982 resultados para soil respiration rate
L’imballaggio alimentare si può definire come un sistema coordinato per disporre i beni per il trasporto, la distribuzione, la conservazione, la vendita e l’utilizzo. Uno dei materiali maggiormente impiegati, nell’industria alimentare, per la produzione di imballaggi sono le materie plastiche. Esse sono sostanze organiche derivanti da petrolio greggio, sono composti solidi allo stato finito, ma possono essere modellate allo stato fluido. Un imballaggio alimentare deve svolgere determinate funzioni tra cui: - contenimento del prodotto - protezione del prodotto da agenti esterni - logistica - comunicativa - funzionale - ecologica L'ultimo punto sopracitato è il principale problema delle materie plastiche derivanti dal petrolio greggio. Questi materiali sono difficilmente riciclabili perché spesso un imballaggio è composto da più materiali stratificati o perché si trova a diretto contatto con gli alimenti. Inoltre questi materiali hanno un lungo tempo di degradazione (da 100 a 1000 anni) che ne rendono difficile e costoso lo smaltimento. Per questo nell’ultimo decennio è cominciata la ricerca di un materiale plastico, flessibile alle esigenze industriali e nel contempo biodegradabile. Una prima idea è stata quella di “imitare la natura” cercando di replicare macromolecole già esistenti (derivate da amido e zuccheri) per ottenere una sostanza plastico-simile utilizzabile per gli stessi scopi, ma biodegradabile in circa sei mesi. Queste bioplastiche non hanno preso piede per l’alto costo di produzione e perché risulta impossibile riconvertire impianti di produzione in tutto il mondo in tempi brevi. Una seconda corrente di pensiero ha indirizzato i propri sforzi verso l’utilizzo di speciali additivi aggiunti in minima misura (1%) ai classici materiali plastici e che ne permettono la biodegradazione in un tempo inferiore ai tre anni. Un esempio di questo tipo di additivi è l’ECM Masterbatch Pellets che è un copolimero di EVA (etilene vinil acetato) che aggiunto alle plastiche tradizionali rende il prodotto finale completamente biodegradabile pur mantenendo le proprie caratteristiche. Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato determinare le modificazioni di alcuni parametri qualitativi di nettarine di Romagna(cv.-Alexa®) confezionate-con-film-plastici-tradizionali-e-innovativi. I campioni di nettarine sono stati confezionati in cestini in plastica da 1 kg (sigillati con un film flow-pack macroforato) di tipo tradizionale in polipropilene (campione denominato TRA) o vaschette in polipropilene additivato (campione denominato BIO) e conservati a 4°C e UR 90-95% per 7 giorni per simulare un trasporto refrigerato successivamente i campioni sono stati posti in una camera a 20°C e U.R. 50% per 4 giorni al fine di simulare una conservazione al punto vendita. Al tempo 0 e dopo 4, 7, 9 e 11 giorni sono state effettuate le seguenti analisi: - coefficiente di respirazione è stato misurata la quantità di CO2 prodotta - indice di maturazione espresso come rapporto tra contenuto in solidi solubili e l’acidità titolabile - analisi di immagine computerizzata - consistenza della polpa del frutto è stata misurata attraverso un dinamometro Texture Analyser - contenuto in solidi totali ottenuto mediante gravimetria essiccando i campioni in stufa sottovuoto - caratteristiche sensoriali (Test Accettabilità) Conclusioni In base ai risultati ottenuti i due campioni non hanno fatto registrare dei punteggi significativamente differenti durante tutta la conservazione, specialmente per quanto riguarda i punteggi sensoriali, quindi si conclude che le vaschette biodegradabili additivate non influenzano la conservazione delle nettarine durante la commercializzazione del prodotto limitatamente ai parametri analizzati. Si ritiene opportuno verificare se il processo di degradazione del polimero additivato si inneschi già durante la commercializzazione della frutta e soprattutto verificare se durante tale processo vengano rilasciati dei gas che possono accelerare la maturazione dei frutti (p.e. etilene), in quanto questo spiegherebbe il maggiore tasso di respirazione e la più elevata velocità di maturazione dei frutti conservati in tali vaschette. Alimentary packaging may be defined as a coordinate system to dispose goods for transport, distribution, storage, sale and use. Among materials most used in the alimentary industry, for the production of packaging there are plastics materials. They are organic substances deriving from crude oil, solid compounds in the ended state, but can be moulded in the fluid state. Alimentary packaging has to develop determinated functions such as: - Product conteniment - Product protection from fieleders agents - logistic - communicative - functional - ecologic This last term is the main problem of plastic materials deriving from crude oil. These materials are hardly recyclable because a packaging is often composed by more stratified materials or because it is in direct contact with aliments. Beside