706 resultados para teacher professional identity
A dissertação aborda o desemprego, no concelho de Portalegre, na faixa etária dos 35 aos 55 anos. O aumento do desemprego é uma realidade que tem gerado movimentos sociais, como os protestos e as greves. A proposta da dissertação foi explorar o fenómeno sob a perspectiva de Erikson e de Castel, compreendendo a trajetória profissional dos indivíduos em questão. Além disso, procurou-se perceber como as transformações no mundo do trabalho, influenciam o processo de desvinculação com a identidade profissional. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, utilizou entrevistas semi-dirigidas e as histórias de vida, sendo colhidos sete depoimentos de desempregados de longa duração, provenientes deste flagelo. Da análise de conteúdo foram levantadas diferentes categorias para tratamento de dados, como a contextualização profissional, o posicionamento face à situação de desemprego e por ultimo a análise identitária. Os resultados mostram que a situação de desemprego pode efetivamente ditar traços de desfiliação na identidade dos desempregados, idênticas às verificadas na literatura utilizada. Os entrevistados recorrem frequentemente a formas de coping, usando a “focalização ativa”, centrando-se na resolução dos seus problemas, mantendo uma postura ativa, mesmo em situação de descrença, sendo a postura mais eficaz para a procura de emprego. Finalizamos esta investigação com algumas sugestões de pesquisa futuras, deixando também um projeto de intervenção psicológico, fazendo sugestões de técnicas de procura de emprego, de inserção social e de técnicas de trabalho de autoestima, de autoimagem e de autoconceito.
The reform of Australian mental health services has resulted in new models of care and changed work practices for all mental health professionals. Occupational therapists today are as likely to be working in multidisciplinary teams performing a range of generic clinical roles as they are to be working in specialist rehabilitation units. These kinds of changes have taken place in other countries, with anecdotal and some empirical evidence that the changes have resulted in concerns about loss of professional identity and roles. This study sought to identify the current work activities carried out by occupational therapists and to determine whether there was a discrepancy between their actual and desired work activities. It was expected that, overall, they would indicate a preference to do more specialist rehabilitation focused work and less generic case management work. A survey of 196 occupational therapists investigated their actual and preferred work activities in 55 specific roles across four broad categories (senior administration, specialist clinical, general clinical and community development). As expected, the participants indicated that they would prefer to be undertaking more specialist rehabilitation oriented work activities than they were actually doing. Contrary to expectations, they also wished to undertake more rather than less generic clinical work activities, to be more engaged in community development work and to take on more senior and administrative roles. They indicated a preference for less rather than more activity on only 5 of the 55 work roles examined. On examining a subset of 113 participants who reported that 50% or more of their time was spent in case management, there was greater evidence of resistance to generic clinical roles. It was therefore concluded that occupational therapists in Australia are seeking to deploy their specialist skills to a greater degree than the current practice environment permits. They have broadly accepted the generic roles required in multidisciplinary community case management, but those who are actually working in these roles are most likely to have reservations about this kind of work.
This paper draws on a three-year study of 24 schools involving classroom observations and interviews with teachers and principals. Through an examination of three cases, sets of leadership practices that focus on the learning of both students and teachers are described. This set of practices is called productive leadership and how these practices are dispersed among productive leaders in three schools is described. This form of leadership supports the achievement of both academic and social outcomes through a focus on pedagogy, a culture of care and related organizational processes. The concepts of learning organisations and teacher professional learning communities as ways of framing relationships in schools, in which ongoing teacher learning is complementary to student learning, are espoused.
Objectives To find how early experience in clinical and community settings (early experience) affects medical education, and identify strengths and limitations of the available evidence. Design A systematic review rating, by consensus, the strength and importance of outcomes reported in the decade 1992-2001. Data sources Bibliographical databases and journals were searched for publications on the topic, reviewed under the auspices of the recently formed Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) collaboration. Selection of studies All empirical studies (verifiable, observational data) were included, whatever their design, method, or language of publication. Results Early experience was most commonly provided in community settings, aiming to recruit primary care practitioners for underserved populations. It increased the popularity of primary care residencies, albeit among self selected students. It fostered self awareness and empathic attitudes towards ill people, boosted students' confidence, motivated them, gave them satisfaction, and helped them develop a professional identity. By helping develop interpersonal skills, it made entering clerkships a less stressful experience. Early experience helped students learn about professional roles and responsibilities, healthcare systems, and health needs of a population. It made biomedical, behavioural, and social sciences more relevant and easier to learn. It motivated and rewarded teachers and patients and enriched curriculums. In some countries,junior students provided preventive health care directly to underserved populations. Conclusion Early experience helps medical students learn, helps them develop appropriate attitudes towards their studies and future practice, and orientates medical curriculums towards society's needs. Experimental evidence of its benefit is unlikely to be forthcoming and yet more medical schools are likely to provide it. Effort could usefully be concentrated on evaluating the methods and outcomes of early experience provided within non-experimental research designs, and using that evaluation to improve the quality of curriculums.
