958 resultados para other-regarding preferences


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Colour is an important factor in food detection and acquisition by animals using visually based foraging. Colour can be used to identify the suitability of a food source or improve the efficiency of food detection, and can even be linked to mate choice. Food colour preferences are known to exist, but whether these preferences are heritable and how these preferences evolve is unknown. Using the freshwater fish Poecilia reticulata, we artificially selected for chase behaviour towards two different-coloured moving stimuli: red and blue spots. A response to selection was only seen for chase behaviours towards the red, with realized heritabilities ranging from 0.25 to 0.30. Despite intense selection, no significant chase response was recorded for the blue-selected lines. This lack of response may be due to the motion-detection mechanism in the guppy visual system and may have novel implications for the evolvability of responses to colour-related signals. The behavioural response to several colours after five generations of selection suggests that the colour opponency system of the fish may regulate the response to selection.


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INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Despite the potential harms of mixing unregulated drugs with energy drinks (ED), research to date has primarily been focused on EDs co-ingested with alcohol. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to explore the rate of use, harms and correlates of EDs co-ingested with alcohol and other drugs among a sample of people who regularly use illicit stimulant drugs. DESIGN AND METHODS: In 2010, 693 Australians who regularly used ecstasy completed a 1-h interview about their past six-month ED and drug use. RESULTS: Three-quarters of the sample (77%) had recently consumed EDs with other substances, primarily alcohol (70%) and ecstasy (57%). People who consumed ED with alcohol versus those who had consumed ED with ecstasy and with alcohol (only 8% reported only consuming ED with ecstasy) had similar profiles in regards to demographics, drug use, mental health and drug-related problems. Primary motives for consuming ED with alcohol included increased alertness (59%), the taste (25%), to party for longer (23%) and to combat fatigue (16%). One-half (52%) and one-quarter (27%) of participants who consumed EDs with alcohol and with ecstasy respectively had recently experienced adverse outcomes post-consumption, primarily headaches (24% and 11%) and heart palpitations (21% and 14%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Co-ingestion of EDs with licit and illicit drugs is common among people who regularly use ecstasy and related drugs. Adverse outcomes of co-ingestion suggest that targeted education regarding negative interactive drug effects is crucial for harm reduction. [Peacock A, Sindicich N, Dunn M, Whittaker E, Sutherland R, Entwistle G, Burns L, Bruno R. Co-Ingestion of Energy Drinks with Alcohol and Other Substances among a Sample of People Who Regularly Use Ecstasy. Drug Alcohol Rev 2015].


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INTRODUCTION: Nursing bedside handover in hospital has been identified as an opportunity to involve patients and promote patient-centred care. It is important to consider the preferences of both patients and nurses when implementing bedside handover to maximise the successful uptake of this policy. We outline a study which aims to (1) identify, compare and contrast the preferences for various aspects of handover common to nurses and patients while accounting for other factors, such as the time constraints of nurses that may influence these preferences.; (2) identify opportunities for nurses to better involve patients in bedside handover and (3) identify patient and nurse preferences that may challenge the full implementation of bedside handover in the acute medical setting. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We outline the protocol for a discrete choice experiment (DCE) which uses a survey design common to both patients and nurses. We describe the qualitative and pilot work undertaken to design the DCE. We use a D-efficient design which is informed by prior coefficients collected during the pilot phase. We also discuss the face-to-face administration of this survey in a population of acutely unwell, hospitalised patients and describe how data collection challenges have been informed by our pilot phase. Mixed multinomial logit regression analysis will be used to estimate the final results. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been approved by a university ethics committee as well as two participating hospital ethics committees. Results will be used within a knowledge translation framework to inform any strategies that can be used by nursing staff to improve the uptake of bedside handover. Results will also be disseminated via peer-reviewed journal articles and will be presented at national and international conferences.


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Hotel managers continue to find ways to understand traveler preferences, with the aim of improving their strategic planning, marketing, and product development. Traveler preference is unpredictable for example, hotel guests used to prefer having a telephone in the room, but now favor fast Internet connection. Changes in preference influence the performance of hotel businesses, thus creating the need to identify and address the demands of their guests. Most existing studies focus on current demand attributes and not on emerging ones. Thus, hotel managers may find it difficult to make appropriate decisions in response to changes in travelers' concerns. To address these challenges, this paper adopts Emerging Pattern Mining technique to identify emergent hotel features of interest to international travelers. Data are derived from 118,000 records of online reviews. The methods and findings can help hotel managers gain insights into travelers' interests, enabling the former to gain a better understanding of the rapid changes in tourist preferences.


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This paper explores the use of an intertemporal job-search model in the investigation of within-cohort and between-cohort income inequality, the latter being generated by the heterogeneity of time preferences among cohorts of homogenous workers and the former by the cross-sectional turnover in the job market. It also offers an alternative explanation for the empirically-documented negative correlation between time preference and labor income. Under some speciÖc distributions regarding wage offers and time preferences, we show how the within-cohort and between-cohort Gini coe¢ cients of income distribution can be calculated, and how they vary as a function of the parameters of the model.


