997 resultados para studierende der wirtschaftswissenschaften
The cod stock in the Western Baltic Sea is assessed to be overfished regarding the definitions of the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002. Thus, the European Fisheries Council enforced a multi-annual management plan in 2007. Our medium term simulations over the future 10 years assume similar stock productivity as compared with the past four decades and indicate that the goals of the management plan can be achieved through TAC and consistent effort regulations. Taking account of the uncertainty in the recruitment patterns, the target average fishing mortality of age groups 3 – 6 years of F = 0.6 per year as defined in the management plan is indicated to exceed sustainable levels consistent with high long term yields and low risk of depletion. The stipulated constraint of the annual TAC variations of ±15% will dominate future fisheries management and implies a high recovery potential of the stock through continued reductions in fishing mortality. The scientific assessment of sustainable levels of exploitation and consideration in the plan is strongly advised, taking account of uncertainties attributed to environmental and biological effects. We recommend our study to be complemented with economic impact assessments including effects on by-catch species, which have been disregarded in this study. It is further demonstrated, that the goals of the management plan can alternatively be achieved by mesh size adaptations. An alternative technical option of mesh size increases to realize the required reductions in fishing mortality provides avoidance of discards of undersized fish after a few years by means of improved selectivity, another important element of the Common Fisheries Policy. However, it is emphasized that technical regulations since 1990 failed to affect the by-catch and discards of juvenile cod. In any way, the meaningful implementation of the multiannual management plan through stringent control and enforcement appears critical.
Malformation rates in embryos of dab, whiting, cod, flounder and plaice have been monitored for several years (1984-2006) in the Southern North Sea. For embryos of all species investigated trends for the fluctuation of malformation rates over the time were registered in the areas showing intermediate prevalences at the beginning of the studies in 1984 and maxima in 1987. Thereafter for all species a decrease of malformation rates was found until 2006 excepting an increase in 1996. A significant negative correlation existed between surface water temperature and prevalences of malformed embryos of dab and other species.
Though the stocks of North Sea herring seemed to have recovered from small numbers since the mid-1990s we do recently observe a new decline in the spawning stock biomass. This is mainly caused by four consecutive years of small reproduction. Whilst the adults produce enough eggs and larvae only few survive until mature stages. The reasons for the bad recruitment are not clear. In this paper we investigate the influence of climate conditions, in particular the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) that obviously triggers the interaction between the size of the spawning stock and the abundance of larvae. We show that approximately 60 % of the recruitment variance can be explained by specific constellations of spawning stock size and climatic conditions. Beside physical factors we also discuss several working hypotheses shedding light on the influence of biological variables on the fluctuation of herring offspring.
Fischfanggeräte werden in der kommerziellen Fischerei und in der Fischereiforschung eingesetzt. In beiden Fällen werden hauptsächlich Schleppnetze verwendet. Schleppnetze sind jedoch nicht für alle Aufgabenstellungen der Fischereiforschung geeignet. Alternative in der Forschung verwendbare Untersuchungsgeräte und Methoden wurden bisher ohne überzeugenden Erfolg getestet. Schleppnetzen – insbesondere den Grundschleppnetzen der Berufsfischerei – werden sowohl die Meeresumwelt schädigende Einflüsse als auch unzureichende selektive Eigenschaften hinsichtlich Ziel- und Beifangarten nachgesagt. Die in der kommerziellen Fischerei der Ostsee verwendeten Schleppnetze üben aber nur einen geringen schädlichen Einfluss auf Bodenorganismen aus. Alternative ökosystemgerechte Fanggeräte wie Fischfallen können Schleppnetze bisher nicht ersetzen. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, die negativen Einflüsse auf die Meeresumwelt noch weiter zu verringern. Durch konstruktive Gestaltung der Schleppnetze (großmaschige Unterblätter im Vornetz, im Oberblatt reduzierte Grundschleppnetze) können Beifänge reduziert werden. Durch weitere Verbesserungen der Beschwerungs- und Spreizelemente an Grundschleppnetzen lassen sich die negativen Einflüsse auf den Meeresboden weiter reduzieren.
