933 resultados para solicitor acting pro bono in litigious matter


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This dissertation presents an analysis of the representations of food biotechnologies in Italy. The thesis uses the analysis of discourse to illustrate the articulated ways in which representations are instantiated in different contexts. The theoretical thrust of the work resides in its discussion of the basic tenets of both Social Representations Theory and Discursive Psychology. The thesis offers a detailed description of the two frameworks; affinities and difference are highlighted, and a serious effort is made to develop an integrated set of theoretical resources to answer the research questions. The thesis proposes to combine a discursive methodology with Social Representations Theory. After a description of the relevant legislative framework follows an illustration of the categories used for the textual analysis. The study proposes the textual analysis of the following data: the first declaration issued by a small Italian council rejecting biotechnologies; four texts which focus on positions taken by the Catholic Church in the matter of food biotechnologies; several transcripts from a public debate in a small community of the north west of Italy. The latter study, which included an ethnographic dimension, focuses on recordings from interviews, a focus group, a public meeting and newspaper articles. Particular attention is paid to ideological representations and to the relevance of citizenship and governance to debates about food biotechnologies.


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The alpha-aminoisobutyric acid-D-proline (Aib-(D)Pro) dipeptide is an obligatory Type I' beta-turn forming segment that nucleates hairpin formation.


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Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a familial disorder characterized by ventricular repolarization that makes carriers vulnerable to malignant ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death. The three main subtypes (LQT1, LQT2 and LQT3) constitute 95% of cases. The disorder is characterized by a prolonged QT interval in electrocardiograms (ECG), but a considerable portion are silent carriers presenting normal (QTc < 440 ms) or borderline (QTc < 470 ms) QT interval. Genetic testing is available only for 60-70% of patients. A number of pharmaceutical compounds also affect ventricular repolarization, causing a clinically similar disorder called acquired long QT syndrome. LQTS carriers - who already have impaired ventricular repolarization - are especially vulnerable. In this thesis, asymptomatic genotyped LQTS mutation carriers with non-diagnostic resting ECG were studied. The body surface potential mapping (BSPM) system was utilized for ECG recording, and signals were analyzed with an automated analysis program. QT interval length, and the end part of the T wave, the Tpe interval, was studied during exercise stress testing and an epinephrine bolus test. In the latter, T wave morphology was also analyzed. The effect of cetirizine was studied in LQTS carriers and also with supra- therapeutic dose in healthy volunteers. At rest, LQTS mutation carriers had a slightly longer heart rate adjusted QTc interval than healthy subjects (427 ± 31 ms and 379 ± 26 ms; p<0.001), but significant overlapping existed. LQT2 mutation carriers had a conspicuously long Tpe-interval (113 ± 24 ms; compared to 79 ± 11 ms in LQT1, 81 ± 17 ms in LQT3 and 78 ± 10 ms in controls; p<0.001). In exercise stress tests, LQT1 mutation carriers exhibit a long QT interval at high heart rates and during recovery, whereas LQT2 mutation carriers have a long Tpe interval at the beginning of exercise and at the end of recovery at low heart rates. LQT3 mutation carriers exhibit prominent shortening of both QT and Tpe intervals during exercise. A small epinephrine bolus revealed disturbed repolarization, especially in LQT2 mutation carriers, who developed prolonged Tpe intervals. A higher epinephrine bolus caused abnormal T waves with a different T wave profile in LQTS mutation carriers compared to healthy controls. These effects were seen in LQT3 as well, a group that may easily escape other provocative tests. In the cetirizine test, the QT and Tpe intervals were not prolonged in LQTS mutation carriers or in healthy controls. Subtype-specific findings in exercise test and epinephrine bolus test help to diagnose silent LQTS mutation carriers and to guide subtype-specific treatments. The Tpe interval, which signifies the repolarization process, seems to be a sensitive marker of disturbed repolarization along with the QT interval, which signifies the end of repolarization. This method may be used in studying compounds that are suspected to affect repolarization. Cetirizine did not adversely alter ventricular repolarization and would not be pro-arrhythmic in common LQT1 and LQT2 subtypes when used at its recommended doses.


