961 resultados para sigma-delta modulation


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Na fase de crise económica onde nos encontramos, a necessidade de distinguir da concorrência é essencial, essa vantagem competitiva pode ser o caminho para o sucesso de uma empresa, uma forma de conseguir essa vantagem competitiva passa pela redução dos desperdícios através da melhoria dos processos. É neste ponto que a metodologia Seis Sigma se torna uma ferramenta de elevada importância, permitindo optimizar um processo até a um nível com 3,4 defeitos por milhão de oportunidades. Neste projecto foi utilizado o método Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) para redução dos desperdícios numa fábrica de embalagens flexíveis em 25%, mais concretamente no processo de impressão em Rotogravura, durante o projecto foram identificados os principais problemas, sugeridas, implementadas e analisadas diversas medidas de melhoria para redução do desperdício e consequente aumento do nível Sigma. Na fase Definir são determinados os requisitos do projecto assim como foi feita uma compreensão global do problema em estudo. Na fase Medir é calculado o desempenho do processo. Na fase Analisar são identificadas as principais causas do problema. É na fase Melhorar que são implementadas as acções de melhoria, e por fim na fase Controlar são implementadas acções de controlo sobre o processo para possibilitar acções quando o mesmo desvia de um normal desempenho.


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A globalização da indústria leva a ambientes industriais cada vez mais competitivos em que a redução de desperdícios e melhoria dos sistemas produtivos e logísticos tornam-se fatores críticos para o sucesso e sustentabilidade de uma organização. Desta forma, a presente dissertação tem como âmbito a melhoria contínua em sistemas logísticos de produção através de uma perspetiva Lean Seis Sigma (modelo híbrido) testado e implementado na Visteon Portuguesa Lda. Neste modelo proposto serão identificadas oportunidades de melhoria no fluxo logístico de produção, no sistema de armazenamento e no processo produtivo e a sua implementação. Estas serão identificadas com base na elaboração do Value Stream Mapping (VSM) do processo produtivo do cluster B299 High. Posteriormente, serão aplicados métodos e ferramentas Lean e Seis Sigma que permitirão atingir o objetivo estipulado para cada uma. A nível do fluxo logístico de produção, foi introduzido o Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) de forma a estudar a configuração existente e as suas restrições, bem como a existência de um rearranjo na mesma que seja vantajoso para a redução do tempo despendido em transporte de materiais entre zonas da configuração. Com o intuito de minimizar o manuseamento dos materiais foi desenvolvido e proposto um novo sistema de transporte. Para a melhoria do sistema de armazenagem, foram criados armazéns distintos dependendo do tipo de material armazenado, e uma análise ABC para identificar quais os produtos com maior número de movimentações e assim, definir qual a melhor configuração das localizações nas racks. Para o abastecimento dos materiais, torna-se também necessário a conceção e implementação de um sistema order picking, tendo como objetivo a agilização do sistema de armazenagem. Por último, foi desenvolvido um estudo DMAIC para melhorar o processo produtivo, com o intuito de aumentar a performance do mesmo através da redução de scrap.


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Com a crescente competitividade dos mercados, em parte devido à conjuntura económica atual, as organizações viram-se obrigadas a adotar estratégias de gestão que lhes permitissem reduzir custos e aumentar a eficácia e eficiência dos seus processos. Como tal, são cada vez mais as empresas que apostam em práticas de melhoria contínua, para de um modo estruturado fazerem face ao desperdício gerado ao longo da cadeia de abastecimento, bem como à variabilidade dos seus processos. Uma das abordagens frequentemente utilizada dentro das empresas industriais é o Lean Seis Sigma. O ciclo DMAIC é um método sequencial que por meio das etapas Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve e Control, auxilia a implementação estruturada de iniciativas de melhoria contínua, tais como os projetos Lean Seis Sigma. O objetivo do caso de estudo da presente dissertação é, através da criação de stocks de segurança e da otimização do nível de stocks de produto acabado, alcançar uma redução do valor financeiro imobilizado no armazém de produto final de uma empresa da indústria vidreira. Nesse sentido, foram aplicadas diversas ferramentas Lean e Seis Sigma com o intuito de recolher dados válidos, analisar as causas da raiz do problema e ulteriormente propor as devidas melhorias. Constatou-se que a inexistência de stocks de segurança, bem como a ausência de uma classificação dos stocks de acordo a média diária de expedições, influi negativamente na organização dos níveis de stock de uma empresa, levando a que a rotatividade dos artigos seja reduzida. Consequentemente, a aplicação do ciclo DMAIC, com especial enfoque na Análise ABC como ferramenta de gestão e controlo de stocks, gera benefícios que podem ser traduzidos para outras organizações, ao nível do aumento da qualidade e da satisfação dos clientes.