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The wellness, physical activity and health club market is in great expansion and grownth in the national and worldwide cenarium. In a growing competitive environment, the prediction of of consumer preferences over a product, for its innumerous attributes, is a critical aspect for any marketing administration. Determining customer perception of value in the form of utilities can provide the marketing administration of a company with a functional tool to evaluate the usefulness of a product or service. This thesis investigates the motivational attributes of decision making process when choosing a health club / gym center service. Data was collected through a web survey with 376 participants from Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federal. The data was analysed through the conjoint analysis method. Resultados demonstraram que as importâncias relativas dos atributos ¿estrutura física¿ e ¿atendimento¿ obtiveram valores maiores do que os demais atributos testados. O atributo ¿preço¿ foi o terceiro em grau de importância, seguido de ¿proximidade¿ e ¿indicação¿. Results demonstrated that the relative values of the attribute regarding ¿gym facilities¿ and ¿attendance¿ obtained greater values than the other tested attributes. The ¿price¿ attribute was the third degree in the scale of value, followed by ¿proximity¿ and ¿indication¿.


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The wellness, physical activity and health club market is in great expansion and grownth in the national and worldwide cenarium. In a growing competitive environment, the prediction of of consumer preferences over a product, for its innumerous attributes, is a critical aspect for any marketing administration. Determining customer perception of value in the form of utilities can provide the marketing administration of a company with a functional tool to evaluate the usefulness of a product or service. This thesis investigates the motivational attributes of decision making process when choosing a health club / gym center service. Data was collected through a web survey with 376 participants from Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federal. The data was analysed through the conjoint analysis method. Results demonstrated that the relative values of the attribute regarding ¿gym facilities¿ and ¿attendance¿ obtained greater values than the other tested attributes. The ¿price¿ attribute was the third degree in the scale of value, followed by ¿proximity¿ and ¿indication¿.


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Diante da relevância da questão das mudanças climáticas para o mundo, esta dissertação tem por objetivo a avaliação da atual política pública brasileira para o tema. Partindo da análise da atual política ambiental brasileira, examina os programas e ações do país voltados para as mudanças climáticas, pesquisa o desenvolvimento dos projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo no Brasil, e avalia a sua atual política pública de mudanças climáticas. Essa avaliação, embora a complexidade do tema, utiliza metodologia caracterizada ao mesmo tempo por sua riqueza e simplicidade, qual seja, a metodologia de avaliação de políticas públicas desenvolvida por Oliveira e Martins (2003). Construída com base nas três principais dimensões a serem consideradas quando da avaliação de políticas públicas: dimensões social, econômica e política, a metodologia de Oliveira e Martins (2003) nesta pesquisa é adaptada para receber, em cada dimensão, atributos (variáveis), e seus respectivos indicadores, relacionados com a questão das mudanças climáticas no Brasil. Selecionados os atributos são inseridos ponderadores com base em pesquisa de campo, em que os entrevistados têm a liberdade de expor as suas preferências. Extendendo-se até o nível de avaliação intermediário da metodologia de avaliação de Oliveira e Martins (2003), esta pesquisa revela como é possível avaliar a política pública brasileira de mudanças climáticas, e quiçá servirá de motivação ao contínuo desenvolvimento do modelo aqui proposto, a fim de servir como mais um instrumento de participação direta da sociedade na definição do rumo que o Brasil deve seguir nas questões climáticas, e que inclusive outras regiões do mundo poderão vir a adotar, dada a flexibilidade de contextualização da referida metodologia de avaliação.


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Este trabalho de dissertação busca averiguar como a estrutura do consumo de bens duráveis dos domicílios brasileiros evoluiu ao longo do tempo e o que determinou a mudança nesse padrão, isto é, que variáveis foram determinantes para que houvesse maior acesso aos mais variados bens duráveis por parte dos domicílios. Dessa forma, este trabalho foi dividido em cinco seções. A primeira visa fazer uma breve revisão da literatura relevante sobre o tema a fim de averiguar até onde estes estudos avançaram e como é possível contribuir de forma significativa a partir do que já foi estudado. A segunda descreve a base de dados utilizada enquanto a terceira faz um breve relato de como a desigualdade de renda, da despesa e do acesso a crédito evoluiu nos últimos 25 anos. A quarta, por sua vez, busca mostrar como os domicílios brasileiros, divididos por decis de renda e por ano, estão estocados de bens duráveis. Por fim, a última sessão mostrará quais foram os determinantes do acesso aos mais variados bens duráveis. Dito de outra forma, o trabalho busca decompor os efeitos que as variáveis de renda real, acesso a crédito e preço tiveram sobre a posse dos bens em questão. De forma geral, este trabalho conclui que, embora ainda existente, a desigualdade de acesso a diferentes bens duráveis foi decrescente ao longo do período analisado. Variáveis de renda real, crédito e preço apresentaram contribuições diferentes e significativas cada bem estudado. As evidências são de que, no geral, além de ter havido um aumento da renda real e do acesso ao crédito, os domicílios apresentaram mudanças de preferências intertemporais em relação à posse dos bens. No mais, os domicílios também se mostraram mais sensíveis à renda e a crédito hoje do que num passado recente.


