981 resultados para phylogeny, bullfinches, Pyrrhula, molecular genetics, morphology, biogeography
Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone with regulatory roles in many physiological processes. ABA expression is induced by environmental stresses such as drought and it is known to be an inhibitor of seed germination. A wild oat (Avena fatua) called AFN1 has been hypothesized to initiate the early stages of germination as its mRNA accumulates in nondormant seed embryos during imbibition. The polypeptide sequence of AFN1 suggests that it is an ABA glucosyl transferase. Glucosylation by AFN1 and thereby inactivation of ABA could lead to seed germination. In order to understand the role of AFN1 in germination, an ample quantity of AFN1 polypeptide is needed to test for enzymatic ABA glucosylase activity. My work has been to overexpress recombinant AFN1containing a (His)6 tag using a pRSETC E.coli expression system followed by Purification of the AFN1 protein by means of a nickel-affinity column that bind to the (His)6 tag. Due to the insufficient yield of AFN1 fusion protein obtained with this procedure, another method using a pMAL-c2x vector is now being employed. The pMAL expression system provides a method for expressing and purifying protein by tagging proteins with maltose-binding protein (MBP). It is anticipated that MBP tag will be advantageous as it can make the fusion protein more soluble and thereby yield a larger quantity of protein. Currently, work is underway on the construction of pMAL/AFN1 plasmid.
The AFN1 gene is transiently expressed in germinating oat grains. As AFN1 is not expressed in dormant oat grains during imbibition, we hypothesize that AFN1 may be involved in stimulating the germination process. Sequence analysis of an AFN1 cDNA clone indicates that the AFN1 polypeptide is similar to a previously identified abscisic acid (ABA) glucosyl transferase. This suggests that AFN1 may be acting to glucosylate ABA, thereby inactivating it. As the hormone ABA is known to inhibit germination, ABA glucosylation/inactivation could lead to germination in grains expressing AFN1. To test this hypothesis, we have constructed an expression plasmid that encodes an MBP::AFN1 (maltose binding protein) fusion protein. E. coli cells carrying the expression plasmid were found to produce the MBP::AFN1 fusion protein as a substantial fraction of total protein. We are currently in the process of purifying the MBP::AFN1 fusion protein by affinity chromatography, so that it can be assayed for ABA glucosyl transferase activity. We also wish to test the effect of AFN1 gene expression during grain imbibition on the germination behavior of the grains. To this end, we have constructed plasmids for the overexpression and RNAi-based suppression of AFN1 in transgenic plants. These plasmids have been introduced into oat cells by particle bombardment and we are in the process of regenerating transgenic plants for study.
Abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated gene expression is a critical component of plant responses to this important hormone, which affects plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stresses. Plant responses to ABA are mediated by a number of factors including PKABA1, an ABA induced protein kinase involved in ABA-suppressed gene expression in cereal grains, and TaWD40, which has previously been shown to physically interact with PKABA1. A full-length 1.9 kb TaWD40 cDNA, CK210682, was sequenced as part of this project. Based on the deduced protein sequence, it is thought that TaWD40 may belong to the family of E3 ubiquitin ligases, possibly targeting PKABA1 for destruction. Construction of expression plasmids for overproduction of the TaWD40 polypeptide in E. coli is currently underway. The TaWD40 cDNA has been successfully amplified from the source plasmid and inserted into an intermediate plasmid, pCR2.1. The TaWD40 cDNA is currently being cloned from the pCR2.1 intermediate plasmid into two different expression vectors, pRSET-A and pMAL-c2x, for future protein production and purification.
