949 resultados para polymer optical fibre


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This final project was made for the Broadband/Implementation department of TeliaSonera Finland. The question to be examined is if the operator should replace multiple ADSL connections implemented over a leased line with Multi-Dwelling access based on an Ethernet/Optical Fibre access network. The project starts with describing the technology related to these access network solu-tions and presents the technology that is used in TeliaSonera Finland's access network. It continues from the technology to describe the problem with some of the ADSL implemen-tations of TeliaSonera. The problem is the implementations done over a leased line that can cost TeliaSonera over years as much as a possible investment to extend network when there is several lines leased to the same building. The project proposes a Multi-Dwelling access as a solution to this problem and defines the circumstances when to use it. After a satisfactory solution has found the project takes a view how implementation of the solution might alter the network and a new problem is found. When used commonly to replace need of ADSL implementation Multi-Dwelling access would significantly increase optical cable congestion near operators POP. As a final deed this project also proposes a technical change to existing way to implement multi-dwelling access with EPON technology.


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Tekniikan kehitys menee vauhdilla eteenpäin ja uusi verkkotekniikoita syntyy koko ajan. Haasteita tuottavat sopivien verkkotekniikoiden löytäminen käyttöön tietylle alueelle ja joissakin tapauksissa joudutaan tyytymään kompromissiratkaisuihin. Lyhyen kantaman langattomat kommunikaatioteknologiat soveltuvat esimerkiksi haja-asutusalueille ja saaristoon, mikäli perinteisen kuidun vetäminen niille alueille ei ole mahdollista. Tässä työssä tuodaan esille niitä langallisia ja langattomia tekniikoita, jotka ovat tällä hetkellä tai tulevaisuudessa merkityksellisiä Etelä-Karjalan kannalta. Osa tekniikoista voi jäädä kokonaan pois käytöstä kymmenen vuoden sisällä tai ne voivat yhdistyä ja muuttaa muotoaan. Työn tuloksena syntyneen kartoituksen perusteella saadaan visio siitä, miltä Etelä-Karjalan tilanne näyttää vuonna 2018. Nyt on jo tiedossa Soneran puhelinlankaverkon alasajo lähivuosina ja kuidun vetäminen viemäriin viemäröintitöiden yhteydessä. Tulevaisuuden kaistankäyttötarpeet ja erilaisten palvelujen lisääntyminen edesauttavat viihdepalveluiden tarjonnan monipuolistumista. Open Access ja triple-play ovat tulevaisuuden termejä. Viihteen lisäksi myös muilla eri osa-alueilla kuten työelämässä, sairaaloissa ja kouluissa on tarvetta laajakaistaisille monipalveluille.


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An optode based on thymol blue (TB), an acid-based indicator, has been constructed and evaluated as a detector in FIA system for CO2 determination. The dye was chemically immobilised on the surface of a bifurcated glass optical fibre bundle, using silanisation in organic media. In FIA system, hydrogen carbonate or carbonate samples are injected in a buffer carrier solution, and then are mixed with phosphoric acid solution to generate CO2, which diffuses through a PTFE membrane, in order to be collected in an acceptor carrier fluid, pumped towards to detection cell, in which the optode was adapted. The proposed system presents two linear response ranges, from 1.0 x 10-3 to 1.0 x 10-2 mol l-1, and from 2.0 x 10-2 to 0.10 mol l-1. The sampling frequency was 11 sample h-1, with good repeatability (R.S.D < 4 %, n = 10). In flow conditions the optode lifetime was 170 h. The system was applied in the analysis of commercial mineral water and the results obtained in the hydrogen carbonate determination did not differ significantly from those obtained by potentiometry, at a confidence level of 95 %.