The pressure of users other than shipping and fishery on the national EEZs for territorial claims has increased in recent years. So it becomes necessary to carry out a spatial planning for which all users have to indicate their recent and planned future activities. For the German waters in the North Sea a first attempt was made to calculate the mean international landings for the commercially important fish and crustacean species on the spatial scale of ICES-rectangles. The relationships between the German and international landings per species are listed in a table and the distribution of the landings for each species within the area are shown in 13 figures.
The basis for a long-term profitable fishery is a precautionary and environment-compatible use of fish stocks. The fishery management presently models the exploitation through the parameters of fishing mortality and the age at first capture. These two parameters are translated into the technical measures of fishing effort and mesh openings and quotas, which are then used in practice for controlling the fishery. Stock protection can be achieved by reducing the fishing effort, by assigning smaller quotas, by reducing the number of days at sea, or by increasing the mesh opening. The respective protection measures have different effects on the development of the stocks but also on the revenue obtained by the fishery. These alternatives have been examined taking as an example the cod stock in the western Baltic. The optimization goal was the maximization of profit observing at the same time the prerequisites for stock protection according to the precaution approach. For these calculations the same models and data have been used as are beeing used in the stock management of the ACFM of ICES. The response of altered technical measures to the recruitment of cod stock was considered, and a proposal to overcome overfishing of cod in the western Baltic Sea was derived.
In 2004 the fish processing company Euro-Baltic Fischverarbeitungs GmbH Mukran, went into operation on the Isle of Rügen at the Baltic coast of Germany. About 20 % of the herring landed there is discharged from the cutters into the processing plant by pipes, driven by pumps, in case that the landed volume exceeds 10 t fresh weight. In such case the herring is transported in water suspension by means of a pressure-vacuum suction pump system into containers and further transported via conveyer belt to a flowscale. During this process most of the water runs off. It is however unknown how much water remains with the fish and is eventually weighted as fish. To estimate this proportion the mixture of water and fish was stored in special transport containers, which allow the measurement of the run-off. As a result the study shows that on average 2 % of weight measured by the tape scale is water. Along with this factors were determined which influence the variability of the proportion of water.
Fish larvae surveys provide information on the species composition in an area of investigation and leads to a better understanding of the entire fish community. Since 2000 every year in April/May an ichthyoplankton survey in ICES-Subdivision 22 and 24 has been performed to sample the plankton community in the western Baltic Sea. One objective was to acquire indicators of possible changes in the natural structures of the fish community. The time series derived from the Bongo-Net samples is too short to show a trend in larval densities. Up to now samples in the western Baltic Sea yielded only low mean densities. According to the reproductive biology the fish species were divided in three major groups: -Fish species with a long developmental phase in the plankton community -Small short living species with benthic eggs and a reduced planktonic phase -Guests without local spawning populations Species were identified, which were absent in the plankton of the western Baltic Sea in the 1960s and 1970s.
A considerable amount of national EU funds for supporting fisheries has been transferred to the German fish processing in-dustry. The recently ratified European Fisheries Fund (EFF) again provides a significant sum. Yet the EU is lacking a data pool of sufficient precision, which is required as a basis to develop apt EU regulations in the future. Regulation No. 1639/2001 of the EU Commission commits the member states to collect these data. In this paper specifics of the data to be collected and the collection procedure are presented and linked to the CFP and to characteristics of the German fish processing industry.
The aim of the investigation was to prove if different farming conditions like conventional and organical farming of rainbow trout may cause differences in quality which are detectable by physical methods such as colour measurement and differential scanning calorimetry. Colour measurement revealed remarkable differences in lightness. Smoked trouts originating from conventionally farmed fish were much lighter than those of organically farmed trouts. This difference in L* could already be found when colour measurements were taken on the raw material. However, during chilled storage differences were equalized. Redness and yellowness were not significantly influenced by farming and did not change remarkably during chill storage. Based on earlier investigations on changes in thermal stability caused by heating, DSC curves of smoked trout could be used to verify that the core temperature of smoked fish had reached at least 60 °C during hot smoking process. This temperature is demanded by the guidelines of the German Food Code. In the DSC curves only the actin peak was still visible. All other proteins were obviously denatured during the hot smoking. When DSC curves were taken from smoked trout after different durations of chilled storage it could be seen that the denaturation temperature of actin decreased almost linearly with progression of storage time.
