410 resultados para paucibacillary leprosy
A case-control study was conducted to determine the presence ofMycobacterium leprae DNA in nasal secretions of leprosy cases and nonleprosy individuals in Fortaleza, Brazil. It included 185 cases identified by physicians at the Dona Libânia National Reference Centre for Sanitary Dermatology (CDERM). A control group (Co) (n = 136) was identified among individuals from CDERM not diagnosed as leprosy cases. To augment the spatial analysis of M. leprae specific repetitive element (RLEP) positive prevalence, an external group (EG) (n = 121), a convenience sample of healthy students, were included. Polymerase chain reaction for the RLEP sequence was conducted for all participants. Prevalence of RLEP positivity for cases and Co were 69.2% and 66.9%, respectively, significantly higher than for EG (28.1%), and reported elsewhere. Male sex, belonging to a lower socioeconomic status (D/E), history of a previous contact with a case and being older, were associated with being a leprosy case. Our geographical analysis demonstrated that the bacillus is widespread among the healthy population, with clusters of RLEP positive multibacillary cases concentrated in distinct areas of the city. Our results suggest that in endemic areas, as in Fortaleza, surveillance for both nonhousehold leprosy contacts and members of the general population living in cluster areas should be implemented.
Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant that has been used in wound healing. The objectives of this study were to describe how the scientific production presents the use ofphenytoinas a healing agent and to discuss its applicability in wounds. A literature review and hierarchy analysis of evidence-based practices was performed. Eighteen articles were analyzed that tested the intervention in wounds such as leprosy ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, trophic ulcers, war wounds, burns, preparation of recipient graft area, radiodermatitis and post-extraction of melanocytic nevi. Systemic use ofphenytoinin the treatment of fistulas and the hypothesis of topical use in the treatment of vitiligo were found. In conclusion, topical use ofphenytoinis scientifically evidenced. However robust research is needed that supports a protocol for the use ofphenytoinas another option of a healing agent in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVEEvaluating how professionals of family health teams from three municipalities of Pernambuco perceive and interpret the effects of Hansen's disease training.METHODSA qualitative study using the perspective of Habermas. Six focus groups, totaling 33 nurses and 22 doctors were formed. The guide consisted of: reactions to training, learning, transfer of knowledge and organizational results.RESULTSThere were recurrent positive opinions on instructor performance, course materials, and an alert attitude to the occurrence of cases; the negative points were about lack of practical teaching, a lot of information in a short period of time and little emphasis on basic content. Low perceived self-efficacy and low locus of control, ambiguity, conflict of skills and the lack of support for the learning application. Nurses showed greater dissatisfaction with the organizational support.CONCLUSIONThe low effectiveness of training reveals the need to negotiate structured training from work problematization, considering performance conditions.
Bioterrorism literally means using microorganisms or infected samples to cause terror and panic in populations. Bioterrorism had already started 14 centuries before Christ, when the Hittites sent infected rams to their enemies. However, apart from some rare well-documented events, it is often very difficult for historians and microbiologists to differentiate natural epidemics from alleged biological attacks, because: (i) little information is available for times before the advent of modern microbiology; (ii) truth may be manipulated for political reasons, especially for a hot topic such as a biological attack; and (iii) the passage of time may also have distorted the reality of the past. Nevertheless, we have tried to provide to clinical microbiologists an overview of some likely biological warfare that occurred before the 18th century and that included the intentional spread of epidemic diseases such as tularaemia, plague, malaria, smallpox, yellow fever, and leprosy. We also summarize the main events that occurred during the modern microbiology era, from World War I to the recent 'anthrax letters' that followed the World Trade Center attack of September 2001. Again, the political polemic surrounding the use of infectious agents as a weapon may distort the truth. This is nicely exemplified by the Sverdlovsk accident, which was initially attributed by the authorities to a natural foodborne outbreak, and was officially recognized as having a military cause only 13 years later.
