971 resultados para siglo 21


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop entitled, "Biological Platforms as Sensor Technologies and their Use as Indicators for the Marine Environment" was held in Seward, Alaska, September 19 - 21,2007. The workshop was co-hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC). The workshop was attended by 25 participants representing a wide range of research scientists, managers, and manufacturers who develop and deploy sensory equipment using aquatic vertebrates as the mode of transport. Eight recommendations were made by participants at the conclusion of the workshop and are presented here without prioritization: 1. Encourage research toward development of energy scavenging devices of suitable sizes for use in remote sensing packages attached to marine animals. 2. Encourage funding sources for development of new sensor technologies and animal-borne tags. 3. Develop animal-borne environmental sensor platforms that offer more combined systems and improved data recovery methodologies, and expand the geographic scope of complementary fixed sensor arrays. 4. Engage the oceanographic community by: a. Offering a mini workshop at an AGU ocean sciences conference for people interested in developing an ocean carbon program that utilizes animal-borne sensor technology. b. Outreach to chemical oceanographers. 5. Min v2d6.sheepserver.net e and merge technologies from other disciplines that may be applied to marine sensors (e.g. biomedical field). 6. Encourage the NOAA Permitting Office to: a. Make a more predictable, reliable, and consistent permitting system for using animal platforms. b. Establish an evaluation process. c. Adhere to established standards. 7. Promote the expanded use of calibrated hydrophones as part of existing animal platforms. 8. Encourage the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) to promote animal tracking as effective samplers of the marine environment, and use of animals as ocean sensor technology platforms. [PDF contains 20 pages]


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a workshop on Evaluating Approaches and Technologies for Monitoring Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment in Ann Arbor, MI on July 21-23, 2006. The primary objectives of this workshop were to: 1) identify the priority management information needs relative to organic contaminant loading; 2) explore the most appropriate approaches to estimating mass loading; and 3) evaluate the current status of the sensor technology. To meet these objectives, a mixture of leading research scientists, resource managers, and industry representatives were brought together for a focused two-day workshop. The workshop featured four plenary talks followed by breakout sessions in which arranged groups of participants where charged to respond to a series of focused discussion questions. At present, there are major concerns about the inadequacies in approaches and technologies for quantifying mass emissions and detection of organic contaminants for protecting municipal water supplies and receiving waters. Managers use estimates of land-based contaminant loadings to rivers, lakes, and oceans to assess relative risk among various contaminant sources, determine compliance with regulatory standards, and define progress in source reduction. However, accurately quantifying contaminant loading remains a major challenge. Loading occurs over a range of hydrologic conditions, requiring measurement technologies that can accommodate a broad range of ambient conditions. In addition, in situ chemical sensors that provide a means for acquiring continuous concentration measurements are still under development, particularly for organic contaminants that typically occur at low concentrations. Better approaches and strategies for estimating contaminant loading, including evaluations of both sampling design and sensor technologies, need to be identified. The following general recommendations were made in an effort to advance future organic contaminant monitoring: 1. Improve the understanding of material balance in aquatic systems and the relationship between potential surrogate measures (e.g., DOC, chlorophyll, particle size distribution) and target constituents. 2. Develop continuous real-time sensors to be used by managers as screening measures and triggers for more intensive monitoring. 3. Pursue surrogate measures and indicators of organic pollutant contamination, such as CDOM, turbidity, or non-equilibrium partitioning. 4. Develop continuous field-deployable sensors for PCBs, PAHs, pyrethroids, and emerging contaminants of concern and develop strategies that couple sampling approaches with tools that incorporate sensor synergy (i.e., measure appropriate surrogates along with the dissolved organics to allow full mass emission estimation).[PDF contains 20 pages]


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The co-organized Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) and National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Workshop "Meteorological Buoy Sensors Workshop" convened in Solomons, Maryland, April 19 to 21,2006, sponsored by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) Chesapeake Bay Laboratory (CBL), an ACT partner institution. Participants from various sectors including resource managers and industry representatives collaborated to focus on technologies and sensors that measure the near surface variables of wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature. The vendor list was accordingly targeted at companies that produced these types of sensors. The managers represented a cross section of federal, regional and academic marine observing interests from around the country. Workshop discussions focused on the challenges associated with making marine meteorological observations in general and problems that were specific to a particular variable. Discussions also explored methods to mitigate these challenges through the adoption of best practices, improved technologies and increased standardization. Some of the key workshop outcomes and recommendations included: 0cean.US should establish a committee devoted to observations. The committee would have a key role in developing observing standards. The community should adopt the target cost, reliability and performance standards drafted for a typical meteorological package to be used by a regional observing system. A forum should be established to allow users and manufacturers to share best practices for the employment of marine meteorological sensors. The ACT website would host the forum. Federal activities that evaluate meteorological sensors should make their results publicly available. ACT should extend their evaluation process to include meteorological sensors. A follow on workshop should be conducted that covers the observing of meteorological variables not addressed by this workshop. (pdf contains 18 pages)