these materials have a long degradation time(from 100 to 1000 years) that make disposal difficult and expensive. For this reason in the last decade the research for a new plastic material is begin, to make industrial demands more flexible and, at the same time, to make this material biodegradable: At first, the idea to “imitate the nature” has been thought, trying to reply macromolecules already existents (derived from amid and sugars) to obtain a similar-plastic substance that can be used for the same purposes, but it has to be biodegradable in about six months. These bioplastics haven’t more success bacause of the high production cost and because reconvert production facilities of all over the wolrd results impossible in short times. At second, the idea to use specials addictives has been thought. These addictives has been added in minim measure (1%) to classics plastics materials and that allow the biodegradation in a period of time under three years. An example of this kind of addictives is ECM Masterbatch Pellets which is a coplymer of EVA (Ethylene vinyl acetate) that, once it is added to tradizional plastics, make final product completely biodegradable however maintaining their own attributes. The objective of this thesis work has been to determinate modifications of some Romagna’s Nectarines’ (cv. Alexa®) qualitatives parameters which have been packaged-with traditional and innovative-plastic film. Nectarines’ samples have been packaged in plastic cages of 1 kg (sealed with a macro-drilled flow-pack film) of traditional type in polypropylene (sample named TRA) or trays in polypropylene with addictives (sample named BIO) and conservated at 4°C and UR 90-95% for 7 days to simulate a refrigerated transport. After that, samples have been put in a camera at 20°C and U.R. 50% for 4 days to simulate the conservation in the market point. At the time 0 and after 4, 7, 9 and 11 days have been done the following analaysis: - Respiration coefficient wherewith the amount CO2 producted has been misurated - Maturation index which is expressed as the ratio between solid soluble content and the titratable acidity - Analysis of computing images - Consistence of pulp of the fruit that has been measured through Texture Analyser Dynanometer - Content in total solids gotten throught gravimetry by the drying of samples in vacuum incubator - Sensorial characteristic (Panel Test) Consequences From the gotten results, the two samples have registrated no significative different scores during all the conservation, expecially about the sensorial scores, so it’s possible to conclude that addictived biodegradable trays don’t influence the Nectarines’ conservation during the commercialization of the product qualifiedly to analized parameters. It’s advised to verify if the degradation process of the addicted polymer may begin already during the commercialization of the fruit and in particular to verify if during this process some gases could be released which can accelerate the maturation of fruits (p.e. etylene), because all this will explain the great respiration rate and the high speed of the maturation of fruits conservated in these trays.
Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern, and their relationship with the main environmental and physiological parameters, were studied in an apple orchard for one year (2010). I combined three widely used methods: eddy covariance, soil respiration and biometric measurements, and I applied a measurement protocol allowing a cross-check between C fluxes estimated using different methods. I attributed NPP components to standing biomass increment, detritus cycle and lateral export. The influence of environmental and physiological parameters on NEE, GPP and Reco was analyzed with a multiple regression model approach. I found that both NEP and GPP of the apple orchard were of similar magnitude to those of forests growing in similar climate conditions, while large differences occurred in the allocation pattern and in the fate of produced biomass. Apple production accounted for 49% of annual NPP, organic material (leaves, fine root litter, pruned wood and early fruit drop) contributing to detritus cycle was 46%, and only 5% went to standing biomass increment. The carbon use efficiency (CUE), with an annual average of 0.68 ± 0.10, was higher than the previously suggested constant values of 0.47-0.50. Light and leaf area index had the strongest influence on both NEE and GPP. On a diurnal basis, NEE and GPP reached their peak approximately at noon, while they appeared to be limited by high values of VPD and air temperature in the afternoon. The proposed models can be used to explain and simulate current relations between carbon fluxes and environmental parameters at daily and yearly time scale. On average, the annual NEP balanced the carbon annually exported with the harvested apples. These data support the hypothesis of a minimal or null impact of the apple orchard ecosystem on net C emission to the atmosphere.