Reductive evolution and massive pseudogene formation have shaped the 3.31-Mb genome of Mycobacterium leprae, an unculturable obligate pathogen that causes leprosy in humans. The complete genome sequence of M. leprae strain Br4923 from Brazil was obtained by conventional methods (6x coverage), and Illumina resequencing technology was used to obtain the sequences of strains Thai53 (38x coverage) and NHDP63 (46x coverage) from Thailand and the United States, respectively. Whole-genome comparisons with the previously sequenced TN strain from India revealed that the four strains share 99.995% sequence identity and differ only in 215 polymorphic sites, mainly SNPs, and by 5 pseudogenes. Sixteen interrelated SNP subtypes were defined by genotyping both extant and extinct strains of M. leprae from around the world. The 16 SNP subtypes showed a strong geographical association that reflects the migration patterns of early humans and trade routes, with the Silk Road linking Europe to China having contributed to the spread of leprosy.
Thalidomide, first synthesized in 1953, was widely prescribed for morning sickness of pregnant women from 1957 to 1961, when it was found to be seriously teratogenic, having caused serious birth defect. Nowadays, a quarter of a century later, it appears that it may be a miracle drug for such diseases as leprosy, AIDS, cancer and tuberculosis.
The chaoolmugra oil is one of the oldest medicines used for leprosy until the development of sulfas. In Brazil, it is known as sapucainha oil that is obtained from Carpotroche brasilienesis seeds (Flacourtiaceae). Chemical and medicinal studies of sapucainha oil were introduced in Brazil by Peckolt, Cole and Cardoso which showed that major ciclopentenyl fatty acids as chaulmoogric, hydnocarpic and gorlic were responsible for its bactericidal activity. In this work, a method for quantification of sapucainha oil acidic fraction by HRGC was established using methyl n-heptadecanoate as internal standard. The oil chemical stability was investigated by the use of GC-MS, IR, ¹H and 13C NMR and showed that the main degradation products belong to the cyclopentenyl moiety oxidation.
In routine studies of sensory nerve conduction, only fibers e7 µm in diameter are analyzed. The late components which originate from thinner fibers are not detected. This explains why a normal sensory action potential (SAP) may be recorded in patients with peripheral neuropathies and sensory loss. In the present study we investigated the late component of the median SAP with a near nerve needle electrode technique in 14 normal volunteers (7 men and 7 women), aged 34.5 ± 14.8 years. The stimulus consisted of rectangular pulses of 0.2-ms duration at a frequency of 1 Hz with an intensity at least 6 times greater than the threshold value for the main component. Five hundred to 2000 sweep averagings were performed. The duration of analysis was 40 or 50 ms and the wave analysis frequency was 200 (-6 dB/oct) to 3000 Hz (-12 dB/oct). We used an apparatus with a two-channel amplifier system, 200 MW or more of entry impedance and a noise level of 0.7 µVrms or less. The main component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency and the late component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency were respectively (mean ± SD): 26.5 ± 5.42 µV, 56.8 ± 5.42 m/s, 3.01 ± 0.31 ms, 0.12 ± 0.04 µV, 16.4 ± 2.95 m/s and 10.6 ± 2.48 ms. More sophisticated equipment has an internal noise of 0.6 µVrms. These data demonstrate that the technique can now be employed to study thin fiber neuropathies, like in leprosy, using commercial electromyographs, even in non-academic practices
Using a short-term bulk culture protocol designed for an intracellular-staining method based on a flow cytometry approach to the frequencies of cytokine-producing cells from tuberculosis and leprosy patients, we found distinct patterns of T cell subset expression. The method also reveals the profile of peak cytokine production and can provide simultaneous information about the phenotype of cytokine-producing cells, providing a reliable assay for monitoring the immunity of these patients. The immune response of Mycobacterium leprae and purified protein derivative (PPD) in vitro to a panel of mycobacteria-infected patients from an endemic area was assessed in primary mononuclear cell cultures. The kinetics and source of the cytokine pattern were measured at the single-cell level. IFN-gamma-, TNF-alpha-, IL-4- and IL-10-secreting T cells were intracytoplasmic evaluated in an attempt to identify M. leprae- and PPD-specific cells directly from the peripheral blood. The analysis by this approach indicated that TNF-alpha was the first (8 h) to be produced, followed by IFN-gamma (16 h), IL-10 (20 h) and IL-4 (24 h), and double-staining experiments confirmed that CD4+ were a greater source of TNF-alpha than of CD8+ T cells (P < 0.05). Both T cell subsets secreted similar amounts of IFN-gamma. We conclude that the protocol permits rapid evaluation of cytokine production by different T cell populations. The method can also be used to define immune status in non-infected and contact individuals.
