partir del análisis a la estructura social de estas iglesias, sus concepciones sobre los vínculos con las potencias no-humanas, la gestión de salud y enfermedad y la experiencia del culto.


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Si la théologie lucanienne de la résurrection a largement été étudiée dans le livre des Actes des Apôtres, Jésus n’a jamais été considéré comme personnage principal, à l’inverse des apôtres, de l’Esprit saint ou même de Dieu. Pourtant, le premier verset des Actes laisse entendre que Jésus va continuer de faire et d’enseigner ce qu’il avait commencé dans l’évangile, même si, peu de temps après l’ouverture du récit, il quitte la scène. Pour chercher à comprendre ce paradoxe, une analyse approfondie de la mise en récit du personnage Jésus dans les Actes était nécessaire. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse introduit le sujet, l’état de la question et deux approches méthodologiques empruntées aux experts de la caractérisation narrative. Au chapitre deux, après avoir introduit la difficulté d’identification du personnage qui se trouve derrière le titre Seigneur des Actes, le cadre épistémologique d’Elizabeth Struthers Malbon permet d’observer le comment en classant toutes les péricopes qui participent à la rhétorique de la caractérisation christologique en cinq catégories : (1) la christologie représentée qui montre ce que Jésus fait, (2) la christologie détournée qui permet d’entendre ce que Jésus dit en réponse aux autres personnages, (3) la christologie projetée qui laisse entendre ce que les autres personnages ou le narrateur disent à Jésus et à son sujet, (4) la christologie réfléchie qui montre ce que les autres personnages font en reflétant ce que Jésus a dit et (5) la christologie reflétée qui montre ce que les autres personnages font en reflétant ce que Jésus a fait. Ensuite, avec le chapitre trois, l’approche de John Darr donne à comprendre le pourquoi de la caractérisation par l’observation de quatre activités cognitives du lecteur : (1) l’anticipation et la rétrospection, (2) la recherche de cohérence, (3) l’identification et/ou l’implication et (4) la défamiliarisation. Enfin, au chapitre quatre, les résultats des deux méthodes sont comparés pour proposer une solution au cas de l’ouverture paradoxale des Actes. D’abord les différentes observations de la thèse montrent que le personnage Jésus n’est pas si absent du récit; puis la rhétorique narrative de la caractérisation conduit le lecteur à comprendre que c’est essentiellement au travers des personnages du récit que Jésus est présent en actes et en paroles.


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O presente trabalho situa-se entre compreender o papel que a comunicação realizada pelo marketing da indústria de beleza desempenha, para o desenvolvimento e crescimento em suas vendas, por meio da influência constituída e disseminada pelos padrões de beleza, impostos pela mídia por meio da visão dos profissionais, que contribuem diretamente em sua atualização e divulgação de informações dessa mesma indústria da beleza. E por outro lado, os consumidores se mantêm informados acerca dos lançamentos de produtos e serviços. Nesta perspectiva, a influência apresentada por meio dos padrões de beleza, que vão sendo constituídos pela indústria de beleza e impostos por seu próprio marketing, mostra-se como o nosso objetivo de investigação, que em nossa pesquisa pretendemos apresentar um estudo a respeito da importância dada à influência desta comunicação do marketing para os profissionais de vários segmentos desta grande área da beleza e a relação com os seus profissionais e consumidores. Levamos em consideração aprioristicamente que a comunicação realizada pelo marketing é um recurso extremamente eficaz, para gerar influência a partir de sua divulgação. Estas informações por sua vez são reproduzidas pelos profissionais, que atuam na área da beleza por meio de seus vários segmentos. Eles constituem o objeto desta pesquisa. Há constatações evidentes da influência da comunicação constituída pelo marketing na indústria da beleza, porém, este trabalho investigativo toma como foco empírico, estes profissionais que estão diretamente ligados e atuantes na área da beleza e são agentes que materializam para os clientes o que há de mais inovador no mercado de produtos e serviços de beleza. Por ambicionar investigar a comunicação via o marketing, os profissionais da indústria da beleza e os clientes, esta investigação possui uma perspectiva transversal, que constitui o nosso objetivo.


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El objetivo principal de este estudio preliminar consistió en el análisis de las fortalezas y las debilidades en el manejo de desechos líquidos en cinco salas de belleza para apoyar estudios posteriores. Adicionalmente, se realizó un muestreo de aguas residuales en dos de los salones de belleza, S1 y S2, en los que se recolectaron muestras compuestas durante un día laboral. Los valores promedio de pH, amonio, DQO y grasas y aceites superaron los límites permitidos en la legislación costarricense, estos fueron respectivamente: 7,96 ± 0,01; 0,38 ± 0,01 mg N/L; 77 ± 13 mg O2/L y 1905,0 ± 0,1 mg/L, para S1 y 8,88 ± 0,01, 57,4 ±0,2 mg N/L; 240 ± 128 mg O2/L y 2775,0 ± 0,1 mg/L, para S2. Se evidenció que la calidad del agua y el cumplimiento de la normativa vigente son dependientes del tipo de productos utilizados (biodegradables o no, con o sin amoniaco). Aunque los volúmenes de vertido son intermitentes y pequeños, estos desechos pueden impactar negativamenteel ambiente.