The present study investigates the relation of perceived arousal (continuous self-rating), autonomic nervous system activity (heart rate, heart rate variability) and musical characteristics (sound intensity, musical rhythm) upon listening to a complex musical piece. Twenty amateur musicians listened to two performances of Chopin's "Tristesse" with different rhythmic shapes. Besides conventional statistical methods for analyzing psychophysiological reactions (heart rate, respiration rate) and musical variables, semblance analysis was used. Perceived arousal correlated strongly with sound intensity; heart rate showed only a partial response to changes in sound intensity. Larger changes in heart rate were caused by the version with more rhythmic tension. The low-/high-frequency ratio of heart rate variability increased-whereas the high frequency component decreased-during music listening. We conclude that autonomic nervous system activity can be modulated not only by sound intensity but also by the interpreter's use of rhythmic tension. Semblance analysis enables us to track the subtle correlations between musical and physiological variables.
Heart rate and breathing rate fluctuations represent interacting physiological oscillations. These interactions are commonly studied using respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) of heart rate variability (HRV) or analyzing cardiorespiratory synchronization. Earlier work has focused on a third type of relationship, the temporal ratio of respiration rate and heart rate (HRR). Each method seems to reveal a specific aspect of cardiorespiratory interaction and may be suitable for assessing states of arousal and relaxation of the organism. We used HRR in a study with 87 healthy subjects to determine the ability to relax during 5 day-resting periods in comparison to deep sleep relaxation. The degree to which a person during waking state could relax was compared to somatic complaints, health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression. Our results show, that HRR is barely connected to balance (LF/HF) in HRV, but significantly correlates to the perception of general health and mental well-being as well as to depression. If relaxation, as expressed in HRR, during day-resting is near to deep sleep relaxation, the subjects felt healthier, indicated better mental well-being and less depressive moods.
Ecosystem functioning in grasslands is regulated by a range of biotic and abiotic factors, and the role of microbial communities in regulating ecosystem function has been the subject of much recent scrutiny. However, there are still knowledge gaps regarding the impacts of rainfall and vegetation change upon microbial communities and the implications of these changes for ecosystem functioning. We investigated this issue using data from an experimental mesotrophic grassland study in south-east England, which had been subjected to four years of rainfall and plant functional composition manipulations. Soil respiration, nitrogen and phosphorus stocks were measured, and the abundance and community structure of soil microbes were characterised using quantitative PCR and multiplex-TRFLP analysis, respectively. Bacterial community structure was strongly related to the plant functional composition treatments, but not the rainfall treatment. However, there was a strong effect of both rainfall change and plant functional group upon bacterial abundance. There was also a weak interactive effect of the two treatments upon fungal community structure, although fungal abundance was not affected by either treatment. Next, we used a statistical approach to assess whether treatment effects on ecosystem function were regulated by the microbial community. Our results revealed that ecosystem function was influenced by the experimental treatments, but was not related to associated changes to the microbial community. Overall, these results indicate that changes in fungal and bacterial community structure and abundance play a relatively minor role in determining grassland ecosystem function responses to precipitation and plant functional composition change, and that direct effects on soil physical and chemical properties and upon plant and microbial physiology may play a more important role.
A major goal of chemotherapy is to selectively kill cancer cells while minimizing toxicity to normal cells. Identifying biological differences between cancer and normal cells is essential in designing new strategies to improve therapeutic selectivity. Superoxide dismutases (SOD) are crucial antioxidant enzymes required for the elimination of superoxide (O2·− ), a free radical produced during normal cellular metabolism. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME), an estradiol derivative, inhibits the function of SOD and selectively kills human leukemia cells without exhibiting significant cytotoxicity in normal lymphocytes. The present work was initiated to examine the biochemical basis for the selective anticancer activity of 2-ME. Investigations using two-parameter flow cytometric analyses and ROS scavengers established that O2·− is a primary and essential mediator of 2-ME-induced apoptosis in cancer cells. In addition, experiments using SOD overexpression vectors and SOD knockout cells found that SOD is a critical target of 2-ME. Importantly, the administration of 2-ME resulted in the selective accumulation of O 2·− and apoptosis in leukemia and ovarian cancer cells. The preferential activity of 2-ME was found to be due to increased intrinsic oxidative stress in these cancer cells versus their normal counterparts. This intrinsic oxidative stress was associated with the upregulation of the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase as a mechanism to cope with the