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The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Finland says that ECEC is developed holistically through observing children´s and the educator community´s activities and the ECEC environment. The background of this research was that assesment should be based on commonly agreed principles, which are recorded e.g. to unit-specific ECEC curriculum. The objective of this research was to investigate how unit-specific ECEC curriculums have descriped the physical indoor environment in day-care centres. According to the National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC, there are four ways of acting that are peculiar to children: playing, physical activities, exploration and artistic experiences and self-expression. The descriptions of physical environment in unit-spesific curriculums were observed through above mentioned four ways of acting. In addition to that, the descriptions of four ways of acting were compared to each other, in order to find out, which are the main differencies and similarities in relation to physical ECEC environment. Research material was build on unit-specific ECEC curriculums from 18 day-care centres of Helsinki. Target of the research were the descriptions of physical indoor environment in curriculums.The method used in the research was theory-guided content analysis. The analyses were mainly qualitative. The descriptions of psysical environment varied widely both quantitatively and by substance. All curriculums contained mentions of playing and artistic experiences and self-expression, but mentions of physical activities and exploration were noticiably fewer. All four ways of acting were mentioned in research material in relation to premises and instruments. Also, principles related to the use of premises and instruments and other more common priciples were mentioned in relation to all ways of acting. Instead of that, children were not mentioned even once as an upholders or innovators of physical activities environment and children were mentioned only once regarding to exploration environment. All ways of acting included scenarios of e.g. that environment must provide possibilities of particular way of acting, and both materials and instruments must be available for children. Anyhow, research material did not include any principle or scenario that relates to physical environment that would have occurred in every unit-specific curriculum.


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Tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuusosan tavoitteena oli selvittää perinteisen kastikepohjan valmistukseen ja valmistuksen kokonaisvaltaiseen onnistumiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja. Lisäksi käsiteltiin kastikepohjan valmistukseen liittyviä ympäristö- ja energia-asioita, kuten eläinperäisten sivutuotteiden kierrätysmahdollisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkimuksen keskeinen lähtökohta oli pyrkiä löytämään ratkaisu ylipainekeittomenetelmään liittyvään kastikepohjan liemiaineksen sameutumisongelmaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin löytää syyt sameuden muodostumiseen luiden painekeitossa (max. 1,5 bar). Näin pyrittiin selvittämään keinot sameuden syntymisen estämiseen tai tuotteesta poistamiseen. Ratkaisua etsittiin sekä keittoaika-paine-kombinaatiosta että proteolyyttisen entsyymivalmisteen käytöstä. Tavoitteena oli ulkonäöltään kirkas ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudeltaan mahdollisimman korkea naudanmakuinen demi-glace-kastikepohjaliemi. Liemiaineksista tarkasteltiin kuiva-aine-, kokonaisproteiini- ja sidekudosproteiinipitoisuuksia, pH-arvoja sekä sameutta, ja vertailtiin näitä tuloksia käytettyihin valmistusmenetelmiin ja -olosuhteisiin. Lisäksi otettiin selvää lämmöntalteenoton parantamis-mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksessa valmistetun kastikepohjaliemen kuiva-aine koostui pääasiassa proteiineista. Liemen valmistuksessa suuremmalla paineella päästiin hieman nopeammin samoihin kuiva-ainepitoisuuksiin kuin matalammalla paineella. Samoin tapahtui entsyymiä käytettäessä kuin käyttämättä jätettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella korkeaa kuiva-ainepitoisuutta tavoiteltaessa kastikepohjaliemen valmistuksessa on valittava korkean sidekudosproteiinin tai sameuden väliltä. Ylipainekeitolla luista saatiin irti lähes pelkästään sidekudosproteiinia, koska luita kuumennettaessa vain kollageeni liukeni veteen muiden proteiinien saostuessa. Lämmöntalteenottojärjestelmien rakentaminen pieneen elintarviketeollisuusyritykseen voi olla kannattamatonta, koska investointikustannuksia ei välttämättä pystytä maksamaan takaisin. Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen pienessä elintarviketeollisuusyrityksessä on haastavaa, mutta kuitenkin mahdollista ammattilaisten tekemien tarkkojen laskelmien ja arviointien avulla.