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se ha realizado una producci??n cient??fica de la Praxiolog??a Motriz en el siglo XXI, a partir de los art??culos, libros, tesis, congresos y seminarios de ocho autores referencia, tanto a nivel estatal como mundial dentro de este ??mbito. El objetivo de esta producci??n cient??fica es determinar si todo lo que se ha recopilado y clasificado sobre estos autores pertenece al ??mbito de la Praxiolog??a motriz. La b??squeda de art??culos se ha realizado principalmente, mediante la base de datos Dialnet, mientras que la herramienta para la clasificaci??n y el dise??o de las tablas y cuadros se ha realizado con el sistema inform??tico Microsoft Excel??. Durante este periodo se han publicado un total de 60 art??culos cient??ficos, con un promedio de 7.5 art??culos por autor, cuatro art??culos al a??o y a raz??n de 8.5 art??culos por apartado. Estos datos indican que la producci??n cient??fica es pobre ya que tan solo tres autores son los que centran la mayor??a de publicaciones y tres los apartados con la mayor??a de textos. Se ha enfatizado la necesidad de tener facilidad para una informaci??n mayor sobre art??culos, seminarios y congresos para tener mayor volumen de art??culos dado que 43 son los art??culos que se han quedado sin clasificar.


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Auf der 21. Sitzung des Fischkomitees wurden die in den letzten 4 Jahren mit dem Ziel der Vereinfachung überarbeiteten Standardentwürfe für Erzeugnisse abschließend beraten und an die Kommission zur Annahme überwiesen. Die verschiedenen Codes of Practice werden am Beispiel des von einer Arbeitsgruppe revidierten und um HACCP-Prinzipien erweiterten Codes für tiefgefrorene Fischfilets von 7 neu eingesetzten Arbeitsgruppen überarbeitet. Eine Regelung über Richtwerte für Quecksilber in Fischen ist in Aussicht.


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Results of the investigation on certain problems of the nutrition of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in Rybinsk Reservoir (Russia) are reviewed. To clarify the composition of the food of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in this period, experiments were provided on their nutrition by cyclopids and rotifers.


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Lan honekin historiako garai ezberdinek, batez ere XX. mendeko bigarren erdikoa, enpresa publikoaren gain izandako eragina ikusi nahi izan da. Horrez gain, sektore batzuetan enpresa publikoaren jarduera eta horietan lortu zituen emaitzak aztertu nahi izan dira. Beraz, helburua Espainiako enpresa publikoaren historia ikustea izan da. Horregatik, lehenengo enpresa publikoaren definizioa eta aurrekariak (XVIII. eta XIX. mendeak) azaldu dira eta, horren ondoren, XX. mendea aztertu da. Horretarako, XVIII. errege fabrikak eta pribilegiodun merkatal konpainia batzuk eta XIX. mendeko liberalismoak horien gain izandako eragina ikusi da. XX. mendeari dagokionez, ikusi denez, gutxienez bigarren erdian, INI-a izan zen garrantzia gehien izan zuen erakundea eta horregatik, bere jarduera eta politiken bilakaera aztertu da batez ere. Horrez gain, INI-a desagertu arte sortutako beste bi erakunde ikusi dira INH eta TENEO. Azkenik, INI-a ordezkatu zuten AIE eta SEPI erakundeak ikusi dira.


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This translation includes selected passages of a longer paper on Mastigophora and Rhizopoda found in saline lakes Weissovo and Repnoie. The translation focuses on describing taxonomy and morphology of Ochromonas species and Pedinella. Plates and figures of the original paper are not included in the translation.


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Resumen (ESPAÑOL) En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de analizar la evolución, tanto del concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible, como de la herramienta Agenda 21 Local, verificando la creciente preocupación que se está extendiendo en la ciudadanía, en las instituciones y en las empresas, así como la irreversibilidad de la mayoría de los resultados alcanzados. En este marco, se han estudiado los casos concretos de la implantación de la Agenda 21 Local en Europa, España, Euskadi y Getxo, por ser este último el municipio en el que resido. Con este estudio, se confirma la hipótesis de que, aunque en la implantación de la Agenda 21 Local se aprecia un esfuerzo realizado notable, queda todavía mucho camino por recorrer en la senda hacia la sostenibilidad.


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Mediante el análisis de la balanza comercial española desde la época posterior a la Guerra Civil hasta el Plan de Estabilización y Liberalización, se intenta explicar la evolución de la economía española. La evolución del comercio exterior fue la pieza clave para el estancamiento de la economía en su conjunto debido a las políticas autárquicas del gobierno de Franco, que poco a poco se fueron flexibilizando hasta lograr una total apertura hacia el exterior. Esta apertura vino como consecuencia del Plan de Estabilización y supuso el saneamiento de todos los sectores de la economía (agricultura, industria, hacienda pública, sector crediticio…), así como un cambio en las pautas del consumo de la sociedad española. Se crean nuevas necesidades que es preciso cubrir, y frecuentemente hay que acudir al comercio internacional para abastecerlas. Tras las medidas liberalizadoras de 1959, nace un sector que se convierte en el engranaje de la economía española: el turismo, ya que gracias a él se obtienen divisas que permiten a la economía entrar en el libre juego de mercado en el terreno internacional. El turismo, junto con las remesas de los emigrantes a sus familias, son los elementos que tiran de una economía desabastecida en muchos casos de productos básicos, y que contaba con una industria arcaica y desestructurada.