Carpotroche brasiliensis is a native Brazilian tree belonging to the Oncobeae tribe of Flacourtiaceae. The oil extracted from its seeds contains as major constituents the same cyclopentenyl fatty acids hydnocarpic (40.5%), chaulmoogric (14.0%) and gorlic (16.1%) acids found in the better known chaulmoogra oil prepared from the seeds of various species of Hydnocarpus (Flacourtiaceae). These acids are known to be related to the pharmacological activities of these plants and to their use as anti-leprotic agents. Although C. brasiliensis oil has been used in the treatment of leprosy, a disease that elicits inflammatory responses, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the oil and its constituents have never been characterized. We describe the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of C. brasiliensis seed oil in acute and chronic models of inflammation and in peripheral and central nociception. The mixture of acids from C. brasiliensis administered orally by gavage showed dose-dependent (10-500 mg/kg) anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema, inhibiting both the edema by 30-40% and the associated hyperalgesia. The acid fraction (200 mg/kg) also showed significant antinociceptive activity in acetic acid-induced constrictions (57% inhibition) and formalin-induced pain (55% inhibition of the second phase) in Swiss mice. No effects were observed in the hot-plate (100 mg/kg; N = 10), rota-road (200 mg/kg; N = 9) or adjuvant-induced arthritis (50 mg/kg daily for 7 days; N = 5) tests, the latter a chronic model of inflammation. The acid fraction of the seeds of C. brasiliensis which contains cyclopentenyl fatty acids is now shown to have significant oral anti-inflammatory and peripheral antinociceptive effects.
Early diagnosis plays a vital role in controlling tuberculosis. The conventional methodology is slow, with results taking several weeks, in addition to having low sensitivity, especially in clinical paucibacillary samples. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on solid medium culture for a rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, mainly in cases of negative sputum smears. Forty sputum samples were collected from inpatients with tuberculosis treated for less than 2 days. Bacilloscopy, PCR for sputum, culture on Löwestein-Jensen (LJ) solid medium, and daily PCR from culture were performed on each sample. DNA extracted from the BCG vaccine, which contains attenuated bacillus Calmette-Guérin, was used as the positive control. Smear microscopy showed 68.6% sensitivity, 80% specificity, 96% positive predictive value, and 26.7% negative predictive value, with culture on LJ medium as the gold standard. Culture at day 28 showed 74.3% sensitivity and 100% specificity. PCR of DNA extracted from sputum amplified a 1027-bp fragment of the 16s RNA gene, showing 22.9% sensitivity and 60% specificity. PCR performed with DNA extracted from daily culture showed that, from the 17th to the 40th day, the sensitivity (85.7%) and specificity (60%) were constant. We conclude that a 17-day culture is a good choice for rapid diagnosis and to interfere with the transmission chain of tuberculosis.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been applied to detect M. leprae in different clinical samples and urine seems to be attractive for this purpose. PCR was used to improve the sensitivity for diagnosing leprosy by amplifying a 151-bp PCR fragment of the M. leprae pra gene (PCR-Pra) in urine samples. Seventy-three leprosy patients (39 males and 34 females, 14 to 78 years old) were selected for leprosy diagnosis at a reference laboratory in Maringá, PR, Brazil. Of these, 36 were under anti-leprosy multidrug therapy with dapsone and rifampicin for tuberculoid (TT) and dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine for borderline (BB) and lepromatous (LL) forms. The control group contained 50 healthy individuals without any clinical history of leprosy. DNA isolated from leprosy patients’ urine samples was successfully amplified by PCR-Pra in 46.6% (34/73) of the cases. The positivity of PCR-Pra for patients with the TT form was 75% for both patients under treatment and non-treated patients (P = 0.1306). In patients with the LL form, PCR-Pra positivity was 52 and 30% for patients under treatment and non-treated patients, respectively (P = 0.2386). PCR-Pra showed a statistically significant difference in detecting M. leprae between the TT and LL forms of leprosy in patients under treatment (P = 0.0033). Although the current study showed that the proposed PCR-Pra has some limitations in the detection of M. leprae, this method has the potential to be a useful tool for leprosy diagnosis mainly in TT leprosy where the AFB slit-skin smear is always negative.