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This thesis is done as a part of project called FuncMama that is a project between Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Oulu University (OY), Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Finnish industrial partners. Main goal of the project is to manufacture electric and mechanical components from mixed materials using laser sintering. Aim of this study was to create laser sintered pieces from ceramic material and monitor the sintering event by using spectrometer. Spectrometer is a device which is capable to record intensity of different wavelengths in relation with time. In this study the monitoring of laser sintering was captured with the equipment which consists of Ocean Optics spectrometer, optical fiber and optical lens (detector head). Light from the sintering process hit first to the lens system which guides the light in to the optical fibre. Optical fibre transmits the light from the sintering process to the spectrometer where wavelengths intensity level information is detected. The optical lens of the spectrometer was rigidly set and did not move along with the laser beam. Data which was collected with spectrometer from the laser sintering process was converted with Excel spreadsheet program for result’s evaluation. Laser equipment used was IPG Photonics pulse fibre laser. Laser parameters were kept mainly constant during experimental part and only sintering speed was changed. That way it was possible to find differences in the monitoring results without fear of too many parameters mixing together and affecting to the conclusions. Parts which were sintered had one layer and size of 5 x 5 mm. Material was CT2000 – tape manufactured by Heraeus which was later on post processed to powder. Monitoring of different sintering speeds was tested by using CT2000 reference powder. Moreover tests how different materials effect to the process monitoring were done by adding foreign powder Du Pont 951 which had suffered in re-grinding and which was more reactive than CT2000. By adding foreign material it simulates situation where two materials are accidently mixed together and it was studied if that can be seen with the spectrometer. It was concluded in this study that with the spectrometer it is possible to detect changes between different laser sintering speeds. When the sintering speed is lowered the intensity level of light is higher from the process. This is a result of higher temperature at the sintering spot and that can be noticed with the spectrometer. That indicates it could be possible to use spectrometer as a tool for process observation and support the idea of having system that can help setting up the process parameter window. Also important conclusion was how well the adding of foreign material could be seen with the spectrometer. When second material was added a significant intensity level raise could be noticed in that part where foreign material was mixed. That indicates it is possible to see if there are any variations in the material or if there are more materials mixed together. Spectrometric monitoring of laser sintering could be useful tool for process window observation and temperature controlling of the sintering process. For example if the process window for specific material is experimentally determined to get wanted properties and satisfying sintering speed. It is possible if the data is constantly recorded that the results can show faults in the part texture between layers. Changes between the monitoring data and the experimentally determined values can then indicate changes in the material being generated by material faults or by wrong process parameters. The results of this study show that spectrometer could be one possible tool for monitoring. But to get in that point where this all can be made possible much more researching is needed.


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The towed array electronics is essentially a multichannel real time data acquisition system. The major challenges involved in it are the simultaneous acquisition of data from multiple channels, telemetry of the data over tow cable (several kilometres in some systems) and synchronization with the onboard receiver for accurate reconstruction. A serial protocol is best suited to transmit the data to onboard electronics since number of wires inside the tow cable is limited. The best transmission medium for data over large distances is the optical fibre. In this a two step approach towards the realization of a reliable telemetry scheme for the sensor data using standard protocols is described. The two schemes are discussed in this paper. The first scheme is for conversion of parallel, time-multiplexed multi-sensor data to Ethernet. Existing towed arrays can be upgraded to ethernet using this scheme. Here the last lap of the transmission is by Ethernet over Fibre. For the next generation of towed arrays it is required to digitize and convert the data to ethernet close to the sensor. This is the second scheme. At the heart of this design is the Analog-to-Ethernet node. In addition to a more reliable interface, this helps in easier fault detection and firmware updates in the field for the towed arrays. The design challenges and considerations for incorporating a network of embedded devices within the array are highlighted