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We compare competitive equilibrium outcomes with and without trading by a privately infonned "monopolistic" insider, in a model with real investment portfolio choices ex ante, and noise trading generated by aggregate uncertainty regarding other agents' intertemporal consumption preferences. The welfare implications of insider trading for the ex ante expected utilities of outsiders are analyzed. The role of interim infonnation revelation due to insider trading, in improving the risk-sharing among outsiders with stochastic liquidity needs, is examined in detaiL


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In 1991 Gary S. Becker presented A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social In uences on Price explaining why many successful restaurants, plays, sporting events, and other activities do not raise their prices even with persistent excess demand. The main reason for this is due to the discontinuity of stable demands, which is explained in Becker's (1991) analysis. In the present paper we construct a discrete time stochastic model of socially interacting consumers deciding for one of two establishments. With this model we show that the discontinuity of stable demands, proposed by Gary S. Becker, depends crucially on an additional factor: the dispersion of the consumers' intrinsic preferences for the establishments.


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The main objective of this article is to test the hypothesis that utility preferences that incorporate asymmetric reactions between gains and losses generate better results than the classic Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions in the Brazilian market. The asymmetric behavior can be computed through the introduction of a disappointment (or loss) aversion coefficient in the classical expected utility function, which increases the impact of losses against gains. The results generated by both traditional and loss aversion utility functions are compared with real data from the Brazilian market regarding stock market participation in the investment portfolio of pension funds and individual investors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blastocystis hominis é um protozoário, causador de infecção intestinal denominada blastocistose humana, cujo diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame coproparasitológico e por meio de técnicas de coloração permanente. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar a freqüência da infecção por Blastocystis hominis em habitantes da região de Araraquara/SP, bem como comparar diferentes métodos para a pesquisa desse protozoário em amostras de fezes. Foram estudadas 503 amostras de fezes submetidas ao exame direto a fresco, às técnicas de Faust e cols, Lutz e de Rugai e cols, além das colorações pela hematoxilina férrica, tricrômio e de Kinyoun modificada. Entre as 503 amostras examinadas, 174 (34,6%) apresentaram-se positivas para a presença de parasitas intestinais. O protozoário e o helminto mais freqüentes foram Entamoeba coli (14,6%) e Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%), respectivamente. Blastocystis hominis foi observado em 23 (4,6%) amostras fecais com consistência predominantemente pastosa, não caracterizando quadro diarréico. Apesar da baixa freqüência de Blastocystis hominis encontrada na região de Araraquara, comparativamente a outras regiões brasileiras, é importante a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial desse protozoário. O encontro de Blastocystis hominis em material fecal é indicativo de contaminação de alimentos e água de consumo, desde que se admita a rota de transmissão oral-fecal desse parasita, o que implica na orientação da população sobre as medidas de saneamento básico e higiene como meio para se controlar problemas de saúde ocasionados pelos enteroparasitas.


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Men and women express different preferences for ideal romantic partners. These preferences seem to vary with the level of involvement and commitment expected for the relationship and the perceptions people have about themselves. The current work was developed to expand the findings related to this subject, investigating the market perception of romantic relationships and the effect of context on self-assessment and preferences for romantic partners. For this purpose, 753 undergraduate, Brazilian and American, were enrolled between March 2010 and November 2012 and took part in at least one of the four studies that compose this research, performing the assessment of specific stimulus-subject descriptions. Studies one and two addressed Brazilian and American samples to respectively describe female and male expectations on human mating market. It was observed that individuals from both the genders expect positive assortative mating within couples, that each trait is not evaluated independently, and, in addition to biological predispositions, factors as environmental local constrains and cultural values may also affect mating expectations. The contrasts between the samples showed that Americans valued physical-attractiveness and social-status in describing the same-gender subjects and their expected partners, while Brazilians valued social-skills. Another expectation was also identified for both genders: physically attractive women and men of high-status were expected to be paired to each other. Study three addressed males and females expectations regarding which characteristics are most relevant in ensuring desirable partnerships for same-gender individuals. The results showed that men and women can be grouped together by having similar expectations. However, the group mainly composed of men considered status characteristics as the most important attributes, while the groups mostly composed of women indicated that social skills or physical characteristics as the most important in appealing to a desirable partner. Finally, study four investigated the effect of social comparison on self-perception and mate preferences, revealing that individuals were aware of the attributes valued by the opposite-gender and that self-perception was affected by the attributes of other people. In sum, this work evidenced that romantic relationships can be interpreted as a biological market and that the value of the attributes in the romantic mating marketplace are associated with reproductive relevance of the characteristics.