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The use, manipulation and application of electrical currents, as a controlled interference mechanism in the human body system, is currently a strong source of motivation to researchers in areas such as clinical, sports, neuroscience, amongst others. In electrical stimulation (ES), the current applied to tissue is traditionally controlled concerning stimulation amplitude, frequency and pulse-width. The main drawbacks of the transcutaneous ES are the rapid fatigue induction and the high discomfort induced by the non-selective activation of nervous fibers. There are, however, electrophysiological parameters whose response, like the response to different stimulation waveforms, polarity or a personalized charge control, is still unknown. The study of the following questions is of great importance: What is the physiological effect of the electric pulse parametrization concerning charge, waveform and polarity? Does the effect change with the clinical condition of the subjects? The parametrization influence on muscle recruitment can retard fatigue onset? Can parametrization enable fiber selectivity, optimizing the motor fibers recruitment rather than the nervous fibers, reducing contraction discomfort? Current hardware solutions lack flexibility at the level of stimulation control and physiological response assessment. To answer these questions, a miniaturized, portable and wireless controlled device with ES functions and full integration with a generic biosignals acquisition platform has been created. Hardware was also developed to provide complete freedom for controlling the applied current with respect to the waveform, polarity, frequency, amplitude, pulse-width and duration. The impact of the methodologies developed is successfully applied and evaluated in the contexts of fundamental electrophysiology, psycho-motor rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders diagnosis. This PhD project was carried out in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), in straight collaboration with PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A. company and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.


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This work tests different delta hedging strategies for two products issued by Banco de Investimento Global in 2012. The work studies the behaviour of the delta and gamma of autocallables and their impact on the results when delta hedging with different rebalancing periods. Given its discontinuous payoff and path dependency, it is suggested the hedging portfolio is rebalanced on a daily basis to better follow market changes. Moreover, a mixed strategy is analysed where time to maturity is used as a criterion to change the rebalancing frequency.


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No desenvolvimento deste caso de estudo, dentro do Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge utilizou-se o Seis Sigma como metodologia e como métrica, de maneira a estruturar de forma intuitiva a sua aplicação na resolução de problemas e definir o principal objetivo. Como metodologia, o Seis Sigma recorre a diversas técnicas e ferramentas da qualidade, que visam a melhoria contínua de procedimentos. Enquanto métrica, o Seis Sigma apresenta uma meta a atingir para a qualidade. O ideal seria atingir-se a meta dos Seis Sigma, que significa 3,4 defeitos por milhão de oportunidades (taxa de defeitos de um determinado procedimento). Para reduzir a variabilidade de resultados entre laboratórios, referentes ao parâmetro Cortisol Sérico, aplicou-se o ciclo DMAIC (Define – Measure – Analyze – Improve – Control), a que correspondem cinco etapas diferentes. Em cada uma destas etapas utilizam-se as técnicas e ferramentas da qualidade, como referido anteriormente acerca do Seis Sigma enquanto metodologia, com o objetivo de melhorar processos. Inicia-se a primeira etapa com a identificação do problema e finaliza-se a última com o controlo e monitorização dos efeitos provocados pelas ações de melhoria implementadas. O objetivo dos programas de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade do Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade é avaliar a performance quanto à variabilidade/uniformidade de resultados entre os laboratórios participantes. É de extrema importância a harmonização de resultados clínicos entre laboratórios, pois são estes resultados que fornecem informações ao profissional de saúde, sobre o estado de saúde do paciente, auxiliando no diagnóstico, tratamento e controlo de doenças. Caso isto não aconteça, será um fator crítico que pode fazer a diferença na saúde pública. Foram identificadas as causas de erros sistemáticos, causas de inexatidão laboratorial, a nível de métodos, equipamentos, reagentes e calibradores utilizados em laboratório e implementadas ações de melhoria mais relevantes. No final obteve-se um nível de qualidade sigma superior ao inicial, tal como tinha sido previsto nos objetivos. O nível da qualidade deve ser controlado ao longo do tempo, com o objetivo de identificar novas anomalias e melhorar continuamente.