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The first section of this unfinished novel, titled Silk Butterflies is a diptych about a woman named Sarah, and her desire to acquire ancestral truth regarding her identity to negate the pain she feels from losing her unborn child. Her story, told in a guarded, first person point-of-view is paralleled with Ling’s story, an unconventional, ninety-two year old Shanghainese woman who, against her desires, had her feet bound in China during the early 1920’s. Ling’s story is also told from a lyrical first-person perspective that focuses especially on sensory details, and delves into the sacrifices we make to attain standards of beauty, and the loss Ling has never recovered from. As this historical fiction progresses, their stories overlap in an unexpected way, as both Sarah and Ling attempt to revitalize forgotten histories, including how Sarah’s grandparents fled to Shanghai in the 1930’s to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.


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Esta investigación ofrecerá una reflexión sobre el uso de los cuentos de hadas como fuente para el historiador, mostrando de esa forma la aproximación que tiene el cuento de la Bella y la Bestia, con los conceptos de la belleza/fealdad y la civilización/barbarie.Así, el análisis se basará, en la relación que tienen las adaptaciones cinematográficas con dicho cuento; también, podemos observar aquella dicotomía con el lenguaje cinematográfico, donde Bella un personaje civilizador, intenta domar a aquel monstruo (La Bestia).No obstante, se tomará como base el cuento escrito por Jeanne- Marie LePrince de Beaumont, para mirar cuáles son las características de estas dos dualidades antes mencionadas y, de esa manera, analizar en las adaptaciones cinematográficas que se realizaron en Estados Unidos entre 1960 hasta el 1991, las transformaciones que ha tenido esta historia, para comprender la forma en que la sociedad destaca, en las representaciones de los personajes, las virtudes o los defectos.


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The main purpose of the article is to point outsome relations between beauty and good in contemporary reality. The main question that arises here is as follows: is the relationship of beauty and moral good still relevant? The concept presented in the thesis refers to the ancient idea of kalokagathia. It stated that beauty is inseparable from moral good. As far as this ancient perspective is concerned, it can be treated as the background for contemporary considerations about the main issue of beauty and good. The article refers to the concept of aestheticization by Wolfgang Welsch. He defines aesthetics as the primary guiding value, where as experience and entertainment have become the guidelines for contemporary culture. Moreover, the thesis mentions the concept of the consumer society and new ethics of the relation to the body as it is described by Jean Budrillard. Then the narration of the article focuses on the following problem: in what sense can we talk nowadays about moral motivation for beauty treatments of body? One assumption leads to the case of looking after one’s body. Another point of view mentions the need of harmony which manifests itself in beautiful body. Eventually, the central question emerges whether contemporary practice of beautifying the body can be a part of the concept of the good life or not.


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Publikacja dofinansowana z dotacji KBN na działalność statutową Wydziału Teologicznego UAM


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Si la théologie lucanienne de la résurrection a largement été étudiée dans le livre des Actes des Apôtres, Jésus n’a jamais été considéré comme personnage principal, à l’inverse des apôtres, de l’Esprit saint ou même de Dieu. Pourtant, le premier verset des Actes laisse entendre que Jésus va continuer de faire et d’enseigner ce qu’il avait commencé dans l’évangile, même si, peu de temps après l’ouverture du récit, il quitte la scène. Pour chercher à comprendre ce paradoxe, une analyse approfondie de la mise en récit du personnage Jésus dans les Actes était nécessaire. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse introduit le sujet, l’état de la question et deux approches méthodologiques empruntées aux experts de la caractérisation narrative. Au chapitre deux, après avoir introduit la difficulté d’identification du personnage qui se trouve derrière le titre Seigneur des Actes, le cadre épistémologique d’Elizabeth Struthers Malbon permet d’observer le comment en classant toutes les péricopes qui participent à la rhétorique de la caractérisation christologique en cinq catégories : (1) la christologie représentée qui montre ce que Jésus fait, (2) la christologie détournée qui permet d’entendre ce que Jésus dit en réponse aux autres personnages, (3) la christologie projetée qui laisse entendre ce que les autres personnages ou le narrateur disent à Jésus et à son sujet, (4) la christologie réfléchie qui montre ce que les autres personnages font en reflétant ce que Jésus a dit et (5) la christologie reflétée qui montre ce que les autres personnages font en reflétant ce que Jésus a fait. Ensuite, avec le chapitre trois, l’approche de John Darr donne à comprendre le pourquoi de la caractérisation par l’observation de quatre activités cognitives du lecteur : (1) l’anticipation et la rétrospection, (2) la recherche de cohérence, (3) l’identification et/ou l’implication et (4) la défamiliarisation. Enfin, au chapitre quatre, les résultats des deux méthodes sont comparés pour proposer une solution au cas de l’ouverture paradoxale des Actes. D’abord les différentes observations de la thèse montrent que le personnage Jésus n’est pas si absent du récit; puis la rhétorique narrative de la caractérisation conduit le lecteur à comprendre que c’est essentiellement au travers des personnages du récit que Jésus est présent en actes et en paroles.