A região do Grande ABC é caracterizada por ser local que retrata, de forma singular, os conflitos, as mudanças e o impacto da globalização no País e no mundo. Diferentes setores, articulados, construíram o Planejamento Regional para a região, que se deparava com a flexibilização, o desemprego estrutural e a diminuição nos postos de trabalho das grandes montadoras, de indústrias de autopeças, entre outras, e descobriu caminhos de enfrentamento para o processo que avassalou o Brasil e o mundo. Isso exigiu a profissionalização de quem ocupava a função de Secretário, para atender ao perfil das multinacionais. A partir daí, o Secretariado Executivo vem se consolidando como uma profissão de caráter inteligente e intelectual, considerado como analítico-simbólico. O Secretário rompeu com seu antigo perfil, enfrentando a concorrência de profissionais de outras áreas, e desempenha hoje um papel de assessoria adjunta, gerenciando processos e facilitando tomadas de decisão. É um profissional de formação intelectual diferenciada, com competências técnicas, comportamentais e estratégicas. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o processo de construção da identidade do ser profissional Secretário na região do Grande ABC; levantar os espaços ocupados por esse profissional, através de mapeamento dos postos que ocupa, e construir uma linha do tempo dessa profissão na região. Para atender aos objetivos, foi utilizada pesquisa documental, a construção de uma linha do tempo e a história oral temática, procedendo-se à coleta e à análise dos dados de sete profissionais Secretários atuantes na região do Grande ABC. O diálogo interdisciplinar entre teoria e os discursos evidenciou que ainda existe um estereótipo cultural quanto à profissão nas organizações, mas há um respeito, ainda que velado, dos superiores e colegas, conquistado por sua persistência e profissionalização. Os resultados demonstram que a identidade do ser profissional Secretário é construída em suas experiências vividas no passado e no presente, o que lhe proporciona um esboço de valores individuais e profissionais que são revistos nas diversas organizações em que atuam ou atuaram e dentro do contexto regional estudado, gerando variações em suas identidades.(AU)
Diante do grande avanço tecnológico e utilização de equipamentos e diversas ferramentas no ensino, além da conectividade a qualquer momento, é possível perceber o grande crescimento do uso das redes sociais tanto pelos alunos como pelos professores. Com este crescimento observa-se uma comunicação mais intensa entre aluno e professor fora do ambiente da sala de aula, principalmente por intermédio das redes sociais, com a comunicação eletrônica envolvendo e-mails, conversas online, trocas de arquivos, fotos, vídeos etc. Considerando essa nova realidade esta pesquisa objetivou investigar se existe um impacto dessa nova forma de comunicação na profissão docente. Nesse contexto, tendo como foco privilegiado o facebook, emergiram alguns questionamentos para análise: essa nova ferramenta auxilia na relação professor-aluno? Ela pode trazer algum impacto positivo e/ou negativo para o professor? Qual a influência do uso dessa rede social nas relações trabalhistas? Sua existência e o seu uso podem influenciar nas decisões da coordenação/direção da escola? O estudo partiu do pressuposto de que as redes sociais exercem impactos positivos e negativos, pois podem se constituir como ferramentas que auxiliam a prática pedagógica. No entanto, no que se refere às relações trabalhistas e também, às relações interpessoais, o professor pode estar vulnerável quanto às suas relações institucionais e profissionais. Fundamentada nas concepções de autores que discorrem sobre a utilização dessas redes, e sobre as características do trabalho frente às novas demandas do capital, a pesquisa de campo, do tipo exploratória, direcionou-se no sentido de identificar esses fatores por meio da análise dos dados investigados com professores que utilizam a rede social facebook. Os resultados confirmaram que há impactos de diversas naturezas no trabalho docente. Esta nova ferramenta, ao mesmo tempo em que pode auxiliar na relação professor-aluno, expõe o docente, e é utilizada, pelas instituições de ensino, como instrumento de controle e de exercício de poder que se refletem nas relações trabalhistas.
