887 resultados para path sampling
Background: An important challenge in conducting social research of specific relevance to harm reduction programs is locating hidden populations of consumers of substances like cannabis who typically report few adverse or unwanted consequences of their use. Much of the deviant, pathologized perception of drug users is historically derived from, and empirically supported, by a research emphasis on gaining ready access to users in drug treatment or in prison populations with higher incidence of problems of dependence and misuse. Because they are less visible, responsible recreational users of illicit drugs have been more difficult to study. Methods: This article investigates Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) as a method of recruiting experienced marijuana users representative of users in the general population. Based on sampling conducted in a multi-city study (Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver), and compared to samples gathered using other research methods, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of RDS recruitment as a means of gaining access to illicit substance users who experience few harmful consequences of their use. Demographic characteristics of the sample in Toronto are compared with those of users in a recent household survey and a pilot study of Toronto where the latter utilized nonrandom self-selection of respondents. Results: A modified approach to RDS was necessary to attain the target sample size in all four cities (i.e., 40 'users' from each site). The final sample in Toronto was largely similar, however, to marijuana users in a random household survey that was carried out in the same city. Whereas well-educated, married, whites and females in the survey were all somewhat overrepresented, the two samples, overall, were more alike than different with respect to economic status and employment. Furthermore, comparison with a self-selected sample suggests that (even modified) RDS recruitment is a cost-effective way of gathering respondents who are more representative of users in the general population than nonrandom methods of recruitment ordinarily produce. Conclusions: Research on marijuana use, and other forms of drug use hidden in the general population of adults, is important for informing and extending harm reduction beyond its current emphasis on 'at-risk' populations. Expanding harm reduction in a normalizing context, through innovative research on users often overlooked, further challenges assumptions about reducing harm through prohibition of drug use and urges consideration of alternative policies such as decriminalization and legal regulation.
Chronic catheterization is illustrated using vascular-access-port model SLA where the port is surgically placed subcutaneously on the back of the rat. The catheter is tunnelled to the neck and inserted into the jugular vein . Within 24 h rats showed normal blood pressure and blood samples were collected at intervals with minimal stress to the animals . A comparison of the plasma catecholamine of blood collected from vascular-access-ports with that obtained from decapitation indicates that there was minimal stress to the rats when blood was drawn through the vascular-access-port.
With the increasing popularity of wireless network and its application, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETS) emerged recently. MANET topology is highly dynamic in nature and nodes are highly mobile so that the rate of link failure is more in MANET. There is no central control over the nodes and the control is distributed among nodes and they can act as either router or source. MANTEs have been considered as isolated stand-alone network. Node can add or remove at any time and it is not infrastructure dependent. So at any time at any where the network can setup and a trouble free communication is possible. Due to more chances of link failures, collisions and transmission errors in MANET, the maintenance of network became costly. As per the study more frequent link failures became an important aspect of diminishing the performance of the network and also it is not predictable. The main objective of this paper is to study the route instability in AODV protocol and suggest a solution for improvement. This paper proposes a new approach to reduce the route failure by storing the alternate route in the intermediate nodes. In this algorithm intermediate nodes are also involved in the route discovery process. This reduces the route establishment overhead as well as the time to find the reroute when a link failure occurs.
The demand for new telecommunication services requiring higher capacities, data rates and different operating modes have motivated the development of new generation multi-standard wireless transceivers. In multistandard design, sigma-delta based ADC is one of the most popular choices. To this end, in this paper we present cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is used to achieve a peak SNDR of 88dB with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz and for WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB peak SNDR with over-sampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz. Finally, a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with 4-bit in the last stage is proposed to achieve a peak SNDR of 58dB for WLAN for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be made inactive to achieve low power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage
Over-sampling sigma-delta analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) are one of the key building blocks of state of the art wireless transceivers. In the sigma-delta modulator design the scaling coefficients determine the overall signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, selecting the optimum value of the coefficient is very important. To this end, this paper addresses the design of a fourthorder multi-bit sigma-delta modulator for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) receiver with feed-forward path and the optimum coefficients are selected using genetic algorithm (GA)- based search method. In particular, the proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The focus of this paper is the identification of the best coefficients suitable for the proposed topology as well as the optimization of a set of system parameters in order to achieve the desired signal-to-noise ratio. GA-based search engine is a stochastic search method which can find the optimum solution within the given constraints.