After due consideration the EU Commission has decided in December 2005 to admit cod-ends made of netting turned 90 de-grees (T90) as an allowable alternative for the cod fishery of the Baltic. The construction was included as one of two admissibles versions into the newly issued EU regulation 2187/2005 on technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources of the Baltic. This contribution describes some of the investigations preceeding that decision with which some of the previous demurs could be dispelled. In the course of these experiments it was detected that the cod-end netting material plays an important role for the mesh selection of a T90 cod-end, whereas the netting twine diameter is negligible. Problems with modern twine mate-rial have to be taken in consideration for constructional changes of T90 cod-ends. A relation of 1 to 2 in the circumferences in meshes at the joining round between last row of the belly and extension/cod-end turned out to be acceptable. Both the hauling technique (sidetrawler or sterntrawler) and an extensive use in the commercial fishery proved to be of no relevance for to the selection of T90 cod-ends. Taken alone, the different hydrodynamic conditions in a cod-end are insufficient to fully explain the selection phenomena. This was demonstrates by the material-related differences in selectivity of T90 cod-ends.
Landings of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) for human consumption are not the only part that is taken from the North Sea shrimp stocks. Small amounts of industrial shrimps taken in the second half of a year in Germany add as well to the total amount that is taken from the stocks as the moribund animals discarded all over the year during the first sieving process on board, as the cooked and discarded ones in the second sieving on board and as those from the third sieving process ashore normally being crushed and used for animal feed stuff. All these fractions of the total catch of brown shrimps give a total of approximately 74 000 tonnes that were taken from the North Sea in 2005. Nevertheless, due to low predator abundance and changing climate conditions Crangon stocks show no signs of overexploitation so far with increasing LPUE values in the north-eastern part of the German Bight and decreasing ones in the south-east and Channel. There is the need of further investigations of these changes in the life history and distribution of shrimp as well as in the fishing behaviour and effort of the shrimp fleets .
Profit maximization in fishery protects cod of western Baltic Sea against overfishing – Only a theoretical approach? The frame for the management of fish stocks politically given contains – apart from ecological and social goals – also an economic goal, which is considered here in particular. From the point of view of fishery enterprises the main management goal for the exploitation of fish stocks is the maximization of profit. There are models for the yield optimization since long time. They are mainly used so far to optimize fishing mortality. Here the Beverton and Holt yield model was used. Apart from the optimization of fishing effort the model was used to optimize age of first capture and thus mesh opening. Starting point of the considerations is a given age group of a fish stock. If this age group is completely fished the yield obtained from this age group is maximized. The investigations show that the term overfishing is not exclusively linked as frequently assumed with a too large fishing mortality, but likewise with a mismatch of the mesh opening. For the calculated example Baltic cod data are used. At present the cod is caught far from reaching its mass optimum. Therefore, the profit of fishery enterprises can in the long term be considerably increased by the optimization of the mesh opening. During the conversion from the state of the art to fishing with optimised mesh sizes, however, a loss of profit has to be expected. The title of the paper sounds provocative. However, the stock of the Baltic Sea cod is better protected by a long-term maximum-profit oriented exploitation than by the precautionary approach applied now.
Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the ma-nagement of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results indicate a good year-class 2004.
The reliability of the international minimum landing size of 25 cm for the flounder stock of ICES Sub-divisions 24 and 25 as well as national bans on landing female flounder during the spawning time is investigated on German samples taken in Sub-division 24. The results of the analyses of growth, sex ratio, the proportion of mature flounder, and yield curves show that 25 cm is a convenient regulation measure but it would be reliable to have an international ban on landing female as well as male flounder during spawning time.