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El proceso de soldadura por láser desarrollado en los últimos años ha puesto de manifiesto las posibilidades de aplicación de esta tecnología en diferentes sectores productivos, principalmente en la industria automovilística, en la cual se han demostrado sus ventajas en términos de productividad, eficiencia y calidad. El uso de la tecnología láser, ya sea híbrida o pura, reduce el input térmico al limitar la zona afectada por el calor, sin crear deformaciones y, por tanto, disminuye los re-trabajos post-soldadura necesarios para eliminarlas. Asimismo, se aumenta la velocidad de soldadura, incrementando la productividad y calidad de las uniones. En la última década, el uso de láseres híbridos, (láser + arco) de gran potencia de Neodimio YAG, (Nd: YAG) ha sido cada vez más importante. La instalación de este tipo de fuentes de láser sólido de gran potencia ha sido posible en construcción naval debido a sus ventajas con respecto a las instalaciones de láser de C02 existentes en los astilleros que actualmente utilizan esta tecnología. Los láseres de C02 están caracterizados por su gran potencia y la transmisión del haz a través de espejos. En el caso de las fuentes de Nd:YAG, debido a la longitud de onda a la cual se genera el haz láser, su transmisión pueden ser realizada a través de fibra óptica , haciendo posible la utilización del cabezal láser a gran distancia de la fuente, aparte de la alternativa de integrar el cabezal en unidades robotizadas. El proceso láser distribuye el calor aportado de manera uniforme. Las características mecánicas de dichas uniones ponen de manifiesto la adecuación de la soldadura por láser para su uso en construcción naval, cumpliendo los requerimientos exigidos por las Sociedades de Clasificación. La eficiencia energética de los láseres de C02, con porcentajes superiores al 20%, aparte de las ya estudiadas técnicas de su instalación constituyen las razones por las cuales este tipo de láser es el más usado en el ámbito industrial. El láser de gran potencia de Nd: YAG está presente en el mercado desde hace poco tiempo, y por tanto, su precio es relativamente mayor que el de C02, siendo sus costes de mantenimiento, tanto de lámparas como de diodos necesarios para el bombeo del sólido, igualmente mayores que en el caso del C02. En cambio, el efecto de absorción de parte de la energía en el plasma generado durante el proceso no se produce en el caso del láser de Nd: YAG, utilizando parte de esa energía en estabilizar el arco, siendo necesaria menos potencia de la fuente, reduciendo el coste de la inversión. En función de la aplicación industrial, se deberá realizar el análisis de viabilidad económica correspondiente. Dependiendo de la potencia de la fuente y del tipo de láser utilizado, y por tanto de la longitud de onda a la que se propaga la radiación electromagnética, pueden existen riesgos para la salud. El láser de neodimio se propaga en una longitud de onda, relativamente cercana al rango visible, en la cual se pueden producir daños en los ojos de los operadores. Se deberán establecer las medidas preventivas para evitar los riesgos a los que están expuestos dichos operadores en la utilización de este tipo de energía. La utilización del láser de neodimio: YAG ofrece posibilidades de utilización en construcción naval económicamente rentables, debido su productividad y las buenas características mecánicas de las uniones. Abstract The laser welding process development of the last years shows broad application possibilities in many sectors of industry, mostly in automobile production. The advantages of the laser beam process produce higher productivity, increasing the quality and thermal efficiency. Laser technology, arc-hybrid or pure laser welding, reduces thermal input and thus a smaller heat-affected zone at the work piece. This means less weldment distortion which reduces the amount of subsequent post-weld straightening work that needs to be done. A higher welding speed is achieved by use of the arc and the laser beam, increasing productivity and quality of the joining process. In the last decade use of hybrid technology (laser-GMA hybrid method) with high power sources Nd:YAG lasers, gained in importance. The installation of this type of higher power solid state laser is possible in shipbuilding industrial applications due to its advantages compare with the C02 laser sources installed in the shipyards which use this technology. C02 lasers are characterised by high power output and its beam guidance is via inelastic system of mirrors. In the case of Nd:YAG laser, due to its wavelength, the laser beam can be led by means of a flexible optical fibre even across large distances, which allows three dimensional welding jobs by using of robots. Laser beam welding is a process during which the heat is transferred to the welded material uniformly and the features of the process fulfilled the requirements by Classification Societies. So that, its application to the shipbuilding industry should be possible. The high quantum efficiency of C02 laser, which enabled efficiency factors up to 20%, and relative simple technical possibilities of implementation are the reasons for the fact that it is the most important laser in industrial material machining. High power Nd: YAG laser is established on the market since short time, so that its price is relatively high compared with the C02 laser source and its maintenance cost, lamp or diode pumped solid state laser, is also higher than in the case of C02 lasers. Nevertheless effect of plasma shielding does not exist with Nd:YAG lasers, so that for the gas-shielding welding process the optimal gases can be used regarding arc stability, thus power source are saved and the costs can be optimised. Each industrial application carried out needs its cost efficiency analysis. Depending on the power output and laser type, the dangerousness of reflected irradiation, which even in some meters distance, affects for the healthy operators. For the YAG laser process safety arrangements must be set up in order to avoid the laser radiation being absorbed by the human eye. Due to its wavelength of radiation, being relatively close to the visible range, severe damage to the retina of the eye is possible if sufficient precautions are not taken. Safety aspects are of vital importance to be able to shield the operator as well as other personal. The use of Nd:YAG lasers offers interesting and economically attractive applications in shipbuilding industry. Higher joining rates are possible, and very good mechanical/technological parameters can be achieved.