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The study area, Vihtamonjoki catchment area, is 55 square kilometres and a third of it has been ditched. The largest ditchings have been done in years 1959-1970. The water system in the catchment area builds up of several lake basins, brooks and rivers. This study tries to discover the water quality at present. It also tries to determine the sedimentation rate and the changes on the sediment quality during the past decades. The water samples were collected in August 2003 and in March 2004 from several places in the catchment area. On March 2004 the sediment samples were collected from four lake basins. Organic matter, total phosphorus, iron, manganese, Fe/Mn-ratio, zinc and copper were determined from sediment samples. The water quality was determined by electric conductivity, alkalinity, pH, oxygen content and the content of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphate, chlorine and fluoride. Also the nutrients, nitrate, ammonium and phosphate, were determined. Chemical analyses and loss on ignition analyses showed clear changes in sediment quality in samples taken from 15-25 cm depth, thus showing the time of the ditching. In most cases the forest ditching had caused increase in mineral matter, iron, zinc and copper and decrease in total phosphorus and organic matter. Sedimentation rates vary between 4,1 to 6,7 mm/year in lakes after the forest ditching. Sedimentation rates have probably increased due to the forest ditching. The Fe/Mn-ratio shows that there has been a lack of oxygen in the lakes for some years after the forest ditching. The water quality proved to be normal in the Vihtamonjoki catchment area. Oxygen content in March 2004 pointed to the conclusion that there might be lack of oxygen in winter. Other analysis showed the water quality to be typical for the Kainuu area.


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This review highlights the physics aspects of soft condensed matter to show that these are novel systems to explore cooperative behaviour in condensed matter under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. A case is made for focusing research in this-area in our country.


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The specific role of oestrogen in follicular maturation, ovulation and early embryonic development was investigated using Fadrozole (CGS 16949A), a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, to block oestrogen synthesis specifically and effectively in experimental animals. Induced and normal cyclical follicular maturation as well as normal and hCG/LH-induced ovulation were relatively unaffected by significantly depleting oestrogen in all animals (hamsters, rabbits, monkeys) studied other than rats. Fadrozole treatment significantly reduced the number of healthy antral follicles produced and the ovulatory response to exogenous hCG of immature rats primed with pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin. The effect was specific, in that exogenously administered oestrogen reversed the blockade. Depletion of oestrogen, starting early in pro-oestrus in hamsters, had no effect on ovulation, oocyte maturation and fertilization, as normal implantation sites were seen on day 6 after coitus. In rabbits, oestrogen depletion during the periovulatory phase affected oviductal morphology and function. Although fertilization was not impaired, early embryo development did not appear to be normal. In monkeys, oestrogen depletion during the follicular phase did not lead to a block of follicular maturation or ovulation but resulted in a significant reduction in secretion of cervical mucus. Administration of either Fadrozole or Tamoxifen during the early luteal phase in cyclic monkeys that were allowed to mate prevented implantation and this appears to be due to impaired fertilization or faulty embryo development. These results suggest that, although there is a clear requirement for oestrogen to support the reproductive cycle in the female, the need for oestrogen in regulating specific events is species dependent.