We have described a case of a patient with an intriguing association of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis with lepromatous leprosy, two opposite polar forms of these spectral diseases. In the present follow-up study, we investigated the effect of the addition of Mycobacterium leprae antigens on interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production in Leishmania antigen-stimulated cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from this patient. For this purpose, PBMC cultures were stimulated with crude L. braziliensis and/or M. leprae whole-cell antigen extracts or with concanavalin A. In some experiments, neutralizing anti-human interleukin (IL)-10 antibodies were added to the cultures. IFN-γ and IL-10 levels in culture supernatants were measured by ELISA. During active leprosy, M. leprae antigens induced 72.3% suppression of the IFN-γ response to L. braziliensis antigen, and this suppression was abolished by IL-10 neutralization. Interestingly, the suppressive effect of M. leprae antigen was lost after the cure of leprosy and the disappearance of this effect was accompanied by exacerbation of mucosal leishmaniasis. Considered together, these results provide evidence that the concomitant lepromatous leprosy induced an IL-10-mediated regulatory response that controlled the immunopathology of mucosal leishmaniasis, demonstrating that, in the context of this coinfection, the specific immune response to one pathogen can influence the immune response to the other pathogen and the clinical course of the disease caused by it. Our findings may contribute to a better understanding of the Leishmania/M. leprae coinfection and of the immunopathogenesis of mucosal leishmaniasis.
The primary aim of these investigations was to probe the spectroscopic, electrochemical, biological and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of some selected transition metal complexes of 4N-monosubstituted thiosemicarbazones. Transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazones exhibit a wide range of stereochemistries and possess potential biological activity. Metal complexes of thiosemicarbazones are proved to have improved pharmacological and therapeutic effects. The studies are conducted to bring about a fair understanding of the structure activity relationship and to develop certain effective and economical metal-based antimicrobial agents. Study showed that the thiosemicarbazones have antibacterial, antiviral and antiproliferative properties and hence used against tuberculosis, leprosy, psoriasis, rheumatism, trypanosomiasis and coccidiosis. Certain thiosemicarbazones showed a selective inhibition of HSV and HIV infections. The insolubility of most thiosemicarbazones in water causes difficulty in the oral administration in clinical practice. Transition metal complexes are found to have more activity than uncombined thiosemicarbazones. They exhibit a variety of denticity and can be varied by proper substitution. The stereochemistry assumed by the thiosemicarbazones during the coordination with transition metal ions depends on the factors such as preparative conditions and availability of additional bonding site in the ligand moiety and charge of the ligand. The resulting complexes exhibited a wide range of stereochemistries and have biomimic activity and potential application as sensors.
The primary aim of these investigations was to probe the spectroscopic, electrochemical, biological and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of some selected transition metal complexes of 4N-monosubstituted thiosemicarbazones. Transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazones exhibit a wide range of stereochemistries and possess potential biological activity. Metal complexes of thiosemicarbazones are proved to have improved pharmacological and therapeutic effects. The studies are conducted to bring about a fair understanding of the structure activity relationship and to develop certain effective and economical metal-based antimicrobial agents. Study showed that the thiosemicarbazones have antibacterial, antiviral and antiproliferative properties and hence used against tuberculosis, leprosy, psoriasis, rheumatism, trypanosomiasis and coccidiosis. Certain thiosemicarbazones showed a selective inhibition of HSV and HIV infections. The insolubility of most thiosemicarbazones in water causes difficulty in the oral administration in clinical practice. Transition metal complexes are found to have more activity than uncombined thiosemicarbazones. They exhibit a variety of denticity and can be varied by proper substitution. The stereochemistry assumed by the thiosemicarbazones during the coordination with transition metal ions depends on the factors such as preparative conditions and availability of additional bonding site in the ligand moiety and charge of the ligand. The resulting complexes exhibited a wide range of stereochemistries and have biomimic activity and potential application as sensors