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Notch is a conserved signalling pathway, which plays a crucial role in a multiple cellular processes such as stem cell self-renewal, cell division, proliferation and apoptosis. In mammalian, four Notch receptors and five ligands are described, where interaction is achieved through their extracellular domains, leading to a transcription activation of different target genes. Increased expression of Notch ligands has been detected in several types of cancer, including breast cancer suggesting that these proteins represent possible therapeutic targets. The goal of this work was to generate quality protein targets and, by phage display technology, select function-blocking antibodies specific for Notch ligands. Phage display is a powerful technique that allows the generation of highly specific antibodies to be used for therapeutics, and it has also proved to be a reliable approach in identifying and validating new cancer-related targets. Also, we aimed at solving the tri-dimensional structure of the Notch ligands alone and in complex with selected antibodies. In this work, the initial phase focused on the optimization of the expression and purification of a human Delta-like 1 ligand mutant construct (hDLL1-DE3), by refolding from E. coli inclusion bodies. To confirm the biological activity of the produced recombinant protein cellular functional studies were performed, revealing that treatment with hDLL1-DE3 protein led to a modulation of Notch target genes. In a second stage of this study, Antibody fragments (Fabs) specific for hDLL1-DE3 were generated by phage display, using the produced protein as target, in which one good Fab candidate was selected to determine the best expression conditions. In parallel, multiple crystallization conditions were tested with hDLL1-DE3, but so far none led to positive results.


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RESUMO - O ácido δ-aminolevulínico presente na urina (ALA-U) é generalizadamente aceite como um indicador adequado para a vigilância de saúde de trabalhadores expostos a chumbo. A necessidade ou não de recurso a colheitas de urina de 24 horas para um correcto doseamento desse metabolito tem, entretanto, suscitado algumas dúvidas. Num estudo abrangendo 45 indivíduos (28 dos quais profissionalmente expostos a chumbo inorgânico) efectuou-se o doseamento do ALA em urinas colhidas durante 24 horas e em urina de colheita única. Confirmou-se a existência de uma boa correlação entre o ALA urinário e a plumbemia e que o tipo de colheita de urina efectuada não influencia significativamente essa associação. Contudo, pela apreciação das variações interindividuais registadas, parece aconselhável que seja privilegiado o doseamento em urinas de 24 horas.


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The work presented in this thesis aims at developing a new separation process based on the application of supported magnetic ionic liquid membranes, SMILMs, using magnetic ionic liquids, MILs. MILs have attracted growing interest due to their ability to change their physicochemical characteristics when exposed to variable magnetic field conditions. The magnetic responsive behavior of MILs is thus expected to contribute for the development of more efficient separation processes, such as supported liquid membranes, where MILs may be used as a selective carrier. Driven by the MILs behavior, these membranes are expected to switch reversibly their permeability and selectivity by in situ and non-invasive adjustment of the conditions (e.g. intensity, direction vector and uniformity) of an external applied magnetic field. The development of these magnetic responsive membrane processes were anticipated by studies, performed along the first stage of this PhD work, aiming at getting a deep knowledge on the influence of magnetic field on MILs properties. The influence of the magnetic field on the molecular dynamics and structural rearrangement of MILs ionic network was assessed through a 1H-NMR technique. Through the 1H-NMR relaxometry analysis it was possible to estimate the self-diffusion profiles of two different model MILs, [Aliquat][FeCl4] and [P66614][FeCl4]. A comparative analysis was established between the behavior of magnetic and non-magnetic ionic liquids, MILs and ILs, to facilitate the perception of the magnetic field impact on MILs properties. In contrast to ILs, MILs show a specific relaxation mechanism, characterized by the magnetic dependence of their self-diffusion coefficients. MILs self-diffusion coefficients increased in the presence of magnetic field whereas ILs self-diffusion was not affected. In order to understand the reasons underlying the magnetic dependence of MILs self-diffusion, studies were performed to investigate the influence of the magnetic field on MILs’ viscosity. It was observed that the MIL´s viscosity decreases with the increase of the magnetic field, explaining the increase of MILs self-diffusion according to the modified Stokes- Einstein equation. Different gas and liquid transport studies were therefore performed aiming to determine the influence of the magnetic behavior of MILs on solute transport through SMILMs. Gas permeation studies were performed using pure CO2 andN2 gas streams and air, using a series of phosphonium cation based MILs, containing different paramagnetic anions. Transport studies were conducted in the presence and absence of magnetic field at a maximum intensity of 1.5T. The results revealed that gas permeability increased in the presence of the magnetic field, however, without affecting the membrane selectivity. The increase of gas permeability through SMILMs was related to the decrease of the MILs viscosity under magnetic field conditions.(...)


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In this work we are going to evaluate the different assumptions used in the Black- Scholes-Merton pricing model, namely log-normality of returns, continuous interest rates, inexistence of dividends and transaction costs, and the consequences of using them to hedge different options in real markets, where they often fail to verify. We are going to conduct a series of tests in simulated underlying price series, where alternatively each assumption will be violated and every option delta hedging profit and loss analysed. Ultimately we will monitor how the aggressiveness of an option payoff causes its hedging to be more vulnerable to profit and loss variations, caused by the referred assumptions.