increase in ROS. Furthermore, oxygen consumption experiments revealed that normal lymphocytes decrease their respiration rate in response to 2-ME-induced oxidative stress, while human leukemia cells seem to lack this regulatory mechanism. This leads to an uncontrolled production of O2·−, severe accumulation of ROS, and ultimately ROS-mediated apoptosis in leukemia cells treated with 2-ME. The biochemical differences between cancer and normal cells identified here provide a basis for the development of drug combination strategies using 2-ME with other ROS-generating agents to enhance anticancer activity. The effectiveness of such a combination strategy in killing cancer cells was demonstrated by the use of 2-ME with agents/modalities such as ionizing radiation and doxorubicin. Collectively, the data presented here strongly suggests that 2-ME may have important clinical implications for the selective killing of cancer cells. ^
Standing stocks and production rates for phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria were examined during four expeditions in the western Arctic Ocean (Chukchi Sea and Canada Basin) in the spring and summer of 2002 and 2004. Rates of primary production (PP) and bacterial production (BP) were higher in the summer than in spring and in shelf waters than in the basin. Most surprisingly, PP was 3-fold higher in 2004 than in 2002; ice-corrected rates were 1581 and 458 mg C/m**2/d respectively, for the entire region. The difference between years was mainly due to low ice coverage in the summer of 2004. The spatial and temporal variation in PP led to comparable variation in BP. Although temperature explained as much variability in BP as did PP or phytoplankton biomass, there was no relationship between temperature and bacterial growth rates above about 0°C. The average ratio of BP to PP was 0.06 and 0.79 when ice-corrected PP rates were greater than and less than 100 mg C/m**2/d, respectively; the overall average was 0.34. Bacteria accounted for a highly variable fraction of total respiration, from 3% to over 60% with a mean of 25%. Likewise, the fraction of PP consumed by bacterial respiration, when calculated from growth efficiency (average of 6.9%) and BP estimates, varied greatly over time and space (7% to >500%). The apparent uncoupling between respiration and PP has several implications for carbon export and storage in the western Arctic Ocean.
The purpose of this study was the estimation of current and potential water erosion rates in Castellon Province (Spain) using RUSLE3D (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation-3D) model with Geographical Information System (GIS) support. RUSLE3D uses a new methodology for topographic factor estimation (LS factor) based on the impact of flow convergence allowing better assessment of sediment distribution detached by water erosion. In RUSLE3D equation, the effect that vegetation cover has on soil erosion rate is reflected by the C factor. Potential erosion indicates soil erosion rate without considering C factor in RUSLE3D equation. The results showed that 57% of estimated current erosion does not exceed 10 t/ha.year (low erosion). In the case of potential erosion rates, 5% of the area of Castellon Province does not exceed 10 t/ha.year but 55% exceed 200 t/ha.year. Based on these results, the current vegetation cover of Castellon Province is adequate but needs to be conserved to avoid an increase in the current soil erosion rates as shown by potential erosion rates.
Gran parte de los procesos microbianos que contribuyen a la fertilidad de los agroecosistemas y el ciclado de nutrientes ocurren en el suelo. Este ciclado de nutrientes depende críticamente de la actividad microbiológica de los suelos, la cual a su vez está mediada por la estructura y funcionamiento de la microbiota edáfica. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo, fue determinar si la actividad microbiana puede ser buena indicadora de la intensidad de uso del suelo, analizando: 1- si las diferencias en la intensidad de uso del suelo se relacionan con diferencias en la actividad microbiológica estimada a través de la respiración edáfica y la actividad enzimática; y 2- las posibles relaciones entre estas variables microbiológicas y las variables físico-químicas. Entre 2008 y 2010 se realizaron muestreos trimestrales en campos de la provincia de Buenos Aires en suelos Argiudoles bajo diferentes usos: 1- Agricultura intensiva continua, 2- Agricultura reciente, y 3- Pastizales naturalizados. Tres sitios de muestreo se seleccionaron como réplicas para cada uso de suelo, con 5 muestras por fecha y réplica. La actividad microbiana se evaluó midiendo la respiración edáfica y la actividad de las enzimas nitrogenasas y se analizaron variables físico- químicas. Tanto las variables microbiológicas como las físico-químicas se analizaron mediante Kruskall-Wallis (P < 0,05). Se exploró la asociación entre las variables físico-químicas y microbiológicas aplicando el coeficiente de correlación no paramétrico (Spearman). Los distintos usos de un mismo suelo presentaron diferencias en la actividad microbiológica. La respiración edáfica fue significativamente mayor en los pastizales naturalizados que en los sistemas con agricultura. La actividad nitrogenasa resultó significativamente mayor en los pastizales naturalizados respecto de la agricultura continua y no se diferenció significativamente de la agricultura reciente. Las variables físico- químicas resultaron menos consistentes en detectar diferencias entre usos. Se detectaron correlaciones significativas entre la actividad microbiológica y algunas de las variables físico-químicas. Los resultados muestran que la actividad microbiológica puede resultar útil para diferenciar intensidades de usos de suelo.