Copolimeros de propileno-etileno com baixos teores de etileno : estrutura, morfologia e propriedades
A estrutura básica predomínante encontrada em todos os copolímeros foi a de longos blocos de polipropileno cristalizáveis, separados por unidades isoladas de etileno, que atuaram como defeitos cristalínos, reduzindo o grau de cristalínidade, além da perfeição e da espessura dos cristais. O gradual aumento do teor de etileno nas amostras origínais, até aproximadamente5 moI % provocou redução progressiva no comprimento dos blocos de propileno em ambas as frações cristalizável e elastomérica. Acima daquela concentração, o etileno mostrou por principal efeito a elevação do teor de borracha de etileno-propileno(EPR), refletíndo-seem pronunciado aumento da resistência ao impacto dos copolímeros, com pouca alteração do comprimento das seqüências propiJênicas nas frações cristaJizáveJe elastomérica. A estrutura e a morfologia da borracha EPR gerada foram analisadas, observando-se sua excepcional dispersão na fase contínua cristalína. Análise das curvas de fusão por DSC, utilizando-se conceitos cínéticos, demonstrou a existência de uma energia de ativação aparente de fusão, associada à introdução de unidades etilênicas nas cadeias, e relacionada ao processo de fusão dos cristais poliméricos. A redução de cristalínidade das amostras e o aumento de mobilidade de cadeia da fase amorfa para teores crescentes de etileno resultaram em redução da rigidez dos copolímeros. Propriedades ópticas, como "haze" e brilho mostraram-se dependentesdo balanço entre o teor de cristais e o teor de borracha. Um balanço global das propriedades analisadas sugere uma composição ótima para aplicações típicas de copolímeros de propileno-etileno aquela com teores de etileno entre 4 e 6 moI % (aproximadamente 3 -4 % em massa).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The nuclear poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABPN1) is a ubiquitously expressed protein that plays a critical role in polyadenylation. Short expansions of the polyalanine tract in the N-terminus of PABPN1 lead to oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), which is an adult onset disease characterized by eyelid drooping, difficulty in swallowing and weakness in the proximal limb muscles. Although significant data from in vitro biochemical assays define the function of PABPN1 in control of poly(A) tail length, little is known about the role of PABPN1 in mammalian cells. To assess the function of PABPN1 in mammalian cells and specifically in cells affected in OPMD, we examined the effects of PABPN1 depletion using siRNA in primary mouse myoblasts from extraocular, pharyngeal and limb muscles. PABPN1 knockdown significantly decreased cell proliferation and myoblast differentiation during myogenesis in vitro. At the molecular level, PABPN1 depletion in myoblasts led to a shortening of mRNA poly(A) tails, demonstrating the cellular function of PABPN1 in polyadenylation control in a mammalian cell. In addition, PABPN1 depletion caused nuclear accumulation of poly(A) RNA, revealing that PABPN1 is required for proper poly(A) RNA export from the nucleus. Together, these experiments demonstrate that PABPN1 plays an essential role in myoblast proliferation and differentiation, suggesting that it is required for muscle regeneration and maintenance in vivo.
Background. Primary non-gestational choriocarcinoma of the female genital tract has been described in the ovaries and is very unusual in other genital sites.Case. Primary non-gestational uterine cervical choriocarcinoma was diagnosed in a patient, 32, single, without previous sexual contact nor antecedent pregnancy, admitted to the hospital with irregular vaginal hemorrhaging. Pelvic examination realized under anesthetic revealed a tumor mass occupying the uterine cervix. Metastases investigation was realized and the patient was accepted as FIGO IV: risk factor of 13. She was submitted to intensive chemotherapy and hysterectomy, showing general recovery, but died from drug-resistant disease 12 months later. Histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetics studies confirmed non-gestational choriocarcinoma.Conclusion. Primary non-gestational uterine cervical choriocarcinoma may arise from germ cell tumor or epithelial tissue. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
MicroRNAs (miRs) are non-coding RNA molecules involved in cancer initiation and progression. Deregulated miR expression has been implicated in cancer; however, there are no studies implicating an miR signature associated with progression in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Although OSCC may develop from oral leukoplakia, clinical and histological assessments have limited prognostic value in predicting which leukoplakic lesions will progress. Our aim was to quantify miR expression changes in leukoplakia and same-site OSCC and to identify an miR signature associated with progression. We examined miR expression changes in 43 sequential progressive samples from 12 patients and four non-progressive leukoplakias from four different patients, using TaqMan Low Density Arrays. The findings were validated using quantitative RT-PCR in an independent cohort of 52 progressive dysplasias and OSCCs, and five non-progressive dysplasias. Global miR expression profiles distinguished progressive leukoplakia/OSCC from non-progressive leukoplakias/normal tissues. One hundred and nine miRs were highly expressed exclusively in progressive leukoplakia and invasive OSCC. miR-21, miR-181b and miR-345 expressions were consistently increased and associated with increases in lesion severity during progression. Over-expression of miR-21, miR-181b and miR-345 may play an important role in malignant transformation. Our study provides the first evidence of an miR signature potentially useful for identifying leukoplakias at risk of malignant transformation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
RACIONAL: O câncer de estômago é o segundo tipo mais comum de neoplasia no mundo. A carcinogênese de estômago é processo de múltiplos passos, podendo manifestar-se em várias etapas como gastrite superficial, gastrite atrófica crônica, metaplasia intestinal, displasia e, finalmente, como um carcinoma. Essas condições costumam ser seqüenciais e ocorrer num período de muitos anos como resultado da exposição a uma variedade de fatores endógenos e exógenos, que causam alterações genéticas. Os recentes avanços da genética molecular têm mostrado que o acúmulo dessas várias anormalidades, incluindo a ativação de oncogenes e a inativação de genes supressores de tumores, resultam no desenvolvimento do câncer. Alterações genéticas descritas em carcinomas gástricos incluem amplificações e mutações dos genes c-ERBB2, K-RAS, c-MET e TP53. O ganho de cromossomos também foi encontrado em várias combinações com perda de outros cromossomos e pode estar associado com a expressão elevada de oncogenes, que contribuem com a progressão tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: Essas mudanças genéticas em carcinomas evidenciam o processo de múltiplas etapas da carcinogênese gástrica, por meio do acúmulo de uma série de alterações.
