982 resultados para professional success
En aquest treball de fi de carrera s'estudia en què consisteix en SIG i les seves característiques, en concret es realitza l'estudi d'un SIG comercial, GEOMEDIA PROFESSIONAL 5.2 D'aquest producte es presenta el problema de sincronització de les etiquetes amb les entitats que etiqueten, i es planteja una solució a aquest problema, mitjançant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació implementada amb MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 6.0
El ventall de camps on s'apliquen els SIG creix cada dia, de manera que és un dels terrenys amb més possibilitats d'expansió actualment. En aquest treball es donen les bases, tant teòriques com pràctiques, per a poder-se introduir en aquest món.
National and international registries are essential tools for establishing new standards and comparing success rates, but they do not take into account the total pregnancy/delivery rate per oocyte recovery. In Switzerland and Germany, because of legal constraints, a maximum of three two-pronuclear zygotes are allocated for transfer whereas all the supernumerary pronuclear zygotes are immediately cryopreserved, preventing selection of the transferred embryos. We report on a 10 years' experience (1993-2002) of our centre which performs transfers of unselected embryos and cryopreservation at the two-pronuclear zygote stage. As approximately 30% of all deliveries are from cryo cycles, it is essential to take into account the contribution of the cryo transfers, and we propose therefore to evaluate, as a measure of IVF performance, the cumulated delivery rate per oocyte pick-up. This delivery rate is broken down further into the cumulated singleton delivery rate (CUSIDERA) and the cumulated twin delivery rate (CUTWIDERA). The sum (S) of these two rates is a measure of efficacy while the ratio CUTWIDERA/S as a percentage is a measure of safety of IVF treatments. Using these new indexes, the average 10 year efficacy and safety of our IVF programme were 26 and 19%, respectively. Both CUSIDERA and CUTWIDERA can be calculated easily in any clinical situation and yield useful parameters for patient counselling and internal/external benchmarking purposes.
The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men in their 65th year in Northern Ireland.The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening. There is evidence of a significant reduction (45%) in mortality from AAA in those men aged between 65 and 79 years who undergo ultrasound screening. Men older than 65 years will be able to opt into the programme and request screening through the central screening office.There is also evidence of the long-term cost-effectiveness of AAA screening in men and further evidence that the early mortality benefit from screening is maintained.The items available for download here were in the professional information pack that was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies prior to the launch of the programme.The invitation leaflet is sent out to all eligible men with the letter inviting them to screening.�The results leaflets are for men diagnosed with a small, medium or large AAA. The relevant result leaflet is given to men directly after their scan.�The poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies in the run-up to the launch of the programme as a means of raising awareness.The information sheet outlines the structure of the programme, the screening process and the primary care that follows for those men diagnosed with an AAA. It also highlights the risk factors and has stats on AAA prevalence.The frequently asked questions address issues relating to all aspects of the programme: what is an AAA, roll-out of the programme, the screening process, the scan itself, the possible results, the available treatment, and how personal information is used.
Aquest document vol explicar en què consisteix el sistema EBP, com pot facilitar la gestió de proveïment d'una empresa i quines eines proporciona.
This guidance is aimed at professionals who come into contact with stimulant drug users through their work. This may include those in the community and voluntary sectors or in health and social care.
This factsheet for health professionals contains information on E. coli O157, a strain of bacteria that can cause severe disease in humans.Information on prevention is included.
To assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary evaluation and referral process in a prospective cohort of general hospital patients with alcohol dependence. Alcohol-dependent patients were identified in the wards of the general hospital and its primary care center. They were evaluated and then referred to treatment by a multidisciplinary team; those patients who accepted to participate in this cohort study were consecutively included and followed for 6 months. Not included patients were lost for follow-up, whereas all included patients were assessed at time of inclusion, 2 and 6 months later by a research psychologist in order to collect standardized baseline patients' characteristics, process salient features and patients outcomes (defined as treatment adherence and abstinence). Multidisciplinary evaluation and therapeutic referral was feasible and effective, with a success rate of 43%for treatment adherence and 28%for abstinence at 6 months. Among patients' characteristics, predictors of success were an age over 45, not living alone, being employed and being motivated to treatment (RAATE-A score < 18), whereas successful process characteristics included detoxification of the patient at time of referral and a full multidisciplinary referral meeting. This multidisciplinary model of evaluation and referral of alcohol dependent patients of a general hospital had a satisfactory level of effectiveness. Predictors of success and failure allow to identify subsets of patients for whom new strategies of motivation and treatment referral should be designed.
