Gewinnmaximierung der Fischerei schützt den Dorsch der westlichen Ostsee vor Überfischung – Nur ein theoretischer Ansatz ?

Autoria(s): Bethke, Eckhard



Profit maximization in fishery protects cod of western Baltic Sea against overfishing – Only a theoretical approach? The frame for the management of fish stocks politically given contains – apart from ecological and social goals – also an economic goal, which is considered here in particular. From the point of view of fishery enterprises the main management goal for the exploitation of fish stocks is the maximization of profit. There are models for the yield optimization since long time. They are mainly used so far to optimize fishing mortality. Here the Beverton and Holt yield model was used. Apart from the optimization of fishing effort the model was used to optimize age of first capture and thus mesh opening. Starting point of the considerations is a given age group of a fish stock. If this age group is completely fished the yield obtained from this age group is maximized. The investigations show that the term overfishing is not exclusively linked as frequently assumed with a too large fishing mortality, but likewise with a mismatch of the mesh opening. For the calculated example Baltic cod data are used. At present the cod is caught far from reaching its mass optimum. Therefore, the profit of fishery enterprises can in the long term be considerably increased by the optimization of the mesh opening. During the conversion from the state of the art to fishing with optimised mesh sizes, however, a loss of profit has to be expected. The title of the paper sounds provocative. However, the stock of the Baltic Sea cod is better protected by a long-term maximum-profit oriented exploitation than by the precautionary approach applied now.




Bethke, Eckhard (2005) Gewinnmaximierung der Fischerei schützt den Dorsch der westlichen Ostsee vor Überfischung – Nur ein theoretischer Ansatz ? Informationen aus der Fischereiforschung = Information on Fishery Research, 52(1), pp. 12-20. 10.3220/Infn52_12-20_2005 <>




DOI: 10.3220/Infn52_12-20_2005

Palavras-Chave #Fisheries