CONTEXTO: Vários estudos de perda de heterozigozidade na região 9p21-p22, que abriga os genes supressores tumorais CDKN2a/p16INK4a, p19ARF e p15INK4b, têm sido realizados em uma ampla série de tumores humanos, incluindo os melanomas familiares. Perdas e ganhos em outras regiões do cromossomo 9 também têm sido observados com freqüência e podem indicar mecanismos adicionais no processo de tumorigênese dos carcinomas basocelulares da pele. OBJETIVO: Investigar o equilíbrio alélico existente na região 9p21-p22 em carcinomas basocelulares. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Análise molecular de marcadores de microssatélites em tumores e controles. LOCAL: Dois serviços de dermatologia de atendimento terciário em universidades públicas de São Paulo e o Laboratório de Genética Molecular do Câncer da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil. PARTICIPANTES: Examinamos 13 casos benignos, incluindo 4 queratoses solares, 3 queratoacantomas, 3 nevos melanocíticos, 2 doenças de Bowen e 1 neurofibroma cutâneo, além de 58 tumores malignos da pele: 14 de células escamosas, 40 carcinomas basocelulares e 4 melanomas; em pacientes consecutivamente encaminhados à clínica de Dermatologia da Unicamp e que concordaram em participar do estudo. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: O tumor principal e uma porção normal de pele não-adjacente foram removidos cirurgicamente de pacientes que consecutivamente procuraram os ambulatórios de dermatologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (Unesp), São Paulo, por causa de lesões cutâneas. Extraímos DNA tanto de tecido tumoral como do correspondente tecido normal de cada paciente. Para amplificar regiões de repetição polimórfica de microssatélites do cromossomo 9, foram utilizados quatro pares de primers, sendo dois deles destinados à região 9p21-p22. RESULTADOS: Identificamos oito casos (20%) de desequilíbrio alélico entre os carcinomas basocelulares, sendo dois casos de perda de heterozigozidade e seis casos de instabilidade de microssatélite na região 9p21-p22. Outros marcadores também mostravam anormalidades em três destes tumores, enquanto nenhuma alteração foi detectada entre os casos benignos e nos outros tumores malignos. CONCLUSÃO: Esta dependência fenotípica sugere que existem diferenças importantes no comportamento das formas mais comuns de tumores cutâneos não-melanocíticos em relação à sua tendência para instabilidade de microssatélite no cromossomo 9. Considerando-se que os genes CDKN2a/p16INK4a, p19ARF e p15INK4b não parecem responsáveis pelas anormalidades observadas, outros genes em 9p21-p22 podem estar envolvidos na etiopatogenia e na progressão dos carcinomas basocelulares.
Glycogen synthase, an enzyme involved in glycogen biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation and by the allosteric ligand glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). In addition, enzyme levels can be regulated by changes in gene expression. We recently cloned a cDNA for glycogen synthase (gsn) from Neurospora crassa, and showed that gsn transcription decreased when cells were exposed to heat shock (shifted from 30degreesC to 45degreesC). In order to understand the mechanisms that control gsn expression, we isolated the gene, including its 5' and 3' flanking regions, from the genome of N. crassa. An ORF of approximately 2.4 kb was identified, which is interrupted by four small introns (II-V). Intron I (482 bp) is located in the 5'UTR region. Three putative Transcription Initiation Sites (TISs) were mapped, one of which lies downstream of a canonical TATA-box sequence (5'-TGTATAAA-3'). Analysis of the 5'-flanking region revealed the presence of putative transcription factor-binding sites, including Heat Shock Elements (HSEs) and STress Responsive Elements (STREs). The possible involvement of these motifs in the negative regulation of gsn transcription was investigated using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) with nuclear extracts of N. crassa mycelium obtained before and after heat shock, and DNA fragments encompassing HSE and STRE elements from the 5'-flanking region. While elements within the promoter region are involved in transcription under heat shock, elements in the 5'UTR intron may participate in transcription during vegetative growth. The results thus suggest that N. crassa possesses trans-acting elements that interact with the 5'-flanking region to regulate gsn transcription during heat shock and vegetative growth.
Fossil taxa of uncertain phytogenetic affinities can play a crucial role in the analysis of character evolution within major extant groups. Marques & Collins (2004) concluded that conulariids (?Ediacaran-Triassic) are an extinct group of medusozoan cnidarians most closely related to Stauromedusae. However, only six of the 87 characters used by these authors can be observed in conulariid fossils. Rescoring the character states of conulariids in a conservative manner yields a new hypothesis for the phylogenetic position of conulariids, namely that they are the sister group of the scyphozoan order Coronatae rather than Stauromedusae, which is revealed as the earliest diverging lineage of Medusozoa. This new hypothesis also implies several different sequences of character evolution within Cnidaria. Specifically, the presence of a periderm completely covering the polyp in conutariids and coronates appears to be derived within Scyphozoa. Strobilation appears to be a synapomorphy uniting conulariids, Coronatae, Rhizostomeae and Semaeostomeae. This result supports the controversial interpretation of one exceptionally preserved conulariid that potentially shows that these animals produced ephyrae by strobilation. Finally, the pelagic adult medusa stage and the giant fibre nerve net appear to be features that are derived within Medusozoa.