Assessorament psicopedagògic al centre per a dissenyar una proposta de millora del Pla d'orientació acadèmica i professional (POAP), integrat dins del Pla d'acció tutorial global, a partir de la revisió del recull d'activitats que s'estan fent fins ara pel que fa a l'orientació acadèmica i professional i de la incorporació de les noves aportacions dels corrents teòrics actuals centrats en l'educació per a la carrera.
Background: Although the proportion of women in medicine is growing, female physicians continue to be disadvantaged in professional activities. The purpose of the study was to determine and compare the professional activities of female and male primary care physicians in Andalusia and to assess the effect of the health center on the performance of these activities. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, and multicenter study. Setting: Spain. Participants: Population: urban health centers and their physicians. Sample: 88 health centers and 500 physicians. Independent variable: gender. Measurements: Control variables: age, postgraduate family medicine specialty (FMS), patient quota, patients/day, hours/day housework from Monday to Friday, idem weekend, people at home with special care, and family situation. Dependent variables: 24 professional activities in management, teaching, research, and the scientific community. Self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive, bivariate, and multilevel logistic regression analyses. Results: Response: 73.6%. Female physicians: 50.8%. Age: female physicians, 49.1 ± 4.3 yrs; male physicians, 51.3 ± 4.9 yrs (p < 0.001). Female physicians with FMS: 44.2%, male physicians with FMS: 33.3% (p < 0.001). Female physicians dedicated more hours to housework and more frequently lived alone versus male physicians. There were no differences in healthcare variables. Thirteen of the studied activities were less frequently performed by female physicians, indicating their lesser visibility in the production and diffusion of scientific knowledge. Performance of the majority of professional activities was independent of the health center in which the physician worked. Conclusions: There are gender inequities in the development of professional activities in urban health centers in Andalusia, even after controlling for family responsibilities, work load, and the effect of the health center, which was important in only a few of the activities under study.
BACKGROUND: Factors promoting the emergence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) connection domain mutations and their effect on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are still largely undetermined. We investigated this matter by analyzing genotypic resistance tests covering 400 amino acid positions in the RT of HIV-1 subtype B viruses and corresponding treatment histories and laboratory measurements. METHODS: The emergence of connection domain mutations was studied in 334 patients receiving monotherapy or dual therapy with thymidine analogues at the time of the genotypic resistance test. Response to subsequent combination ART (cART) was analyzed using Cox regression for 291 patients receiving unboosted protease inhibitors. Response was defined by ever reaching an HIV RNA level <50 copies/mL during the first cART. RESULTS: The connection domain mutations N348I, R356K, R358K, A360V, and A371V were more frequently observed in ART-exposed than ART-naive patients, of which only N348I and A360V were nonpolymorphic (with a prevalence of <1.5% in untreated patients). N348I correlated with M184V and predominantly occurred in patients receiving lamivudine and zidovudine concomitantly. A360V was not associated with specific drug combinations and was found to emerge later than M184V or thymidine analogue mutations. Nonpolymorphic connection domain mutations were rarely detected in the absence of established drug resistance mutations in ART-exposed individuals (prevalence, <1%). None of the 5 connection domain mutations associated with treatment showed a statistically significant effect on response to cART. CONCLUSIONS: Despite their frequent emergence, connection domain mutations did not show large detrimental effects on response to cART. Currently, routine implementation of connection domain sequencing seems unnecessary for developed health care settings.
El treball pretén conèixer l’orientació professional d’una manera àmplia per tal d’analitzar quines són les competències professionals necessàries i fonamentals per tal d’exercir d’orientador/a professional. Es realitza una anàlisi sobre el perfil professional del pedagog/a que exerceix com orientador/a, alhora que realitza una reflexió partint de les competències professionals, que permet analitzar la figura del pedagog/a dins l’àmbit de l’orientació professional