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The semiconductor laser diodes that are typically used in applications of optical communications, when working as amplifiers, present under certain conditions optical bistability, which is characterized by abruptly switching between two different output states and an associated hysteresis cycle. This bistable behavior is strongly dependent on the frequency detuning between the frequency of the external optical signal that is injected into the semiconductor laser amplifier and its own emission frequency. This means that small changes in the wavelength of an optical signal applied to a laser amplifier causes relevant changes in the characteristics of its transfer function in terms of the power requirements to achieve bistability and the width of the hysteresis. This strong dependence in the working characteristics of semiconductor laser amplifiers on frequency detuning suggest the use of this kind of devices in optical sensing applications for optical communications, such as the detection of shifts in the emission wavelength of a laser, or detect possible interference between adjacent channels in DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) optical communication networks


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Signal processing in any living being is much more complex than the one performed in artificial systems. Cortex architecture, although only partly known, gives some useful ideas to be employed in sensing technology. To analyze some of these structures is the objective of this paper. Among the points to be analyzed are the parallel transfer of information, the similarity of the different systems and the massive amount of data analyzed by physical techniques. As an example of these concepts, the possibility to transmit images in a parallel way will be reported.


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The distinct behaviour of femtosecond laser inscribed long period gratings, with a non-uniform index perturbation within the optical fibre core, has been studied experimentally. The non-uniform laser-induced perturbation results in light coupling from the core mode to a greater number of cladding modes than is the case with their UV laser inscribed counterparts, and this is made evident from the surrounding refractive index (SRI) grating response. Femtosecond inscribed long period gratings are shown to simultaneously couple to multiple sets of cladding modes. A 400μm LPG is shown to result in attenuation peaks that have both blue and red wavelength shifts over a 1250nm to 1700nm wavelength range. This gives rise to SRI sensitivities far greater than anything achievable by monitoring a single attenuation peak. The maximum sensitivity produced by monitoring a single attenuation peak was 1106nm/RIU, whereas monitoring opposing wavelength shifts resulted in a significantly improved sensitivity of 1680nm/RIU. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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This thesis has focused on three key areas of interest for femtosecond micromachining and inscription. The first area is micromachining where the work has focused on the ability to process highly repeatable, high precision machining with often extremely complex geometrical structures with little or no damage. High aspect ratio features have been demonstrated in transparent materials, metals and ceramics. Etch depth control was demonstrated especially in the work on phase mask fabrication. Practical chemical sensing and microfluidic devices were also fabricated to demonstrate the capability of the techniques developed during this work. The second area is femtosecond inscription. Here, the work has utilised the non-linear absorption mechanisms associated with femtosecond pulse-material interactions to create highly localised refractive index changes in transparent materials to create complex 3D structures. The techniques employed were then utilised in the fabrication of Phase masks and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) phantom calibration artefacts both of which show the potential to fill voids in the development of the fields. This especially the case for the OCT phantoms where there exists no previous artefacts of known shape, allowing for the initial specification of parameters associated with the quality of OCT machines that are being taken up across the world in industry and research. Finally the third area of focus was the combination of all of the techniques developed through work in planar samples to create a range of artefacts in optical fibres. The development of techniques and methods for compensating for the geometrical complexities associated with working with the cylindrical samples with varying refractive indices allowed for fundamental inscription parameters to be examined, structures for use as power monitors and polarisers with the optical fibres and finally the combination of femtosecond inscription and ablation techniques to create a magnetic field sensor with an optical fibre coated in Terfenol-D with directional capability. Through the development of understanding, practical techniques and equipment the work presented here demonstrates several novel pieces of research in the field of femtosecond micromachining and inscription that has provided a broad range of related fields with practical devices that were previously unavailable or that would take great cost and time to facilitate.


