919 resultados para pro poor tourism
Introduction Parenteral antimony-based compounds are still the standard of care for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treatment in many countries, despite their high toxicity. Previous studies showed that oral azithromycin could be an option for CL treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of oral azithromycin (AZ) for CL treatment compared with injectable meglumine antimoniate (MA). Methods This was a randomized, open-label, 2-arm, non-inferiority clinical trial. Treatment-naïve patients with localized CL were treated with MA (15mg/kg/day up to 1,215mg) or AZ (500mg/day) during 20 consecutive days. The primary efficacy end point was a CL cure 90 days after treatment completion. The analysis was performed with intention-to-treat (ITT) and per protocol (PP) analyses. After an anticipated interim analysis, the study was interrupted due to the high failure rate in the azithromycin group. Results Twenty-four volunteers were included in each group. The MA group had a higher cure rate than the AZ group with the ITT and PP analyses, which were 54.2% versus 20.8% [relative risk (RR) 1.97; 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) 1.13-3.42] and 72.2% versus 23.8% (RR 3.03; 95%CI 1.34-6.87), respectively. No unexpected adverse events were observed. Conclusions Azithromycin is ineffective for CL treatment and does not seem to have a role in the therapeutic arsenal for CL.
Al-Cu alloys are widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to their high specific strength in some tempered conditions. However, due to poor corrosion and wear resistance, they are often anodized and/or painted. Plasma nitriding has been proposed as an alternative, though the developments in this technique are still in a recent stage for Al alloys. Electrical characterization techniques are well implemented NDTs in the industry because of good accuracy associated with lower cost, compared to other methods. Some, like eddy currents and 4-point probe techniques, are often used in coating inspection. The objective of this study was to perform Al nitriding at low temperatures to minimize the tempering initial condition damage and to assess the feasibility of eddy currents technique as a method for evaluating surface properties. The work developed can be divided in two stages. The first one was the process tuning, done at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, in Tokyo; and the second was the electrical characterization done in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL. Low temperature nitriding of AA2011 alloy specimens was successfully achieved. Electrical conductivity results show that lift-off measurements by eddy currents testing can be related to surface properties.
In the past few years, prompted by the globalization and the quality and ease of travel, the world has witnessed a boom in the tourism sector. The forecast is that this tendency will continue in the upcoming years, representing a set of opportunities for companies operating in this business area. Boost Tourism operates in the tourism entertainment industry. Its revenues growth has been exponential so the founders decided that it was time to take it to new heights. This Work Project aims to study three alternative growth strategies and, based on a comprehensive analysis of the industry and the market, provide recommendations to outline the optimal expansion path.
This paper presents a critical and quantitative analysis of the influence of the Power Quality in grid connected solar photovoltaic microgeneration installations. First are introduced the main regulations and legislation related with the solar photovoltaic microgeneration, in Portugal and Europe. Next are presented Power Quality monitoring results obtained from two residential solar photovoltaic installations located in the north of Portugal, and is explained how the Power Quality events affect the operation of these installations. Afterwards, it is described a methodology to estimate the energy production losses and the impact in the revenue caused by the abnormal operation of the electrical installation. This is done by comparing the amount of energy that was injected into the power grid with the theoretical value of energy that could be injected in normal conditions. The performed analysis shows that Power Quality severally affects the solar photovoltaic installations operation. The losses of revenue in the two monitored installations M1 and M2 are estimated in about 27% and 22%, respectively.
The main feature of the so called multiproblem families is the persistence along time of a set of problems in various areas of the individual’s functioning in several family members.This research study aims: a) To identify and characterise the major health problems faced by the members of these families; b) To explore the perceived relevance of these problems; c) To explore the perceived effectiveness of health care interventions received by respondents; d) To explore the level of control perceived over these problems.
Objective: The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of self-changes after an intervention for depression focused on implicative dilemmas, a type of cognitive conflict related to identity. As recent research has highlighted the relevance of identity-related dilemmas in clients with depression, we sought to assess the way in which clients resolve such inner conflicts after a tailored dilemma-focused intervention and how this is reflected in the clients’ self-narratives. Method: We used three instruments to observe differences between good (n = 5) and poor (n = 5) outcome cases: (i) the Repertory Grid Technique to track the resolution of dilemmas, (ii) the Change Interview to compile clients’ accounts of changes at posttreatment, and (iii) the Innovative Moments Coding System to examine the emergence of clients’ novelties at the Change Interview. Results: Groups did not differ in terms of the number and relevance of client-identified significantly helpful events. However, between-group differences were found for the resolution of dilemmas and for the proportion of high-level innovative moment (IM) types. Furthermore, a greater self-narrative reconstruction was associated with higher levels of symptom improvement. Conclusions: Good outcome cases seem to be associated with the resolution of conflicts and high-level IMs.