A sobreposição da ação administrativa à ação pedagógica no cotidiano de trabalho do Supervisor Escolar tem ocupado, nas últimas décadas, espaço importante na discussão acadêmica. Fruto da insatisfação de grande parte desses profissionais que, ao assumirem os cargos, deparam-se com uma carga de obrigações burocráticas que os impede de atuar efetivamente nos projetos pedagógicos das escolas, a pesquisa na área, embora crescente, ainda carece de exploração. O problema dessa pesquisa diz respeito às formas pelas quais os supervisores escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo articulam essas duas faces da função que constitui a sua profissão, a administrativa, ligada às obrigações burocráticas e a pedagógica, ligada ao trabalho pedagógico nas escolas e em outras esferas. Parte-se do delineamento da trajetória histórica do Supervisor Escolar no município, feito perante o levantamento dos referenciais legais que objetivaram sua função/profissão e dos contextos históricos em que se inseriram. Na sequência, as respostas da pesquisa realizada com supervisores escolares de diretorias regionais de educação da cidade analisadas em suas relações com o levantamento histórico citado e os referenciais teóricos eleitos, em que se destacam as obras de Demerval Saviani e Celestino Alves da Silva Júnior, autores reconhecidos como referenciais importantes e amplamente citados nas pesquisas da área da supervisão educacional. A pesquisa aponta importantes indicadores para contribuir com a elucidação do problema em tela, especialmente no que tange à controvérsia das atribuições impostas à Supervisão Escolar, à formação deficitária desses profissionais e, por conseguinte, à dificuldade de se construir a identidade profissional do Supervisor Escolar do Município de São Paulo.
Esta pesquisa aborda a formação continuada das educadoras da Educação Infantil da rede pública municipal de São Paulo. A questão central a ser investigada refere-se à proposta de formação continuada oferecida pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo SMESP buscando pesquisar quais são as contribuições desse projeto para essas educadoras. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da percepção da importância da formação continuada como um caminho de ressignificação da identidade docente e um exercício reflexivo para as professoras desse segmento da educação considerando todo o seu processo de construção histórica. Tal segmento foi escolhido para esta pesquisa, pois estudos contemporâneos realizados por diversos autores tais como: Beatriz Cerisara, Patricia Prado, Zeila Demartini, Júlia Formosinho e João Oliveira-Formosinho, entre outros, consideram que essa é uma fase essencial, na qual está sempre presente a necessidade de se discutir a dicotomia entre o cuidar e o educar, e de se ressignificar a identidade das professoras enquanto profissionais de Educação Infantil. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa apresenta uma discussão teórica acerca da formação das professoras da Educação Infantil no Brasil finalizando com uma pesquisa de campo que avalia o Projeto Estratégico de Ação PEA -, como uma das propostas de formação continuada das professoras de Educação Infantil, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com nove professoras da Educação Infantil dessa rede municipal. A pesquisa possibilitou observar a relevância do PEA para as professoras entrevistadas, no que diz respeito à formação continuada. O estudo constatou também que este projeto vem sendo alterado de forma positiva e significativa, a partir de ações direcionadas às necessidades específicas da Educação Infantil, com uma concepção sobre a criança como um sujeito de direito à voz e dotado de competências. Nesta pesquisa, como possibilidade de formação, observou-se ainda a contribuição do PEA, que em momentos coletivos, permite a troca entre os pares e a reflexão sobre suas práticas, tornando-as professoras mais autônomas em seu papel enquanto parte do processo de construção de aprendizagem pela criança.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de professores de inglês em curso livre a respeito de sua identidade profissional, seus processos formativos e seus saberes docentes. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou-se nos conceitos de representação social (Serge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet) e de dialogicidade (Mikhail Bakhtin e Ivana Marková). Foram realizadas considerações a respeito de fatores históricos, sociais e econômicos que originaram as atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm a respeito do idioma bem como dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo. Os dados foram coletados através de dois questionários e analisados com os recursos de um software para análise lexical, o ALCESTE. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes consideram a fluência no idioma como central para sua identidade profissional e a experiência em sala de aula como mais importante do que a vivência acadêmica. A falta de reflexão acerca de aspectos sociais relacionados à sua prática pedagógica também foi observada. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo foi uma melhor compreensão das representações de professores de inglês a respeito do idioma e dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo, bem como de seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas atuais relacionadas à formação inicial e continuada de professores de língua estrangeira.(AU)
In this study we explore the views of NHS stakeholders on providing paediatric ‘care closer to home’ (CCTH), in community-based outpatient clinics delivered by consultants. Design: Semi-structured interviews and thematic framework analysis. Setting: UK specialist children's hospital and surrounding primary care trusts. Participants: 37 NHS stakeholders including healthcare professionals, managers, commissioners and executive team members. Results: Participants acknowledged that outreach clinics would involve a change in traditional ways of working and that the physical setting of the clinic would influence aspects of professional practice. Different models of CCTH were discussed, as were alternatives for improving access to specialist care. Participants supported CCTH as a good principle for paediatric outpatient services; however the challenges of setting up and maintaining community clinics meant they questioned how far it could be achieved in practice. Conclusions: The place of service delivery is both an issue of physical location and professional identity. Policy initiatives which ignore assumptions about place, power and identity are likely to meet with limited success.
Background - Cardiovascular disease (CVD) progression is modifiable through lifestyle behaviors. Community pharmacists are ideally placed to facilitate self-management of cardiovascular health however research shows varied pharmacist engagement in providing lifestyle advice. Objective - This study explored community pharmacists' experiences and perceptions of providing lifestyle advice to patients with CVD. Methods - Semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen pharmacists (1 supermarket; 7 multiple; 7 independent) recruited through multiple methods from community pharmacies across the Midlands, England. A thematic analysis was conducted using a Framework approach. Results - Pharmacists categorized patients according to their perceptions of the patients' ability to benefit from advice. Many barriers to providing lifestyle advice were identified. Confidence to provide lifestyle advice varied, with pharmacists most comfortable providing lifestyle advice in conjunction with conversations about medicines. Some pharmacists felt lifestyle advice was an integral part of their role whilst others questioned whether pharmacists should give lifestyle advice at all, particularly when receiving no remuneration for doing so. Conclusion - Pharmacists viewed providing lifestyle advice as important but identified many barriers to doing so. Lifestyle advice provision was influenced by pharmacists' perceptions of patients. Professional identity and associated role conflict appeared to underpin many of the barriers to pharmacists providing lifestyle advice. Pharmacists may benefit from enhanced training to: increase their confidence to provide lifestyle advice; integrate lifestyle advice with regular pharmaceutical practice and challenge their perceptions of some patients' receptiveness to lifestyle advice and behavior change. Changes to the way UK pharmacists are remunerated may increase the provision of lifestyle advice.
Peer mentoring of undergraduates is increasingly being used in higher education to reduce first year attrition by aiding transition to university. The authors propose that peer mentoring may also be a means of transmitting the values and ethics which reflect academic and personal integrity and underpin graduate and professional identity. In a qualitative study, they examined students' expectations and subsequent experience of a psychology undergraduate pilot mentoring scheme, together with the process and content. Mentors and mentees felt that mentors had a unique part to play in aiding transition to university. Mentors' advice reflected implicit academic values rather than strategic short cuts and mentoring cued reflection on their own development. The implications for encouraging student participation in mentoring schemes are discussed.