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The frequently observed lopsidedness of the distribution of stars and gas in disc galaxies is still considered as a major problem in galaxy dynamics. It is even discussed as an imprint of the formation history of discs and the evolution of baryons in dark matter haloes. Here, we analyse a selected sample of 70 galaxies from the Westerbork Hi Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. The Hi data allow us to follow the morphology and the kinematics out to very large radii. In the present paper, we present the rotation curves and study the kinematic asymmetry. We extract the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides separately and show that the kinematic behaviour of disc galaxies can be classified into five different types: symmetric velocity fields where the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides are almost identical; global distortions where the rotation velocities of the receding and approaching sides have an offset that is constant with radius; local distortions leading to large deviations in the inner and negligible deviations in the outer parts (and vice versa); and distortions that divide the galaxies into two kinematic systems that are visible in terms of the different behaviour of the rotation curves of the receding and approaching sides, which leads to a crossing and a change in side. The kinematic lopsidedness is measured from the maximum rotation velocities, averaged over the plateau of the rotation curves. This gives a good estimate of the global lopsidedness in the outer parts of the sample galaxies. We find that the mean value of the perturbation parameter denoting the lopsided potential as obtained from the kinematic data is 0.056. Altogether, 36% of the sample galaxies are globally lopsided, which can be interpreted as the disc responding to a halo that was distorted by a tidal encounter. In Paper II, we study the morphological lopsidedness of the same sample of galaxies.


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We review the current status of various aspects of biopolymer translocation through nanopores and the challenges and opportunities it offers. Much of the interest generated by nanopores arises from their potential application to third-generation cheap and fast genome sequencing. Although the ultimate goal of single-nucleotide identification has not yet been reached, great advances have been made both from a fundamental and an applied point of view, particularly in controlling the translocation time, fabricating various kinds of synthetic pores or genetically engineering protein nanopores with tailored properties, and in devising methods (used separately or in combination) aimed at discriminating nucleotides based either on ionic or transverse electron currents, optical readout signatures, or on the capabilities of the cellular machinery. Recently, exciting new applications have emerged, for the detection of specific proteins and toxins (stochastic biosensors), and for the study of protein folding pathways and binding constants of protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. The combined use of nanopores and advanced micromanipulation techniques involving optical/magnetic tweezers with high spatial resolution offers unique opportunities for improving the basic understanding of the physical behavior of biomolecules in confined geometries, with implications for the control of crucial biological processes such as protein import and protein denaturation. We highlight the key works in these areas along with future prospects. Finally, we review theoretical and simulation studies aimed at improving fundamental understanding of the complex microscopic mechanisms involved in the translocation process. Such understanding is a pre-requisite to fruitful application of nanopore technology in high-throughput devices for molecular biomedical diagnostics.


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We examine the shear-thinning behaviour of a two dimensional yield stress bearing monolayer of sorbitan tristearate at air/water interface. The flow curve consists of a linear region at low shear stresses/shear rates, followed by a stress plateau at higher values. The velocity profile obtained from particle imaging velocimetry indicates that shear banding occurs, showing coexistence of the fluidized region near the rotor and solid region with vanishing shear-rate away from the rotor. In the fluidized region, the velocity profile, which is linear at low shear rates, becomes exponential at the onset of shear-thinning, followed by a time varying velocity profile in the plateau region. At low values of constant applied shear rates, the viscosity of the film increases with time, thus showing aging behaviour like in soft glassy three-dimensional (3D) systems. Further, at the low values of the applied stress in the yield stress regime, the shear-rate fluctuations in time show both positive and negative values, similar to that observed in sheared 3D jammed systems. By carrying out a statistical analysis of these shear-rate fluctuations, we estimate the effective temperature of the soft glassy monolayer using the Galavatti-Cohen steady state fluctuation relation.


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The present work combines two rapidly growing research areas-functional supramolecular gels and lanthanide based hybrid materials. Facile hydrogel formation from several lanthanide(III) cholates has been demonstrated. The morphological and mechanical properties of these cholate gels were investigated by TEM and rheology. The hydrogel matrix was subsequently utilized for the sensitization of Tb(III) by doping a non-coordinating chromophore, 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN), at micromolar concentrations. In the mixed gels of Tb(III)-Eu(III), an energy transfer pathway was found to operate from Tb(III) to Eu(III) and by utilizing this energy transfer, tunable multiple-color luminescent hydrogels were obtained. The emissive properties of the hydrogels were also retained in the xerogels and their suspensions in n-hexane were used for making luminescent coating on glass surface.