We present a new method for estimating the expected return of a POMDP from experience. The estimator does not assume any knowle ge of the POMDP and allows the experience to be gathered with an arbitrary set of policies. The return is estimated for any new policy of the POMDP. We motivate the estimator from function-approximation and importance sampling points-of-view and derive its theoretical properties. Although the estimator is biased, it has low variance and the bias is often irrelevant when the estimator is used for pair-wise comparisons.We conclude by extending the estimator to policies with memory and compare its performance in a greedy search algorithm to the REINFORCE algorithm showing an order of magnitude reduction in the number of trials required.
In this paper, different recovery methods applied at different network layers and time scales are used in order to enhance the network reliability. Each layer deploys its own fault management methods. However, current recovery methods are applied to only a specific layer. New protection schemes, based on the proposed partial disjoint path algorithm, are defined in order to avoid protection duplications in a multi-layer scenario. The new protection schemes also encompass shared segment backup computation and shared risk link group identification. A complete set of experiments proves the efficiency of the proposed methods in relation with previous ones, in terms of resources used to protect the network, the failure recovery time and the request rejection ratio
This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult. It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH. The code is as follows: @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java @FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /B "%JAVA_HOME%\JDK*"') DO @SET JDK_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\%%G @SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% @javac -version @echo. @echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH @echo. @echo Now type 'javac'. @echo. @echo. @echo. @CMD
El desarrollo del presente documento constituye una investigación sobre las actitudes de los directivos frente a la adopción del e-learning como herramienta de trabajo en las organizaciones de Bogotá. Para ello se realizó una encuesta a 101 directivos, tomando como base el tipo de muestreo de conveniencia; esto con el objetivo de identificar sus actitudes frente al uso del e-learning y su influencia dentro de la organización. Como resultado se obtuvo que las actitudes de los directivos influencian en el uso de herramientas e-learning, así como también en las acciones que promueven su uso y en las actitudes de los empleados; por otro lado se identificó que las creencias relacionadas con la apropiación de herramientas e-learning y los factores facilitadores del uso de estas, influencian en las actitudes de los directivos. Lo anterior, corresponde a los análisis llevados a cabo a partir de los resultados contrastados con los estudios empíricos hallados y el marco teórico desarrollado.
This paper presents the final results of the research project undertaken in 2010 and 2011 by the legal research group “Filius”, affiliated with Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt of Armenia, (Quindío). The project’s general objective is “to establish the concept of family used by the Colombian legal system based on the judgments of the Constitutional Court granting rights to same-sex couples”. To this end, a line of jurisprudence was developed from the Court’s rulings that discussed the rights of same-sex couples, concluding that despite the great progress made in Colombia on the recognition of rights to these couples following Decision C-075/2007, in all these judgments the Court had always refused to recognize their family status, and it was not until 2011, in Decision C-577, that the Court accepted that same-sex couples constitute a family, thereby dramatically changing the constitutional doctrine that had maintained the criteria of heterosexuality as defining family.
In populational sampling it is vitally important to clarify and discern: first, the design or sampling method used to solve the research problem; second, the sampling size, taking into account different components (precision, reliability, variance); third, random selection and fourth, the precision estimate (sampling errors), so as to determine if it is possible to infer the obtained estimates from the target population. The existing difficulty to use concepts from the sampling theory is to understand them with absolute clarity and, to achieve it, the help from didactic-pedagogical strategies arranged as conceptual “mentefactos” (simple hierarchic diagrams organized from propositions) may prove useful. This paper presents the conceptual definition, through conceptual “mentefactos”, of the most important populational probabilistic sampling concepts, in order to obtain representative samples from populations in health research.
One of the key aspects in 3D-image registration is the computation of the joint intensity histogram. We propose a new approach to compute this histogram using uniformly distributed random lines to sample stochastically the overlapping volume between two 3D-images. The intensity values are captured from the lines at evenly spaced positions, taking an initial random offset different for each line. This method provides us with an accurate, robust and fast mutual information-based registration. The interpolation effects are drastically reduced, due to the stochastic nature of the line generation, and the alignment process is also accelerated. The results obtained show a better performance of the introduced method than the classic computation of the joint histogram
In this paper, we present view-dependent information theory quality measures for pixel sampling and scene discretization in flatland. The measures are based on a definition for the mutual information of a line, and have a purely geometrical basis. Several algorithms exploiting them are presented and compare well with an existing one based on depth differences
In this paper we address the problem of extracting representative point samples from polygonal models. The goal of such a sampling algorithm is to find points that are evenly distributed. We propose star-discrepancy as a measure for sampling quality and propose new sampling methods based on global line distributions. We investigate several line generation algorithms including an efficient hardware-based sampling method. Our method contributes to the area of point-based graphics by extracting points that are more evenly distributed than by sampling with current algorithms