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Tissue-to-tissue interfaces are commonly present in all tissues exhibiting structural, biological and chemical gradients serving a wide range of physiological functions. These interfaces are responsible for mediation of load transfer between two adjacent tissues. They are also important structures in sustaining the cellular communications to retain tissueâ s functional integration and homeostasis. [1] All cells have the capacity to sense and respond to physical and chemical stimulus and when cultured in three-dimensional (3D) environments they tend to perform their function better than in two-dimensional (2D) environments. Spatial and temporal 3D gradient hydrogels better resemble the natural environment of cells in mimicking their extracellular matrix. [2] In this study we hypothesize that differential functional properties can be engineered by modulation of macromolecule gradients in a cell seeded threedimensional hydrogel system. Specifically, differential paracrine secretory profiles can be engineered using human Bone Marrow Stem Cells (hBMSCâ s). Hence, the specific objectives of this study are to: assemble the macromolecular gradient hydrogels to evaluate the suitablity for hBMSCâ s encapsulation by cellular viability and biofunctionality by assessing the paracrine secretion of hBMSCâ s over time. The gradient hydrogels solutions were prepared by blend of macromolecules in one solution such as hyaluronic (HA) acid and collagen (Col) at different ratios. The gradient hydrogels were fabricated into cylindrical silicon moulds with higher ratio solutions assembled at the bottom of the mould and adding the two solutions consecutively on top of each other. The labelling of the macromolecules was performed to confirm the gradient through fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, AFM was conducted to assess the gradient hydrogels stiffness. Gradient hydrogels characterization was performed by HA and Col degradation assay, degree of crosslinking and stability. hBMSCâ s at P3 were encapsulated into each batch solution at 106 cells/ml solution and gradient hydrogels were produced as previously described. The hBMSCâ s were observed under confocal microscopy to assess viability by Live/Dead® staining. Cellular behaviour concerning proliferation and matrix deposition was also performed. Secretory cytokine measurement for pro-inflammatory and angiogenesis factors was carried out using ELISA. At genomic level, qPCR was carried out. The 3D gradient hydrogels platform made of different macromolecules showed to be a suitable environment for hBMSCâ s. The hBMSCâ s gradient hydrogels supported high cell survival and exhibited biofunctionality. Besides, the 3D gradient hydrogels demonstrated differentially secretion of pro-inflammatory and angiogenic factors by the encapsulated hBMSCâ s. References: 1. Mikos, AG. et al., Engineering complex tissues. Tissue Engineering 12,3307, 2006 2. Phillips, JE. et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 26:12170-5, 2008


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Companies from the motorcycles components branch are dealing with a dynamic environment, resulting from the introduction of new products and the increase of market demand. This dynamic environment requires frequent changes in production lines and requires flexibility in the processes, which can cause reductions in the level of quality and productivity. This paper presents a Lean Six Sigma improvement project performed in a production line of the company's machining sector, in order to eliminate losses that cause low productivity, affecting the fulfillment of the production plan and customer satisfaction. The use of Lean methodology following the DMAIC stages allowed analyzing the factors that influence the line productivity loss. The major problems and causes that contribute to a reduction on productivity and that were identified in this study are the lack of standardization in the setup activities and the excessive stoppages for adjustment of the processes that caused an increase of defects. Control charts, Pareto analysis and cause-and-effect diagrams were used to analyze the problem. On the improvement stage, the changes were based on the reconfiguration of the line layout as well as the modernization of the process. Overall, the project justified an investment in new equipment, the defective product units were reduced by 84% and an increase of 29% of line capacity was noticed.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada – Biomedicina


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the heart rate variability in patients with mild to moderate systemic arterial hypertension. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy (group I) and 70 systemic arterial hypertensive (group II) individuals, divided according to age (40 to 59 and 60 to 80 years old, respectively) and with a similar distribution by sex were studied. Thirty-one had left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), 22 were overweight, and 16 had Type II diabetes mellitus. Smoking, alcohol ingestion, and sedentary habits were the same between groups. Variability in heart rate was analyzed in the time domain, using standard deviations of normal RR intervals (SDNN) and the differences between maximal brady- and tachycardia (D-BTmax) during sustained inspiration. Analysis of the frequency band of the power spectrum between 0.05 and 0.40 Hz at rest and during controlled respiration was chosen for analysis of the frequency domain. RESULTS: In both time and frequency domains, variables were lower in group II than in group I. Within groups, statistically significant variables were only found for individuals in the 40 to 59 year old group. The presence of LVH, overweight, or diabetes mellitus did not influence the variability in heart rate to a significant extent. CONCLUSION: Variability in heart rate was a valuable instrument for analyzing autonomic modulation of the heart in arterial hypertension. The autonomic system undergoes significant losses in cardio-modulatory capacity, more evident in subjects between 40 and 59 years old. In those over 60 years old, reduced variability in heart rate imposed by aging was not significantly influenced by the presence of systemic arterial hypertension.