Human platelet lysate (PL) is a cost-effective and human source of autologous multiple and potent pro-angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF A), fibroblast growth factor b (FGF b) and angiopoietin-1. Nanocoatings previously characterized were prepared by layer-by-layer assembling incorporating PL with marine-origin polysaccharides and were shown to activate human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Within 20 h of incubation, the more sulfated coatings induced the HUVECS to the form tube-like structures accompanied by an increased expression of angiogenicassociated genes, such as angiopoietin-1 and VEGF A. This may be a cost-effective approach to modify 2D/3D constructs to instruct angiogenic cells towards the formation of neo-vascularization, driven by multiple and synergistic stimulations from the PL combined with sulfated polysaccharides. Statement of Significance The presence, or fast induction, of a stable and mature vasculature inside 3D constructs is crucial for new tissue formation and its viability. This has been one of the major tissue engineering challenges, limiting the dimensions of efficient tissue constructs. Many approaches based on cells, growth factors, 3D bioprinting and channel incorporation have been proposed. Herein, we explored a versatile technique, layer-by-layer assembling in combination with platelet lysate (PL), that is a cost-effective source of many potent pro-angiogenic proteins and growth factors. Results suggest that the combination of PL with sulfated polyelectrolytes might be used to introduce interfaces onto 2D/3D constructs with potential to induce the formation of cell-based tubular structures.
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
Holistic refers to something that emphasizes the whole and the interdependence of its parts. It can be conceptualized as interdisciplinary: the claim that most social and economic phenomena cannot be fully understood or explained without adopting an approach that goes beyond the aims of a single scientific discipline.
Programa Doutoral em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental
Volumen Primum [v.1]
Volumen Secundum [v.2]
OBJETIVO: Determinar se os níveis de NT pro-BNP encontram-se elevados em pacientes com afecções pericárdicas e avaliar a sua relação com medidas ecocardiográficas de disfunção diastólica. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: 1) derrame pericárdico (DP), 15 pacientes; 2) pericardite constritiva (PC), 10 pacientes. Foi constituído um grupo controle de 30 indivíduos sem doença cardíaca. O grau de derrame pericárdico foi avaliado pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional e a restrição avaliada pelo Doppler pulsátil do fluxo mitral. O diagnóstico de PC foi confirmado por meio da ressonância magnética. Os níveis de NT pro-BNP foram medidos por imunoensaio com detecção por eletroquimioluminescência. RESULTADOS: Dos 15 pacientes com DP, 14 apresentavam DP importante e apenas 1, moderado. Log NT pro-BNP esteve aumentado no DP (p <0,05), com média de log 2,31 pg/ml e PC (p <0,05), com média de log 2,67 pg/ml, quando comparados ao grupo controle, média de log 1,32 pg/ml. Não houve diferença entre DP e PC (p = 0,149). O log NT pro-BNP correlacionou-se com o pico de velocidade da onda E (r = 0,845; p = 0,001) e com a relação E/A (r=0,717; p= 0,003). CONCLUSÃO: O NT pro-BNP encontra-se aumentado nas afecções pericárdicas e apresenta relação com o grau de disfunção diastólica, podendo servir como método adicional na quantificação de restrição.
Numerosos estudios indican que la amígdala, se encuentra estrechamente ligada a la generación y modulación de los procesos emocionales. Aunque el complejo de la amígdala generalmente se define por varios grupos distintos de células, los núcleos de la amígdala basolateral que se conectan con el núcleo central y el núcleo de la estría terminal son los que proyectan a las áreas del sistema nervioso central involucradas en el control de las respuestas autónomas, los procesos cognitivos y la respuesta emocional. Además de los ampliamente estudiados sistemas glutamatérgico, gabaérgico, endorfinérgico, CRH, CCK entre otros, en estas áreas de la amígdala se encuentran receptores AT1 del sistema renina-angiotensina cerebral y llegan fibras del sistema de la pre-pro-hormona MCH (ppMCH) de la que se derivan la hormona concentradora de melanina (MCH) y otros dos péptidos biológicamente activos: el neuropéptido glicina (G)-ácido glutámico (E) (NGE) y el neuropéptido glutamina (E)- isoleucina (I) (NEI). Entre las áreas a las que se proyectan los núcleos de la amígdala se destaca la inervación de núcleos dopaminérgicos a través del área tegmental ventral y su influencia sobre la función del eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-adrenal (HHA) por la modulación de la descarga de ACTH a través de la inervación del núcleo hipotalámico paraventricular. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar los efectos de los neuropéptidos derivados de la ppMCH y Angiotensina II en la amígdala basolateral, sobre: el estado de ansiedad, conducta de exploración, activación del eje HHA y la trasmisión dopaminérgica en las áreas de proyección de la amígdala. Se empleará un modelo de miedo potenciado en ratas, que provoca una mayor activación de la amígdala y el establecimiento de un estado de ansiedad por la exposición previa a una situación de estrés. En este modelo se desencadenan respuestas similares a las encontradas en pacientes que sufren desórdenes de ansiedad, lo que nos permite estudiar el rol de los neuromoduladores en su fisiopatogenia.