The adaptation to a new country is a complex and stressful process that is compounded when changes in status and identity have to be made. This exploratory study examined the adaptation of international company transferee spouses when they decide to follow the transferee on overseas assignments. Research to date indicates that the spouses’ dissatisfaction with life abroad is the leading cause of transferees breaking contract and prematurely returning home. The causes of this dissatisfaction are still not clear and this study sought greater clarification, particularly examining the experiences of male as well as female trailing spouses. The study, thus, takes gender as a main variable to consider. It explores how gendered expectations inherent in the structures of society inflect and inform the decisions, attitudes, and behaviors that affect the adaptations of trailing spouses living in a foreign habitus. The study is based on eight months of ethnographic research in two culturally different locations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Brussels, Belgium. Forty-two American international company transferee spouses were recruited (seven males and thirty-five females). The data analysis revolved around five main themes: (1) the comparison of male with female trailing spouses’ experiences, (2) the effect of location on spouses’ adaptation, (3) the communities that spouses integrate into, (4) variations in personal work and family histories, and (5) conditions of exit. The analysis engaged multiple theories regarding gender, sociological adaptation, and psychological adaptation. Results indicate that both socio-cultural and psychological factors affect adaptation and that gender matters very significantly, particularly along two axes: (1) gendered structures in our society create different reasons why males and females become trailing spouses, (2) the gendered social constructions of role expectations make the experience of being a trailing husband different from being a trailing wife. In addition spouses’ status as parents (or not) and their “readiness for change” were found to be important predictors of positive spousal adaptation. In contrast, significant ties with families in the home country and strong professional identity with career projections were important predictors of negative spousal adaptation.
The overall purpose of this collected papers dissertation was to examine the utility of a cognitive apprenticeship-based instructional coaching (CAIC) model for improving the science teaching efficacy beliefs (STEB) of preservice and inservice elementary teachers. Many of these teachers perceive science as a difficult subject and feel inadequately prepared to teach it. However, teacher efficacy beliefs have been noted as the strongest indicator of teacher quality, the variable most highly correlated with student achievement outcomes. The literature is scarce on strong, evidence-based theoretical models for improving STEB. This dissertation is comprised of two studies. STUDY #1 was a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study investigating the impact of a reformed CAIC elementary science methods course on the STEB of 26 preservice teachers. Data were collected using the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B) and from six post-course interviews. A statistically significant increase in STEB was observed in the quantitative strand. The qualitative data suggested that the preservice teachers perceived all of the CAIC methods as influential, but the significance of each method depended on their unique needs and abilities. STUDY #2 was a participatory action research case study exploring the utility of a CAIC professional development program for improving the STEB of five Bahamian inservice teachers and their competency in implementing an inquiry-based curriculum. Data were collected from pre- and post-interviews and two focus group interviews. Overall, the inservice teachers perceived the intervention as highly effective. The scaffolding and coaching were the CAIC methods portrayed as most influential in developing their STEB, highlighting the importance of interpersonal relationship aspects in successful instructional coaching programs. The teachers also described the CAIC approach as integral in supporting their learning to implement the new inquiry-based curriculum. The overall findings hold important implications for science education reform, including its potential to influence how preservice teacher training and inservice teacher professional development in science are perceived and implemented. Additionally, given the noteworthy results obtained over the relatively short durations, CAIC interventions may also provide an effective means of achieving improvements in preservice and inservice teachers’ STEB more expeditiously than traditional approaches.
The adaptation to a new country is a complex and stressful process that is compounded when changes in status and identity have to be made. This exploratory study examined the adaptation of international company transferee spouses when they decide to follow the transferee on overseas assignments. Research to date indicates that the spouses’ dissatisfaction with life abroad is the leading cause of transferees breaking contract and prematurely returning home. The causes of this dissatisfaction are still not clear and this study sought greater clarification, particularly examining the experiences of male as well as female trailing spouses. The study, thus, takes gender as a main variable to consider. It explores how gendered expectations inherent in the structures of society inflect and inform the decisions, attitudes, and behaviors that affect the adaptations of trailing spouses living in a foreign habitus. The study is based on eight months of ethnographic research in two culturally different locations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Brussels, Belgium. Forty-two American international company transferee spouses were recruited (seven males and thirty-five females). The data analysis revolved around five main themes: (1) the comparison of male with female trailing spouses’ experiences, (2) the effect of location on spouses’ adaptation, (3) the communities that spouses integrate into, (4) variations in personal work and family histories, and (5) conditions of exit. The analysis engaged multiple theories regarding gender, sociological adaptation, and psychological adaptation. Results indicate that both socio-cultural and psychological factors affect adaptation and that gender matters very significantly, particularly along two axes: (1) gendered structures in our society create different reasons why males and females become trailing spouses, (2) the gendered social constructions of role expectations make the experience of being a trailing husband different from being a trailing wife. In addition spouses’ status as parents (or not) and their “readiness for change” were found to be important predictors of positive spousal adaptation. In contrast, significant ties with families in the home country and strong professional identity with career projections were important predictors of negative spousal adaptation.