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Communications engineers are learning to create an electromagnet wave at will, to transmit information. This wave, the optical soliton, is the subject of astounding recent developments in nonlinear optics and lasers. The author describes the principles behind the use of solitons in optical communications and shows that in the context of such communications the most important property of solitons is that they are extremely stable. Not only do they not disperse, but an encounter with a perturbation (e.g. a joint in optical fibre) will usually leave the soliton unaltered.


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This thesis presents results of transmission experiments using optical solitons in a dispersion managed optical fibre recirculating loop. The basic concepts of pulse propagation in optical fibre are introduced before optical solitons and their use in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The role of dispersion management in such systems is then considered. The design, operation and limitations of the recirculating loop and soliton sources which were used and the experimental techniques are described before the experimental work is presented. The experimental work covers a number of areas all of which used dispersion management of the transmission line. A novel ultra-long distance propagation scheme which achieved low timing jitter by suppression of the amplifier noise and by working close to the zero dispersion wavelength has been discovered. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as wavelength filters to suppress noise and reduce timing jitter has been investigated. The performance of the fibre grating cornpared favourably with that of a bulk device and was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The upgrade of existing standard fibre systems to higher bit rates is currently an important issue. The possibility of using solitons with dispersion compensation to allow an increase in data rate of existing standard fibre systems to 10Gbit/s over 5000km has been demonstrated. The applicability of this technique to longer distances, higher bit rates or longer amplifier spans is also investigated by optimisation of the dispersion management scheme. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as the dispersion compensating elements in such standard fibre transmission experiments has been examined and the main problem that these devices currently have, high polarisation mode dispersion, is discussed. The likely future direction of optical communications and what part solitons and dispersion management will play in this development is discussed in the thesis conclusions


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This thesis presents the results of numerical modelling of the propagation of dispersion managed solitons. The theory of optical pulse propagation in single mode optical fibre is introduced specifically looking at the use of optical solitons for fibre communications. The numerical technique used to solve the nonlinear Schrödinger equation is also introduced. The recent developments in the use of dispersion managed solitons are reviewed before the numerical results are presented. The work in this thesis covers two main areas; (i) the use of a saturable absorber to control the propagation of dispersion managed solutions and (ii) the upgrade of the installed standard fibre network to higher data rates through the use of solitons and dispersion management. Saturable absorbe can be used to suppress the build up of noise and dispersive radiation in soliton transmission lines. The use of saturable absorbers in conjunction with dispersion management has been investigated both as a single pulse and for the transmission of a 10Gbit/s data pattern. It is found that this system supports a new regime of stable soliton pulses with significantly increased powers. The upgrade of the installed standard fibre network to higher data rates through the use of fibre amplifiers and dispersion management is of increasing interest. In this thesis the propagation of data at both 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s is studied. Propagation over transoceanic distances is shown to be possible for 10Gbit/s transmission and for more than 2000km at 40Gbit/s. The contribution of dispersion managed solitons in the future of optical communications is discussed in the thesis conclusions.


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This thesis investigates the feasibility of soliton transmission at 1150nm over standard fibre. This is done using a dispersion compensating fibre module in each amplifier span to compensate for the high dispersion. The basic principles of soliton propagation in optical fibre are discussed within this thesis, followed by an introduction to advantages of dispersion management. In the experimental chapter single channel transmission results are presented in 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s. At 10Gbit/s the effects of dispersion management on the power dispersion relationship for solitons are investigated. The detrimental effects of soliton-soliton interactions, which are increased due to the greater overlap breathing solitons are discussed. A technique for reducing the soliton-soliton interactions through amplifier positioning is presented as a solution to this problem. The experiments demonstrate the feasibility of using standard fibre for transmission over trans-oceanic distances at 10Gbit/s. The 40Gbit/s experiment demonstrates transmission over sufficient distance for an terrestrial system. Also contained within this thesis are experimental results showing transmission of solitons over dispersion shifted fibre using a novel technique that makes use of the non-linear polarisation rotation of the soliton in the fibre. This is used to generate the effect of saturable absorption, allowing transmission distances of 200,000km to be achieved.